RF-EMF Research / Science

This file contains some of many research studies and other scientific material against genotoxic pulsed microwave pollution.

Scientists' Appeals:

Mobile Phone Health Effects

Key Cell Phone Radiation Research Studies

Scientific Evidence of Harm from Cell Phone Radiation: Two Years of Research

Cancer or Tumor Risk

Animal Research

National Toxicology Program (NTP) Finds Cell Phone Radiation Causes Cancer

National Toxicology Program: Peer & public review of cell phone radiation study reports

NTP: Not the First Govt. Study to Find Wireless Radiation Can Cause Cancer in Lab Rats

Ramazzini Institute Cell Phone Radiation Study Replicates NTP Study

Human Research

Acoustic Neuroma and Cell Phone Use

Cell phone and cordless phone use causes brain cancer: New review

Long-Term Cell Phone Use Increases Brain Tumor Risk

Storyline vs. Rest-of-the-story: Brain cancer incidence, cellphone use & trends data

Thyroid Cancer and Mobile Phone Use

Cell Phone Use and Salivary Gland Tumor Risk

MOBI-KIDS: Childhood Brain Tumor Risk & Mobile Phone Use Study

Why do many scientists believe mobile phone use increases cancer risk?

WHO Monograph on Cancer Risk from Mobile Phone Use

Brain Tumor Incidence

Brain Tumor Rates Are Rising in the US:The Role of Cellphone & Cordless Phone Use

Trends in Brain Tumor Incidence Outside the U.S.

The Incidence of Meningioma, a Non-Malignant Brain Tumor, is Increasing in the U.S.

Other Health Risks

Cell Phone Radiation

Wireless Radiation Health Risks

There are thousands of scientific studies conducted by independent researchers from around the world concerning the biological effects of RF radiation. Here are a few:

  1. Effects On Fetal And Newborn Development
    II. Effects On Young Children
    III. Brain Tumors
    IV. Parotid Gland Tumors
    V. Other Malignancies
    VI. Effects On DNA
    VII. Neurological/Cognitive Effects
    VIII. Effects On Male Fertility
    IX. Electromagnetic Sensitivity
    X. Effects On Implanted Medical Devices
    XI. 5G Effects
    XII. Miscellaneous Articles

    I. Effects On Fetal And Newborn Development

  1. "Exposure to Magnetic Field Non-Ionizing Radiation and the Risk of Miscarriage: A prospective Cohort Study." Li, De-Kun, et al. Scientific Reports (2017).

  2. "Multiple Assessment Methods of Prenatal Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation from Telecommunication in the Mothers and Children’s Environmental Health (MOCEH) Study." Choi, Ha, et al. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 29(6):959-972 (2016).

  3. "The Use of Signal-Transduction and Metabolic Pathways to Predict Human Disease Targets from Electric and Magnetic Fields Using in vitro Data in Human Cell Lines." Parham, Portier, et al. Frontiers in Public Health (2016).

  4. "A Review on Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) and the Reproductive System." Asghari, Khaki, et al. Electronic Physician 8(7):2655-2662 (2016).

  5. "Genotoxicity Induced by Foetal and Infant Exposure to Magnetic Fields and Modulation of Ionising Radiation Effects." Udroiu, Antoccia, et al. PLoS One (2015).

  6. "Oxidative Stress of Brain and Liver is Increased by Wi-Fi (2.45 GHz) Exposure of Rats During Pregnancy and the Development of Newborns." Çelik, Ömer, et al. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 75(B):134-139 (2015).

  7. "Neurodegenerative Changes and Apoptosis Induced by Intrauterine and Extrauterine Exposure of Radiofrequency Radiation."Güler, Göknur, et al. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 75(B):128-133 (2015).

  8. "Maternal Exposure to a Continuous 900-MHz Electromagnetic Field Provokes Neuronal Loss and Pathological Changes in Cerebellum of 32-Day-Old Female Rat Offspring." Odaci, Ersan, et al. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 75(B):105-110 (2015).

  9. "Different Periods of Intrauterine Exposure to Electromagnetic Field: Influence on Female Rats' Fertility, Prenatal and Postnatal Development." Alchalabi, Aklilu, et al. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 5(1):14-23 (2015).

  10. "Use of Mobile Phone During Pregnancy and the Risk of Spontaneous Abortion." Mahmoudabadi, Ziaei, et al. Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 13:34 (2015).

  11. "Oxidative Mechanisms of Biological Activity of Low-Intensity Radiofrequency Radiation." Yakymenko, et al. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 34(3):1-16 (2015).

  12. "Effects of Prenatal 900 MHz Electromagnetic Field Exposures on the Histology of Rat Kidney." Ulubay, et al. International Journal of Radiation Biology 91(1):35-41 (2015).

  13. "The Effect of Exposure of Rats During Prenatal Period to Radiation Spreading from Mobile Phones on Renal Development. "Bedir, et al. Renal Failure 37(2):305-9 (2014).

  14. "Dosimetric Study of Fetal Exposure to Uniform Magnetic Fields at 50 Hz." Liorni, et al. Bioelectromagnetics 35(8):580-97 (2014).

  15. "Influence of Pregnancy Stage and Fetus Position on the Whole-Body and Local Exposure of the Fetus to RF-EMF." Varsier, et al. Physics in Medicine and Biology 59(17):4913-26 (2014).

  16. "Autism-Relevant Social Abnormalities in Mice Exposed Perinatally to Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields."Alsaeed, et al. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 37:58-6 (2014).

  17. "Pyramidal Cell Loss in the Cornu Ammonis of 32-day-old Female Rats Following Exposure to a 900 Megahertz Electromagnetic Field During Prenatal Days 13–21." Bas, et al. NeuroQuantology Volume 11, Issue 4: 591-599 (2013).

  18. "The Effects of 900 Megahertz Electromagnetic Field Applied in the Prenatal Period on Spinal Cord Morphology and Motor Behavior in Female Rat Pups." Odaci, et al. NeuroQuantology Volume 11, Issue 4: 573-581 (2013).

  19. "Fetal Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure From 800-1900 MHz-Rated Cellular Telephones Affects Neurodevelopment and Behavior in Mice." Aldad, Gan, et al. Scientific Reports ;2(312) (2013).

  20. "Cranial and Postcranial Skeletal Variations Induced in Mouse Embryos by Mobile Phone Radiation." Fragopoulou, Koussoulakos, et al. Pathophysiology 17(3):169-77 (2010).

  21. "Dysbindin Modulates Prefrontal Cortical Glutamatergic Circuits and Working Memory Function in Mice." Jentsch, et al Neuropsychopharmacology 34, 2601–8 (2009).

  22. "Stress Signalling Pathways that Impair Prefrontal Cortex Structure and Function." Arnsten, A. F. National Review of Neuroscience 10, 410–22 (2009).

  23. "Maternal Occupational Exposure to Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields and the Risk of Brain Cancer in the Offspring." Li, Mclaughlin, et al. Cancer Causes & Control 20(6):945-55 (2009).

  24. "Reproductive and Developmental Effects of EMF in Vertebrate Animal Models." Pourlis, A.F. Pathophysiology 16(2-3):179-89 (2009).

  25. "Prenatal and Postnatal Exposure to Cell Phone Use and Behavioral Problems in Children." Divan, Kheifets, et al. Epidemiology19(4):523-29 (2008).

  26. "Effects of Prenatal Exposure to a 900 MHz Electromagnetic Field on the Dentate Gyrus of Rats: A Stereological and Histopathological Study." Odaci, et al. Brain Research 1238: 224–229 (2008).

  27. "Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation Up-Regulates Apoptosis Genes in Primary Cultures of Neurons and Astrocytes." Zhao, et al. Science Digest 412: 34–38 (2007).

  28. "Cell Death Induced by GSM 900-MHz and DCS 1800-MHz Mobile Telephony Radiation." Panagopoulos, et al. Mutation Research626, 69–78 (2006).

  29. "Ultra High Frequency-Electromagnetic Field Irradiation During Pregnancy Leads to an Increase in Erythrocytes Micronuclei Incidence in Rat Offspring." Ferreira, Knakievicz, et al. Life Sciences 80(1):43-50 (2006).

  30. "Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder." Biederman, J. & Faraone, S. V. Lancet 366, 237–248 (2005).

  31. "Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: An Overview of the Etiology and a Review of the Literature Relating to the Correlates and Lifecourse Outcomes for Men and Women." Brassett-Harknett, A. & Butler, N. Clinical Psychology Review 27,188–210 (2005).

  1. Effects On Young Children

  1. "Electromagnetic Fields, Pulsed Radiofrequency Radiation, and Epigenetics: How Wireless Technologies May Affect Childhood Development." Sage, C. & Burgio, E. Child Development (2017).

  2. "Prospective Cohort Analysis of Cellphone Use and Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in Children." Sudan, M, et al. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (2016).

  3. "Why Children Absorb More Microwave Radiation than Adults: The Consequences." Morgan, Kesari, et al. Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure 2(4):196-204 (2014).

  4. "Epidemiological Characteristics of Mobile Phone Ownership and Use in Korean Children and Adolescents." Byun, Yoon-Hwan, et al. Environmental Health and Toxicology 28 (2013).

  5. "A Prospective Study of In-Utero Exposure to Magnetic Fields and the Risk of Childhood Obesity." Li, De-Kun, et al. Scientific Reports 2.540 (2012).

  6. "Exposure to Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields and the Risk of Childhood Cancer: Update of the Epidemiological evidence." Schüz and Joachim. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 107(3):339-42 (2011).

  7. "Cell Phone Use and Behavioural Problems in Young Children." Divan, Kheifets, et al. Journal of Epidemiol Community Health 66(6):524-9 (2010).

  8. "Mobile Phones, Radiofrequency Fields, and Health Effects in Children-Epidemiological Studies." Feychting, Maria. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 107(3):343-348 (2010).

  9. Exposure to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields and Behavioral Problems in Bavarian Children and Adolescents." Thomas, Silke, et al. European Journal of Epidemiology 25(2):135-41 (2009).

  10. "The Sensitivity of Children to Electromagnetic Fields." Repacholi, et al. Deventer. Journal of Pediatrics 116(2):303-313 (2005).

III. Brain Tumors

  1. ​"Report of Final Results Regarding Brain and Heart Tumors in Sprague-Dawley Rats Exposed From Prenatal Life Unitl Natural Death to Mobile Phone Radiofrequency Field Representative of a 1.8 GHz GSM Base Station Environmental Emission." Falcioni, L, et al. Environmental Research (2018).

  2. "The 2100 MHz Radiofrequency Radiation of a 3G-Mobile Phone and the DNA Oxidative Damage in Brain." Sahin, Ozgur, et al. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 75(B):94-98 (2016).

  3. "Mobile Phone and Cordless Phone Use and the Risk for Glioma - Analysis of Pooled Case- Control Studies in Sweden 1997-2003 and 2007-2009." Hardell and Carlberg. PathoPhysiology 22(1):1-13 (2015).

  4. "Mobile Phone Radiation Causes Brain Tumors and Should Be Classified as a Probable Human Carcinogen." Morgan, Miller, et al. International Journal of Oncology 46:1865-1871 (2015).

  5. "Mobile Phone Use and Brain Tumours in the CERENAT Case-Control Study." Coureau, Bouvier, et al. Occupational & Environmental Medicine 71(7):514-22 (2014).

  6. "Use of Mobile Phones and Cordless Phones is Associated with Increased Risk for Glioma and Acoustic Neuroma." Hardell, Carberg, et al. PathoPhysiology 20(2):85-110 (2013).

  7. "Mobile Phones and Head Tumours: A Critical Analysis of Case-Control Epidemiological Studies." Levis, Minicuci, et al. Open Environmental Sciences 6(1):1-12 (2012).

  8. "On the Association Between Glioma, Wireless Phones, Heredity and Ionising Radiation." Carlberg and Hardell. PathoPhysiology19(4):243-252 (2012).

  9. "Mobile Phones and Head Tumours. The Discrepancies in Cause-Effect Relationships in the Epidemiological Studies - How Do They Arise?" Levis, Minicuci, et al. Environmental Health 10:59 (2011).

  10. "Indications of Possible Brain Tumour Risk in Mobile-Phone Studies: Should We Be Concerned?" Cardis and Sadetzki. Occupational & Environmental Medicine 68:169-171 (2011).

