Advice to Neighbors
Réza Ganjavi
MBA, BSc Computer Science, BA Philosophy
Magna Cum Laude, Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Gamma Sigma ·
Dear Neighbors
An electronic version of this document (with links) can be found on – scroll to Swiss section. It’s called “Advice to neighbors”.
As you rest comfortably, peacefully, passively, in your warm, cozy home, the level of genotoxic high frequency electromagnetic radiation in your neighborhood is within the biologically safe limit of 20 milli-Volts/meter (.02V/m). That’s about to change to over 300 times safe limit, to 6000 mV/m and above. An antenna which is planned to be installed in your neighborhood, and it does not respect your walls – it will come right into your homes. If you call BAFU, BAG, Swisscom, Sunrise, etc., they will tell you “don’t worry, it’s safe”. They’re lying to you. I have their lies well documented with evidence. See the Swiss section under .
If you ask them to prove to you it’s safe, they will say it’s within standards. They don’t tell you that the standards totally ignores research in the last 25 years, is outdated, and it totally ignores biological damage. It only ensures thermal safety: you will not get burned. Even Swisscom has admitted in a filing we discovered that it can cause cancer and damage the DNA even before it heats your cells.
This is one of the biggest scandals in Swiss history. The government which is supposed to protect your health and well-being against industry abuses, is in bed with the industry. They just want your money. They don’t care about your health, happiness, and full experience of life otherwise they wouldn’t lie to you. There is not even one study that confirms safety of long-term exposure. Thousands of studies show it’s not safe. Almost every EMF expert says what I am telling you now, including hundreds of medical doctors and professors from over 50 countries who have signed international petitions against this scandal. See ,
I organized a letter to Swiss Federal Government, written by the world’s foremost oncologist specializing in EMF radiation effects – and endorsed by numerous top scientists. It exposes the misrepresentation of science and conflict of interest of Switzerland’s so-called guru of this field, who has no credentials in medicine or biology, yet he’s relied by Swiss Federal Government as a top EMF-health expert! He heads two powerful committees at BAFU that policymakers rely on. And he’s part of an industry-biased powerful group, and the industry loves him. The letter can be found on (see Top-Experten widerlegen die Lügen von Swiss & Martin Röösli & ICNIRP über die gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen von HF-EMF).
I documented this scandal from A-Z in a video to Bundesrat. The link can be found on On that page, also look for a page called “Wichtige Ratschläge für den Kampf gegen 5G-Antennen (DE)” which I wrote because I was asked for advice. Read it carefully. Educate yourself, and get active. Once that antenna comes you will be radiated 24x7 at levels far above biological safe level which significantly increases your risk of serious illnesses, neurological conditions and so on. There are at least 70 studies that confirm that. The link is also on, along with recommendations on what you can do.
There’s a small group that’s trying to fight it via a lawsuit. You can join them by contacting <>. I am financially supporting them, but am independent of them and don’t agree with their narrow approach, e.g., not doing any lobbying, not emplying the important art of persuasion that’s especially critical when dealing with elected officials. A flyer they distributed was absolutely inadequate. They have a junior lawyer. And I’m not sure of their level of conviction to go all the way, which is necessary to win in a rigged game (rigged because of the standards mentioned above). But you can join them, and even more importantly, help persuade the Geminde to turn down the antenna. Filling out a form is not enough. I explain all this in detail in this document on : Key Advice For Fighting 5G Cell Towers (written for Swiss people but applies everywhere) .
Best Regards
Reza Ganjavi, MBA