Curse of LED and EMF


Curse of LED Lights & EMF Pollution -- Letter to Swiss Authorities

by Reza Ganjavi, July 2020

[Deutsche Version, unten / German version, below]

Dear Mr. <>, Mr. <> and respected members of the Geminderat, et al.

I am a Swiss citizen living in this community since 2018 and love it here. Thanks for your good work. Two items worry me a great deal:

1) Biologically damaging EMF Pollution

Increasing level of microwave radiation pollution which has been proven to damage our DNA. The industry is on record for lying to public about safety. As our management, you ought to keep a close eye on the topic and stand for the people and not sell our health to Big Money, like they're effectively doing in Männedorf by welcoming and approving "death towers" or "cancer sticks" as they're know: cell phone masts which radiate you 24x7.

They go through your home's walls whether you like it or not, and they damage you. That's already happening in Stäfa. There are cell masts on residential buildings, near schools, etc., and the wicked industry is adding 5G masts to 4G masts without our permission. The justification is a bunch of lies -- creepy dishonest lies they tell you and others. Here's a list of the main big fat lies:

I encourage all of you to get one of these high quality RF-EMF detectors and see what you are getting exposed to on a daily basis, and the level on hour bed, etc. -- and take action to reduce your exposure (and our exposure). There's a special discount for government staff (mention that in the message): I have one and use it all the time to make me aware of the level of toxic radiation I'm exposed to.

The safety standards used by Bundesrat/BAFU completely ignore biological damage. Here are top scientists talking about it:

Here's a letter I wrote to Mr. Thouvenin about his ridiculous sympathy with the industry that's destroying our health:

The Bund and Kanton are failing us in this regard. We need to protect ourselves at the local level, and we look up to you to do that and even fight for us when it comes down to it. This is a historic time in our country, and local resistance is absolutely essential.

2) The curse of LED Lights.

I get very upset when I go for evening walks at these stupid, blinding LED lights. Again, it seems like due to industry influence (or unwise myopic thinking of the Kanton or Bund), we're ruining our streets at night by the Curse of LED Lights which is the title of the letter I wrote you last night. Here it is. Please put a stop to this madness.

@Mr. <>, there are a number of questions for you here. Feel free to answer them in German.

Here's the letter. Best wishes. Reza Ganjavi

[Deutsche Version, unten / German version, below]

To: Mr. <>, City Management, Cantonal and Federal Management

Curse of LEDs

Dear Mr. <>

A while ago we spoke about the extreme bright LEDs on our street. You said you would be reducing the brightness, which has not happened. And I read plans to deploy more of these stupid lights to replace our wonderful "orange" lights, which is absolutely a stupid move on the part of the community, and the country.

Let's be clear about certain facts:

1) I am not against progress -- I've had a long career in computer science, and am totally for safe, sane, necessary progress. Conversion of street lamps to LEDs is an unnecessary, unsafe, and stupid move. Presently I explain why.

2) Let's not fool ourselves into believing that LEDs are going to save us energy and money. Saving of energy does NOT matter when the the country is stupidly boasting about "smart (dumb) cities", "digitization", "internet of things" which are not only unnecessary, but they're a huge waste of energy, power, which LEDs are supposed to save! Give me a break!

3) Our QUALITY OF LIFE matters. The purpose of street lights at night is to provide enough brightness for people. They're not designed for foxes and cows. They're for people, in relation to everything else. We are the reason for them. I go for walks every evening -- often, unfortunately, after these God awful LEDs are on. I HATE them because:

1. a) You can not look into a distance: let's say a friend is walking up. With the "orange" lamps you can comfortable look ahead. With these pieces of shit (LEDs), you can't look up -- you have to put your head down like a good robot and submit to the damn light (LED) which is overpowering every damn thing -- it's YOU for the goddamn light and not the other way around. Another reason why humanity is losing its mind. Einstein stated that human stupidity is infinite. LEDs are a proof.

2. b) I need to wear a hat with a sunshade if I'm walking in the street with the damn LEDs on. Even if I close my eyes while walking the damn LEDs are too bright and hurt my eyes. So I have to cover my closed eyes with my hands and walk pass the damn LED. How safe is that?! Scientific research has shown that blue-light-rich white light sources increase glare and compromise human vision, and cause various illnesses.

3. b) You cannot look at the SKY, CLOUDS, Beauty of God's artwork on the canvas of the sky. Tonight, the sky was magnificently beautiful but your shit lights prevented me from looking up without getting eye damage. Shame!

4. c) I have friends who live by these shit lights and they can't stand it. Of course, most of my fellow Swiss country mates are trained to not complain so they're quiet but privately they say they HATE these damn lights because it's intruding into their house -- it's forcing itself like a spotlight into people's private lives -- people who have kids -- and these lights damages them.

5. d) I suppose you are familiar with the scientific studies on this topic which shows LEDs are very dangerous to eyes and health. You can do your own research -- which you should have done. Here are a few links:

· New LED streetlights may double cancer risk, new research warns --

· White LED street lighting patterns may contribute to the risk of chronic disease in the populations of cities in which they have been installed." --

American Medical Association (AMA) --

· Health dangers of LED and CFL light bulbs with Dr Robert Hanson -- LED's short wavelength is bad for the brain -- CFL and LEDs emit a 'killer light' - whose short wavelength damages both mind and eyes -- The medical experts who refuse to use low-energy lightbulbs in their homes: Professors have stocked up on old-style bulbs to protect against skin cancer and blindness --

· Dr. Mercola and Dr. Wunsch on the Dangers of LED Lights --

· LEDs can make people ill --

· Issues Associated with Blue-Rich White Outdoor Lighting

· Can LED lights damage your eyes? New report says they might --

· LED-Lampen: Schädliches Licht für die Augen --,led266.html


Some questions for you:

1) Did the Geminderat or whomever approved these shit lights ever do a proof of concept? I.e., going out at night with one of these blinding lights on? I don't think so.

2) When was the ordinance passed to change all lights to LED? How can we find out details of the voting record? Were there any groups that opposed it?

3) I do not believe your line that the brightness is because of the controlled. All over Switzerland they have these shit lights which are blinding one in the tunnels etc. -- absolutely insane to do this to our beautiful country and ruin its night time.

4) Why were the LEDs rolled out at current extreme intensity without the controller?

5) Can you confirm that dimming some lamps with color reduces the Blue Light effect? Science seems to be the contrary (no effect on Blue Light).

6) Why have you not put warning signs on the lights, since science has clearly indicated they can cause phototoxic effects.

7) What are your plans for communicating safety to the neighborhoods?

8) How much money is going to be saved by this (stupid) move? Where can I see the calculations and projections of cost savings?

Kind Regard

Réza Ganjavi, MBA, BSCS, BA Phil, Magna Cum Laude, Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Gamma Sigma

Swiss citizen


Dear Mr Ganjavi

Many thanks for your feedback. We are happy to hear such


Best regards
