Various Health-related Articles
VARIOUS HEALTH RELATED ARTICLES WRITTEN OR COLLECTED BY REZA GANJAVI A LONG TIME AGO (This file is not kept up to date with latest research, however, some of the content is still very pertinent).
Nothing on this page provides medical or health advice. Consult your doctor for medical advice.
If you want to lose weight, here are 4 golden tips (by Reza Ganjavi)
- Do not eat meat
- Do not eat sugar
- Go for walks
- If you're still overweight try Yoga (but there's a lot more to yoga than just this... some info in yoga.html).
My Experience With Inclined Bed “Therapy” (IBT)
by Reza Ganjavi
I am a Yogi. One of the first principles that you learn in yoga is that yoga reverses gravity and that is a good thing. Gravity is a major factor in aging. And it's always pulling you down.
This is more than a theory. If I don't do yoga for a few days I really feel it. I feel the effect of gravity. And doing something like forward bend or a shoulder stand or head stand you really feel all the blood coming down (up) and the gravity pulling your cells, your fascia, everything, in a different direction than normal. And this is very rejuvenating.
I came across a so-called therapy called inclined sleeping. The idea behind it is that because food goes downwards in your system, and because trees are always standing yet they have life in the upper branches etc., therefore when we lay down flat that just defeats the purpose of gravity in sending the food down your system.
I also watched a bunch of videos from people who are doing this therapy. And none of them looked particularly impressive. I decided to try it myself. So I raised the head of my bed but it was terrible because again from being sensitive to gravity I felt my legs were deprived from a reduction of gravity that happens from lying flat, and change of direction which is a form of reduction from the vertical effect of gravity.
So I woke up without getting proper rest, and I really missed that lying flat and a break from the usual direction of gravity. Therefore, I will not do it again. It was very clear for me that it's not right for me.
As for the arguments for the therapy, regarding movement of food in the system, I believe this should not be an issue if a person stops eating let's say 3 or 4 hours before sleep, which is the intelligent thing to do which is not always what I do when I have too much charity work dropped on my head or I'm otherwise out of tune, food serves as a quick shot of happiness. However, I only eat very healthy food, organic, vegetarian, top quality. But still, I have thought that eating close to bedtime should be criminal or forbidden by scriptures or … :-)
Because during sleep your system should be resting. And not digesting or passing things through your belly and then gravity issue and so on. Also when there’s air in the belly or other pressure this can affect the GPCR receptors in the brain which are connected to that area for satiety measurement, etc., so when triggering those receptors can lead to strange dreams.
Also, what really helps is to do some yoga before sleep because that gets rid of the excess air, and provides general relaxation.
I like to try the opposite to IBT. It’s quite restful to have legs up for example. Why not the whole body?
Reza Ganjavi, 24 May 2021
I don’t think fluctuating vitamin C intake is particularly harmful. Some might argue that the longer you go without a particular dose, levels in your body fall to accommodate the new level you are taking. However, I don’t think the change in your blood stream – for example – would be large.
People who have gone a long period of time taking vitamin C at a high level and suddenly stop find themselves feeling tired (although I think this takes weeks) because the body is excreting large amounts of vitamin C to compensate for the large intake level.
Dr. Pauling’s recommendations of taking 18 grams or more per day is a little high for most people. So far, nobody has demonstrated any difference between someone take 2 grams, 5 grams, or 20 grams per day.
If there are any more questions that you have, just let me know.
Sorry, I probably wrote my response in haste. What I meant to say is that the levels of vitamin C in your blood stream will change to reflect the amount of vitamin C you are taking. Change the level of vitamin C you consume, and the levels in your blood (and tissue) will change accordingly.
However, when people take large amount of vitamin C – for the sake of argument let’s say 10 grams/day – and then drop it down to a lower level – say 1 gram/day – the change in blood concentrations of vitamin C are not as severe as someone who was taking 1 gram/day and then stopped taking it.
These changes take time, however, and this has to do with how the body processes vitamin C in the kidneys. When people take large doses (anything above 500 mg is considered a “large dose”), most of what goes into the blood stream ends up in the urine. Therefore, blood levels of vitamin C may be high for a while, but 12 hours or 24 hours after taking that dose, they will drop to a level the kidney finds appropriate.
After the levels in the blood reach about 60 micromolar, the body stops filtering vitamin C to the urine. After that point, blood concentrations of vitamin C will continue to drop if you don’t take any more but the loss takes place over the course of days or weeks – not hours
There is a known phenomenon of when people who were taking doses above 2 grams per day suddenly stopped supplementation and felt very tired. Some people thought this was blood levels of vitamin C dropping very fast because the kidneys were accustomed to excreting vitamin C. Unfortunately, we don’t know too much about this phenomenon – but the tiredness was something I have heard from many people for many years.
I currently take 1-2 grams of vitamin C per day, but sometimes I miss a day. I haven’t noticed any issues when I skip, however.
