1001 Sayings of Reza Ganjavi
Quotes, Sayings, One-Liners, Miscellaneous Ideas By Reza Ganjavi
If we delete the "I" out of psychological and philosophical equations everything gets simpler to understand/live.
There is no challenge that is too great for a person who approaches it holistically.
The guitar is a white flag.
“And the world will live as one” John Lennon. “World can live as one when people live as one within themselves first – no inner conflict.” Reza Ganjavi
A bird said goodbye as I was leaving. They know how much I care for them and how much I've fought for them. They don't know what's coming tonight with the fireworks which for humans is a celebration but for the birds and the trees it's torture.
A day spent without music is a waste of time.
A flower was made to be adored.
A fresh quality comes into existence when you let go of the past.
A good lawyer’s priority should be ending of the conflict.
A problem can be easier solved if it can be recreated. Random problems are harder to solve.
All big things in life start with a dream.
All life is sacred; treat all beings with respect.
Amazing how years have no effect on freshness of love.
An artist brings beauty to the world.
Any act of unkindness is wrong no matter how right you are.
As long as there are children in this world I can find happiness.
As long as you're truthful you can practically do anything you want and it's going to be ok.
Awareness, once awoken, cannot be killed again...
Bodies know each other’s language fluently, without words. Also, love and caring has its own language which is beyond words!
But my eyes are set on the divine – on the ocean – not a drop of rain - which also contains the ocean.
Care like a mother's care when carrying a newborn sleeping baby.
Creating good music needs a big mind.
Death brings love to life.
Distrust is rooted in fear.
Don't be discouraged by her attitude - it's her state of mind towards everything.
Don't believe anyone who tells you to believe him.
Don't worry you don't have to hang on to love. You ARE love.
Don’t tell me what you can’t do, tell me what you can do.
Dr. Robert Svoboda: "The best of all vitalizers is a partner who loves you." Reza: even better, one who adores you.
Dust can settle when there's order. Order in their eyes is convenience…
Egotism is insanity, however polished and functional the ego maybe. This explains why we live in such an insane world. Insanity has degrees. There are clinically and legally insane ones. It’s interesting how circumstantially insane some legally sane and apparently socially functional people can get. How shrewdly this insanity can be hidden!
Every lesson has a price - and some of the biggest lessons in life have a big price tag. Looking back, what seemed as an expensive lesson turned out to be one which helped one grow and be a better person and live more intelligently and trust the father - and mother...
Everything in life is negotiable except life itself.
Evil power doesn’t ever come dressed as evil!
Friendship is timeless and love of friendship doesn't die.
God didn't make bed to be made up.
Good approach: to set a goal that's high enough but not too high so you are motivated to reach it but not burned out if too high.
Good friends talk to you. Others may talk behind you.
Gratefulness is a quality of a great human.
Greatness is to live without fear, without pretense, and without the need to be great.
Have you ever seen the same sunset twice?
I am sure our future is bright because our present is bright.
I call dogs "love machines" 😂-- such pure universal love.
I want to live without the clock - this clock has become the enemy - an authority.
If I say there's a flower there that smells good, and you go smell it, you did it - you found it first-hand and had direct experience of that flower and its perfume. I am not important. I am just a pointer. This is not the same case as someone putting things in your mind. Another person can make a suggestion -- you can test it in daily life and see if there's the truth to it or not -- if you find out it's true you've found it -- it's first-hand and fresh and vital -- and if not, you throw the suggestion away.
If only people would keep their word and did what they said they would, the world would be a much better place.
If we want to find contradiction, it is found everywhere - but sometimes what appears as contradictory is merely a lack of proper understanding.
If you want your word to have power you have to speak the truth.
If you're invested, give it time - if you're trading, don't do it.
In painting the picture, life may not always draw straight lines. Change of direction is the essence of art. What would a picture be without curves?
It doesn't matter What you teach, it's How you teach.
It doesn't take much intelligence to see that gambling is not a winning game.
It is easier for people to assume than to ask.
It is so extremely important to setup the frame of a conversation properly, such that it is crystal clear you have no interest in convincing the other…
It seems we're here to help life.
It takes a lot of lonely nights to be a good musician.
It takes courage, to say sorry, and brevity, to stand behind your word.
It's a challenging time - I've taken a high-risk road in life and sometimes I'm on top of the world and sometimes the world is on top and I long for a hug 😂.
It's easier to stay out of trouble than to prove innocence.
It's important to have our eyes set on the divine. And as the Bible says God is love. So love is everything.
It's important to know, to learn, that there are certain things that nothing can take away.
It's so easy to break up, any idiot can do it. Like making babies. To learn and build is a different story.
It’s art, it doesn’t have to be perfect.
Just being related means nothing - being friends, having understanding is first, being related, second.
Knowledge is static. Understanding is dynamic, alive, fresh -- as love is!
Learning has its own life.
Life is about music.
Lot of things that are big in your head seem like nothing once emptied.
Love comes uninvited... like breeze. We can't invite the breeze but we can leave the window open!
Love is a universal force. Ask your dog!
Love is all that counts.
Love is the best medicine. I've seen cases love curing things psychiatrists couldn't.
Love is the greatest motivation and motivator.
Making a CD is like giving birth to a child, but you have to decide the color of eyes, shape of ears, and how big the nose should be... and there's always the element of unknown - also: baby is carried for a long time, suddenly it happens very quickly.
Miracles are real. I've seen them happen before my own eyes.
Most people are poor communicators - it comes from lack of time, lack of empathy, lack of love, or lack of communication skills.
Mother’s prayer is the highest blessing.
Music is for love not for money.
Music is the glue that keeps the society together. An archeologist
Music is the language that all living beings understand.
Music is the movement of the unknown.
Music is the universal language!
Music reflects the peace inside - and so it's special. Peace is special in a world driven by conflict.
Mutual understanding is the fundamental of good friendship.
Narrow mindedness and racism go hand in hand.
Never go into a relationship assuming the other person will change.
Never underestimate the power of ignorance combined with arrogance.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people who agree!
Nobody is worth my time and energy, for me to hold grudges against.
Not knowing (not ignorance) is not a problem, it is a blessing.
Observing is an art. To do it sloppily one sees and judges etc. - to do it artistically it's done without an observer!
One difference between an educated and uneducated person is that the educated thinks for oneself while the uneducated lets others think for her/him (and so, is swayed by others' opinion).
One of my purposes in life to give back to my parents in every possible way the love they gave me.
One of the biggest mistakes in life is to expect another to change.
One of the greatest pleasures in life is accomplishment.
Part of friendship is to be forgiving of the other's limitations.
Part of my (personal) culture is that I don't think in terms of give & take. When someone gives me something I may not pay it back right away - but it's never forgotten. Similarly I may give and give and give without expecting a return.
Passive gets what passive deserves.
People would be better if they watched stars at night - it'd give them perspective.
Philosophy 101: stereotyping and generalizations inherently inaccurate.
Playing guitar for fingers is like hiking for legs – when you keep going all problems get solved.
Relationship is the most important thing. If you don’t have a good relationship what’s the point of music?
Respect is the ultimate currency.
Rules are for you not you for the rules.
See if maybe thought gives it continuity -- most anxieties/fears/worries are created by thought entering where it doesn't belong. Be quiet inwardly and in the present and trust intelligence, love, god…
Size of enemy should never be considered as a criterion on deciding if one will fight or not.
Take care of the environment, it’s the only earth we have.
That’s the magic of music – it makes people quiet – it even makes kids quiet.
The earth is our mother, care for her.
The enemy that pretends to be a friend is the worst kind.
The golden rule of psychological health: Keep It Simple.
The great thing about singing is that it makes others sing.
The guitar is an instrument of peace.
The guitar is an intimate instrument; it is held like a baby or lover.
The key to rapid progress, is to keep pushing when there’s momentum and go back and clean up.
The most important secret of youth is laughter.
The nice thing about life is that when you’re not ready to turn the page the page turns back on you.
The problem is that conflict is in the very nature of division, and any labels and categories are limited and therefore divisive.
The secret of happiness is inner quietness. Quietness comes naturally with order.
The taste of success is sweet no matter how little.
The world is full of people who complain silently and never communicate.
The world was not changed by people who sat back, criticized others, and did not take action.
The worst trait of character is to not do what you say you would.
There is always time for attention.
Time doesn't bring psychological change. Insight can.
Time is money and more - money can't buy time.
Time is the biggest gift life has given.
Tired of people who stab another in the back - it goes hand in hand with gossip - a weed of our culture and mind.
To be happy is an art- not to suffer is an art - it's so easy to suffer - brain is used to it – it’s conditioned to suffering - to pull yourself out of it - or rather not to get in - that's the art part.
To test the greatness of a person, give them power and see if they can remain great.
Trying comes before minding.
Void, nothingness, no-thing-ness – no-thought-ness as thought is thing, a material process – is strange to most adults who are incessantly in the field of the known, thought, words, time, with its images, travail, and utter limitation. It knows not the perfume of spontaneity which is the essence of living and love – the unknown and unknowable.
We must not get attached to and dependent on the gifts that life brings.
What gives rise to psychological pain, is usually thinking too much about things thought was not made for, and sorrow is created by thought and there is always an element of time in it: it's about the past or future. But in now, there lies magic.
What's good for you, life does to you, if you're good to life.
What's the point of money if we can't use it for making another happy?
When all else fails sing a song.
When I get two times a promise that is not fulfilled I am not interested in the 3rd.
When the house is on fire firemen don't take their time.
When you’re in the hands of love there is nothing to worry about.
Where thought is not, music is.
With more seeing comes more space and with more space more seeing.
You cannot hold the key to everything but if you stop looking for a key you may realize there was no lock to begin with!
You don't put guns in the hands of those who've abused it before!
...music yearned to her ears.
...the purpose of my life became clear - to end suffering in myself (and thereby) in others.
...When life gives gifts it is not to be turned down.
..this quietness is an art.
"Boredom" does not exist in my vocabulary.
"Did you ever love a woman?" - I love all women. :-)
"Falling" is such a pathetic word to be associated with love as “falling in love”
"I will avoid loving you until you learn to love yourself." indeed -- those who are in conflict with themselves start conflicts with others. So, I saw a long time ago that I can only be friends with someone to the degree that one is friends with oneself.
"I" is only born when you think.
"If we are lucky, we eventually become ourselves." or nothing if the idea of "self" is nothing... The word is ambiguous. For most people "self" is what they think of as "me" which is a bundle of memories/thoughts and when the mind is very quiet there's no sense of me...
"Legitimate opinion" of a crook is hardly legitimate.
"No" is sometimes the easiest and the lousiest answer.
“Btw. what are you doing when you are feeling anger inside you? Writing? Punching something? Or you don't feel anger?” Reza Ganjavi: I try to understand all my emotions -- give it time and patience and space to observe them deeply.
“We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.” ― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist ------------ Reza Ganjavi: “Seems some of us are are traveling for work, on a mission, and it increasingly looks like Mission Impossible given infinite human stupidity.”
(Some things you just have to) live it and leave it.
<>going at a problem head on means not being shy of facing the most difficult part. Once those parts are solved that’s taking the bull by the horns – the rest becomes a piece of cake.
<>Half the problems in the world is due to people not going straight at them and the other half is due to people who try to solve a problem w/o understanding it first. Knowledge Management s of crucial importance to any organization and a crucial part of KM is communication / and making sure responsible personnel have are exposed directly to correct information.
<3 is a sign of universal love in my book not love made by human image. 😂
007 with help from the universe.
50% of the do's and don'ts you tell him are probably unnecessary. If you reduce do's and don'ts the kid has more space and freedom...
A big part of growth as a human is to eliminate that which makes you suffer.
A child comes from the place of void. It’d been cleansed by void. It knows of void. It is comfortable with void. It was there choicelessly.
A D leader hires an F team.
