A day in the life of a 4-year-old
A day in the life of a 4-year-old
By Reza Ganjavi
Tigi is not just Mael's tiger. It's also his pillow. I heard a sound. Opened the almost-shut door and Mael's hand was in a shopping bag outside his caged bed: it was a bag of toys. I said now it's sleeping time - you sleep and tomorrow we'll play. Tigi is on the other side of the bed, and the rebel kid he is, independent, free thinker, it didn't matter that his pillow is on the other side. He remained in wonder of having to sleep vs. how fun it is to play. Gave him a little massage on his back and caressed his head, asking him to sleep.
Earlier he asked for the guitar. He started playing it, and sang Jingle Bells
Him and Nicola disappeared in the bathroom. With the loud sound of video-game. Nicola was peeing and playing, Mael was standing next to him watching. Later I took away Grandma's phone which I always make sure is on Flight Mode when kids are gaming on it, and asked them to come to the toilette: “What is this?”, pointing the urine spillage on the toilette seat. Mael pointed to Nicola's pants in the direction of his private part -- I cleaned the toilette seat as they watched. The same thing happened, the same question and funny response by Mael, after I discovered urine again, this time on the floor. Nicolas was so absorbed in the video-game, it's a wonder he even made it to the bathroom.
Mael learned the joy of being an airplane, and asked me for repeat flights (fast run as he's vertical). Mr. Siam also had a joy ride - in his cat bed acting as a flying carpet. The kids got a good laugh out of that one, but Siam didn't want to go flying again Gathering them for a group photo for uncle Ueli (Sarah corrected me: Great Uncle) was not an easy task. Finally chased the boys down and ask mommy to hold Mael, and Grandma to hold Nicolas for the photo shoot. They were like molecules: always bouncing around. Then Grandma went to get them: please come back, Liselotte -- then we have to come get you.
Visiting Grandma's, Mael said, “I want to move in here”. Sure. At home mommy doesn't let him use her cell phone to play game. Before he had said why he loves Grandma: "She always says yes". I can totally understand the kids' love for grandma. Not only she's lovely, but reminds me of my childhood and grandparents' home being heaven.