  11. "Estimating the Risk of Brain Tumors from Cell Phone Use: Published Case-Control Studies." Morgan, LL. Pathophysiology 16(2-3):137-147 (2009).

  12. "Cell Phones and Brain Tumors: A Review Including the Long-Term Epidemiologic Data." Khurana, Teo, et al. Surgical Neurology72(3):205-14 (2009).

  13. "Epidemiological Evidence for an Association Between Use of Wireless Phones and Tumor Diseases." Hardell, Carlberg, et al. PathoPhysiology 16(2-3):113-122 (2009).

  14. "Histopathological Examinations of Rat Brains After Long-Term Exposure to GSM Mobile Phone Radiation." Grafström, Gustav, et al. Brain Research Bulletin 77(5):257-63 (2008).

  15. "Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma." Lonn, Ahlbom, et al. Epidemiology 15(6):653-659 (2004).

  1. Parotid Gland Tumors

  1. "Does Cell Phone Use Increase the Chances of Parotid Gland Tumor Development? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis." De Siqueira, de Souza, et al. Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine 45(11) (2016).

  2. "Pooled Analysis of Case-Control Studies on Acoustic Neuroma Diagnosed 1997-2003 and 2007- 2009 and Use of Mobile and Cordless Phones." Hardell, Carlberg, et al. International Journal of Oncology 43(4):1036-144 (2015).

  3. "Using the Hill Viewpoints from 1965 for Evaluating Strengths of Evidence of the Risk for Brain Tumors Associated with use of Mobile and Cordless Phones." Hardell and Carlberg. Reviews on Environmental Health 28(2-3):97-106 (2013).

  4. "Case-Control study of the Use of Mobile and Cordless Phones and the Risk for Malignant Melanoma in the Head and Neck Region." Hardell, Carlberg, et al. Pathophysiology 18(4):325-333 (2011).

  5. "Correlation Between Cellular Phone Use and Epithelial Parotid Gland Malignancies." Duan, Zhang, et al. Clinical Paper Head and Oncology 40(9):966-7 (2011).

  6. "Mobile Phones Use and Risk of Tumors: A Meta-Analysis." Mynf, Ju, et al. Journal of Clinical Oncology 27(33):5565-72 (2009).

  7. "Mobile Phone, Cordless Phones and the Risk for Brain Tumours." Hardell and Carlberg. International Journal of Oncology 35(1):5-17 (2009).

  8. "Public Health Implications of Wireless Technologies." Sage and Carpenter. PathoPhysiology 16(2-3):233-46 (2009).

  9. "Epidemiological Evidence for an Association Between use of Wireless Phones and Tumor Diseases." Hardell, Carlberg, et al. PathoPhysiology 16(2-3):113-122 (2009).

  10. "Cell Phone Use and Risk of Benign and Malignant Parotid Gland Tumors - A Nationwide Case- Control Study." Sadetzki, Chetrit, et al. American Journal of Epidemiology 167(4):457-467 (2008).

  1. Other Malignancies

  1. "Tumor Promotion by Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields Below Exposure Limits for Humans." Lerchl, Klose, et al. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 459(4):585-590 (2015).

  2. "Swedish Review Strengthen Grounds for Concluding that Radiation from Cellular and Cordless Phones is a Probable Human Carcinogen." Davis, Kesari, et al. Pathophysiology 20(2):123-129 (2013).

  3. "Multifocal Breast Cancer in Young Women with Prolonged Contact Between Their Breasts and Their Cellular Phones." West, Kapoor, et al. Case Reports in Medicine (2013).

  4. "Epidemiological Evidence for an Association Between Use of Wireless Phones and Tumor Diseases." Hardell, Carlberg, et al. PathoPhysiology 16(2-3):113-122 (2009).

  5. "Study on Potential Effects of "902 MHz GSM-type Wireless Communication Signals" on DMBA-Induced Mammary Tumours in Sprague-Dawley Rats." Hruby, Neubauer, et al. Mutation Research 649(1-2):34-44 (2008).

  1. Effects On DNA

  1. "Microwaves from Mobile Phones Inhibit 53BP1 Focus Formation in Human Stem Cells More Strongly Than in Differentiated Cells: Possible Mechanistic Link to Cancer Risk." Markova, Malmgren, et al. Environmental Health Perspectives 118(3):394-399 (2010).

  2. "Radiofrequency Radiation and Gene/Protein Expression: A Review." McNamee and Chauhan. Radiation Research 172(3):265-287 (2009).

  3. "Evaluation of HSP70 Expression and DNA Damage in Cells of a Human Trophoblast Cell Line Exposed to 1.8GHz Amplitude-Modulated Radiofrequency Fields." Valbonesi, Franzellotto, et al. Radiation Research 169(3):270-279 (2008).

  4. "Gene and Protein Expression Following Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields from Mobile Phones." Vanderstraeten and Verschaeve. Environmental Health Perspectives 116(9):1131-5 (2008).

  5. "Nonthermal Effects of RadioFrequency-Field Exposure on Calcium Dynamics in Stem Cell- derived Neuronal Cells: Elucidation of Calcium Pathways." Rao, Titushkin, et al. Radiation Research 169(3):319-329 (2008).

  6. "Gene Expression Changes in the Skin of Rats Induced by Prolonged 35 GHz Millimeter-Wave Exposure." Millenbaugh, Roth, et al. Radiation Research 169(3):288-300 (2008).

  7. "DNA Damage in Molt-4 T-lymphoblastoid Cells Exposed to Cellular Telephone Radiofrequency Fields in Vitro." Philips, Ivaschuk, et al. Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 45(1):103-110 (1998).

VII. Neurological/Cognitive Effects

  1. "A Prospective Cohort Study of Adolescents’ Memory Performance and Individual Brain Dose of Microwave Radiation from Wireless Communication." Foerster, M., et al. Environmental Health Perspectives 126(7) (2018).

  2. "Electromagnetic Radiation 2450 MHz Exposure Causes Cognition Deficit with Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Activation of Intrinsic Pathway of Apoptosis in Rats." Gupta, S.K., Mesharam, M.K., and Krishnamurthy, S. Journal of Biosciences 43(2) 263-276 (2018).

  3. "The Effect of Wi-Fi Electromagnetic Waves in Unimodal and Multimodal Object Recognition Tasks in Male Rats." Hassanshahi, A., et al. Neurological Sciences 38(6):1069-1076 (2017).

  4. "Effects of Short and Long Term Electromagnetic Fields Exposure on the Human Hippocampus." Deniz, O.G., et al. Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure 5(4):191-197 (2017).

  5. "Effects of Long Term Exposure of 900-1800 MHz Radiation Emitted from 2G Mobile Phone on Mice Hippocampus – A Histomorphometric Study." Mugunthan, Shanmugasamy, et al. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 10(8):AF01-6 (2016).

  6. "Effect of Mobile Phone Radiation on Pentylenetetrazole-Induced Seizure Threshold in Mice." Kouchaki, Motaghedifard, et al. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences 19(7):800-3 (2016).

  7. "Effects of 3 Hz and 60Hz Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on Anxiety-Like Behaviors, Memory Retention of Passive Avoidance and ElectroPhysiological Properties of Male Rats." Rostami, Shahani, et al. J Lasers Medical Science 7(2):120-125 (2016).

  8. "Short-Term Memory in Mice is Affected by Mobile Phone Radiation." Ntzouni, Stamatakis, et al. PathoPhysiology 18(3):193-199 (2011).

  9. "Use of Mobile Phones and Changes in Cognitive Function in Adolescents." Thomas, Benke, et al. Occupational Environmental Medicine 67(12):861-866 (2010).

  10. "Increased Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability in Mammalian Brain 7 Days After Exposure to the Radiation from a GSM-900 Mobile Phone." Nittby, Brun, et al. PathoPhysiology 16(2-3):103-112 (2009).

  11. "Effects of GSM 1800 MHz on Dendritic Development of Cultured Hippocampal Neurons." Ning, Xu, et al. Acta Pharmacol Sin28(12):1873-1880 (2007).

  12. "Neurological Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation." Lai, Henry. Advances in Electromagnetic Fields in Living Systems1:27-80 (1994).

VIII. Effects On Male Fertility

  1. "Aloe Arborescens Juice Prevents EMF-Induced Oxidative Stress and Thus Protects from Pathophysiology in the Male Reproductive System In Vitro." Solek, P., Majchrowics, L., and Koziorowski, M. Environmental Research 166:141-149 (2018).

  2. "The Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation on Sperm Function." Houston, Nixon, et al. Reproduction (2016)

  3. "Male Fertility and its Association with Occupational and Mobile Phone Tower Hazards: An Analytical Study." Al-Quzwini, Al-Taee, et al. Middle East Fertility Society Journal (2016).

  4. "Sperm DNA Damage – The Effect of Stress and Everyday Life Factors." Radwan, M, et al. International Journal of Impotence Research 28, 148-154 (2016).

  5. "Electromagnetic Radiation at 900 MHz Induces Sperm Apoptosis through bcl-2, bax and caspase-3 Signaling Pathways in Rats."Liu, Si, et al. Journal of Reproductive Health 12:65 (2015).

  6. "Habits of Cell Phone usage and Sperm Quality - Does It Warrant Attention?" Zilverlight, Wiener-Megnazi, et al. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 31(3):421-426 (2015).

  7. "Extremely Low frequency Magnetic Fields Induce Spermatogenic Germ Cell Apoptosis: Possible Mechanism." Lee, Park, et al. BioMed Research International (2014).

  8. "In Vitro Effect of Cell Phone Radiation on Motility, DNA Fragmentation and Clusterin Gene Expression in Human Sperm." Zalata, El-Samanoudy, et al. International Journal of Fertility and Sterility 9(1):129-136 (2014).

  9. "Effect of Electromagnetic Field Exposure on the Reproductive System." Gye and Park. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine 39(1):1-19 (2012).

  10. "Effects of the Exposure of Mobile Phones on Male Reproduction: A Review of the Literature." Vignera, Condorelli, et al. Journal of Andrology 33(3):350-356 (2012).

  11. "Mobile Phone Radiation Induces Reactive Oxygen Species Production and DNA Damage in Human Spermatozoa In Vitro." Luliis, Newey, et al. PLoS ONE 4(7) (2009).

  12. "Exposure to Magnetic fields and the Risk of Poor Sperm Quality." Li, Yan, et al. Journal of Reproductive Toxicology 29(1):86-92 (2009).

  13. "Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation (Rf-EMR) from GSM Mobile Phones Induces Oxidative Stress and Reduces Sperm Motility in Rats." Mailankot, Kunnath, et al. Clinical Science 64(6):561-5 (2009).

  14. "Cell Phones: Modern Man's Nemesis?" Makker, Varghese, et al. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 18(1):148-157 (2008).

  15. "Indicative SAR Levels Due to an Active Mobile Phone in a Front Trouser Pocket in Proximity to Common Metallic Objects."Whittow, Panagamuwa, et al. Propagation Conference 149-152 (2008).

  16. "Cell Phones and Male Infertility: Dissecting the Relationship." Deepinder, Makker, et al. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 15(3):266-270 (2007).

  17. "Evaluation of the Effect of Using Mobile Phones on Male Fertility." Wdowiak, Wiktor, et al. Annals of Agricultural and Medicine14(1):169-172 (2007).

  18. "Effect of Cell Phone Usage on Semen Analysis in Men Attending Infertility Clinic: An Observational Study." Agarwal, Deepinder, et al. American Society for Reproductive Medicine 89(1):124-8 (2008).

  1. Electromagnetic Sensitivity

  1. "Functional Brain MRI in Patients Complaining of Electrohypersensitivity After Long Term Exposure to Electromagnectic Fields." Heuser, G. & Heuser, S. Reviews on Environmental Health 32(3):291-299 (2016).

  2. "Hot Nano Spots" as an Interpretation of So-Called Non-Thermal Biological Mobile Phone Effects." Pfutzner, Helmut. Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications 8(3):62-69 (2016).

  3. "Analysis of the Genotoxic Effects of Mobile Phone Radiation Using Buccal Micronucleus Assay: A Comparative Evaluation."Banerjee, Singh, et al. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 10 (3):ZC82-ZC85 (2016).

  4. "Tinnitus and Cell Phones: The Role of Electromagnetic Radiofrequency Radiation." Medeiros and Sanchez. Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology 82(1):97-104 (2016).