A democracy where the populace is duped by disinformation and propaganda is no different than a dictatorship. Not counting people's votes is no better than manipulating voters' minds to choose against their own DNA integrity, so Big Money can get richer. In a fake democracy, people's right to not be constantly exposed to genotoxic radiation in the privacy of their own home is not respected.
A dream job nobody would even dream of dreaming of.
A good guitarist can bring out the sound bring out amazing sounds out of an instrument person can bring amazing sounds out of an instrument that another person cannot. It's related to the quality of listening. It's the same way with making love.
A high form of respect is not to make any psychological images of yourself, or of other people, and just live with facts, with what-is.
A lot of our pains are self-inflicted by excessive thinking.
A money-worshipping, far-hearted culture.
A nobleman thinks for himself. A mediocre man lets others think for him!
A pen is my best friend.
A pure heart or better 2 pure hearts who connect are worth more than that castle I have been dreaming about. :)))
A quiet brain lets the angels rest and be comfortable! (just a thought)
A quite mind makes one like a stable ship in a turbulent sea of change.
A religious mind is one which does not live in conflict (with others or with oneself), that is aware of thoughts and feelings during daily life, is clean (has a healthy body and orderly relationships, integrity, etc.), which empties its content (meditation, which is not control), which lives with facts.
A rose connected one, the body, to the land - the holy earth.
A sincere smile is the key to most doors. An artificial smile, with no heart-power behind is ugly.
A true artist is a true outsider.
A very subtle point, about the "heart". In thought dominated minds, very subtly, thought also dictates what heart or acting out of heart it. Very subtle.
A woman contacted me after seeing the video and said she wants me 😂. She's married but she said "My husband is broccoli. I like broccoli but I also want corn. Broccoli is not corn."
About buying a guitar: just like a wife: you fall in love; his than a lot of money.
About confidence... it's a deep topic. We can talk about it sometime -- there's a confidence of ego, and a confidence of innocence -- very different... The confidence in universe -- not having fear -- being free, open, fearless, intelligence, loving, a whole human.
Actually, the sound that a good musician's good ear demands of the instrument shapes the sound the guitar produces. Therefore, the wood shapes over time according to that sound. So a good musician can take an average guitar and make it sound sweet...
Affection rules the universe.
Albion was right, “If I’d listened to doctors they’d killed me 20 years ago”. Doctors killed my father.
All dictators have a temper.
Also, kind of like lovers -- right ones can enrich your life - play a different note in you - bring out a different tone/color -- and wrong ones, you should avoid anyway! 🙂
Always look at what is else you're trying to make what is what it is not based on what has been or what should be.
An artist is one who makes people one mind.
And don't forget to smile. Never underestimate the power of love 🙂
And my love is true... It's not "my" love... It's universal love that flows through this vessel... no "I" -- the only experience of melting heart when I get your emails, for example!
And our minds make love in the bed of understanding.
Any relationship cannot co-exist with fixed ideas. Relationship, as life itself, is dynamic and cannot co-exist statically, however safe and secure "fixed" may appear to be. At the deepest layer, that which craves for safety is the sense-of-self, ego, I, which is a bundle of memories.
Any song that uses a “record scratching” noise is not worth listening to since it’s very unmusical. I guess DJs who can’t learn an instrument scratch records.
Anything is better than holding a gun.
Anyway, she’s a closed chapter in my book.
Art grows in relationship.
As long as I have a guitar to play and bananas to eat I'm happy.
As the saying goes don't let your wife pick (buy) your tie. I don't have a wife so don't have to worry about that.
Aside from being bad for the physical environment and physical body, cars separate people - you think they bring people of physical distance closer, whereas in fact they bring distance to people who'd otherwise be close if they rode in a bus or train.
At all time, you should have your hands around scope.
At Norooz bundles of mutual well-wishing waters the heart! Fantastic.
Autobiography of a yogi has several fiction tales to allure Westerners -- e.g., that mermaids are real. Come on! Sounds sexy but it's fiction. Gullible Westerners are all in awe. Yogananda was a great man, no doubt, but I wouldn't say A.o.a.yogi is realistic.
AVOID tattoos. Everyone I've met in their 30s and above REGRETS having got tattoos... and for other reasons...
Awareness IS the strength.
Awareness with a quite mind is important -- in understanding reactions -- so this is the important thing for me in my relationships to people, etc. -- it reveals my programming, habits, influences, conditioning, and so I can act more freely and not according to some past dictate...
Be careful about who you befriend. Good ones uplift you, bad ones can break you. The same with partner.
Be compassionate to everyone and everything - even the smoker who blows in your face - he is but a victim - to talk in gentleness - to not utter a single word of unkindness is my prayer.
Be khodet naresi be khoda nemiresi. (if you don't take care of yourself you don't reach god) (taking care and reaching are the same word in Farsi).
Beatles music is probably the most important thing mankind has ever created.
Before emailing your boss, think "Will it help him?"
Before you buy anything, assume it'll go to zero. Can you afford to lose it?
Being a hot potato has advantages and disadvantages, I guess. To inhibit disadvantages...
Being late is against my religion. [in project delivery]
Being nothing, something comes.
Being untruthful is far worse than being stupid.
Beware of force of habit and problem of fear -- and as long as you eat dead animals you will have fear.
Beware of he who claims to be honest and integral.
Beware of some secretaries and cops who can be good at making a big deal out of just about anything to assert the self.
Big things don’t come if you don’t dream about them first. [not always true because there is always the element of the unknown.
Blessed is the person who masters the art of wondering; one who settles with nothing but the truth.
Breathing is usually more helpful than and less harmful than eating yourself (your finger nails).
Smoking always finds an excuse. That's the viciousness of it.
Princess Diana's spirit has forever cursed his lowness Prince Charles.
It's a decentralized configuration: there are hands, feet, brain, nerves, knowledge, sensation, etc. etc. -- as part of the good clean strong clear channel -- that's the "local" part -- then there is the infinite realm which is outside the boundaries of time and thought -- and mysteries of the healing universal powers, which flow through the channel; thus, a synergistic approach. The "I", "me", sense of self has no place in this picture and can only cut it off, destroy it.
My whole life has been based on the notion that I am just here temporarily and this is why one of the reasons I never bought a house and was never interested in growing roots in this planet, having children etc…
My hope is not in the world. It’s in the individual.
It’s smart to give up on the world at this age unlike K, Plato, Dr. C., and other greats at an old age.
The culture of eating early is part of why America is so powerful. Eating early ensures a good night sleep… In some countries they still eat dinner at like 10 pm.
That's an interesting list. I wish you the best in achieving them. The authentic self is a questionable one because the idea of self is just an idea basically. The psychological sense of self is a bundle of memories made of thoughts... So what is the authentic self? Nothing. This is the ultimate authenticity.
Unplug the world from yourself.
Some people take energy - some people give energy - and with some there's synergy. We have a good synergy - you give me a million watts of cosmic power. ;-)
How are you, miss lovely? I miss your loveliness.
A mediocre person marvels at the extraordinary. An extraordinary person marvels at the ordinary.
I will wait for you till the end of time darling.
I have a white horse - AND - a flying carpet. :-)
I never count on icebergs for love.
It's a crime to stop love with thought.
Today I felt an energetic pump. I think it’s related to having helped J. grow – she transformed from can’t do suicidal to “I CAN DO IT” after one long conversation! Magic of insight and inquiry into truth – it saved another life.
A common Persian expression related to that is, "donya do rooze" = world is 2 days. It does seem to go by extremely quickly, faster than speed of life, um, I mean, light good approach: to set a goal that's high enough but not too high so u r motivated to reach it but not burned out if too high.
I resisted FB for a long time -- didn't, and still don't have time to read what my friends had for lunch or to see the picture of the nice cafe they're sitting in (who cares). But signed up -- don't have much time for it -- which I did -- but still, it's a way of connecting, so it's fine. Main thing is I don't take it too seriously. Some people live by Facebook and get upset if someone doesn't "like" their post or get obsessed with who befriends whom. I've heard of horror stories about friendships destroyed over these stupid things -- and status of messenger which is often wrong...
Only thing I can do is to outsource my heart to your lips. :)
Reza Ganjavi Salam Bahram jaan. There's also a happiness which is independent of the process of thought. Thought is usually in the sphere of time. Rumi says come out of the realm of time (thought) and join the realm of love.
In principle I don't like "followers" in life as people should think for themselves but on social.
I am not married. I love women but I don't trust them when it comes to love.
Facebook is mainly a tool for showing off, journaling every useless detail, and sharing the useless detail with your friends who are bored enough to take delight in the boring details of others.
I think it takes more than confidence in the other person. The role confidence plays for me is to be confident in the person and her choices. I don't believe people are property to be owned -- I believe in human freedom.
I think cats have humans domesticated, fooling them into believing it's the other way around. ;-)
Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.
Carl Gustav Jung --- That's brilliant. They asked the Persian sage Loghman whom he learned manners from. He said those without manners. Jung's statement is broad as it covers also cases where you're troubled by another's misbehavior and you learn about your own values. Also cases where it triggers a reaction in you which is a good opportunity to see and learn/grow from.
I listen to everything everybody says, even a passerby, even a beggar. And evaluate it, explore it, even test it in daily life if I see some value in it... and if I find some truth in it, then I've found it - it's first hand and not second hand - the person who said it is not important - s/he just acted as a pointer... many doors opened in my life -- outer and inner, by considering tips / pointers / etc. from others...
You bring out an amazing note in me with your charisma, beauty, presence... so the song comes.
TikTok is a social media platform entertaining morons with videos made by morons doing moronic things.
Build up the C gradually and take the same amount every day for a while and when healed, ramp it down and keep it at a maintenance level (according to Dr. Pauling).
Building relationships with people is everything. But it has to be done very carefully and delicately (in terms of negotiation, to persuade them. It's an art.
But every failure has a positive side. My system is now more lean and mean...
But everyone in this extremely thought-dominated world has to be very careful -- thought really needs to be guarded like a wild dog that chews and destroys everything.
But love is love - it doesn't have degrees etc. But we can just feel it and not mentalize it. :-)
But one can try to remove that which causes suffering.....
But sensitivity is the key -- and lack of self – the best love-making when the brain is quiet and there's no me.
By asking, the impossible can become possible.
By definition, love can't hurt. That which is not love would hurt... (I don't call jealousy, possessiveness, etc., "love".)
Children always have something for everyone who comes in contact with them especially those who love them and are children themselves and children have an amazing ability to detect that while adults often miss it.
Children are the next best thing to music.
Coffee creates stress and stimulates the metabolism. No Thanks! I'm stimulated by life itself and don't need to get myself chemically hyped.
Coffeee makes you faster than your universe.
Come on, if it ain't disco it ain't shit (or was it country) which means if it's disco it's shit. But actually, I love some disco music. Freak Out! I Will Survive! Donna Summer! 🙂
Communication is light that illuminates relationship and dispels images.
Communication is rooted in caring.
Company does not resolve misery it only differs it.
Computer takes a lot of attention - like a bad servant who washes the dishes loud...
Conclusions, however comfortable, makes you miss out on the vibrating alive happening presence.
Conditional love is not real love.
Confidence has nothing to do with the search for security, it comes when that whole movement has ceased.
Conflict gives the self-continuity
Corruption is rooted in competition.
Could also state that as: "Be so completely nothing, psychologically, that everyone else feels safe to be nothing too”.
Cows love music. They have big ears. Swiss farmers play music for them early morning. I go for evening walks with the guitar and they always respond to the guitar, they come closer, etc. -- once they even made love to the music
Dear Friend, forgive me for writing you a long letter, but I haven't the energy for writing a short one.
Death is the end of all knowing.
Dismantling a circus is a big step which only great men can take.
Do for love.
Doing all we can to counter the crooks. They have big money we have pens.
Don't eat too much [any] meat, keep your nature pure.
