Spaghetti Code
Spaghetti Code
By Reza Ganjavi
Two videos were shared on FB on my behalf which I didn’t share. Both were via a stupid app called “Lol Pic Talk” which I have nothing to do with. Changed password and removed the posts anyway but as an ex-software engineer, I believe Facebook is the worst application I’ve ever seen, for many reasons. It’s got to be one big bowl of “spaghetti code” as we call it – look at the way they handle security and settings for example – a complete mess. Ok, I disabled that app but it means nothing LOL.
I like to post as little as possible because far too many people share and post far too much about trivial things, and people’s feeds must be flooded. But now that I’ve posted about this subject, in case anybody cares to read this in the flood of other stuff on their feed, I’m in the Swiss Alps – staying at a friend’s chalet on a skiing resort. Global Warming in full swing. It’s December and there’s barely any snow which is catastrophic. Working on a video documentary on a subject I really don’t love but want to do it to get it out of my system and for the sake of history. Also playing some guitar and watching some DVD’s and taking walks and eating nice organic food. Very limited internet access. Hoping to finish this project in the next few days before an important meeting next week, and move to “bigger and better things”. That’s a silly expression but in this case applies perfectly because documenting Krishnamurti Foundation America’s idiocy is not exactly fun but somebody’s got to do it. Have watched a few movies here while playing guitar and working, including “Family Affair” which was a big international hit when it came out and one of the first TV shows in color. Sadly, the little girl “Buffy” died of drug overdose when she became 18 after she got the money she made from acting as a child. It’s a nice series from the old world – before Facebook, smartphones, and when video calling was a dream that later would become true.