  5. "Microwave Frequency Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) Produce Widespread Neuropsychiatric Effects Including Depression." Pall, Martin L. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy (2015).

  6. "Subjective Symptoms Related to GSM Radiation from Mobile Phone Base Stations: a Cross- Sectional Study." Gomez-Perretta, Navarro, et al. BMJ Open 3.12 (2013).

  7. "Green Communication- A Stipulation to Reduce Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity from Cellular Phones." Kumar, Khan, et al. Procedia Technology 4:682-686 (2012).

  8. "Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: Fact or Fiction?" Genius and Lipp. Science of the Total Environment 414(1):103-112 (2012).

  9. "Neurobehavioral Effects Among Inhabitants Around Mobile Phone Base Stations." Abdel-Rassoul, El-Fateh, et al. NeuroToxicology28(2):434-440 (2007).

  10. "Establishing the Health Risks of Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields Requires Multidisciplinary Research." Hietanen, Maila. Scandinavian Journal of Work, the Environment, and Health 32(3):169-170 (2006).

  11. "Hypersensitivity of Human Subjects to Environmental Electric and Magnetic Field Exposure: A Review of the Literature."Levallois, Patrick. Environmental Health Perspectives 110(4):613-8 (2002).

  12. "Electric Hypersensitivity and Neurophysical Effects of Cellular Phones - Facts or Needless Anxiety?" Harma, Mikko Ilmari. Scandinavian Journal of Work, the Environment and Health 26(2):85-86 (2000).

  1. Effects On Implanted Medical Devices

  1. "Ad Hoc Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing of Non-Implantable Medical Devices and Radio Frequency Identification."Seidman and Guag. Biomedical Engineering OnLine 12:71 (2013).

  2. "Electromagnetic Interference of Pacemakers." Lakshmanadoss, Chinnachamy, et al. Interchopen 229-252 (2011).

  3. "Interference Between Mobile Phones and Pacemakers: A Look Inside." Censi, Calcagnini, et al. Annali dell'Istituto superiore di sanità 43(3):254-259 (2007).

  4. "Electromagnetic Interference on Pacemakers." Erdogan, Okan. Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal 2(3):74-78 (2002).

  5. "Electromagnetic Interference in Patients with Implanted Cardioverter-Defibrillators and Implantable Loop Recorders." Sousa, Klein, et al. Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal 2(3):79-84 (2002).

  6. "Radiofrequency Interference with Medical Devices. A Technical Information Statement. IEEE Committee on Man and Radiation, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 17(3):111-4 (1998).

  7. "Cellular Telephones and Pacemakers: Urgent Call or Wrong Number?" Ellenbogen and Wood. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 27(6):1478-9 (1996).

  1. 5G Effects

  1. "5G Wireless Telecommunications Expansion: Public Health and Environmental Implications." Russell, C.L. Environmental Research 165:484-495 (2018).

  2. "The Human Skin As A Sub-THz Receiver – Does 5G Pose a Danger To It or Not?" Betzalel, N., Ishai, P.B., and Feldman, Y. Environmental Research 163:208-216 (2018).

  3. "The Modeling of the Absorbance of Sun-THz Radiation by Human Skin." Betzalel, N., Feldman, Y., and Ishai, P.B. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 7(5):521-528 (2017).

XII. Miscellaneous Articles

  1. "Non-Ionizing EMF Hazard in the 21st Century." Koh, W.J., and Moochhala, S.M. IEEE (2018).

  2. "Thermal and Non-Thermal Health Effects of Low Intensity Non-Ionizing Radiation: An International Perspective." Belpomme, D., et al. Environmental Pollution 242(A):643-658 (2018).

  3. "Comparison of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure Levels in Different Everyday Microenvironments in an International Context." Sagar, S, et al. Environmental International 114:297-306 (2018).

  4. "Radiation from Wireless Technology Elevates Blood Glucose and Body Temperature in 40-Year-Old Type 1 Diabetic Male." Kleiber, C. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 36:3 259-264 (2017).

  5. "Cardiovascular Disease: Time to Identify Emerging Environmental Risk Factors." Bandara, P. & Weller, S. European Journal of Preventative Cardiology (2017).

  6. "An Investigation of the Effect of Extremely Low Frequency Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Human Electrocardiograms (ECGs)." Fang, Mahmoud, et al. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13(11) (2016).

  7. "Effects of Exposure to 2100MHz GSM-like Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field on Auditory System of Rats." Celiker, Ozgur, et al. Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology (2016).

  8. "Evaluation of the Protective Role of Vitamin C on the Metabolic and Enxymatic Activities of the Liver in the Male Rats After Exposure to 2.45 GHz of Wi-Fi Routers." Shekoohi-Shooli, F., et al. Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering 6(3):157-164 (2016).

  9. "Exposure of ELF-EMF and RF-EMF Increase the Rate of Glucose Transport and TCA Cycle in Budding Yeast." Lin, Yan, et al. Frontiers in Microbiology (2016).

  10. "Awareness Campaign Against Cell Phone Radiation Hazard: Case Study Oman." Osmen and Saar. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 205(9):381-385 (2015).

  11. "Electromagnetic Energy Radiated from Mobile Phone Alters Electrocardiographic Records of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease." Alhusseiny, Al-Nimer, et al. Annals of Medical and Health Science Research 2(2):146-151 (2012).

  12. "Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation on Human Ferritin: An in vitro Enzymun Assay." Fattahi-asl, Baradaran-Ghahfarokhi, et al. Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors 2(4):235-240 (2012).

  13. "Apoptosis is Induced by Radiofrequency Fields through the Caspase-Independent Mitochondrial Pathway in Cortical Neurons."Joubert, Bourthoumieu, et al. Radiation Research 169(1):38-45 (2008).

  14. "Source of Funding and Results of Studies of Health Effects of Mobile Phone Use: Systematic Review of Experimental Studies."Huss, Egger, et al. Environmental Health Perspectives 115(1):1-4 (2007).

  15. "Epidemiology of Health Effects of Radiofrequency Exposure." Ahlbom, Green, et al. Environmental Health Perspectives 112(17):1741-1753 (2004).

  16. "The Possible Role of Radiofrequency Radiation in the Development of Uveal Melanoma" Stang, Anastassiou, et al. Journal of Epidemiology 12(1):7-12 (2001).

  17. "Biological Effects of Amplitude-Modulated Radiofrequency Radiation." Juutilainen and Seze. Scandinavian Journal of Work, the Environment and Health 24(2):245-254 (1998).

    (courtesy https://www.telecompowergrab.org/science.html)

Independent Science on the Effect of Wireless Radiation on Human Health

There are more than 1,000 scientific studies conducted by independent researchers from around the world concerning the biological effects of RF radiation. Here we present some of the most recent.

I. Effects On Fetal And Newborn Development

  1. Mother’s Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields Before and During Pregnancy is Associated with Risk of Speech Problems in Offspring. Zarei, S., et al. Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering 9(1):61-68 (2019).

  2. Prenatal Exposure to Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Field and Its Impact on Fetal Growth. Ren, Y., et al. Environmental Health (2019).

  3. The Effects of Radio Frequency Radiation on Mice Fetus Weight, Length and Tissues. Alimohammadi, I., et al. Data in Brief 19:2189-2194 (2018).

  4. Effects of Prenatal Exposure to WiFi Signal (2.45 GHz) on Postnatal Development and Behavior in Rat: Influence of Maternal Restraint. Othman, H., et al. Behavioral Brain Research 326: 291-301 (2017).

  5. Exposure to Magnetic Field Non-Ionizing Radiation and the Risk of Miscarriage: A prospective Cohort Study. Li, De-Kun, et al. Scientific Reports (2017).

  6. Postnatal Development and Behavior Effects of In-Utero Exposure of Rats to Radiofrequency Waves Emitted From Conventional WiFi Devices. Othman, H., et al. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 52:239-247 (2017).

  7. Lasting Hepatotoxic Effects of Prenatal Mobile Phone Exposure. Yilmaz, A., et al. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 30(11): 1355-1359 (2017).

  8. Multiple Assessment Methods of Prenatal Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation from Telecommunication in the Mothers and Children’s Environmental Health (MOCEH) Study. Choi, Ha, et al. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 29(6):959-972 (2016).

  9. The Use of Signal-Transduction and Metabolic Pathways to Predict Human Disease Targets from Electric and Magnetic Fields Using in vitro Data in Human Cell Lines. Parham, Portier, et al. Frontiers in Public Health (2016).

  10. A Review on Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) and the Reproductive System. Asghari, Khaki, et al. Electronic Physician 8(7):2655-2662 (2016).

  11. Genotoxicity Induced by Foetal and Infant Exposure to Magnetic Fields and Modulation of Ionising Radiation Effects. Udroiu, Antoccia, et al. PLoS One (2015).

  12. Oxidative Stress of Brain and Liver is Increased by Wi-Fi (2.45 GHz) Exposure of Rats During Pregnancy and the Development of Newborns. Çelik, Ömer, et al. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 75(B):134-139 (2015).

  13. Neurodegenerative Changes and Apoptosis Induced by Intrauterine and Extrauterine Exposure of Radiofrequency Radiation. Güler, Göknur, et al. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 75(B):128-133 (2015).

  14. Maternal Exposure to a Continuous 900-MHz Electromagnetic Field Provokes Neuronal Loss and Pathological Changes in Cerebellum of 32-Day-Old Female Rat Offspring. Odaci, Ersan, et al. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 75(B):105-110 (2015).

  15. Different Periods of Intrauterine Exposure to Electromagnetic Field: Influence on Female Rats' Fertility, Prenatal and Postnatal Development. Alchalabi, Aklilu, et al. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 5(1):14-23 (2015).

  16. Use of Mobile Phone During Pregnancy and the Risk of Spontaneous Abortion. Mahmoudabadi, Ziaei, et al. Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 13:34 (2015).

  17. Oxidative Mechanisms of Biological Activity of Low-Intensity Radiofrequency Radiation. Yakymenko, et al. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 34(3):1-16 (2015).

  18. Effects of Prenatal 900 MHz Electromagnetic Field Exposures on the Histology of Rat Kidney. Ulubay, et al. International Journal of Radiation Biology 91(1):35-41 (2015).

  19. The Effect of Exposure of Rats During Prenatal Period to Radiation Spreading from Mobile Phones on Renal Development. Bedir, et al. Renal Failure 37(2):305-9 (2014).

  20. Dosimetric Study of Fetal Exposure to Uniform Magnetic Fields at 50 Hz. Liorni, et al. Bioelectromagnetics 35(8):580-97 (2014).

  21. Influence of Pregnancy Stage and Fetus Position on the Whole-Body and Local Exposure of the Fetus to RF-EMF. Varsier, et al. Physics in Medicine and Biology 59(17):4913-26 (2014).

  22. Autism-Relevant Social Abnormalities in Mice Exposed Perinatally to Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields. Alsaeed, et al. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 37:58-6 (2014).

  23. Pyramidal Cell Loss in the Cornu Ammonis of 32-day-old Female Rats Following Exposure to a 900 Megahertz Electromagnetic Field During Prenatal Days 13–21. Bas, et al. NeuroQuantology Volume 11, Issue 4: 591-599 (2013).

  24. The Effects of 900 Megahertz Electromagnetic Field Applied in the Prenatal Period on Spinal Cord Morphology and Motor Behavior in Female Rat Pups. Odaci, et al. NeuroQuantology Volume 11, Issue 4: 573-581 (2013).

  25. Fetal Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure From 800-1900 MHz-Rated Cellular Telephones Affects Neurodevelopment and Behavior in Mice. Aldad, Gan, et al. Scientific Reports 2(312) (2013).

  26. Cranial and Postcranial Skeletal Variations Induced in Mouse Embryos by Mobile Phone Radiation. Fragopoulou, Koussoulakos, et al. Pathophysiology 17(3):169-77 (2010).

  27. Dysbindin Modulates Prefrontal Cortical Glutamatergic Circuits and Working Memory Function in Mice. Jentsch, et al Neuropsychopharmacology 34, 2601–8 (2009).

  28. Stress Signalling Pathways that Impair Prefrontal Cortex Structure and Function. Arnsten, A. F. National Review of Neuroscience 10, 410–22 (2009).

  29. Maternal Occupational Exposure to Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields and the Risk of Brain Cancer in the Offspring. Li, Mclaughlin, et al. Cancer Causes & Control 20(6):945-55 (2009).