Don't even make an image of others' image of you -- or of yourself -- or of them.
Don't mess around with the "D" word. To call it is to invite it.
Don't put a gun in the hands of someone who's abused it before.
Don't sit in the back of the bus!
Don't take my <3 as an overloaded German meaning of love. It's universal. Has no boxes chains borders commitment expectation ownership drama etc. etc. attached to it :) . Just a pure feeling a child may have for another child :)
Don't take no for an answer - unless you're convinced it's so. Most people say no too quickly.
Don’t try to change yourself. Trying is the act of the very self you are trying to change and is conditioned by the past. Just see what you are with a quiet mind without judging and it’s a natural law that seeing brings change.
Dropping it in this case required writing it.
Each person thinks their point of view is the truth, is absolute. And they find a couple of others that have the same idea and that strengthens your belief that your opinion is the fact. How you feel, how you react is reality. But your opinion as to right and wrong is merely an opinion.
Ending of conflict is always good even if not doing so could yield millions later.
Enthusiasm goes a long way.
Every day I need another 24 hours.
Every day is a new life - a new opportunity to use time intelligently.
Every moment spent in happiness is a blessing to be cherished.
Every moment with you is like eating a fig.
Every time I come back to Switzerland I immediately feel good.
Everybody tried to open the door but they couldn't. I just pushed it and it opened.
Everything in life is negotiable – almost everything.
Extremes are blind compliance to tradition on one side - and promiscuity on the other extreme.
Facts speak for themselves. Bashers sometimes speak for others.
Fast driving is therapeutic.
Favors are never forgotten.
Fighter for justice.
Fighting evil is not always a comfortable path!
First to market helps second to market.
First, you need to understand why they did what they did, and then you can contest it.
Follow your dreams (literal) quickly - don't waste time.
For me, being alone is like drinking water (necessary).
For some reason I love old people - and tiny kids. They seem to be the most innocent...
For you, I’m willing to do anything, cause you make my heart melt – like butter on an organic buckwheat pancake.
Free the back, free the mind....
Freedom can't be obtained positively, by doing something. It comes by understanding and negating what precludes freedom."
Friends alright but lovers not!
Friendship is the most important thing in a relationship. Everything else is icing on the cake. Friendship is the only thing that remains. [Friendship is the most important thing and only thing that lasts - everything else is icing on the cake!] [Friendship is the only thing that lasts – everything else is icing on the cake.]
From my perspective there are no problems, except your thought which creates insecurities.
From time to time she caresses my ears with her sweet voice.
Ganja's the soil of poets -- it's fertile soil that gave rise to many great poets...
Generally speaking, if everyone assumes other will take action nobody will.
Getting ignored is not fun for a man of communication.
Gham khordan gonaahe kabirast. Being sad is a grand sin. It doesn't help. Sorrow needs to be uprooted. Be aware of the brain's habit to fall in a state of sorrow. Seeing what is brings liberation. by Réza Ganjavi
Give me your wings and I’ll fly.
Glowing ground of glory
Go clean and you'll fly with wings of life/love/joy. Your brain works well and the fire is alive inside you. Pot hurts more than help you - you don't need it - and it pollutes you. Let the diamond shine.
God said Thou Shalt Not Lie Except About Thine Age.
God, grant me more money and grant some more brains!
Going upside down is important - to defy gravity - thus postures like forward bends, shoulder stands, headstand.
Going with another note ("wrong note") is not cheating. Playing the right note in a way that doesn't give it the full value it deserves is. [said this while giving a music lesson]
Good food is better with a good friend.
Good friends are the most precious assets in life.
Good to ask: is this an action in goodness? Good to live a life in which one flowers in goodness.
Goodness is to make another happy.
Goodness is to not cause harm and to try to eliminate harm.
Gossip and double-faced-ness are vain, however tolerated by some cultures.
Gotto uproot sorrow – gotto take it by its legs, turn it upside down and hang it by its tail.
Gratefulness is a sign of a sublime being.
Gravity is against you. Stand on your head.
Greatness is in one’s values.
Greed is wanting more - beyond your means.
Grumpy old people are common. Their stress is magnified by caffeine; always pointing fingers outside.
Guitar brought happiness amidst the misery of the world. (Guitar was instant happiness in a world of misery).
Ha-ha, it's not my phone. My digital life is too encrypted for anybody, including James Bond himself.
Ha-ha, talking to oneself is an old habit among computer programmers carrying big logic and big concepts in our brains. Join the crowd. 😉
Happiness is in goodness.
Happiness is knowing if you were a millionaire you'd still do the exact same thing as you're doing now!
Happiness, aside from physical health, is knowing that you are adding value to humanity.
Happy being a puppet. Never complaining about my lot.
Have a smiley sleep.
Have to choose between the battles you're called in to fight (and never choose to fight a battle if you can avoid it - and never look for one, which you don't need to do if you're friends with yourself.
He was an embodiment of love. One of the biggest hearts I've ever met. That love lives on and in the hearts and minds of all those who are blessed to be touched by it, embraced by it, be it.
He's there. His love lives in your heart. The love you had for each other. You still do. Find quietness inside and tune into that love which is ever-present.
Healthy goes happy, happy goes lucky.
Here in Switzerland, it's so cold, spring seems 200 days away instead of 2 hours by the clock! Happy Norouz!
His concept of one only gets one chance is foreign to my planet. 😉
How are you related to your mobile and computer? This one is the slave and I'm the boss but sometimes it’s the other way around.
How could anyone not like bananas? When I meet a woman who says she doesn't like bananas, I KNOW she's not right for me. :-)
How great it is to end jealousy, anger, fear, frustration.
How much will you pay me to do another sneeze? :)
Human has an innate urge for the otherness. They look for it in concerts, in sex, and in escapes.
Human history has not been kind to corrupt entities and ideologies.
Humanity is soooo stupid. They got rid of spare tires -- and cars have bluetooth!
I ain't taking crap from no one.
I am against all forms of fanaticism (except Beatlemania)
I am beginning to look like the internet!
I am counting the days for the chronic liar orange sub human to wear the orange prison jumpsuit. :-)
I am driven and motivated and not ambitious. Ambition is becoming. I am happy with where I'm at.
I am from everywhere and nowhere.
I am here because of you.
I am more worried about the world than my job.
I am nobody's slave except love itself.
I am not a man of memories.
I am not capable of hating.
I am not lacking nor seeking nor craving nor chasing anything.
I am nothing in my own mind as I have no self-image or not much of an I anyway to make such images. <>
I am nothing; I am a bundle of memories; and when my brain is quiet, I don’t exist.
I am one step closer, to the next step. :)
I am psychologically simple.
I am trying to avoid litigation. Not because I can't or won't but because I believe the legal system should be the last resort for problem resolution.
I appreciate your heart.
I believe in gifts. I don't believe in tests. Life or god does not test you.
I believe in numbers but not in numerology, which is human-made. Based on numerous personal experiences it seems that one of the ways that other dimensions communicate with one is via numbers.
I can kiss you till the end of time.
I can only be friends with someone to the extent that they’re friends with themselves.
I can only love if I am free. I want to neither cling to nor be clung onto.
I can see how it sparked – your smiles are very compatible.
I can still laugh so easily at simple things of life, like I did, when I was a child. Delight at the ordinary, my heart job thrill, by seeing beauty, seeing things, like liselotte being a power woman, for example. Who doesn't like food in sink and wipes the sink that always shined after each use?
I can't stand being around smokers.
I can't stand smell of dead meat, especially when it's cooking (I'm a vegetarian).
I can't think of anything more beautiful than well-played jazz guitar!
I cannot show a blind man light.
I cannot stand the male chauvinist men who think that they own their women. Which is a form of weakness. They try to cover up their inner insecurity by trying to control a woman.
I changed my plans instead… too lazy to change trams…. I’m joking.
I could never (or hardly ever) allow myself to ask a person what s/he thought of another.
I could tell he was guessing b/c he was guessing.
I cry for love not for sorrow.
I defer to a profound quote: "To be responsible in a relationship is to have no image". In other words, to have psychological images in some cases, is irresponsible because the person may have changed. Acting out of images is acting robotically, programmatically. There's the right place for psychological images.
I developed livia -- i removed the dirt to get to the gold.
I disagree. Feelings are not out of the blue. They have a reason. It's important to understand the reasons, roots of thoughts and feelings. When you have a certain feeling you are that feeling. There's no "you" that's separate from it to let it stay…
I do 2 things - and that's in the order of love not money...
I do and mean what I say.
I do not have fixed ideas of what I want from life therefore I am hardly ever disappointed.
I don't like people who keep blaming others for their misery.
I don't think of birthday as a reason to celebrate any more than every day is a perfect day for celebrating life's richness and love's abundance.
I don't usually buy them, except when I buy them to eat them. :-)
I don't want to call it God because the word God is so misused -- There are those who believe in God yet act contradictory to it --they kill in the name of god and do awful awful things which are so ungodly -- and there are those who believe there is no God which is still a belief --- and those who live with facts and perceive that there is a dimension which is beyond the limits of thought and time.
I don't want to relate to people partially. I am only interested in holistic relationship.
I don’t know any girls who don’t want to get married.
I don’t think of myself as a man – I am a human. Man and women are equal. Just as women must not be treated as inferior, they also should not be treated as superior.
I don’t want that chicken soup on me. I’m a vegetarian.
Prayer is not necessarily wanting / begging. It can have other facets including invocation.
I dread wives 😂 and the feeling of being owned.
I dreamed of breasts last night as the source of all energy.
I enjoy watching anybody who is talented in what they do.
I feel better in outwardly not perfect societies because the ones which are perfect are psychological nightmares (shortage of emotions and love; robotic mindsets…) because of error of applying thought where it doesn’t belong.
I feel like an ant compared to a jumbo jet when it comes to not knowing.
I feel love for you. Universal Love. It's the only love. All other is created by the human mind and called love.
I gave her love and kindness and respect every human deserves in interactions.
I had a friend - who had bulimia - I helped her heal - she tried to kill herself a week before we met - she would throw these tiny size nuclear farts that would make a whole stadium run away. :-)
I hate cell phones – they definitely have a bad effect – I very clearly feel it.
Marc, please spare me of any and all Trump related news. I just can't handle 4 more years of reading stupid drama on a daily basis by an immoral chronic liar orange beast. I wish there was a way I could filter news to not get anything with the word Trump in it. It makes me want to puke.
I said simple people - in my book simple is good - simplicity is a virtue
When you move from one culture to another, sometimes the characteristics of the culture where you come from shows itself more vividly to those in the new culture; they may notice it, remark on it, react to it, because they see it. Water doesn't know water.
Control freaks don’t always get their way - the way they see it. There are other ways in life to things
Reza Ganjavi for the people, for the world,, for nature,
you're such a problem solver
don't discount the possibility of people being jealous.
Twitter is a diarrhea of idiocy, with exception.
Trump , the chronic liar wouldn't get so powerful if it weren't for so many blind believers who can't see beyond end of their nose.
British humor and Beatles are best part of Britain.
I don't like to think in terms of these huge large categories cuz these generalizations are very inaccurate. The bigger the category the more inaccurate the generalization.
I've had a long career in computer science and have met many musicians along the way which is not surprising given music is mathematics.
it was such a sweet dog - was curiously following me and checking me out - it felt the love. You could see a mix of curiosity, love, carefulness, and playfulness in his/her eyes. Nice qualities.
Typical, Fox news is prostituting again to cater to MAGA idiots, like a prostitute caters to clients to make money. Fox News is worse. It does its prostitution by engaging in deception. Look at the title line: ... "despite members supporting Trump" -- conveniently left out the fact that millions of their members don't support trump. Shame on Fox for that, and for supporting an incompetent immoral beast, chronic liar.
"wrote to scammer: A better solution is for you to get a respectable job instead of being a criminal scammer which is very bad karma. Cheating people out of their hard earned money is very very bad karma - you will suffer beyond your present imagination if you continue this path.
