Non-Yoga Class With 11 Women
Non-Yoga Class With 11 Women
By Reza Ganjavi
Wasn't sure if I should go but given the fact that the yoga class would be full of girls -- even though knowing they're probably ice cold -- the beauty was worth it. The hesitation was because it was being held in a bar/club. I read that a few times to make sure it's so. Yes, yoga in a bar on an off night!
I called and they said it's a no smoking club but that it does smell like alcohol. I was also concerned about the energy of a place where people get drunk, but love for women (LOL) made me go anyway. I am not longing to meet new women -- not looking -- and not coming from need at all.
There were 11 women and I was the only man. And unlike the norm here most of them were beautiful, in my eyes, as beauty is totally subjective -- or rather, in more philosophical terms, beauty is where the (sense of psychological) self is not.
The teacher was a nice person but like most yoga these days it wasn't even yoga. Yoga has joined the ranks of some of the most diluted abused and bastardized words, like love & god. People call possessiveness love. People kill in the name of their concept of god. God would never want to see a man burned alive.
I thought of leaving because it was too strenuous and focused mainly on the buttocks (LOL) -- more like aerobics and weight lifting than what yoga means to me and I learned it from some sources I deeply trust -- from lineage of some of the greatest beings. Doesn't mean I'm right -- people are free to think whatever they want of yoga -- I just don't call most of it yoga.
First I was on the dance floor but moved down on the main floor which was cooler -- then noticed the woman next to me had tattoos all over her hand and arm and neck including some sayings about love. The last straw was as we got closer to the floor in one of those military moves, I smelled the barf on the floor (LOL). It was obviously washed but certain smells persist. Never again yoga in a bar!
Talking about quality of life here -- ran into a new shop, a branch of a major super market which set up yet another shop in the central train station -- this one selling 100% organic products. Got a 100% organic hot barley soup from another shop, at 9 pm. Who said Switzerland is dead?!
Some of many comments:
• Reza Ganjavi: Amy, I do yoga stretches regularly -- been doing them since I was 17. Can't live without them...
• “Reza I read your posts. Keep them coming.”
• “Great, Reza.. didn’t know u do yoga.. loved it... but cannot find a nice energetic teacher in my small town.”
• Reza Ganjavi: Sama. maybe this video I made is helpful: Yoga Postures by Reza Ganjavi (
• “Thanks a lot, Reza jan.”