  30. Reproductive and Developmental Effects of EMF in Vertebrate Animal Models. Pourlis, A.F. Pathophysiology 16(2-3):179-89 (2009).1

  31. Prenatal and Postnatal Exposure to Cell Phone Use and Behavioral Problems in Children. Divan, Kheifets, et al. Epidemiology19(4):523-29 (2008).

  32. Effects of Prenatal Exposure to a 900 MHz Electromagnetic Field on the Dentate Gyrus of Rats: A Stereological and Histopathological Study. Odaci, et al. Brain Research 1238: 224–229 (2008).

  33. Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation Up-Regulates Apoptosis Genes in Primary Cultures of Neurons and Astrocytes. Zhao, et al. Science Digest 412: 34–38 (2007).

  34. Cell Death Induced by GSM 900-MHz and DCS 1800-MHz Mobile Telephony Radiation. Panagopoulos, et al. Mutation Research626, 69–78 (2006).

  35. Ultra High Frequency-Electromagnetic Field Irradiation During Pregnancy Leads to an Increase in Erythrocytes Micronuclei Incidence in Rat Offspring. Ferreira, Knakievicz, et al. Life Sciences 80(1):43-50 (2006).

  36. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Biederman, J. & Faraone, S. V. Lancet 366, 237–248 (2005).

  37. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: An Overview of the Etiology and a Review of the Literature Relating to the Correlates and Lifecourse Outcomes for Men and Women. Brassett-Harknett, A. & Butler, N. Clinical Psychology Review 27,188–210 (2005).

II. Effects On Young Children

  1. Electromagnetic Fields, Pulsed Radiofrequency Radiation, and Epigenetics: How Wireless Technologies May Affect Childhood Development. Sage, C. & Burgio, E. Child Development (2017).

  2. Prospective Cohort Analysis of Cellphone Use and Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in Children. Sudan, M, et al. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (2016).

  3. Why Children Absorb More Microwave Radiation than Adults: The Consequences. Morgan, Kesari, et al. Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure 2(4):196-204 (2014).

  4. Epidemiological Characteristics of Mobile Phone Ownership and Use in Korean Children and Adolescents. Byun, Yoon-Hwan, et al. Environmental Health and Toxicology 28 (2013).

  5. A Prospective Study of In-Utero Exposure to Magnetic Fields and the Risk of Childhood Obesity. Li, De-Kun, et al. Scientific Reports 2.540 (2012).

  6. Exposure to Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields and the Risk of Childhood Cancer: Update of the Epidemiological evidence. Schüz and Joachim. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 107(3):339-42 (2011).

  7. Cell Phone Use and Behavioural Problems in Young Children. Divan, Kheifets, et al. Journal of Epidemiol Community Health 66(6):524-9 (2010).

  8. Mobile Phones, Radiofrequency Fields, and Health Effects in Children-Epidemiological Studies. Feychting, Maria. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 107(3):343-348 (2010).

  9. Exposure to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields and Behavioral Problems in Bavarian Children and Adolescents. Thomas, Silke, et al. European Journal of Epidemiology 25(2):135-41 (2009).

  10. The Sensitivity of Children to Electromagnetic Fields. Repacholi, et al. Deventer. Journal of Pediatrics 116(2):303-313 (2005).

III. Brain Tumors

  1. Simulation of The Incidence of Malignant Brain Tumors in Birth Cohorts That Started Using Mobile Phones When They First Became Popular in Japan. Sato, Y., Kojimahara, N., and Yamaguchi, N. Bioelectromagnetics 40(3): 143-149 (2019).

  2. ​Report of Final Results Regarding Brain and Heart Tumors in Sprague-Dawley Rats Exposed From Prenatal Life Unitl Natural Death to Mobile Phone Radiofrequency Field Representative of a 1.8 GHz GSM Base Station Environmental Emission. Falcioni, L, et al. Environmental Research (2018).

  3. Exposure to Cell Phone Radiofrequency Changes Corticotrophin Hormone Levels and Histology of The Brain and Adrenal Glands in Male Wistar Rat. Shahabi, S., et al. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences 21:1269-1274 (2018).

  4. Brain Tumours: Rise in Glioblastoma Multiforme Incidence in England 1995-2015 Suggests an Adverse Environmental or Lifestyle Factor. Philips, A., et al. Journal of Environmental and Public Health (2018).

  5. The 2100 MHz Radiofrequency Radiation of a 3G-Mobile Phone and the DNA Oxidative Damage in Brain. Sahin, Ozgur, et al. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 75(B):94-98 (2016).

  6. Mobile Phone and Cordless Phone Use and the Risk for Glioma - Analysis of Pooled Case- Control Studies in Sweden 1997-2003 and 2007-2009. Hardell and Carlberg. PathoPhysiology 22(1):1-13 (2015).

  7. Mobile Phone Radiation Causes Brain Tumors and Should Be Classified as a Probable Human Carcinogen. Morgan, Miller, et al. International Journal of Oncology 46:1865-1871 (2015).

  8. Mobile Phone Use and Brain Tumours in the CERENAT Case-Control Study. Coureau, Bouvier, et al. Occupational & Environmental Medicine 71(7):514-22 (2014).

  9. Use of Mobile Phones and Cordless Phones is Associated with Increased Risk for Glioma and Acoustic Neuroma. Hardell, Carberg, et al. PathoPhysiology 20(2):85-110 (2013).

  10. Mobile Phones and Head Tumours: A Critical Analysis of Case-Control Epidemiological Studies. Levis, Minicuci, et al. Open Environmental Sciences 6(1):1-12 (2012).

  11. On the Association Between Glioma, Wireless Phones, Heredity and Ionising Radiation. Carlberg and Hardell. PathoPhysiology19(4):243-252 (2012).

  12. Mobile Phones and Head Tumours. The Discrepancies in Cause-Effect Relationships in the Epidemiological Studies - How Do They Arise? Levis, Minicuci, et al. Environmental Health 10:59 (2011).

  13. Indications of Possible Brain Tumour Risk in Mobile-Phone Studies: Should We Be Concerned? Cardis and Sadetzki. Occupational & Environmental Medicine 68:169-171 (2011).

  14. Estimating the Risk of Brain Tumors from Cell Phone Use: Published Case-Control Studies. Morgan, LL. Pathophysiology 16(2-3):137-147 (2009).

  15. Cell Phones and Brain Tumors: A Review Including the Long-Term Epidemiologic Data. Khurana, Teo, et al. Surgical Neurology72(3):205-14 (2009).

  16. Epidemiological Evidence for an Association Between Use of Wireless Phones and Tumor Diseases. Hardell, Carlberg, et al. PathoPhysiology 16(2-3):113-122 (2009).

  17. Histopathological Examinations of Rat Brains After Long-Term Exposure to GSM Mobile Phone Radiation. Grafström, Gustav, et al. Brain Research Bulletin 77(5):257-63 (2008).

  18. Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma. Lonn, Ahlbom, et al. Epidemiology 15(6):653-659 (2004).

IV. Parotid Gland Tumors

  1. Influence of Handheld Mobiles on Parotid: A Cohort Study. Ranjitha, G., et al. Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology 29:254-258 (2017).

  2. Does Cell Phone Use Increase the Chances of Parotid Gland Tumor Development? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. De Siqueira, de Souza, et al. Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine 45(11) (2016).

  3. Pooled Analysis of Case-Control Studies on Acoustic Neuroma Diagnosed 1997-2003 and 2007- 2009 and Use of Mobile and Cordless Phones. Hardell, Carlberg, et al. International Journal of Oncology 43(4):1036-144 (2015).

  4. Using the Hill Viewpoints from 1965 for Evaluating Strengths of Evidence of the Risk for Brain Tumors Associated with use of Mobile and Cordless Phones. Hardell and Carlberg. Reviews on Environmental Health 28(2-3):97-106 (2013).

  5. Case-Control study of the Use of Mobile and Cordless Phones and the Risk for Malignant Melanoma in the Head and Neck Region. Hardell, Carlberg, et al. Pathophysiology 18(4):325-333 (2011).

  6. Correlation Between Cellular Phone Use and Epithelial Parotid Gland Malignancies. Duan, Zhang, et al. Clinical Paper Head and Oncology 40(9):966-7 (2011).

  7. Mobile Phones Use and Risk of Tumors: A Meta-Analysis. Mynf, Ju, et al. Journal of Clinical Oncology 27(33):5565-72 (2009).

  8. Mobile Phone, Cordless Phones and the Risk for Brain Tumours. Hardell and Carlberg. International Journal of Oncology 35(1):5-17 (2009).

  9. Public Health Implications of Wireless Technologies. Sage and Carpenter. PathoPhysiology 16(2-3):233-46 (2009).

  10. Epidemiological Evidence for an Association Between use of Wireless Phones and Tumor Diseases. Hardell, Carlberg, et al. PathoPhysiology 16(2-3):113-122 (2009).

  11. Cell Phone Use and Risk of Benign and Malignant Parotid Gland Tumors - A Nationwide Case- Control Study. Sadetzki, Chetrit, et al. American Journal of Epidemiology 167(4):457-467 (2008).

V. Other Malignancies

  1. The Carcinogenic Potential of Non-Ionizing Radiations: The Cases of S-50 Hz MF and 1.8 GHz GSM Radiofrequency Radiation. Soffritti, M. and Giuliani, L. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology (2019).

  2. Tumor Promotion by Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields Below Exposure Limits for Humans. Lerchl, Klose, et al. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 459(4):585-590 (2015).

  3. Swedish Review Strengthen Grounds for Concluding that Radiation from Cellular and Cordless Phones is a Probable Human Carcinogen. Davis, Kesari, et al. Pathophysiology 20(2):123-129 (2013).

  4. Multifocal Breast Cancer in Young Women with Prolonged Contact Between Their Breasts and Their Cellular Phones. West, Kapoor, et al. Case Reports in Medicine (2013).

  5. Epidemiological Evidence for an Association Between Use of Wireless Phones and Tumor Diseases. Hardell, Carlberg, et al. PathoPhysiology 16(2-3):113-122 (2009).

  6. Study on Potential Effects of "902 MHz GSM-type Wireless Communication Signals" on DMBA-Induced Mammary Tumours in Sprague-Dawley Rats. Hruby, Neubauer, et al. Mutation Research 649(1-2):34-44 (2008).

VI. Effects On DNA

  1. Microwaves from Mobile Phones Inhibit 53BP1 Focus Formation in Human Stem Cells More Strongly Than in Differentiated Cells: Possible Mechanistic Link to Cancer Risk. Markova, Malmgren, et al. Environmental Health Perspectives 118(3):394-399 (2010).

  2. Radiofrequency Radiation and Gene/Protein Expression: A Review. McNamee and Chauhan. Radiation Research 172(3):265-287 (2009).

  3. Evaluation of HSP70 Expression and DNA Damage in Cells of a Human Trophoblast Cell Line Exposed to 1.8GHz Amplitude-Modulated Radiofrequency Fields. Valbonesi, Franzellotto, et al. Radiation Research 169(3):270-279 (2008).

  4. Gene and Protein Expression Following Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields from Mobile Phones. Vanderstraeten and Verschaeve. Environmental Health Perspectives 116(9):1131-5 (2008).

  5. Nonthermal Effects of RadioFrequency-Field Exposure on Calcium Dynamics in Stem Cell- derived Neuronal Cells: Elucidation of Calcium Pathways. Rao, Titushkin, et al. Radiation Research 169(3):319-329 (2008).

  6. Gene Expression Changes in the Skin of Rats Induced by Prolonged 35 GHz Millimeter-Wave Exposure. Millenbaugh, Roth, et al. Radiation Research 169(3):288-300 (2008).

  7. DNA Damage in Molt-4 T-lymphoblastoid Cells Exposed to Cellular Telephone Radiofrequency Fields in Vitro. Philips, Ivaschuk, et al. Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 45(1):103-110 (1998).

VII. Neurological/Cognitive Effects

  1. Early-Life Exposure to Pulsed LTE Radiofrequency Fields Causes Persistent Changes in Activity and Behavior in C57BL/6 J Mice. Broom, K., et al. Bio Electro Magnetics 40(7):498-511 (2019).

  2. Are Rises in Electro-Magnetic Field in The Human Environment, Interacting with Multiple Environmental Pollutions, The Tripping Point for Increases in Neurological Deaths in the Western World? Pritchard, C., Silk, A. and Hansen, L. Medical Hypotheses 127: 76-83 (2019).