I've never seen you not hungry.
Since you took my dinner for lunch I'll make some breakfast.
Because I am free, nobody and nothing can take away my love for a person. Because I am inwardly and outwardly free, nobody and nothing can take away my love for someone.
Being in nature is anti loneliness.
Congrats darling. It's wonderful to live without fear. Fear is so incredibly common and most people don't even know they have it. Breaking away from that pain and chain is a one-way ticket to freedom 😍
Do what you say. Don't set expectations you cannot deliver.
Even the ultra-right-wing fanatic nuts who talk about less government and less regulation, start crying when lack of regulation bites them.
Human humans were not made too spend their late nights in front of the computer on the computer. I miss the glory of early mornings.
I do not tolerate Even an iota of abuse of privilege and authority at the cost of my rights.
I grew up surrounded by conversations about law.
I'm probably the most non-committal man on earth when it comes to so-called love, because I cannot be owned; I need to be free; and that freedom is as important as water for drinking
It's difficult to have a healthy relationship if you are self-centered. Also with yourself
Life’s too short to get depressed about thing you can't change.
Never buy a stock which has a very low institutional interest because institutions do their homework much better than retail
not expecting response 🙂 - just felt luv 4 u and sent this - pure luv doesn’t arise out of need or longing or wanting anything back
[After Trump winning a second term I thought this:] The world is hopeless. Just do what you feel is right and fight for what you feel is right. Or preferably don't fight. Just live in peace.
This is really exciting and energizing. I don't see any MAGA nutcases in the line. Michigan is for the taking. I was a precinct manager in Michigan before, and we won.
"Tolle learned 80% of his ideas from J. Krishnamurti. But he distilled them and is saying some things that are sensational but not true. Of course it's possible to be in a perfect life situation. Obviously he's never been. Maybe no woman wanted to date him for being a nerd. And he's sooo boring. But brings in lots of money ! He should give more credit to Krishnamurti.
Some women sometimes get mentally impacted when they are on period – or in the preceding days. It’s great when a woman can laugh at her own mental cramps when her period starts. (lg)
Unconditional love means to also love the other person's farts.
I am fighting for a cause greater than my individual suffering.
🙂 Great minds think alike. Great hearts feel alike 😉
I hate telephones - it’s like talking in a jail. [a joke]
I have a bitter memory of cold war - it's ugly - but the ugly don't mind it because they make money making missiles.
I have a feeling that if i can clean up my act first, bigger action will come out of that.
I have a lot of respect for college counselors, and single mothers.
I have a special affinity for traveling youngsters as I was in the same boat before!
I have a very soft heart for sincerity and genuine apology.
I have no trouble w fact of being alone. Seeing couples it’s kind of boring anyway – same as being one but shared – but slower and less agile.
I have no trouble w/ the fact of being alone. Seeing couples it’s kind of boring anyway – same as being one but shared – but slower and less agile.
I have somewhat of a prejudice against violin - most violin playing I hear I don't like - but Pearlman, I'm in love with his playing - he turns the violin into a sweet fruit.
I have this persistent part of my personality. Persistent people don’t mind rejection.
I have to remember you’re not a computer.
I have to start to stop overeating.
I helped another one of these so called activists quit smoking and drugs and clean up. It's not me -- it's God, love.
I hope life helps you the way you helped me.
I just want people to keep their words.
I know how an angel smells.
I know you're a loyal man and I respect that. I'm not loyal but I go for quality. i don't go with junkies
I like a different, unconventional approach towards the topic of intimate relationship, rooted in love, understanding, respect, freedom, responsibility, caring. Love has its own security that no signature, ceremony, sermon or promise can match.
I like foreplay better than sex.
I like nothing like being home.
I like people who force [computer] systems.
I like to have a working system more than a working document.
I like to teach my partner, my lover, my friend, not to make image - in order to respect the freedom of another.
I live my life without thinking about what people think.
I love completion - whether it's a school project, a work project, a university degree, or learning a new guitar piece - completion is ending - which means a new beginning, a new chapter.
I love honey but it feels sticky to be called that.
I love nothing in life more than playing music for people.
I love singing like nothing else. Those who gave us songs to sing are among the most important humans.
I love watching female body – it’s such a marvel of creation.
I love writing. It’s a great way of looking at what is.
I love your smile - and your teeth are so cute when you smile 🙂 -- Smile is such a powerful thing -- it opens doors -- when it's sincere and springs from the heart. Smile is an expression of love.
I much prefer traveling second-class even if I was a millionaire.
I need a hug more than Champaign. If you have one to spare let me know.
I never attribute anything to lack of luck.
I never broke up with anybody. On very rare occasion fired a person or two from my life.
I never deprive anyone of the benefits of seeing them for the first time every time.
I never forget it when someone does me a favor - but I do not believe in immediate payback - love is not accounting.
I never get into a state of mind which is not open to dialogue.
I never trust a woman when it comes with "love" -- that's a lesson I learned from life experience of myself and seeing others.
I like working with women better. 🙂 They're easier, gentler. 🙂
I prefer playing music than eating. :)
I prefer to be driven by affection than anything.
I prefer to be honest and communicate than to worry about losing something that can never be owned anyway.
I prefer to have less money tax kosher than more money not.
I quit skiing -- takes too much time 🙂 and the joy ration is too small compared to like guitar. 🙂
I really want world peace - and I really need to piss.
I respect people who deserve respect. He lost my respect when he used his position of power to demand respect.
I rose in love
I sing Xmas songs all year. :) Jingle bells in summer. :)
I started humming a melody in the shower to words I adore you I love you I'm crazy for you... a minute later Kate started playing piano - she hadn't heard me - but played a song she had written which was the same melody essentially - so her other lines gave me ideas...
I still believe marriage is an act of weakness.
I take a woman over a man for a job any day.
I think it's important to rise above animalistic influence.
I think the world would be a better and more mentally clear place if not so many people smoked so much pot!
I think we can't help but to stay friends - that's already sealed.
I view people I know, my friends, as the most precious thing in life - more precious than money certainly - and anything else I can think of.
I want to go smell the universe.
I want to sing like the birds sing, not worrying about who hears or what they think. Rumi
I want to sing to the world - to bring happiness to it. There's too much sorrow.
I was born to perform.
I was born to play music.
I will not make pictures of you in my mind because that would be violating your freedom.
I would never ask you to do something I would not do myself.
I wouldn't say bad luck. In every challenge there's an opportunity.
I'd rather have 1 woman who wants to really love me than 100 women who want to sleep with me.
I'm a big-time dreamer :-) but all big things I did also started with a dream...
I'm a citizen of the world.
I'm a dreamer 🙂 -- unafraid of dreaming...
I'm a human UFO.
I'm a spy for the God of Love. 😉
I'm a sucker for good communication. It's the least we can do.
I'm down to earth but down on earth time is limited and life too short for wasting it on nonsense. :)
I'm fighting for the birds and the trees. Most humans are not worth it.
I'm lucky to be with a woman who's not complicated, who's not always thinking of practicalities, so she can be romantic
I'm Mr. Flexible. :-)
I'm never bored or lonely.
I'm not a big watch guy -- I live in a timeless zone :)
I'm not first-class -- (well) I am first class - but I don't have a first-class ticket.
I'm not married so I don't have to worry about having to move walls. (construction) :)
I'm originally Persian/Azari but am also a Californian/Swiss and belong to the whole world - to the universe ;-) Socrates said: “I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world."
I'm starting a new positive day full of hope and courage for what life brings.
I'm staying put all day - getting things done - embraced by the breeze through all the wondrous trees that surround this place, shedding their soothing particles, making the leaves sing; a song and play that soothes the being that's anchored in the infinite.
I've been playing my Manzanero again. It's like driving a Ferrari - the rich tone etc., gives the brain so much joy. What a gem music is. We don't have to spend money on expensive hobbies like skydiving or race cars, or even skiing; the joy of music is supreme (and safer).
I've cried many times from perceiving beauty -- often of music -- or scent of nature.
I’d much rather carry a guitar than a baby.
I’m 57 – I’ve had more than enough experiences. I want to write some books. – move on for the remaining years as an empty vessel in service of music and charity.
I’m quite experienced in making and losing money.
I’m trying to get a fourth nationality but I don’t know what it is yet. :-)
Ice-overdosed by Swiss girls. [joke]
If a woman doesn’t call, let her be, do not get insecure. Feeling of rejection or speculation of another guy in the picture is most probably conditioned – going deep in animalistic roots. Be cool be cool be cool.
If I can live without a car why can’t those drivers?
If I die tomorrow, I don't want to have any unfulfilled desires.
If I take responsibility for something it won’t go wrong.
If I were a woman I’d never marry.
If in doubt, don't decide till you have to. :)
If it happens I believe it until then I believe nothing because girls are unpredictable. "It's a good philosophy."
If it wasn't for listeners there would be no music.
If Phil Collins and Springsteen and Bob Dylan can sing I can sing.
If the "me" is deleted there's nothing that gets spoiled.
If there is ever a test it’ll be: how kind have you been to your fellow humans, creates?
If they were willing to understand some things we wouldn't be here today.
If we would have talked about it we would not have had a problem but since we used email we have a problem so the problem is to a large degree the medium of communication.
If you are studying to be a teacher you are doing the right thing.
If you can do, do.
If you can't travel yourself, listen to the stories of one who's traveled.
If you can't, don't stand in the way of those who think they can.
If you don't ask you don't find.
If you don't ask you won't get. If you ask, you might get.
If you love me, don’t think about me.
If you say yes and it turns out that this is not what you need or want then it's my problem. (an analyst's responsibility is to make sure the user knows what they're asking and what they're asking for is really what they need.)
If you stop comparing time is not the enemy. :)
If you’re truly nothing, you’re truly happy.
If your brain is totally quiet when you meet the other person, whether your boss, teacher, or parent, you see them as they are right there and then. That brings magic to the relationship.
Imagine the possibility. It’s not in the rule book but the world is not run by rule books.
In a world dominated by divisions of every kind, one of my charters in life is to bring people, minds, and hearts, together.
In any meeting, a pre-conceived conclusion potentially prohibits the dynamic magic of the moment.
In every downfall there's a positive side, or so does a wise person see it.
In general, I prefer to give the job to a woman than a man if all things equal. :-)
In general, I prefer to go to a woman (doctor) because women are better than men. - Ha-ha :-)
In general, I would always vote for communication vs. no communication.
In love itself I trust.
In my heart I'm a farmer.
In reality, love can't be measured so it can't be compared.
In search of the last unfallen mosquito at 3 am.
In the present there is no sorrow.
In the psychological/relationship field, making conclusions are stupid. It completely takes away spontaneity. Living by conclusions is even more stupid.
In the universe everything matters. Every ripple makes the ocean.
Instead of accusing, share how the other's action makes you feel.
Integrity is number 1 in life.
Integrity is very important because we have a lot of power. Lack of integrity means abuse of power.
Intelligence is to learn what makes one feel good, what is renewing, and what is not.
Internet has become everything I ever dreaded about TV (which made me not want to have one around) -- a waste of time.
Is there a lesson? Have you learned something yourself no matter how right you are?
It is important in life to be nothing - perhaps the most important thing - and to be ok with being nothing. Psychologically, one is nothing: it's important to be what one is, or not be what one is not.
It IS my business - this is my world.
It is very very strange that a man's love for an attractive woman is primarily lust. That's a fact. Until the relationship matures and lust takes the back seat and love drives.
It seems like an appointment with god could get cancelled by a pair of lake-blue Russian eyes.
It seems that I am most attracted to those from whom I can learn the most. (I first wrote this sentence using "women" instead of "those").
It seems that people who are stuck in the second chakra, when they feel love it channels down.
It takes awareness of habit to not be bound by habit.
