My Guitar Teachers
My Guitar Teachers
I've had many guitar teachers and I'm mostly self-taught (the student has to do the learning on his/her own – the teacher can only point some things out). Thanks to all my guitar teachers including (not in any particular order):
Angelo Gilardino - His affectionate listening and wisdom gave me a much needed confidence at the right time. And many tips both musically and technically which transformed my playing. Angels is undoubtedly a genius musician/composer.
Luigi Biscaldi - One of the best guitar teachers in the world. Very elegant musician, and a great football player!
Pepe Romero - Several masterclasses.
Angel Romero - One of my favourite players. Several private lessons. Expensive lessons, but worth-it.
Eduardo Fernandez - Amazing player - master class.
Christopher Parkening - One of my early inspirations. One real gentleman. One great private lesson, and master class.
Frederick Noad - We owe him a lot for his great work for the guitar. He sees us students as "a big family out there".
Oscar Ghiglia - Student of Segovia. Sometimes I attend his classes and master classes in Basel Music Academy and Zurich conservatory. Great guitarist, great sense of humour and an amazing musical mind.
David Russel - Master class.
Armik Dashchi - My first guitar teacher. The best Persian guitarist back then, and his albums are still at top of New Age charts.
Lee Zimmer - I studied with him for a good while.
Jack Sanders - Great teacher (and now Luthier) in Los Angeles.
Scott Tennant - LA Guitar Quartet member. A couple of great lessons.
Eleftheria Kotzia - Wonderful Greek player. A bunch of lessons in London.
Carlos Bonell - John Williams' student - lesson in London at his home and in a guitar shop.
Joe Poshek - Student of Barrueco.
Marco De Santi - A very hot classical guitarist.
Alvaro Pierri - Master class.
Anders Miolin - a great guitarist and a very nice guy and good friend.
Mike Giraldin - My first college guitar teacher -- and excellent teacher who got me started on classical guitar.
Richard Wright - Student of John Williams. One of those one-lesson-transformations.
Maria Azpiazu - Her respected father was a great guitar scholar/player.
Dan Davenport - We've been buddies for decades.
Eric Henderson - Studied with Segovia as a child -- Segovia handwrote his lessons.
Francisco Herrera - His teacher studied with Tarrega.
Karin Scholz - One of the most musical and sensitive players I've known.
Phil Maynes - My first teacher when I moved to the US. Great rock guitarist. He also plays harmonica, tin-flute, mandolin - a genius in his own right - a songwriter - and a great ear.
Earnie Ale - I heard his guitar from a distance while we both waited for first session of yoga class in college. Classical/Jazz.
Michel Rutscho - Student of Ida Presti! One great lesson.
Todd Stoutenborough - Calatayud's student and my first yoga teacher who turned me on to classical guitar.
Lily Afshar - Master class.
Celino Romero - Celin's son; member, Romero Quartet.
Martin Telli - Great player, great person.
Frederic Zigante
Barry Mason
Stephan Schmidt
Dominique Starck
Fiona Harrison
Lawrence Tendler
Stefan Engeler
Anton Koudriavtsev
Benjamin Scheck
Bruno Groppa
Marco Friedmann
marcel taglang
Martin Pirktl
Walter Feybli
Sandro Foschi
David Hewitt
Frank Bungarten - Master class
Kim Palmer (Thakur Vadini)
Mastaneh Nazarian