  3. Effect of 1800-2100 MHz Electromagnetic Radiation on Learning-Memory and Hippocampal Morphology in Swiss Albino Mice. Kishore, G., Venkatashu, K., and Sridevi, N. Jorunal of Clincal and Diagnostic Research 12(2): 14-17 (2019).

  4. Monitoring of BALB/C Strain Mice Health, Investigation of Behavior, Hematological Parameters Under the Effect of an Electromagnetic Field. Zymantiene, J., et al. Medycyna Weterynarjna 75(03): 158-163 (2019).

  5. 2.45 GHz Microwave Radiation Impairs Learning, Memory, and Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity in The Rat. Karimi, N., et al. Toxicology and Industrial Health 34(12): 873-883 (2018).

  6. Mobile Phone Distance From Head and Temperature Changes of Radio Frequency Waves on Brain Tissue. Forouharmajd, F., Ebrahimi, H. and Pourabdian, S. International Journal of Preventative Medicine (2018).

  7. A Prospective Cohort Study of Adolescents’ Memory Performance and Individual Brain Dose of Microwave Radiation from Wireless Communication. Foerster, M., et al. Environmental Health Perspectives 126(7) (2018).

  8. Electromagnetic Radiation 2450 MHz Exposure Causes Cognition Deficit with Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Activation of Intrinsic Pathway of Apoptosis in Rats. Gupta, S.K., Mesharam, M.K., and Krishnamurthy, S. Journal of Biosciences 43(2) 263-276 (2018).

  9. The Effect of Wi-Fi Electromagnetic Waves in Unimodal and Multimodal Object Recognition Tasks in Male Rats. Hassanshahi, A., et al. Neurological Sciences 38(6):1069-1076 (2017).

  10. Effects of Short and Long Term Electromagnetic Fields Exposure on the Human Hippocampus. Deniz, O.G., et al. Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure 5(4):191-197 (2017).

  11. Effects of Long Term Exposure of 900-1800 MHz Radiation Emitted from 2G Mobile Phone on Mice Hippocampus – A Histomorphometric Study. Mugunthan, Shanmugasamy, et al. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 10(8):AF01-6 (2016).

  12. Effect of Mobile Phone Radiation on Pentylenetetrazole-Induced Seizure Threshold in Mice. Kouchaki, Motaghedifard, et al. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences 19(7):800-3 (2016).

  13. Effects of 3 Hz and 60Hz Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on Anxiety-Like Behaviors, Memory Retention of Passive Avoidance and ElectroPhysiological Properties of Male Rats. Rostami, Shahani, et al. J Lasers Medical Science 7(2):120-125 (2016).

  14. Short-Term Memory in Mice is Affected by Mobile Phone Radiation. Ntzouni, Stamatakis, et al. PathoPhysiology 18(3):193-199 (2011).

  15. Use of Mobile Phones and Changes in Cognitive Function in Adolescents. Thomas, Benke, et al. Occupational Environmental Medicine 67(12):861-866 (2010).

  16. Increased Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability in Mammalian Brain 7 Days After Exposure to the Radiation from a GSM-900 Mobile Phone. Nittby, Brun, et al. PathoPhysiology 16(2-3):103-112 (2009).

  17. Effects of GSM 1800 MHz on Dendritic Development of Cultured Hippocampal Neurons. Ning, Xu, et al. Acta Pharmacol Sin28(12):1873-1880 (2007).

  18. Neurological Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation. Lai, Henry. Advances in Electromagnetic Fields in Living Systems1:27-80 (1994).

VIII. Effects On Male Fertility

  1. Long-Term Exposure to 4G Smartphone Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation Diminished Male Reproductive Portential by Directly Disrupting Spck3-MMP2-BTB Axis in the Testes of Adult Rats. Yu, G., et al. Science of The Total Environment 698 (2020).

  2. Radiations and Male Fertility. Kesari, K., Agarwal, A. and Henkel, R. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 16(118) (2018).

  3. The Effect of 2.45 GHz Non-Ionizing Radiation on the Structure and Ultrastructure of The Testis in Juvenile Rats. Šimaiová, V., et al. Histology and Histopathology 34(4):391-403 (2018).

  4. Modulatory Effect of 900 MHz Radiation on Biochemical and Reproductive Parameters in Rats. Narayana, SN., et al. Bratislava Medical Journal119(9):581-587 (2018).

  5. Aloe Arborescens Juice Prevents EMF-Induced Oxidative Stress and Thus Protects from Pathophysiology in the Male Reproductive System In Vitro. Solek, P., Majchrowics, L., and Koziorowski, M. Environmental Research 166:141-149 (2018).

  6. Radiofrequency Radiation (900 MHz)-Induced DNA Damage and Cell Cycle Arrest in Testicular Germ Cells in Swiss Albino Mice. Pandey, N., et al. Toxicology and Industrial Health 33(4) 373-384 (2017).

  7. The Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation on Sperm Function. Houston, Nixon, et al. Reproduction (2016)

  8. Male Fertility and its Association with Occupational and Mobile Phone Tower Hazards: An Analytical Study. Al-Quzwini, Al-Taee, et al. Middle East Fertility Society Journal (2016).

  9. Sperm DNA Damage – The Effect of Stress and Everyday Life Factors. Radwan, M, et al. International Journal of Impotence Research 28, 148-154 (2016).

  10. Electromagnetic Radiation at 900 MHz Induces Sperm Apoptosis through bcl-2, bax and caspase-3 Signaling Pathways in Rats. Liu, Si, et al. Journal of Reproductive Health 12:65 (2015).

  11. Habits of Cell Phone usage and Sperm Quality - Does It Warrant Attention? Zilverlight, Wiener-Megnazi, et al. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 31(3):421-426 (2015).

  12. Extremely Low frequency Magnetic Fields Induce Spermatogenic Germ Cell Apoptosis: Possible Mechanism. Lee, Park, et al. BioMed Research International 2014(2014): 567183 (2014).

  13. In Vitro Effect of Cell Phone Radiation on Motility, DNA Fragmentation and Clusterin Gene Expression in Human Sperm. Zalata, El-Samanoudy, et al. International Journal of Fertility and Sterility 9(1):129-136 (2014).

  14. Effect of Electromagnetic Field Exposure on the Reproductive System. Gye and Park. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine 39(1):1-19 (2012).

  15. Effects of the Exposure of Mobile Phones on Male Reproduction: A Review of the Literature. Vignera, Condorelli, et al. Journal of Andrology 33(3):350-356 (2012).

  16. Use of Laptop Computers Connected to Internet Through Wi-Fi Decreases Human Sperm Motility and Increases Sperm DNA Fragmentation. Avendano, C., et al. Fertility and Sterility 97(1):39045 (2012).

  17. Exposure to Magnetic fields and the Risk of Poor Sperm Quality. Li, Yan, et al. Journal of Reproductive Toxicology 29(1):86-92 (2010).

  18. Mobile Phone Radiation Induces Reactive Oxygen Species Production and DNA Damage in Human Spermatozoa In Vitro. Luliis, Newey, et al. PLoS ONE 4(7) (2009).

  19. Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation (Rf-EMR) from GSM Mobile Phones Induces Oxidative Stress and Reduces Sperm Motility in Rats. Mailankot, Kunnath, et al. Clinical Science 64(6):561-5 (2009).

  20. Cell Phones: Modern Man's Nemesis? Makker, Varghese, et al. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 18(1):148-157 (2008).

  21. Indicative SAR Levels Due to an Active Mobile Phone in a Front Trouser Pocket in Proximity to Common Metallic Objects. Whittow, Panagamuwa, et al. Propagation Conference 149-152 (2008).

  22. Cell Phones and Male Infertility: Dissecting the Relationship. Deepinder, Makker, et al. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 15(3):266-270 (2007).

  23. Evaluation of the Effect of Using Mobile Phones on Male Fertility. Wdowiak, Wiktor, et al. Annals of Agricultural and Medicine14(1):169-172 (2007).

  24. Effect of Cell Phone Usage on Semen Analysis in Men Attending Infertility Clinic: An Observational Study. Agarwal, Deepinder, et al. American Society for Reproductive Medicine 89(1):124-8 (2008).

IX. Electromagnetic Sensitivity

  1. Becoming Electro-Hypersensitive: A Replication Study. Dieudonne, M. Bioelectromagnetic 40: 188-200 (2019).

  2. Functional Brain MRI in Patients Complaining of Electrohypersensitivity After Long Term Exposure to Electromagnectic Fields. Heuser, G. & Heuser, S. Reviews on Environmental Health 32(3):291-299 (2016).

  3. Hot Nano Spots" as an Interpretation of So-Called Non-Thermal Biological Mobile Phone Effects. Pfutzner, Helmut. Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications 8(3):62-69 (2016).

  4. Analysis of the Genotoxic Effects of Mobile Phone Radiation Using Buccal Micronucleus Assay: A Comparative Evaluation. Banerjee, Singh, et al. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 10 (3):ZC82-ZC85 (2016).

  5. Tinnitus and Cell Phones: The Role of Electromagnetic Radiofrequency Radiation. Medeiros and Sanchez. Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology 82(1):97-104 (2016).

  6. Microwave Frequency Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) Produce Widespread Neuropsychiatric Effects Including Depression. Pall, Martin L. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy (2015).

  7. Subjective Symptoms Related to GSM Radiation from Mobile Phone Base Stations: a Cross- Sectional Study. Gomez-Perretta, Navarro, et al. BMJ Open 3.12 (2013).

  8. Green Communication- A Stipulation to Reduce Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity from Cellular Phones. Kumar, Khan, et al. Procedia Technology 4:682-686 (2012).

  9. Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: Fact or Fiction? Genius and Lipp. Science of the Total Environment 414(1):103-112 (2012).

  10. Radiofrequency (RF) Sickness in the Lilienfeld Study: An Effect of Modulated Microwaves? Liakouris, A. Archives of Environmental Health 236-238 (2010).

  11. Neurobehavioral Effects Among Inhabitants Around Mobile Phone Base Stations. Abdel-Rassoul, El-Fateh, et al. NeuroToxicology28(2):434-440 (2007).

  12. Electrohypersensitivity: State-Of-The-Art of A Functional Impairment. Johansson, O. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 25(4): 245-258 (2006).

  13. Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: Biological Effects of Dirty Electricity With Emphasis on Diabetes and Multiple Sclerosis. Havas, M. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 25(4): 259-268 (2006).

  14. Establishing the Health Risks of Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields Requires Multidisciplinary Research. Hietanen, Maila. Scandinavian Journal of Work, the Environment, and Health 32(3):169-170 (2006).

  15. Hypersensitivity of Human Subjects to Environmental Electric and Magnetic Field Exposure: A Review of the Literature. Levallois, Patrick. Environmental Health Perspectives 110(4):613-8 (2002).

  16. Electric Hypersensitivity and Neurophysical Effects of Cellular Phones - Facts or Needless Anxiety? Harma, Mikko Ilmari. Scandinavian Journal of Work, the Environment and Health 26(2):85-86 (2000).

X. Effects On Implanted Medical Devices

  1. Ad Hoc Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing of Non-Implantable Medical Devices and Radio Frequency Identification. Seidman and Guag. Biomedical Engineering OnLine 12:71 (2013).

  2. Electromagnetic Interference of Pacemakers. Lakshmanadoss, Chinnachamy, et al. Interchopen 229-252 (2011).

  3. Interference Between Mobile Phones and Pacemakers: A Look Inside. Censi, Calcagnini, et al. Annali dell'Istituto superiore di sanità 43(3):254-259 (2007).

  4. Electromagnetic Interference on Pacemakers. Erdogan, Okan. Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal 2(3):74-78 (2002).

  5. Electromagnetic Interference in Patients with Implanted Cardioverter-Defibrillators and Implantable Loop Recorders. Sousa, Klein, et al. Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal 2(3):79-84 (2002).

  6. Radiofrequency Interference with Medical Devices. A Technical Information Statement. IEEE Committee on Man and Radiation, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 17(3):111-4 (1998).

  7. Cellular Telephones and Pacemakers: Urgent Call or Wrong Number? Ellenbogen and Wood. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 27(6):1478-9 (1996).

XI. 5G Effects

  1. Model of Steady-state Temperature Rise in Multilayer Tissues Due to Narrow-beam Millimeter-wave Radiofrequency Field Exposure. Gajda, G., et al. Health Physics 117(3):254-266 (2019).