It was tough today… I'm not the kind of guy who gives into suffering … I'll get the guitar out and have a go at it.
It's been a hard days night but it's getting better all the time. (those are titles to 2 Beatles songs :-)
It's better to be sensitive and have problems than to not be sensitive.
It's easy for flamenco players to get lost in just fast runs and leave the soul behind.
It's important in conversation to acknowledge hearing the other person - even if you don't think what they say is relevant.
It's important to be gentle, affectionate, considerate.
It's important to let a woman do what she wants in sex.
It's important to make you partner understand the dangers of image-making - that if she thinks of you (beyond the practical matters), you'd feel it and it'd be an intrusion of your privacy and freedom. As part of qualifying you need to make sure she'd understand this. Most wise women do.
It's impossible to live without [at least physical] fear as long as one eats animals. It's impossible to live without physical fear as long as one eats meat.
It's much easier to learn German than to try to change Swiss laws. [joke]
It's much more important to be free from hatred than to be a millionaire.
It's my vision - my baby - nobody else can give birth to YOUR baby. -
It's never too late to become friends. :)
It's nice to be an apple.
It's not a question of being right or wrong -- it's about understanding each other.
It's so easy for 2 people and so hard for one.
It's the most unmanly coward and weak thing to go shoot innocent unarmed animals for fun and then feel like a real man of strength.
It's the sign that counts (not the amount) - in fragile times when you get a sign it helps! Thanks dad, god, angels.....
It's true :-) -- I have a very soft heart -- and I cry easily from joy and beauty, like good music, but there's less and less of that beauty in our world.
It's very difficult to evaluate someone else's experience because we only see a fraction of it. (But people like to think grass is always greener on the other side).
It's very very important to empty yourself -- things brewing in your head make it explode -- do it regularly (write/talk diary)
It's worse having an enemy who is ignorant than one who is wise. I use the enemy in this context as hyperbole but in reality what's happening is an enemy to everything K stood for.
It’s all about relationship.
It’s better to correct wrong action than to continue doing it.
It’s not about reaching - we have a habit of wanting to reach - It’s not something to be reached.
It’s ok to tell another what is, but not what should be.
Jealousy and desire to be something are some of the most crippling factors of the psyche.
Jealousy is a dangerous road.
Jealousy is a dark thing that plays a big role in many relationships.
Jealousy: an animalistic, lower-brain emotion which as humans we can be free from when we realize love is not exclusive, it can't be put in a box, people are not property to be owned, and the only sense of security is when you stop looking for it.
Judgments/conclusions/abstractions have the right place in life: in technical/practical field. But psychologically they are inadequate, yet they're used because it's easier as Jung says: "Thinking is difficult that's why most people judge". Critical thinking is difficult for people who have not been educated to think for themselves, to think big, to not settle for less than truth. A quick judgment means you don't have to work at finding the truth.
Just go natural - it's the easiest. Nature doesn't get it wrong.
Just matter of ethics -- if 2 people's ethics are not compatible then friendship is weak…
Just stay in present. That's where life lives! Love lives! Every new - moment to moment.
Keep inquiring... to know is to be certain and have security. To not know is to be open - vacuums get filled - life is great.
Kids give a person a sense of security and hope... since the kids will be alive a long time and one needs to care for them...
Kids seem to understand the joy the best.
Kids waste a lot of time by smoking pot and just to smoke and chill and just do nothing so they waste their time.
Learn to spell on your way to hell.
Leave a place (at least) better than you fund it.
Lesson is never leave it in specialist hands w/o getting intellectually involved yourself.
Let the truth run you.
Let the woman drive. Then you don't have to worry about driving too fast.
Let's see what life wants.
Lies are a horrible energy.
Life is a moment - life is a moment in eternity.
Life is too boring if in the realm of expectations. Living in the realm of unknown is magical.
Life is toooo short to deal with people who don’t know the beauty and art of communication.
Life is travel.
Life's a tricky business 🙂 and not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be lived 🙂
Live more, discuss less. (also: Study more, discuss less.)
Looks is a big part of showmanship. Love brings its own looks.
Love at its pure sense is something every child with zero education understands.
Love by its very nature cannot be confined into a cup -- but it can fill a cup.
Love cannot be found. What is not love must be eliminated then love may come. All you can do is to leave the window open, and breeze may come, uninvited.
Love does not die (by itself). It can be murdered by thought, and that’s the tragedy of our (thought-dominated) civilization.
Love helps. Everything else doesn't.
Love is bio.
Love is not binary.
Love is often misused word so since I mentioned it & since I know you're VERY understanding... I was referring to the powerful universal force which embraces everything and is the essence of all existence. It's not personal or impersonal, but of a different dimension altogether... it's in the present... and in presence ;-)
Love is organic.
Love is the bridge of friendship.
Loved ones: protect your eyes -- turn down the blue on your computer screen -- use a blue light filter app on the phone and computer – also, if spending long time on computer get a blue light glasses or if prescription they make low blue-light version. ❤
Lover of order.
Lying is not cool even if in the movies they do.
Making love is like painting or making music. Making love is making music as love is music.
Many doctors are hopeless.
Many people look for outward changes in order to compensate for lack of inner change.
Many rules and traditions are made by fearful people for fearful people.
Marriage is like selling call and put options on yourself. Selling options means entering into obligations which reduces or eliminates your freedom.
May it not be a problem for you that whether your problem is a problem for me or not.
May there be peace in hearts minds bodies and the world.
Maybe because you live in a small village you don't know how small the world is. Peace goes a much longer way than aggression.
Maybe the seemingly unused portions of the brain are used for extra sensory perception, etc. When quiet it gets active.
Mediocre minds solicit others' opinions in order to form their own.
Meditation comes naturally in gratefulness
Meditation is a deliberate expedited brain cleaning. The brain cleans itself in sleep meditation is a supercharged way of cleaning the brain by paying attention to distractions.
Meditation is giving the opportunity for left brain to be quiet from its habitual expressions.
Meditation is that which is not supposed to be.
Meditation starts now.
Mind's natural tendency is to want to describe what it perceives. When it perceived the unnamable it tried to describe it: “field of silence” - “land of silence”. When one is describing silence, silence disappears! It’s important to observe without naming…
Mom is an inspiration. In my darkest hour, her light shines rays of comfort and a soothing voice saying: everything is alright. Her love heals. But she must not be my anchor.
Mondays are especially good because they set the tone for the whole week!
Money is not my god.
Moods don't mean anything to me.
Moods: there are underlying reasons for moods: psychological and/or physiological/chemical -- and the important thing is however you feel is alright and you don't run away from it - though it can be disturbing - when there is understanding then change can come – within limitations of chemical state.
Most media are prostitutes of the industry. CNN is owned by AT&T.
Most people in their 30's and higher regret having gotten tattoos when they were younger. Get something you can erase easily if you change your mind or get tired of it or change yourself or if it fades etc.
Most people who can't handle love is because they don't have the capacity to handle love!!
Moving on up!!!! Your gut instinct about today's direction was right.
Music fed the soul.
Music is the ultimate white flag.
Music set me on fire tonight.
Music solved all my woes - and noises of insecurity.
My biggest accomplishment in life is a clean heart…….
My biggest interest is the “other” movement.
My biggest mistakes in life were done when un-meditative.
My computer's alive!
My day is worthwhile if I have good guitar practice, and if I have deep contact with another human, if I make another happy, and if I take care of the body (e.g. a good walk).
My Drummer is playing Drama.
My execution style is to stride as far ahead as currently possible when the “momentum” is there and come back and clean the dust left behind. The key is to come back and clean otherwise you end up being unorganized.
My heart beats for the heart of Orange (California).
My heart is snowing love for you -- but it's so hot that it's more like rain. (LOL)
My last name is contact.
My life is the last minute.
My ornaments are pens. :-)
My philosophy degree has been the one I used the most in life -- though computer science and MBA also helped. It's great that you're getting a philosophy degree pre-law school! Great foundation that helps you think freely. We need more free thinkers, independent thinkers.
My soil got enriched by their smiles and loveliness.
My world is your world.
Naps are a gift from God!
Nature takes breaks, allows cleansing, e.g. our brain in sleep. Pulsed microwave genotoxic radiation radiates 24x7. DNA damage is precursor to cancer.
Need to meditate for guidance on all aspects of life.
Never be worried if she likes you.
Never bet against the US economy - it's the engine of the world...
Never forget to be kind no matter how much being unkind might promise.
Never let things of the mind corrupt your beautiful heart which flourishes in inward quietness.
Never say: "This is not my day".
Never sell your musical instrument, and if you have to, sell it to a friend so it doesn't go far, and maybe you can buy it back some day.
Never suffer over men. [Tip to a female friend whose partner left her.]
Never suffer over women. [Tip to myself and male friends who suffered over women over "love"]
Never underestimate the stupids. You can't expect them to behave according to your own rational, intelligent behavior and values.
Never worry about money. Never suffer. Every minute spent worrying about money is waste of life….
Nice eyes - are they yours?
Nice thing is love is not exclusive -- it knows no borders or walls... it's universal... but in German it's quite specific in its meaning... I swim in love…
Nike has a good saying: JUST DO IT! Don't think about it, just do it for many things like this it applies... otherwise you don't have the energy because you lose in in conflict between what is (laziness, not sending it etc.) and what should be: fulfilling a promise. That conflict causes energy to be lost which you need to move and get it done.
No can't do's around here. ;-)
No fool would knowingly invite bad luck.
No thank you. I like civility, reason, and rational, intelligent discussion.
No tolerance for nag policy.
Nonsense! Untrue! Anybody who says that hasn't seen the marvel that's there when thought is very quiet and the mind is fully awake.
Not a bad deal for women - get kid - divorce - guy pays you for next 18 years - and you have your freedom to <> around.
Nothing gets done properly without proper management.
Nothing is difficult if you enjoy it.
Nothing is more fun than making music with others.
Nothing is more fun than playing Classical Guitar! It beats everything that's considered fun, skiing, singing, surely sex.
Nothing is sure till it happens.
Nothing is uglier than the smell of dead animals (meat) being cooked - especially the bloody type (red meat).
Nothing's as nice as finding a long-lost friend!!
Nothing's like having a nice oily meal with a good friend.
Oboe cello violin etc. etc. all have their own sound and character but guitar is the crown prince of instruments. When it comes it's like king of love has arrived.
Often those who condemn sex are those who can't get it!
Often you'd be surprised what asking will do -- doors often don't open if you don't try.
Old friends make life even more fascinating.
Once those self-imposed shadows are removed, there are the shadows of stupid people who create problems for us. Stupidity and ignorance seem to be pandemics.
One can ask for the world; getting it is a different story.
One day is a trick your mind makes to fool itself into being left alone with the addiction so the addiction can continue. If you see this game you play on yourself clearly, then you stop playing it.
One key tip: psychological time is an illusion: the brain plays a trick on itself: "I'll quit later" -- that later never comes and is a trick of the mind to defer change for future. But change always happens in a now.
One of life's greatest gifts to me is a happy father, and a great mother. - and intelligent. etc. etc.
One of the best parts about academically studying philosophy was to read Hegel’s long sentences. Long wonderful trains of thoughts from an extraordinary dimension.
One of the best things in life is meeting new people.
One of the most intelligent things about the American lifestyle is eating an early dinner.
One psychologist I talked to for a friend, I asked her: Are you happy? She said "I'm stable enough to do my job". What an answer!!
One-way love is good for the toilet.
Only the weak follow a guru.
Optimism is your biological conditioning and financially, sometimes your enemy.
Or to be psychologically simply be nothing, which implies no walls, no separation. But that can't come as an act of will for the "willer" is the self itself and the motivation for being nothing as a way to perpetuate the self.
Our love is a new age symphony.
Our social network (real not virtual) is very strong. Mom can get app at best doctors of Tehran who have months waiting list instantly.
