Mother Ocean
Mother Ocean
by Reza Ganjavi
Ancient Mariner was an old restaurant on Pacific Coast Highway in Newport Beach California, where mother ocean makes love to the earth, blessing it with kisses, with tenderness, with her devoted gaze, her compassionate embrace, her roaring waves, her powerful presence, her penetrating breeze, her caring and understanding, and her blissful fragrance which fills the air and every cell of the being, ends all sense of "I", all noise of thinking, all traces of "me", of the past, of memories, of the known, and stops the movement of time as it comes from the timeless and takes the being into the realm of timeless. One may be driving or walking or sitting, but just being in that presence, the enormity of the ocean and its surrounding, there's absolute inner quietness, and just sensing -- with senses all alive -- there's just the ocean and nothing else.
This was years ago before the world became so polluted with genotoxic pulsed microwave-generating antennas everywhere, and information overflow where heads are often down instead of looking at the cosmos. But that powerful, delightful, permeating feeling of those ocean nights and days, came right back as I came across the poem, "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner". The heart opened with the memory of the immensity of those ocean nights, and days, and the afternoons I spent on the beach studying for MBA…
What a powerful concept: ancient mariner, which depicts experience, wisdom, courage, strength, survival, resolve, and all great qualities that we heard as children in stories, if you were lucky to be raised in a culture which told its children great tales that have been carried forward since ancient times, which promote the child's sense of imagination and big vision.