  2. Untargeted Metabolomics Unveil Alterations of Biomembranes Permeability in HumanHaCaT Keratinocytes Upon 60 HGz Milimeter-Wave Exposure. Pogam, Pierre., et al. Scientific Reports 9(9343) (2019).

  3. Ocular Response to Millimeter Wave Exposure Under Different Levels of Humidity. Kojima, M., et al. Journal of Infrared Milli Terahz Waves 40: 574–584 (2019).

  4. Millimeter Wave Radiation Activates Leech Nociceptors via TRPV1-Like Receptor Sensitization. Romanenko, S., et al. Biophysical Journal 116(12): 2331-2345 (2019).

  5. Systematic Derivation of Safety Limits for Time-Varying 5G Radiofrequency Exposure Based on Analytical Models and Thermal Dose. Neufeld, E., and Kuster, N. Health Physics Society (2018).

  6. Towards 5G Communication Systems: Are There Health Implications? Ciaula, AD. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 367-375 (2018).

  7. 5G Wireless Telecommunications Expansion: Public Health and Environmental Implications. Russell, C.L. Environmental Research 165:484-495 (2018).

  8. The Human Skin As A Sub-THz Receiver – Does 5G Pose a Danger To It or Not? Betzalel, N., Ishai, P.B., and Feldman, Y. Environmental Research163:208-216 (2018).

  9. The Modeling of the Absorbance of Sun-THz Radiation by Human Skin. Betzalel, N., Feldman, Y., and Ishai, P.B. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 7(5):521-528 (2017).

  10. Human Exposure to RF Fields in 5G Downlink. Nasim, I. and Kim, S. Georgia Southern University (2017).

  11. The Human body and Millimeter-Wave Wireless Communication Systems: Interactions and Implications. Wu, T., Rappaport, T., and Collins, C. IEEE International Conference on Communications (2015).

  12. State of Knowledge on Biological Effects at 40-60 GHz. Drean, Y., et al. Comptes Rendus Physique (2013).

  13. Effects of millimeter waves radiation on cell membrane-A brief review. Ramundo-Orlando, Alfonsina. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 31(12): 1400-1411 (2010)

  14. Human Skin as Arrays of Helical Antennas in Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Range. Feldman, Y., et al. The American Physical Society (2008).

XII. Miscellaneous Articles

  1. Untargeted Metabolomics Unveil Alterations of Biomembranes Permeability in Human HaCaT Keratinocytes Upon 60 HGz Millimeter-Wave Exposure. Pogam, Pierre., et al. Scientific Reports 9(9343) (2019).

  2. Risks to Health and Well-Being From Radio-Frequency Radiation Emitted by Cell Phones and Other Wireless Devices. Miller, A., et al. Frontiers in Public Health 7(223) (2019).

  3. Computational Simulations of The Penetration of 0.30 THz Radiation into the Human Ear. Vilaagosh, Z., et al. Biomedical Optics Express 10(3) (2019).

  4. Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure and Risk Perception: A Pilot Experimental Study. Zeleke, B., et al. Environmental Research 170: 493-499 (2019).

  5. Commentary on The Utility of The National Toxicology Program Study on Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation Data for Assessing Human Health Risks Despite Unfounded Criticisms Aimed at Minimizing the Findings of Adverse Health Effects. Melnick, R. Environmental Research 168:1-6 (2019).

  6. Pathological Findings Observed in the Kidneys of Postnatal Male Rats Exposed to the 2100 MHz Electromagnetic Field. Bedir, R., et al. Archives of Medical Research (2019).

  7. Genotoxic and Carcinogenic Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Fields. Kocaman, A., et al. Environmental Research 163:71-79 (2018).

  8. Non-Ionizing EMF Hazard in the 21st Century. Koh, W.J., and Moochhala, S.M. IEEE (2018).

  9. Thermal and Non-Thermal Health Effects of Low Intensity Non-Ionizing Radiation: An International Perspective. Belpomme, D., et al. Environmental Pollution 242(A):643-658 (2018).

  10. Comparison of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure Levels in Different Everyday Microenvironments in an International Context. Sagar, S, et al. Environmental International 114:297-306 (2018).

  11. Wi-Fi is an Important Threat to Human Health. Pall, M. Environmental Research 405-416 (2018).

  12. Mobile-Phone Radiation-Induced Perturbation of gene-Expression Profiling, Redox Equilibrium and Sporadic-Apoptosis Control in the Ovary of Drosophila Melanogaster. Manta, A., et al. FLY 11(2): 75-95 (2017).

  13. World Health Organization, Radiofrequency Radiation and Health – A Hard Nut to Crack (Review). Hardell, L. International Journal of Oncology51:405-413 (2017).

  14. Radiation from Wireless Technology Elevates Blood Glucose and Body Temperature in 40-Year-Old Type 1 Diabetic Male. Kleiber, C. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 36:3 259-264 (2017).

  15. Cardiovascular Disease: Time to Identify Emerging Environmental Risk Factors. Bandara, P. & Weller, S. European Journal of Preventative Cardiology (2017).

  16. Effects of Exposure to 2100MHz GSM-like Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field on Auditory System of Rats. Celiker, Ozgur, et al. Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology (2017).

  17. An Investigation of the Effect of Extremely Low Frequency Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Human Electrocardiograms (ECGs). Fang, Mahmoud, et al. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13(11) (2016).

  18. Evaluation of the Protective Role of Vitamin C on the Metabolic and Enxymatic Activities of the Liver in the Male Rats After Exposure to 2.45 GHz of Wi-Fi Routers. Shekoohi-Shooli, F., et al. Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering 6(3):157-164 (2016).

  19. Exposure of ELF-EMF and RF-EMF Increase the Rate of Glucose Transport and TCA Cycle in Budding Yeast. Lin, Yan, et al. Frontiers in Microbiology (2016).

  20. Awareness Campaign Against Cell Phone Radiation Hazard: Case Study Oman. Osmen and Saar. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 205(9):381-385 (2015).

  21. Electromagnetic Energy Radiated from Mobile Phone Alters Electrocardiographic Records of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease. Alhusseiny, Al-Nimer, et al. Annals of Medical and Health Science Research 2(2):146-151 (2012).

  22. Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation on Human Ferritin: An in vitro Enzymun Assay. Fattahi-asl, Baradaran-Ghahfarokhi, et al. Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors 2(4):235-240 (2012).

  23. Apoptosis is Induced by Radiofrequency Fields through the Caspase-Independent Mitochondrial Pathway in Cortical Neurons. Joubert, Bourthoumieu, et al. Radiation Research 169(1):38-45 (2008).

  24. Source of Funding and Results of Studies of Health Effects of Mobile Phone Use: Systematic Review of Experimental Studies. Huss, Egger, et al. Environmental Health Perspectives 115(1):1-4 (2007).

  25. Epidemiology of Health Effects of Radiofrequency Exposure. Ahlbom, Green, et al. Environmental Health Perspectives 112(17):1741-1753 (2004).

  26. The Possible Role of Radiofrequency Radiation in the Development of Uveal Melanoma Stang, Anastassiou, et al. Journal of Epidemiology 12(1):7-12 (2001).

  27. Biological Effects of Amplitude-Modulated Radiofrequency Radiation. Juutilainen and Seze. Scandinavian Journal of Work, the Environment and Health 24(2):245-254 (1998).

Courtesy: 5GCrisis.com


1 Cadiou H. & McNaughton P. Avian magnetite-based magnetoreception: a physiologist’s perspective. Journey of the Royal Society Interface 7 (Suppl 2):S193–S205 (2010).

2 Balmori A. Anthropogenic radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as an emerging threat to wildlife orientation. Science of the Total Environment 518-519 (2015)

3 Balmori A. & Hallberg O. The Urban Decline of the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus): A Possible Link with Electromagnetic Radiation. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 26:41–151 (2007)

4 Engel S. et al. Anthropogenic electromagnetic noise disrupts magnetic compass orientation in a migratory bird. Nature 15;509(7500):353-6 (2014).

5 Kumar N.R., Sangwan S., Badotra P. Exposure to cell phone radiations produces biochemical changes in worker honey bees. Toxicology International 18 (1):70-72 (2011).

6 Thielens A., Bell D., Mortimore D.B., Greco M.K., Martens L., Joseph W. Exposure of Insects to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields from 2 to 120 GHz. Scientific Reports 8, 3924 (2018).

7 Halabi, N.E., Achkar, R., Haidar, G.A. The effect of cell phone radiations on the life cycle of honeybees. 17th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (2014).

8 Sharma V.P. & Kumar N.R. Changes in honeybee behaviour and biology under the influence of cellphone radiations. Current Science 98(10):1376-1378 (2010).

9 Cucurachi S. et al. A review of the ecological effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF). Environment International 51C:116-140 (2012).

(courtesy: Powerwatch)

PowerWatch: 1,670 Peer-Reviewed Scientific Papers on Electromagnetic Fields and Biology or Health

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety, October 22, 2018

This list is a compilation of citations for 1,670 peer-reviewed scientific papers about electromagnetic fields (EMF) published in scientific journals from 1979 through 2018. The list includes all papers that PowerWatch published on its website as of October 11, 2018.

This is not a comprehensive list of studies. PowerWatch selected these studies from their internal database of 15,000 (approx.) scientific papers, most of which address EMF.

Powerwatch has been researching the links between EMF and health risks for more than 25 years. The organization, which is completely independent of government and industry, gathers information to help the lay person understand this issue. Powerwatch recently added a search engine to its website which enables the user to search specific fields in their database for specified time periods. For more information about PowerWatch go to: https://www.powerwatch.org.uk/docs/aboutus.asp.

This list is published on the Electromagnetic Radiation Safety website with the permission of Alasdair Philips, the Science Director and co-founder of PowerWatch.

Table of Contents

Mobile and Cordless Phones (pp. 2-29) -- 525 papers (P=306, N=100, - =119)

Mobile Phone Masts (pp. 30-35) -- 94 papers (P=39, N=10, - =45) xMMx

Wi-Fi (pp. 36-38) -- 38 papers (P=13, N=3, - =22) xWFx

Radio Transmitters (pp. 39-41) -- 43 papers (P=36, N=2, - =5) xRTx

Powerline Frequencies (pp. 42-59) -- 333 papers xPFx

Electrical Sensitivity (pp. 60-64) -- 88 papers (P=41, N=23, - =24) xESx

EEG & Brain Responses (pp. 65-67) -- 53 papers (P=48, N=2, - =3) xEGx

Radiofrequency EMF Mechanisms (pp. 68-81) -- 251 papers (P=185, N=37, - =29) xRFx

Powerfrequency EMF Mechanisms (pp. 82-95) -- 256 papers xPMx

Study Effect Codes:

P This study reported effects from the exposure or radiation category (effects can be either positive or negative and may be primary or secondary outcomes)

N This study reported no effects from the exposure or radiation category

- This study offered important insights or findings but is neither evidence of an effect or a null finding


Mobile and Cordless Phones

- Vila J et al, (July 2018) Occupational exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic fields and brain tumor risk in the INTEROCC study: An individualized assessment approach, Environ Int. 2018 Jul 8;119:353-365. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2018.06.038. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

- Wang P et al, (July 2018) Wireless Phone Use and Risk of Adult Glioma: Evidence from a Meta-Analysis, World Neurosurg. 2018 Jul;115:e629-e636. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2018.04.122. Epub 2018 Apr 28. [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Hardell L et al, (May 2018) Radiofrequency radiation from nearby base stations gives high levels in an apartment in Stockholm, Sweden: A case report., Oncol Lett. 2018 May;15(5):7871-7883. doi: 10.3892/ol.2018.8285. Epub 2018 Mar 16. [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

- Sagar S et al, (May 2018) Comparison of radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure levels in different everyday microenvironments in an international context, Environ Int. 2018 May;114:297-306. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2018.02.036. Epub 2018 Mar 9. [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Okatan DO et al, (February 2018) Continuous 900-megahertz electromagnetic field applied in middle and late-adolescence causes qualitative and quantitative changes in the ovarian morphology, tissue and blood biochemistry of the rat., Int J Radiat Biol. 2018 Feb;94(2):186-198. doi: 10.1080/09553002.2018.1420924. Epub 2018 Jan 9 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