Outer movement can be an escape when inner state is in disorder.
Pain is lesson of humility.
Parents should minimize the number of No's they say to the child to the utter bare minimum.
Part of being truly educated is to shed brainwashing.
Patience is a big lesson life teaches you in a major way...
Patience is virtue especially these days when you work with the computer and you’re so fast.
Pay attention & release tension.
People are generally afraid and lazy. I am neither.
People are great here (in Switzerland...) - they delight is just seeing the guitar - in the USA people are great too but you never have contact with them - you only see them through car windows.
People are ok but cars I can't stand.
People have the right to be racist. Problem is when they act on that and violate another person's rights.
People who changed the world NEVER thought they can't do it. That's the lazy person's way.
People with chains scare me. Chains that they call love! You know, possessiveness and so on -- people are not property to be possessed. True love can only exist in freedom.
Persian proverb: “When danger approaches, kick it in its private parts.” :) LoL...
Persians get their fire once a year before the New year starts by jumping over fire saying "my yellowness to you - your redness to me".
Persistence and perseverance are a very important characteristic. I've seen a lot get accomplished with these qualities which would not have without them.
Persistence pays... They first think by ignoring you you'll go away...
Playing music , performing for people , was like being in a mother's comfortable arms. (aaghoosh)
Playing music together can be the highest form of making love. Lovers often are not good performers.
Please be more descriptive. I do have sixth sense but you're making me need 8th sense. 😂
Please don't send me anything, Trump. He makes me want to puke.
Politics is inaction.
Pornography is evil – and when television shows it, television is and instrument of evil.
Pornography is evil.
Power doesn't mean strong tone -- it can be very subtle with a strong undertone.
Pre-revolution Iran was disgusting in terms of moral corruption. Today, it’s much worse.
Psychological fear is instantly ended as it arise as the mind sees first-hand, not according to some theory, how thought/time is responsible for producing and perpetuating it.
Queen Elizabeth paid dearly to get her spoiled jerk son off the hook, so she's trying to get some mileage out of her 10 million pounds he burned by having him in the limelight. Can't stand the British royal family. Who killed Diana by the way? Charles, do you know?!
Questioning is the greatest action.
R in my name stands for Respect.
Reason can cut sharper than a knife.
Regarding fear in relationship that it could get serious, is this what I want: stay in the present. Live in the moment. The future takes care of itself.
Regarding live performance: all u have to do is to love what you’re doing. When you love it, others will love it and you look up and they love you and there is nothing to be afraid of.
Remember the quality of help you get is correlated to your honesty/openness to let her know the unfiltered facts.
Robots don't recognize un-robotic (humans who are not robots) moves.
Rules are made by people. So rules are for us, and not us for the rules. I'm perfectly happy to improvise.
Rushing is greed (for time).
Sanity is the biggest turn-on.
Scan my ashes and put it on my website [joke]
Self-pity is selfishness.
Send me a kiss before it's finished. [she wrote: Send me the video when it’s finished😉 ]
Sharing with greater numbers for greater good is a sign of a great person.
She asked about my love life. “I love life, I am in love with life”.
She says one of the things that she finds attractive is that I’m friend with himself (united within).
She: "You're very special". I: "I've been exposed to very special teachings."
She's a nice simple young woman. (Well as simple as women can be -- if you deduct one week a month.) 🙂
She's a slave of her own thinking.
Short is fine but long is better -- that's of time -- but we want to zoom into the timeless -- go beyond time -- where there's no long and short... But too short won't be long enough.
Silence is the language of god.
Silence is the mother of sound.
Silence speaks even that which words cannot say with certainty.
Since we're condemned to listen to this cheap stuff called music could you turn it down please?
Singing is instant joy.
Singing is light - singing is joy - singing is love - the time I spent away from the corporate world, in Europe, in music, added a refreshing perfume to my soul.
Singing rules!
Sleeping late is like overeating - you tax your system.
Sleeping too late is not a habit - it's a necessity, unfortunately b/c of my life being dragged away by scumbag racist jealous evil stupid forces (and therefore need to stay up late to catch up). But every war I won made me stronger. So watch out world!
Slopes of insight!
Small steps can cost you a lot in the long run (for system development).
So many times before I finish the page my problem is solved. I’ve seen a totally different aspect of the problem.
So we can get that topic out of the way (or get out of the way of the topic) 🙂
So, I'm vegetarian - no smoke - no drugs - pure as a baby 🙂 --- clean strong nerves allows universal powers to flow through them...
Some people "can do", some people "can't do".
Some people say having sex complicates things. I think it mainly uncomplicates things unless it's with a complicated person.
Some secrets are not so secret. ;-)
Some things we can't explain... just to be experienced...
Some women are so beautiful you even want to eat their handwriting.
Sometimes a phone call can fix everything.
Sometimes I feel it's Friday effect :-) - people are in good mood... maybe most stock market down days are Mondays and most up days are Fridays.
Sometimes simplicity is worth more than money.
Sometimes sincerity is not enough!
Sorrow is a big enemy of human mind. It wears out the mind. It needs to be seen, understood, and uprooted. The brain has a habit of falling into sorrow. Seeing the whole process, holistically, means to see how it starts. It's also in the air, part of the human story, after centuries of war, famine, hunger, etc. -- that is the human history which many in modern world don't see it.
Sorrow is to be uprooted and hung upside down.
Sorry to babble -- I'm a writer so my fingers do their own thing... runaway fingers.
Sound (good music) is purifying.
Space is a blessing.
Spending shareholder funds is not an art. Building value is.
Stairs were made for lazy climbers.
Stock market is life's way of teaching one patience.
Stress management & enthusiasm are the keys to "success".
Stupid people are always frightening. You never know what they'll do.
Stupid people think their images are the truth.
Summer is a time when you can make love to the universe naked. Your skin touches the galaxy.
Superhuman is super-animal.
Take care of the body and that'll help stress..
That talking about people is ok as long as we say in front of them what we say behind them.
That's so profound -- didn't know that line -- but was just thinking yesterday that still, in this age, I am laughing at myself as I did as a little kid! "Blessed are we who can laugh at ourselves for we shall never cease to be amused." -- but is it from a scripture?!
That’s what sucks about email for communicating emotional subjects: you get zero immediate feedback. And you’re left wondering how the other person took it. And SMS is just as bad.
The “one day” is now. The “one day” is today.
The art of getting away.
The Beatles are great enough to afford many covers. Look at how many covers of Beethoven were done!
The best gift is a (psychologically) mature woman.
The best marriages are those in which the two don’t depend on each other for happiness and are whole…dependence breeds misery.
The best thing you can do for your life and future is to quit smoking.
The biggest problem I have with the American culture is that it does not give worth to integrity of words. Many Americans have good integrity and are careful about the routine promises they make, but many often say what they do not mean. My second biggest problem with the American culture is that many people are very paranoid and lack basic trust. Perhaps these two items are related!!
The bird whispers something. We can listen or not.
The center of the universe for me is... Liverpool :) [not really, I changed my mind -- it's Bern Switzerland]
The channel is there but the radio may be clueless…
The computer makes me fast - I need people to slow me down.
The day I stop being optimistic I will probably die! It's better to die than to live without hope, without motivation to do something great, without hope that the world can change for the better.
The day is at your service.
The deepest and highest form of relaxation and release of tension, is the utter silence of the brain.
The ego is the most unattractive thing.
The generation doesn't matter the sound doesn't matter as long as it's a strong melody.
The greatest skill of a service provider is listening.
The greatest teachers teach in conversation, dialogue.
The greatness of this country is that credit rules.
The guitar – with the new strings – gives so much joy – like a child would – and no diapers to change.
The highest good is consideration.
The hills are swelling, the earth is blossoming in greenness.
The idea of Enlightenment is a creation of thought, a projection of a final event, in time. It's an illusion. It's moment to moment not a final stage you achieve and you coast from there.
The idea of having another electronic gadget in my life bugs me. [re: Palm pilot]
The important thing is to be creative in the way you live.
The key to change is what-is. The seer is the seen.
The key to order is when everything has a place - the right place - to be stored or positioned in.
The key to psychological simplicity is seeing the limitation of thought as an echo of the past, and therefore to be free of images.
The last thing you want to do in life is to get engaged with idiots at any level.
The less cultured have less trust and more fear.
The more sleeping pills you take the more painful the wakeup call.
The most beautiful part of my day was playing guitar - my nicest guitar - sound comes off the wood like sweet nectar...
The most difficult thing in life is to play the guitar. The only thing more difficult than that is making a beautiful guitar recording.
The most important thing in life is not to forget the glass of water god asked for!
The ocean is holy.
The only thing I can do is to outsource my heart to your lips. :)
The only thing more fun than singing Beatles is to be in a room full of Beatles fans.
The organization is for us not us for the organizations.
The present is where god is and a mind free from the past can abide in that.
The problem is not whether you have a chance or not. Your search for a chance is the problem.
The process of freedom involves a lot of deletions.
The real [guitar] master is a kind master. And they do exist.
The right to be alone is at the forefront of basic human rights.
The right to breathe clean air is a basic right of every human.
The roots of conflict are in the structure of time-bound thought. (K inspired)
The sense of self is not necessary - there is no self when you're not thinking. You think therefore you are!
The solution to illusion is communication.
The storm is rolling in gently and slowly like a good lover.
The stronger you get the more important it is to be rooted in nothingness - be anchored in silence.
The tragic comedy of that immoral crybaby is never-ending.
The truth is the fabric of the unknown the unknowable the Dimension which is outside time and it's love and it's intelligence universal Love & Universal Mind???!???
The ultimate difference between a human and a machine is that a machine cannot smile.
The ultimate respect I can give another is to not make image of them in relationship - thus not intruding into their space and freedom.
The whole forest and we humans went into a state of horror as the coward man killed an animal which was not armed. But being a coward, he kept shooting to finish the poor animal off, and to pad himself on the back for another job well done – to take another creature’s life for fun. To send the entire forest into a state of shock just because of his trigger-happy sick “hobby” to deprive another creature of the preciousness of its life.
The whole world is my home.
The world demands that you declare that you’re something. It makes an image of you or an image of your image of yourself – which you may not even have – and want to shoot that b/c it perceives you to be successful happy free clear.
The world needs far more activists than parents.
The world needs more people who make others sing.
The world was very different at that time but people weren’t.
There are a lot of other things that need to match up other than the age…
There are signs that jealousy is wiped out forever just as hatred got wiped out when one was 18 or so and never came back to the extent that one thinks one’s capacity to hate has been decommissioned.
There are those who believe in God - those who believe there is no God - and those who live with facts and perceive that there is a dimension which is beyond the limits of thought and time.
There are those who believe in God - those who believe there is no God - and those who live with facts and perceive that there is a dimension which is beyond the limits of thought and time.
There cannot be dignity without justice. There cannot be justice without love of truth.
There is an answer to a restless mind, but it's not control - it's understanding!
There is an element in life which is magical. You cannot predict it. It comes when you stop predicting the future based on the past (except for practical matters of course).
There is no friendship without freedom.
There is plenty to see just by looking rather than looking for.
There is something holy about coming together and singing.
There may not be any benefit in knowing your cousin's name but not knowing your cousin's name is a disaster.
There's a cultural inhibition here against doing things you don't have a degree for.
There's a lot of happiness waiting for her in her natural, balanced state.
There's a lot we can learn from "lower" animals - to just be - to be utterly still...
There's always something special about a man who is raised by just the mother.
There's no punishment - only consequence.
There's nothing dangerous about me, except my kiss :-)
There’s always hope for the individual.
Things I missed about Switzerland/Europe: organic non-alcoholic beer, organic vegetarian sausage, good cheese. These do not exist in the USA. :)
THINKING in terms of an end, we have created myths of the beginning.
Thinking is not the same as typing.
This is nice but unfortunately division is a consequence of identification and conflict a consequence of division.
