By Reza Ganjavi
Regarding thinking unnecessarily which a friend called "brain fart".
One very subtle and powerful thing that my brain learned was this: Thinking is divisive: thinking brings division, separation. It's its nature and that's good for technological things: science etc. -- to break up the molecules etc... So our minds can learn.... by seeing it happen... where thought goes where it doesn't belong... it's fascinating if we slow it down and look at it... like running it through a debugger... and the ingredients... the self "me" in the middle of it... (that's also fictitious and built by thought itself based on memories), time (thinking of past experience and projecting future based on the known), and desire for security (which is impossible -- nothing in life is secure but love itself), desire for certainty (VERY strong in some cultures who have a big problem with the unknown -- but essence of life in the unknown!!) Seeing brings freedom -- so mind learns, thought learns itself, not to go in certain areas. But that's unnatural to the modern world where thought has creeped into the every frikin area of life. It's equally important to think enough about areas where thought is applicable as a viable tool.
You can hear or see for example without any thought -- with the mind totally quiet. And in fact that may be necessary for clear observation otherwise noise of thought prevents observation.
Yes, I would use the words synonymously to refer to what I termed source of all life -- or God -- or love -- or otherness -- or... whatever you call it. It's the unknown and unknowable. But its manifestations are known. This is a classic way of looking at it -- we were taught as kids -- that rivers, flowers, sea, etc. are all manifestations of God. Makes sense... but not all the ugly things humans do to each other...
Reader comment: Amazingly accurate, Reza... you nailed it... loved loved what you said about "...thinking of past experience... based on the known... desire for security... impossible... nothing in life is secure but love itself..." so true... But my absolute favorite is when you said, "... essence of life is the unknown."
The brain is physical, so body’s state (biologically, chemically, electrically) effects the brain. Thus, psychosomatic conditions. Thus, taking care of the body effects the brain (and vice versa). Thus, in Persian they say “aghle saalem dar badane saalem” (healthy mind in healthy body).