- Bandara P, (October 2016) Mobile phone use and the brain cancer incidence rate in Australia., Cancer Epidemiol. 2016 Oct;44:110-111. doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2016.08.006. Epub 2016 Aug 20. [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

N Chapman S et al, (June 2016) Has the incidence of brain cancer risen in Australia since the introduction of mobile phones 29 years ago?, Cancer Epidemiol. 2016 Jun;42:199-205. doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2016.04.010. Epub 2016 May 5 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

- Lahham A et al, (August 2015) Public Exposure from Indoor Radiofrequency Radiation in the City of Hebron, West Bank-Palestine, Health Phys. 2015 Aug;109(2):117-21. doi: 10.1097/HP.0000000000000296 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

- Redmayne M, (June 2015) International policy and advisory response regarding children's exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF), Electromagn Biol Med. 2015 Jun 19:1-9. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Balmori A, (June 2015) Anthropogenic radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as an emerging threat to wildlife orientation, Sci Total Environ. 2015 Jun 15;518-519:58-60. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.02.077. Epub 2015 Mar 4 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

- Hareuveny R et al, (June 2015) Occupational exposures to radiofrequency fields: results of an Israeli national survey, J Radiol Prot. 2015 Jun;35(2):429-45. doi: 10.1088/0952-4746/35/2/429. Epub 2015 May 15 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Jeong YJ et al, (2015) 1950 MHz Electromagnetic Fields Ameliorate AB Pathology in Alzheimer's Disease Mice, Curr Alzheimer Res. 2015;12(5):481-92 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

- Osei S et al, (May 2015) Assessment of levels of occupationsl exposure to workers in radiofrequency fields of two television stations in Accra, Ghana, Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 2015 May 15. pii: ncv326. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Roggeveen S et al, (May 2015) Does the Brain Detect 3G Mobile Phone Radiation Peaks? An Explorative In-Depth Analysis of an Experimental Study, PLoS One. 2015 May 11;10(5):e0125390. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0125390. eCollection 2015 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

N Masuda H et al, (May 2015) No Dynamic Changes in Blood-brain Barrier Permeability Occur in Developing Rats During Local Cortex Exposure to Microwaves, In Vivo. 2015 05-06;29(3):351-357 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Morgan LL et al, (May 2015) Mobile phone radiation causes brain tumors and should be classified as a probable human carcinogen (2A) (Review), Int J Oncol. 2015 May;46(5):1865-71. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2015.2908. Epub 2015 Feb 25 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Morgan LL et al, (May 2015) Mobile phone radiation causes brain tumors and should be classified as a probable human carcinogen (2A) (review), Int J Oncol. 2015 May;46(5):1865-71. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2015.2908. Epub 2015 Feb 25 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]


P Lerchl A et al, (April 2015) Tumor promotion by exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields below exposure limits for humans, Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015 Apr 17;459(4):585-90. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2015.02.151. Epub 2015 Mar 6 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Aydogan F et al, (April 2015) The effects of 2100-MHz radiofrequency radiation on nasal mucosa and mucociliary clearance in rats, Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2015 Apr 16. doi: 10.1002/alr.21509. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Dasdag S et al, (April 2015) Long term and excessive use of 900 MHz radiofrequency radiation alter microRNA expression in brain, Int J Radiat Biol. 2015 Apr;91(4):306-11. doi: 10.3109/09553002.2015.997896. Epub 2015 Jan 2 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Zalata A et al, (April 2015) In vitro effect of cell phone radiation on motility, DNA fragmentation and clusterin gene expression in human sperm, Int J Fertil Steril. 2015 Apr-Jun;9(1):129-36. Epub 2015 Apr 21 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

- Gryz K et al, (March 2015) The Role of the Location of Personal Exposimeters on the Human Body in Their Use for Assessing Exposure to the Electromagnetic Field in the Radiofrequency Range 98-2450 MHz and Compliance Analysis: Evaluation by Virtual Measurements, Biomed Res Int. 2015;2015:272460. doi: 10.1155/2015/272460. Epub 2015 Mar 24 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Boga A et al, (March 2015) The effect of 900 and 1800 MHz GSM-like radiofrequency irradiation and nicotine sulfate administration on the embryonic development of Xenopus laevis, Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2015 Mar;113:378-90. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2014.12.020. Epub 2014 Dec 20. [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

N Masuda H et al, (March 2015) No Changes in Cerebral Microcirculatory Parameters in Rat During Local Cortex Exposure to Microwaves, In Vivo. 2015 03-04;29(2):207-215 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Zong C et al, (March 2015) Adaptive response in mice exposed to 900 MHZ radiofrequency fields: Bleomycin-induced DNA and oxidative damage/repair, Int J Radiat Biol. 2015 Mar;91(3):270-6. doi: 10.3109/09553002.2014.980465. Epub 2015 Jan 27 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Aerts S et al, (February 2015) Impact of a small cell on the RF-EMF exposure in a train, Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2015 Feb 27;12(3):2639-52. doi: 10.3390/ijerph120302639. [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Ghosn R et al, (February 2015) Radiofrequency signal affects alpha band in resting electroencephalogram, J Neurophysiol. 2015 Feb 18:jn.00765.2014. doi: 10.1152/jn.00765.2014. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Cao H et al, (February 2015) Circadian rhythmicity of antioxidant markers in rats exposed to 1.8 GHz radiofrequency fields, Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2015 Feb 12;12(2):2071-87. doi: 10.3390/ijerph120202071. [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

N Eltiti S et al, (February 2015) Aggregated data from two double-blind base station provocation studies comparing individuals with idiopathic environmental intolerance with attribution to electromagnetic fields and controls, Bioelectromagnetics. 2015 Feb;36(2):96-107. doi: 10.1002/bem.21892. Epub 2015 Jan 30 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

- Paul B et al, (February 2015) Mobile phones: Time to rethink and limit usage, Indian J Public Health. 2015 Jan-Mar;59(1):37-41. doi: 10.4103/0019-557X.152856 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

- Freudenstein F et al, (January 2015) Exposure Knowledge and Risk Perception of RF EMF, Front Public Health. 2015 Jan 13;2:289. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2014.00289. eCollection 2014 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

- Adibzadeh F et al, (January 2015) Impact of head morphology on local brain specific absorption rate from exposure to mobile phone radiation, Bioelectromagnetics. 2015 Jan;36(1):66-76. doi: 10.1002/bem.21885. Epub 2014 Nov 15 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Aydogan F et al, (January 2015) The effect of 2100 MHz radiofrequency radiation of a 3G mobile phone on the parotid gland of rats, Am J Otolaryngol. 2015 Jan-Feb;36(1):39-46. doi: 10.1016/j.amjoto.2014.10.001. Epub 2014 Oct 5 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

- Li C et al, (January 2015) Generation of infant anatomical models for evaluating electromagnetic field exposures, Bioelectromagnetics. 2015 Jan;36(1):10-26. doi: 10.1002/bem.21868. Epub 2014 Oct 18 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

- Pettersson D et al, (January 2015) Validation of self-reported start year of mobile phone use in a Swedish case-control study on radiofrequency fields and acoustic neuroma risk, J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 2015 Jan;25(1):72-9. doi: 10.1038/jes.2014.76. Epub 2014 Nov 5 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]


- Tomitsch J, Dechant E et al, (January 2015) Exposure to electromagnetic fields in households--trends from 2006 to 2012, Bioelectromagnetics. 2015 Jan;36(1):77-85. doi: 10.1002/bem.21887. Epub 2014 Nov 24 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Agarwal A, Durairajanayagam D, (November 2014) Are men talking their reproductive health away?, Asian J Androl. 2014 Nov 18. doi: 10.4103/1008-682X.140963. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Geronikolou S et al, (November 2014) Diverse radiofrequency sensitivity and radiofrequency effects of mobile or cordless phone near fields exposure in Drosophila melanogaster, PLoS One. 2014 Nov 17;9(11):e112139. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0112139. eCollection 2014 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Carpenter DO, (November 2014) Excessive exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields may cause the development of electrohypersensitivity, Altern Ther Health Med. 2014 Nov-Dec;20(6):40-2 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Carlberg M, Hardell L, (October 2014) Decreased Survival of Glioma Patients with Astrocytoma Grade IV (Glioblastoma Multiforme) Associated with Long-Term Use of Mobile and Cordless Phones, Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2014 Oct 16;11(10):10790-10805 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

N Klose M et al, (October 2014) Effects of Early-Onset Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure (GSM 900 MHz) on Behavior and Memory in Rats, Radiat Res. 2014 Oct;182(4):435-47. doi: 10.1667/RR13695.1. Epub 2014 Sep 24 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

N Bamiou DE et al, (September 2014) Mobile telephone use effects on perception of verticality., Bioelectromagnetics. 2014 Sep 26. doi: 10.1002/bem.21877. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

N Rosado MM et al, (September 2014) Effects of GSM-modulated 900 MHz radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on the hematopoietic potential of mouse bone marrow cells, Bioelectromagnetics. 2014 Sep 25. doi: 10.1002/bem.21880. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

- Sadetzki S et al, (September 2014) The MOBI-Kids Study Protocol: Challenges in Assessing Childhood and Adolescent Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields from Wireless Telecommunication Technologies and Possible Association with Brain Tumor Risk, Front Public Health. 2014 Sep 23;2:124. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2014.00124. eCollection 2014 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

- Vijayalaxmi, Scarfi MR, (September 2014) International and national expert group evaluations: biological/health effects of radiofrequency fields, Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2014 Sep 10;11(9):9376-408. doi: 10.3390/ijerph110909376 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

- Kim BC et al, (September 2014) Evaluation of radiofrequency exposure levels from multiple wireless installations in population dense areas in Korea, Bioelectromagnetics. 2014 Sep 4. doi: 10.1002/bem.21874. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

N Dasdag S et al, (September 2014) Effect of Long Term 900 MHz Radiofrequency Radiation on Enamel Microhardness of Rat's Teeth, Oral Health Dent Manag. 2014 Sep;13(3):749-52 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Mortazavi S et al, (September 2014) Electromagnetic Radiofrequency Radiation Emitted from GSM Mobile Phones Decreases the Accuracy of Home Blood Glucose Monitors, J Biomed Phys Eng. 2014 Sep 1;4(3):111-6. eCollection 2014 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Chiu CT et al, (August 2014) Mobile phone use and health symptoms in children, J Formos Med Assoc. 2014 Aug 9. pii: S0929-6646(14)00207-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jfma.2014.07.002. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Marjanovic AM et al, (August 2014) Cell oxidation-reduction imbalance after modulated radiofrequency radiation, Electromagn Biol Med. 2014 Aug 13:1-6. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Maskey D et al, (August 2014) Alteration of glycine receptor immunoreactivity in the auditory brainstem of mice following three months of exposure to radiofrequency radiation at SAR 4.0 W/kg, Int J Mol Med. 2014 Aug;34(2):409-19. doi: 10.3892/ijmm.2014.1784. Epub 2014 May 22 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Coureau G et al, (July 2014) Mobile phone use and brain tumours in the CERENAT case-control study, Occup Environ Med. 2014 Jul;71(7):514-22. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2013-101754. Epub 2014 May 9 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

- Vila J et al, (June 2014) Development of a source-based approach to assessing occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields in the INTEROCC study Development of a source-based approach to assessing occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields in the INTEROCC study, Occup


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Environ Med. 2014 Jun;71 Suppl1:A35-6. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2014-102362.110 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Chen Cet al, (May 2014)Exposure to 1800 MHz radiofrequency radiation impairs neurite outgrowth of embryonic neural stem cells, Sci Rep. 2014 May 29;4:5103. doi: 10.1038/srep05103. [ViewAuthor's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Saikhedkar Net al, (May 2014)Effects of mobile phone radiation (900 MHz radiofrequency) on structure and functions of rat brain, Neurol Res.2014 May 26:1743132814Y0000000392. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Ozgur Eet al, (May 2014)Mobile Phone Radiation AltersProliferation of Hepatocarcinoma Cells,Cell Biochem Biophys. 2014 May11. [Epub ahead of print] [ViewAuthor's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