This is not a cry of sorrow but of love - of joy.
This is your habit -- this is how you operate -- and as soon as you see a foreign name your chauvinistic Swiss supremacist emotions blind your reason -- f-o-
This universal love is a strange thing... I even feel love for my worst enemy!
Though I have not played guitar for a couple of days, singing has been watering my soul.
Thought of the day: Imagine if you could talk WITH a flower. Would you want to?
Thought was not made to speculate the future of relationship.
Throw books not bombs.
Time will not make anything that's pushed under the carpet to go away.
To be a channel for nothingness in a world dominated by thought is very important - that is a primary way of "bringing peace to earth".
To be a light to yourself is the ability to rescue yourself from such mental impasses..........
To be a responsible in relationship is to have no image.
To be truly rebellious is to rebel against the self itself and to question, understand, and thereby allow the possibility for the self to end, moment to moment, to all its longings, means and ways, that often hide behind the facade of tradition and it continuity.
To do big things you have to say no to a lot of average things.
To live and relate with no image is amazing - to have no fear - that is to live. Else, life in a prison of thought with its images and conclusions is ugly.
To raise kids is not easy but to do so with stress is worse.
To respect another’s freedom, I do not hold an image of another. If it’s a practical thought it’s ok. Also when someone touches you very deeply they become a part of you. But to hold an image and brood on another is a violation… Similarly, it is great to live without a single image of yourself.
Tofu is much better for you than beef - better for the cow too!
TOGETHER always has more power if people can break through their self-made psychological barriers.
Told a friend who's gone through a messy divorce and said he's disgusted with women. "Don't give up on women - I just don't trust them when it comes to love."
Tomorrow never comes it’s a trick of your mind.
Traditions are made to be broken.
Travel through many lands and many weathers.
True judges don't have pre-prescribed views. They are not "conservative" or "liberal". They vote for truth, reason, what is good, right, decent.
Trump's worst deed was what he did to the word amazing.
Trusting is a very important human quality.
Truthfulness is a key pillar of integrity.
Try explaining to her. Sometimes kids, when they hear an explanation, even if they don’t understand, it calms them down.
Trying to show worth shows worthlessness.
Two possibilities: you're either stupid, or your ego is too big. Ego doesn't grasp that since that means its own ending.
Two stupid people fighting each other don’t mean one is better than the other.
Ultimate respect you can give another is to not make a psychological image of them. - Ultimate respect you can give to yourself and to others is to not make any psychological images of yourself or of others. To enter a contact with no trace of the past is to allow the magic of the moment to act, the mystery of the unknown to unfold.
Understanding goes a long way. Better than fighting each other in district court.
Universe has provided us with minds which can observe and see that the movement of thought is limited, and therefore, to be free from it creeping into every corner of life. It's an important movement in its right place. The sense of self is a bi-product of thought. When the brain is very quiet, there's no sense of self.
Using harmony machine (vocal harmonizer) in recordings is a grand sin.
Walking also like yoga - when we do it then we are more motivated to do it. Walking is REALLY good for the head. I've gotten most of my great insights that bring a lot of happiness and clarity during walks.
Waltz brings a smile to my face.
We are not many - and we're on the same team - but we will move mountains!
We are on this earth to help others -- at least that's how I see it -- I'm a helper.
We can do some walks in nature and inhale the universe.
We can't rely on tradition because it has failed us. We can't rely on education because it doesn't teach you these things. So, we have to rely on our own intelligence and heart to help us navigate or rely on our own intelligence to navigate.
We don’t need unload mental weight on everything.
We got enough chores in our lives than to be grinding flax seeds.
We got to ride the wave of the unknown.
We have a lot to learn from children, or rather to de-learn as adults.
We have to play the game - that's how I see it - but I'm a big-time rebel... So, I break the rules after mastering them ;) - like Barbara Streisland said about singing: “You can break the rules once you know them”…
We have to re-engineer the whole world.
We know every song except the one you ask. :)
We live in a hypocritical world where most meat eaters don't have the cruelty to kill those poor animals with their own hands, so they commission some butcher (a hit-man) to do it on their behalf. They don't want to see the cruelty, the gruesome pain, misery, blood, cries for mercy -- but want it done behind the scene, on their behalf, and then a happy face of McSht is put on it to hide all that cruelty.
We live in a world which is cluttered corrupted flooded by things of the mind. Not enough love to go 'round cause its roads and rails are congested with thought.
We need a few leaders who are free from the chains of tribalism.
We need love not psychologists!
We're the first generation of computer/internet-infested creatures who spend hours on end on the computer/online. The computer has become our god, our alter. We wake up and go to sleep to it. My non-digital possessions other than my clothes are insignificant while the majority of what I own is in the form of ones and zeros in a device smaller than a cassette tape.
We’re here to make history. The history is to not let history repeat itself.
What better than a morning going hiking with x and Beatles music.
What do you mean "who cares"? -- If everyone starts lying the world will go to pieces.
What is is goodness.
What is is holy.
What motivates you? Reza Ganjavi: Love, nature, beauty, insight, urge to find justice, possibility to make a positive change in someone's life/in the world, pheromones :), money...???
What not to do, but not what to do.
What prevents our growth? I wrote: "Dissipation of energy needed to allow total silence in which and of which the other movement can be".
What the music does to the performer is what makes a live performance more interesting. (seeing music move the young Julliard player made me cry).
What's the difference between the dead and an alive man? The dead man cannot smell the fragrance of spring.
What’s the purpose of complaining if it is not backed by action?
When a woman wants to hide, let her be. She will call when hiding ends.
When all else fails, have some cheese!
When dealing with unclear arguments, I ask the person: do you understand it yourself? It really works - because it exposes them - in a way you're saying: your argument is not clear, I don't understand your explanation, don't make it up, first have it clear in your own mind then try to explain it to me - this demand for honesty always works. It's amazing how many times, especially in a customer-service culture of pass-the-buck - people try to get away with nonsense.
When fighting evil forces one must be poised.
when he violates your right you need to report him. If you take justice in your own hands then you end up violating his rights. He said he agreed with me fully. He said before that some guy throws case of beers at him and next time this guy will punch him in the face.
When I see you I lose the sense of time.
When it comes, sing it. Let it flower.
When life put you on hold it usually has a happy resolution.
When standing on a cliff only chickens look down. We're going back up.
When there is understanding, no problem is difficult.
When there’s no self, there’s nothing to let go of.... But not good topic for email. Email is mainly good for practical things...And love letters. 🤣
When there’s peace inside a person s/he doesn’t pick fights with others. That peace permeates to the neighborhood, and bigger circles, and impacts the whole species.
When thieves are manning the police station you can't expect to be safe.
When you consider being truthful as a must - as a constraint in decision-making - cunning action is eliminated.
When you have silence you can understand noise.
When you live holistically -- it's not "you", it's the living. Living holistically is an art.
When you understand what you are you're no longer the same!
When you’re awakened with the power of awareness, it is hard to go back to ignorance.
When you’re healthy you feel good.
When your heart feels whole by itself then maybe we can relate.
When your heart is washed from hatred, hatred can never come back.
Where the (sense of) self is, beauty is not. When you are consumed with your idea of yourself for example, you can't perceive beauty. Try it...
Where there is life there is love.
Where there's division there is conflict. The attempts of major religions to find peace have failed and will always fail for this reason.
Wherever you are in the world, if you smoke, the body is unhappy...
Winners are not followers.
Wisdom is timeless - it doesn't get outdated.
With a name like Reza, it gets them bigots' blood boiling.
Without psychological death life is a game of misery.
Writing is life.
Writing is my best friend.
Writing is my revenge.
Writing, as a means of expression is one of the most important skills.
Ya life can cause cancer, especially if a person is stupid and ignores science.
Yeah, the truth is intense indeed, especially when it's ignored like it doesn't exist!!
Yes! Even when you can go outside, also go inside. :-) "Your inside is out, and your outside is in" (from a John Lennon song). Inner and outer are the same movement, but most people are educated to only pay attention to the outer world...
Yes. Sunsets and other beautiful combinations of light and clouds are God's artwork on the great canvas.
You and the water are the best part of this restaurant!
You can change that [in them] in the way you communicate if you don’t hold that as an image.
You can do everything right but still without hatha yoga you age faster.
You can even learn from your own shadow. Directions rule – a long spine sliding down the mountain – what could be more fun?
You can judge the greatness of a society by the amount of fear that's present in people's behavior.
You can kindly point things out to him. It's amazing how far love can go... to learn with him
You can never take what bureaucrats say as having much significance. Their role is at least half political, and politicians say thing for other reasons than ordinary people.
You deserve the fruits of your courage and insights.
You don't need to be a philosopher to not suffer.
You have to be good to life if you want life to be good to you.
You helped bring out what I already knew but made it crystal clear with your sharp mind & glowing eyes. ;-)
You lick my brain with your mind. :-)
You look like a song!
You look too happy to be married. <>
You make my heart sing; you make my knee sing; you are a song! I want to sing you, hum you, whistle you. 😂😂
You need a license to breathe is CH.
You need intelligence not too many principles.
You should never compromise a dysfunctional relationship. <>
You should never tell a customer: “My manager will tell you the same thing”. That’s bad customer service.
You will dance to the rhythm of life.
You're a heck of a dream, reality too. :-)
You're a human - that's all that counts!!
You're an art masterpiece :)
You're in my heart as echoes of having seen you. Maybe i can hear you sing instead of hearing echoes?
You're modern art.
You're more beautiful than anything Picasso could create.
You're my friend so what's good for you is good for me.
You're never not in relationship.
You're never too old to see how the self comes into being and how it can end with quietness of thought.
You're saying no to something I don't disagree with.
You're so cute. 🙂 Take care, take it easy, everything will be better in a week. Don't make any life-changing decisions when on period. 🙂
You're very pretty. Just as I thought from your voice. 🙂 My ears have eyes. 🙂
You’re a person first and then a woman. Identifying with a gender is still an act of the self.
You’re an embodiment of infinite love.
You’re first a human then a Kurd.
Your children's happiness and capacity to love and be loved in the future are directly related to how much love you give them.
Your dumb-phone is not your friend. It damages your DNA, causes oxidative stress, makes you age quicker.
Your ethics is the ultimate determinant of what you are.
Your hair has taken my brain away.
Your hair is the park and your lips are the benches.
Your happiness is the most important thing to me – that is the ultimate respect I can give any creature.
Your health and freedom are the most important things.
Your SELF is made from thinking - when brain is very quiet the self is not...
Your voice pours sekanjebin on my heart like shireye sharbate albaloo.
Youth and health are the most precious assets -- both of which you can have at any age.
The reality is hard because you keep moving away from it to what has been or what should be. If you stay with what is, fully understand it and empty your mind this allows for natural ending to the past.
Always have a positive reaction to the Sun. Never reject the Sun emotionally. It is sacred; it is the source of life; without it there would be no life on Earth.
I am simple and fluid.
I like to take all the failures and downfalls as an opportunity to transform it into a success.
If we can drive kissing we can walk kissing.
In Iran one immediately feels the emotional strength in this culture... and abundance of love despite all the problems people have... a level of love that is largely missing in many other rich cultures
it's so yummily stinky 🙂 (a curry dish)
It's utmost important to have a learning mind, not just about outside, but inside. To pay attention to all your thoughts and feelings, during the day and night. Seeing is an art. If you judge what you see that's not seeing, because by judging it you move away from what-is into what should be or what has been. When there's clear seeing, that brings some change naturally, some release, and freedom from what-is.
Morality matters. Never forget this. If a leader of a nation is an immoral criminal that nation is in trouble. When the world's most powerful man is an immoral criminal the world is in big trouble.
My insecurity about not trusting women with love makes me independent which is good.
Our rights as humans are as important as the oxygen we breathe, and when that gets compromised, it becomes a very serious issue.