PLiu Ket al, (May 2014)The protective effect of autophagy on mouse spermatocyte derived cells exposure to 1800MHz radiofrequencyelectromagnetic radiation, Toxicol Lett. 2014 May 9;228(3):216-224. doi: 10.1016/j.toxlet.2014.05.004. [Epub ahead of print][View Author's abstractconclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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P Seckin Eet al, (May 2014)The effect of radiofrequency radiation generated by a Global System for Mobile Communications source on cochleardevelopment in a rat model, J Laryngol Otol. 2014May;128(5):400-5. doi: 10.1017/S0022215114000723. Epub 2014 May 1 [View Author's abstractconclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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P Qin Fet al, (January 2014)Effects of nano-selenium on cognition performance of mice exposed in 1800 MHz radiofrequency fields, Wei Sheng Yan Jiu. 2014 Jan;43(1):16-21 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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P Ingole IV, Ghosh SK, (December 2012)Effect of exposure to radio frequency radiation emitted by cell phone on the developing dorsal rootganglion of chick embryo: a lightmicroscopic study,Nepal Med Coll J. 2012 Dec;14(4):337-41 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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P Kesari KK, Behari J, (September 2012) Evidence for mobile phone radiation exposure effects on reproductive pattern of male rats: Role of ROS, Electromagn Biol Med. 2012 Sep;31(3):213-22 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Kesari KK et al, (August 2012) Biophysical Evaluation of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Effects on Male Reproductive Pattern, Cell Biochem Biophys. 2012 Aug 29. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Hamzany Y et al, (August 2012) Is human saliva an indicator of the adverse health effects of using mobile phones?, Antioxid Redox Signal. 2012 Aug 15. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Bhargava S et al, (August 2012) Effect of handheld mobile phone use on parotid gland salivary flow rate and volume, Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2012 Aug;114(2):200-6 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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P Avci B et al, (July 2012) Oxidative stress induced by 1.8 Ghz radio frequency electromagnetic radiation and effects of the garlic extract in rats, Int J Radiat Biol. 2012 Jul 12. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

N Jin YB et al, (July 2012) Effects of Simultaneous Combined Exposure to CDMA and WCDMA Electromagnetic Field on Immune Functions in Rats, Int J Radiat Biol. 2012 Jul 12. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

N Bourthoumieu S et al, (July 2012) Study of p53 expression and post-transcriptional modifications after GSM-900 radiofrequency exposure of human amniotic cells, Bioelectromagnetics. 2012 Jul 5. doi: 10.1002/bem.21744. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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P Lu YS et al, (2012) Reactive Oxygen Species Formation and Apoptosis in Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Induced by 900 MHz Mobile Phone Radiation, Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2012;2012:740280. Epub 2012 Jun 14 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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P Arendash GW et al, (2012) Electromagnetic treatment to old Alzheimer's mice reverses beta-amyloid deposition, modifies cerebral blood flow, and provides selected cognitive benefit, PLoS One. 2012;7(4):e35751. Epub 2012 Apr 25 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Chen G et al, (April 2012) Using model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae to evaluate the effects of ELF-MF and RF-EMF exposure on global gene expression, Bioelectromagnetics. 2012 Apr 9. doi: 10.1002/bem.21724. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Aldad TS et al, (March 2012) Fetal radiofrequency radiation exposure from 800-1900 mhz-rated cellular telephones affects neurodevelopment and behavior in mice, Sci Rep. 2012;2:312. Epub 2012 Mar 15 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

N Soderqvist F et al, (March 2012) Use of wireless phones and the risk of salivary gland tumours: a case-control study, Eur J Cancer Prev. 2012 Mar 17. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

N Little MP et al, (March 2012) Mobile phone use and glioma risk: comparison of epidemiological study results with incidence trends in the United States, BMJ. 2012 Mar 8;344:e1147. doi: 10.1136/bmj.e1147 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Jing J et al, (March 2012) The influence of microwave radiation from cellular phone on fetal rat brain, Electromagn Biol Med. 2012 Mar;31(1):57-66. Epub 2012 Jan 23 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]


P Trivino Pardo JC et al, (March 2012) Microwave electromagnetic field regulates gene expression in T-lymphoblastoid leukemia CCRF-CEM cell line exposed to 900 MHz, Electromagn Biol Med. 2012 Mar;31(1):1-18 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Xu XR et al, (March 2012) The effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic field exposure on the pH of the adult male semen and the motoricity parameters of spermatozoa in vitro, Zhonghua Lao Dong Wei Sheng Zhi Ye Bing Za Zhi. 2012 Mar;30(3):178-80 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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P Jiang B et al, (2012) Adaptive Response in Mice Exposed to 900 MHz Radiofrequency Fields: Primary DNA Damage, PLoS One. 2012;7(2):e32040. Epub 2012 Feb 28 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Calabro E et al, (February 2012) Modulation of heat shock protein response in SH-SY5Y by mobile phone microwaves, World J Biol Chem. 2012 Feb 26;3(2):34-40 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Cam ST, Seyhan N, (February 2012) Single-strand DNA breaks in human hair root cells exposed to mobile phone radiation, Int J Radiat Biol. 2012 Feb 21. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Vecchio F et al, (February 2012) Mobile phone emission increases inter-hemispheric functional coupling of electroencephalographic alpha rhythms in epileptic patients, Int J Psychophysiol. 2012 Feb 16. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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P Cammaerts MC et al, (January 2012) GSM 900 MHz radiation inhibits ants' association between food sites and encountered cues, Electromagn Biol Med. 2012 Jan 23. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Dasdag S et al, (January 2012) Effect of 900 MHz Radio Frequency Radiation on Beta Amyloid Protein, Protein Carbonyl, and Malondialdehyde in the Brain, Electromagn Biol Med. 2012 Jan 23. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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P Fragopoulou AF et al, (January 2012) Brain proteome response following whole body exposure of mice to mobile phone or wireless DECT base radiation, Electromagn Biol Med. 2012 Jan 20. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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N Deltour I et al, (January 2012) Mobile Phone Use and Incidence of Glioma in the Nordic Countries 1979-2008: Consistency Check, Epidemiology. 2012 Jan 13. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Maskey D et al, (January 2012) Calcium-binding proteins and GFAP immunoreactivity alterations in murine hippocampus after 1 month of exposure to 835MHz radiofrequency at SAR values of 1.6 and 4.0W/kg, Neurosci Lett. 2012 Jan 11;506(2):292-6. Epub 2011 Nov 25 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Soderqvist F et al, (December 2011) Childhood brain tumour risk and its association with wireless phones: a commentary, Environ Health. 2011 Dec 19;10(1):106. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Guler G et al, (December 2011) The effect of radiofrequency radiation on DNA and lipid damage in female and male infant rabbits, Int J Radiat Biol. 2011 Dec 7. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Esmekaya MA et al, (December 2011) Mutagenic and morphologic impacts of 1.8GHz radiofrequency radiation on human peripheral blood lymphocytes (hPBLs) and possible protective role of pre-treatment with Ginkgo biloba (EGb 761), Sci Total Environ. 2011 Dec 1;410-411:59-64.


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P Kesari KKet al, (December 2011)900-MHz microwave radiation promotes oxidation in rat brain, Electromagn Biol Med. 2011 Dec;30(4):219-34 [ViewAuthor's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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P Sirav B,Seyhan N, (December 2011)Effects of radiofrequencyradiation exposure on blood-brain barrier permeability in male and female rats, Electromagn Biol Med. 2011 Dec;30(4):253-60 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Trosic Iet al, (December 2011)Effect of electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation on the rats' brain, liver and kidney cells measured by cometassay, CollAntropol. 2011 Dec;35(4):1259-64 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Eskander EFet al, (November2011)How does long term exposure to base stations and mobile phones affect human hormone profiles?, ClinBiochem. 2011 Nov 27. [Epub ahead of print] [ViewAuthor's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Sun Wet al, (November 2011)A 1.8-GHz radiofrequency radiation induces EGF receptor clustering and phosphorylation in cultured human amniotic (FL) cells, Int J RadiatBiol. 2011 Nov 18. [Epub ahead ofprint] [ViewAuthor's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Ballardin Met al, (November 2011)Non-thermal effects of 2.45 GHz microwaves on spindle assembly, mitotic cells and viability ofChinese hamster V-79 cells, Mutat Res. 2011 Nov 1;716(1-2):1-9. Epub 2011 Jul 30 [View Author's abstractconclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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P Cardis E et al, (September 2011) Risk of brain tumours in relation to estimated RF dose from mobile phones: results from five Interphone countries, Occup Environ Med. 2011 Sep;68(9):631-40. Epub 2011 Jun 9 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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P Sarapultseva EI, Igolkina JV, (August 2011) Experimental Study of Relationship between Biological Hazards of Low-Dose Radiofrequency Exposure and Energy Flow Density in Spirostomum Ambiguum Infusoria Exposed at a Mobile Connection Frequency (1 GHz), Bull Exp Biol Med. 2011 Aug;151(4):477-80 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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P Kumar S et al, (2011) The therapeutic effect of a pulsed electromagnetic field on the reproductive patterns of male Wistar rats exposed to a 2.45-GHz microwave field, Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2011;66(7):1237-45 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Yoon SY et al, (2011) Induction of Hair Growth by Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 in 1,763 MHz Radiofrequency-Irradiated Hair Follicle Cells, PLoS One. 2011;6(12):e28474. Epub 2011 Dec 2 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]


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P Esmekaya MA et al, (March 2011) 900 MHz pulse-modulated radiofrequency radiation induces oxidative stress on heart, lung, testis and liver tissues, Gen Physiol Biophys. 2011 Mar;30(1):84-9 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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P Liu ML et al, (February 2011) Potential Protection of Green Tea Polyphenols Against 1800 MHz Electromagnetic Radiation-Induced Injury on Rat Cortical Neurons, Neurotox Res. 2011 Feb 4. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

N Kumar G et al, (February 2011) Evaluation of hematopoietic system effects after in vitro radiofrequency radiation exposure in rats, Int J Radiat Biol. 2011 Feb;87(2):231-40. Epub 2010 Nov 4 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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P Trillo MA et al, (January 2011) Cytostatic response of NB69 cells to weak pulse-modulated 2.2 GHz radar-like signals, Bioelectromagnetics. 2011 Jan 28. doi: 10.1002/bem.20643. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Kesari KK et al, (January 2011) Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Wave Exposure from Cellular Phones on the Reproductive Pattern in Male Wistar Rats, Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2011 Jan 15. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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P Kumar NR et al, (January 2011) Exposure to cell phone radiations produces biochemical changes in worker honey bees, Toxicol Int. 2011 Jan;18(1):70-2 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Lowden A et al, (January 2011) Sleep after mobile phone exposure in subjects with mobile phone-related symptoms, Bioelectromagnetics. 2011 Jan;32(1):4-14 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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N Jin YB et al, (December 2010) One-year, simultaneous combined exposure of CDMA and WCDMA radiofrequency electromagnetic fields to rats, Int J Radiat Biol. 2010 Dec 21. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Hardell L et al, (December 2010) Re-analysis of risk for glioma in relation to mobile telephone use: comparison with the results of the Interphone international case-control study, Int J Epidemiol. 2010 Dec 17. [Epub ahead of print] [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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P Divan H et al, (December 2010) Cell phone use and behavioural problems in young children, J Epidemiol Community Health (2010). doi:10.1136/jech.2010.115402 [View Author's abstract conclusions]

N Bourthoumieu S et al, (December 2010) Cytogenetic studies in human cells exposed in vitro to GSM-900 MHz radiofrequency radiation using R-banded karyotyping, Radiat Res. 2010 Dec;174(6):712-8. Epub 2010 Sep 20 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Esmekaya MA et al, (December 2010) Pulse modulated 900 MHz radiation induces hypothyroidism and apoptosis in thyroid cells: a light, electron microscopy and immunohistochemical study, Int J Radiat Biol. 2010 Dec;86(12):1106-16. Epub 2010 Sep 1 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

P Grigoriev YG et al, (December 2010) Confirmation studies of Soviet research on immunological effects of microwaves: Russian immunology results, Bioelectromagnetics. 2010 Dec;31(8):589-602. doi: 10.1002/bem.20605. Epub 2010 Sep 20 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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P Perez-Castejon C et al, (December 2009) Exposure to ELF-pulse modulated X band microwaves increases in vitro human astrocytoma cell proliferation, Histol Histopathol. 2009 Dec;24(12):1551-61 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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P Myung SK et al, (November 2009) Mobile phone use and risk of tumors: a meta-analysis, J Clin Oncol. 2009 Nov 20;27(33):5565-72. Epub 2009 Oct 13 [View Author's abstract conclusions] [View on Pubmed]

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