When a person is truthful and respect own words then your words have power and what do you say becomes in a way but if you go around lying your word is worthless also energetically.
If justice authorities don’t have an internal moral compass of right and wrong that is deeper and beyond fear; if they fail their duty to uphold the law based on truth and fact; if they are blinded by the ethnicity of parties; if Lady Justice takes off her blind-fold; if truth is compromised and so its sanctity lost, then the morally corrupt justice authority has attacked the very foundation of our noble Swiss Democracy.
One of life's main challenges is to find out what it takes for the mind to be empty -- without it being empty the otherness can't come into being.
"Subjectifying sounds is like subjectifying colours." Beautifully said. That's one of the wonders of guitar which makes that possible. Not all instruments allow you to play with colors, and even bring out colors which did not exist before by requesting delivery of a sound fro the instrument and working with it, helping it grow and manifest its potential. So the wood actually changes by how you touch the guitar and the sound the player envisages as possibilities for that instrument, like Michelangelo who said he sees an angel in a rock and removes what the angel is not, and the rock probably had no idea of its potential. Sort of like making love 😂.
Decide is a loaded word that's often misunderstood. Decide has roots in homicide which is to murder the alternative vs. understanding the options and the right path forward becomes clear without effort, will, duality, etc. Another pitfall of decisions is a rush to find security of the known. However it is also a good thing to have a decisive mind which can settle on a path forward and not be eternally confused -- but often, especially in more thought dominated cultures, decisions are cherished and it becomes disgusting because a) it's often made as a path to security of knowing which closes one to the possibilities of the unknown and b) if it's based on wrong assumptions, the solidified decision in the brain of a not so big minded person becomes a pitfall where the person sticks to the decision however stupid it is and however its basis are false.
Hope you're keeping up with the guitar - even a little bit. It's like watering a plant - even a bit of water helps it grow....
Mothers often screw things up in these regards because they are the voice of tradition often, a bankrupt tradition that produces boring people and dysfunctional relationships, with exception.
Love does not die (by itself). It can be murdered by thought, and that’s the tragedy of our (thought-dominated) civilization.
A drop of water can warm a pool, however slightly.
About love and sex and age: Love knows no years. It's timeless. Age difference is just a superficial matter because age itself is not a matter of number of years. Key is how young, unburdened, light, free, happy a person is inside. A person can be 90 years old and free like a child, inwardly - or 17 year old and burdened and heavy and complex and "old" inside. Also contrast adds spice to a contact. I produced a piece which contained a section that had a cello and piccolo. The contrast was fascinating. It's about the notes a person brings out in the other and vice versa, and contrasts like age can be very refreshing and enriching.
God told Moses, Thou Shalt Not Lie, Except About Thine Age! 🙂
I am open to everything - except a closed door!
If someone barged into my house without knocking to supposedly say goodbye, and after that intrusive illegal act and the following drama, and after all the previous threats and acts of domination, such as the threat to “delete” me, contacted me again, every day, for one excuse or anther, demanding and consuming my time, and then be so shameless to still threaten me by saying she would either delete me or blah blah. I would surely tell her, make my day and delete me 😂😂.
It's funny, abroad they think I'm a foreigner and in Iran two people today thought I'm a foreigner!
Love knows no years. 29 year old Noor Alfallah who dated Mic Jagger, is pregnant from 83 year old Al Pacino.
Making progress, but still a 270 page tunnel to go through!
Robert Kennedy Junior has absolutely no chance to become President. Helping him is to help Trump, by diverting votes from counter-party to Trump who is unknown at the moment. Read the history on how Ralph Nader handed the presidency to George Bush against Al Gore and the consequences of Bush's disastrous presidency. If Trump becomes president, American democracy, American experiment, as we know it, which is the oldest democracy in the world, will be finished.
Such challenges are often good opportunities to ask is this the right place of thought … since humans have developed a habit of overthinking and thinking about areas which thought is not the right tool for and therefore leads to confusion when misapplied. It’s also important to think enough and not become thoughtless about areas where thinking is the right tool for.
"THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH DEAR. And apologies for the late response. It's been hectic. Hard Days Night. Hoping you a Good Day Sunshine. All My Loving. Reza
We are slaves to those conditionings we are not aware of.
You can only help someone to the degree that they're willing to help themselves.
You're not a problem to be solved; you're a free flourishing creative intelligent wonder.
My grandma used to say I take care of myself because I don't want to be a burden on others.
Don't leave today's work for tomorrow. Deal with administrative things immediately to push them off your life. If you want to defer them, mark them in your calendar, so it's not deferred for some random point in the furure. It takes energy and mental space to have open tasks like that. But if you write it for a specific future date it is handled - and it fees up space in the mind.
‘a writer’s pictures are his words’
“Living a life of struggle is not living a happy life”
"Love does not die (by itself). It can be murdered by thought, and that’s the tragedy of our (thought-dominated) civilization." Reza Ganjavi
"Subjectifying sounds is like subjectifying colours." Beautifully said. That's one of the wonders of guitar which makes that possible. Not all instruments allow you to play with colors, and even bring out colors which did not exist before by requesting delivery of a sound fro the instrument and working with it, helping it grow and manifest its potential. So the wood actually changes by how you touch the guitar and the sound the player envisages as possibilities for that instrument, like Michelangelo who said he sees an angel in a rock and removes what the angel is not, and the rock probably had no idea of its potential. Sort of like making love 😂.
@Jay Lebaron Please think critically. Examine things for yourself. And morality matters. This is not about Biden, x, y, z. It's about Trump being an immoral chronic liar who's on record for over 30,000 lies to the point that he can't distinguish any more - that's how decayed his sense of morality is.
@Sunny Romano it's very sad to be talking to exactly what's wrong with America: lack of critical thinking. He has not you say, not because you've researched it for yourself critically but because he says he has not or some talking head has said he has not but facts are facts. There are some 30000+ thirty thousand documented lies of that immoral chronic liar who's got people like you fooled into believing he's honest as Jesus. The list is long and you can read it, he lied about everything from lying that it didn't rain during inauguration to the Big Lie which he said only to keep himself legally immune. Use your brain and reasoning ability; it's an asset. Morality and truthfulness counts.
About love and sex and age: Love knows no years. It's timeless. Age difference is just a superficial matter because age itself is not a matter of number of years. Key is how young, unburdened, light, free, happy a person is inside. A person can be 90 years old and free like a child, inwardly - or 17 year old and burdened and heavy and complex and "old" inside. Also contrast adds spice to a contact. I produced a piece which contained a section that had a cello and piccolo. The contrast was fascinating. It's about the notes a person brings out in the other and vice versa, and contrasts like age can be very refreshing and enriching.
Andre Aggasi was so crazy jealous by Brooke Shields licking an actor's hand on a movie set, that he went home and destroyed / smashed his trophies from Wimbeldon, French Open, etc. -- this is how dark jealousy is in the minds of a stupid person.
apologies for the late response. It's been hectic. Hard Days Night. Hoping you a Good Day Sunshine. All My Loving. Reza
basic rules of not being a flake: make a commitment, keep it :-)
being a freak about outer fection has burned holes in her imperfect mind.
crying kid sitting on floor of bus accepted a banana I offered her :-) but is too shocked by the crowds to eat it … just holding it… but she stopped crying :-)
dependence is an antithesis of true happiness
Doctor Refuses to Switch Business Class Seat So Family Can Sit Together and Causes Stir with Viral Video "Seattle pharmacist Dr. Zaraa Sabra films herself SMILING after refusing to give up first class seat so family could sit together... A pharmacist and TikTok creator has been praised for standing her ground". Reza Ganjavi: This is something to be proud of and brag as "standing your ground"? Then this lady has no idea what "standing one's ground" means. She was not forced nor threatened nor put in danger, so she did nothing to "stand her ground" and this is not standing your ground. This is being a sucker for attention and occupying bandwidth by posting nonsense online to shine -- it's as bad as "I had pizza for lunch today". There's nothing to be proud of in this event. It was totally neutral in my view - she did nothing noble or un-noble. [my post immediately got a lot of thumbs up]
Facebook is mainly a tool for showing off, journaling every useless detail, and sharing the useless detail with your friends who are bored enough to take delight in the boring details of others. For example, someone posted:
Flame of inquiry, to understand things, inner and outer, is the key to freedom.
God told Moses, Thou Shalt Not Lie, Except About Thine Age!
good wise points. since you're being philosophical, I share with you that when I was your age I used to see older people who kept talking about how they did wrong things in the past. For sure I've made mistakes in life but most of what I did I don't regret. So maybe it's not a good attitude to think " I’ll probably be ashamed of it one day". No. do things you probably will not be ashamed of 🙂
I am not married. I love women but I don't trust them when it comes to love.
I don't like hunters I hope I don't get haunted unless it's a beautiful woman
I exhaled an email while Lara was blessing me with her amazing yogic hands
I have no need to reach a goal because what we have in the present is so nice
I love her ethics and her dog's ethics. They are both incorruptible.
I slept 3 nights at downward slope. Felt terrible after 3 nights because of gravity which is unforgiving. I think my body wants the flat sleep to recuperate from effect of gravity all day pulling it down, by shift in the angle. I also tried sleeping in an upward slope -- the reversal of gravity felt good but overall it was terrible as (lack of) sleep experience.
I'm in the middle of untouched nature - wild and pure - an hour from H. See you 😍- wow - we're finally going to break the spell - and kick some ass 😉 watch out world 😂. S Y N E R G Y
I'm still full of hope despite all that's going wrong
In general (with exception) it seems the fear is more dominant as moral foundation in Switzerland than an innate sense of right and wrong.
It's fun when you have her breasts in your eye and holding your her like your pet :)
Karma is a bitch! Killing those innocent animals for "fun" is no sport. It's cowardly.
Love knows no years
Love knows no years. 29 year old Noor Alfallah who dated Mic Jagger, is pregnant from 83 year old Al Pacino.
My friend, it's a disgrace to cheer judges based on who appointed them. This is not a baseball game! It doesn't matter who appointed them, unless you have a corrupt judge like the one in Florida. An honest judge does not rule based on who appointed them or according to an ideology. They rule based on facts and the law.
My insecurity about not trusting women with love makes me independent which is good.
never build your world around a woman (or man) [dependence]
Robert Kennedy Junior has absolutely no chance to become President. Helping him is to help Trump, by diverting votes from counter-party to Trump who is unknown at the moment. Read the history on how Ralph Nader handed the presidency to George Bush against Al Gore and the consequences of Bush's disastrous presidency. If Trump becomes president, American democracy, American experiment, as we know it, which is the oldest democracy in the world, will be finished.
Shame on CNN for giving air time to such a despicable chronic liar, Donald Trump.
Someone was saying when we die all this that we had was like a dream from which you wake up and find out it wasn't true -- all gone. Interesting and true in a way.
"The reality is hard because you keep moving away from it to what has
been or what should be. If you stay with what is, fully understand it and empty your mind this allows for natural ending to the past."
A nice new instrument in one's life is always a good thing
Smile is the best revenge. What do you do when a racist gives you dirty looks? you just look at her and continue smiling.
The universe wants to shower you with gifts because you are yourself a gift to the world
Trump is a chronic liar who has lied so much to himself and others that he can't distinguish truth from falsehood. He is the most immoral man in history of universe, and you want him as President? Biden is no angel and has shortcomings. Trump is a hard core criminal and is soon to be convicted. You want Trump as a role model for your child !?!?
When a person is truthful and respect own words then your words have power and what do you say becomes in a way but if you go around lying your word is worthless also energetically.
When I eat non-organic food under My Eyes Puff every single time I'm not included having a couple of all fruits popsicles pretty amazing
when regulators moved into brockwood and threatened to close them i saw my dad smiling from the heaven
Wow ! That’s all I can say! A contact I could not even dream of as humanly possible !!
You can only help someone to the degree that they're willing to help themselves.