Alexander J Michels Ph.D.
Linus Pauling Institute
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR
ALPHA LIPOIC ACID IS A GREAT ANTI-OXIDANT -- I take it regularly -- something around 300 to 600 mg a day.
Best form is R-Lipoic Acid.
Conclusion: take R-ALA bound to soldium is good
Alpha-lipoic acid occurs naturally as a 50/50 mixture of R-lipoic acid (R-ALA) and S-lipoic acid (S-ALA). R-lipoic acid by itself functions as an essential cofactor for many enzymes involved in energy production.* It also has characteristics, including significant antioxidant effects, that contribute to liver, brain, nerve, and eye health.* Studies indicate that supplements containing only R-lipoic acid appear to be better absorbed than supplements containing both R-lipoic acid and S-lipoic acid, with results showing twice as much ALA appearing in the bloodstream after an oral dose of R-Lipoic acid.* Because R-Lipoic acid is the form best utilized by the body, Thorne provides R-lipoic acid bound to sodium, providing it in its most stable, absorbable form.*
Alpha-lipoic acid, also known as thioctic acid, was discovered in 1951 as a molecule that assists in acyl-group transfer and as a coenzyme in the Krebs Cycle. In the 1980s, the scientific community realized that alpha-lipoic acid is also a powerful antioxidant.* What sets ALA apart from other fatty acids is that it's an antioxidant in both fat- and water-soluble environments, and it's also an antioxidant in both its oxidized and reduced forms.* This is unlike vitamin C, for instance, which is a water-soluble antioxidant, as well as vitamin E, which is a fat-soluble antioxidant. ALA also increases intracellular glutathione and CoQ10 levels.* Its other mechanisms of action include promoting normal protein glycosylation and inhibiting the enzyme aldose reductase, which in turn inhibits conversion of glucose to sorbitol.*
There are two main forms of lipoic acid that you’ll see: R- and S-enantiomers 1. These enantiomers are mirror images of each other, but only the R-form is synthesized by the body and bound to proteins but also found in food sources. In supplements, you’ll generally find only R-lipoic acid or a 50/50 mix of S-lipoic acid and R-lipoic acid.
However, the therapeutic effect of supplemental lipoic acid is often attributed to its role as an antioxidant. Both DHLA, the reduced form of lipoic acid, and lipoic acid itself possess metal-chelating capacity and scavenge ROS, but DHLA can also regenerate endogenous antioxidants (vitamin E, vitamin C, and glutathione) and repair oxidative damage 2.
But the one super beneficial thing about lipoic acid as an antioxidant is that it’s both water-soluble and fat-soluble—whereas most other antioxidants are either or—which makes it a powerful radical scavenging agent in virtually every cell and tissue in the body 3.
While both forms of lipoic acid offer health benefits, we gravitate towards bioenhanced R-lipoic acid like what’s found in Performance Lab® Energy.
Alpha-lipoic acid is important in neural degeneration and in preventing difficulties in diabetes while -
PE: support healthy glucose metabolism and nerve health.
R-lipoic acid is anti oxidant and metabolic support -- important in decreasing the effects of aging.
Synthetic perfumes
Most commercial perfumes use synthetic perfume which is not healthy -- so best not to wear it on skin but only on clothes -- or use natural perfumes. There are some very nice natural perfumes that use natural essential etheric oils -- or some essential oils by themselves are wonderful perfumes.
"Many synthetic chemicals in fragrances are petroleum-based and can be harmful to human health. Chemicals found in fragrances include phthalates, which are endocrine disruptors, and carcinogens benzophenone and styrene."
"A National Academy of Sciences points out some vital facts: About 95 percent of chemicals used in synthetic fragrances are derived from petroleum (crude oil). They include benzene derivatives (carcinogenic), aldehydes, toluene and many other known toxic chemicals linked to cancer, birth defects, central nervous system disorders and allergic reactions. "
A lack of problem-solving skills and rigid thinking linked to vaccine refusal, study finds
A new study published in Environmental Research and Public Health suggests that individuals who struggle with problem-solving and demonstrate absolutist thinking, political conservatism, and xenophobia are more likely to refuse to get vaccinated.
The Benefits of Grounding: An Interview with Clint Ober :
People who spent “even small amounts of time in more vigorous activities — as little as 6 to 9 minutes — compared to sitting, sleeping or gentle activities had higher cognition scores,” s
Cloves / Immune System / Heavy Metals
Cloves have antioxidants that help in fighting free radical damage to the body and boost our immune system. 2. Cloves also have antiseptic, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties that keep common infections, cold, and cough at bay.
Clove may be good but it usually contains heavy metals -
The concentration of selected heavy metals (Chromium-Cr, Cadmium-Cd and Lead-Pb) collected from different sites of Unguja and Pemba were determined using Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF). The findings showed that Cr ranged from 10.3 to 16.25 ppm, Cd from 3.39 to 8.00 ppm and Pb from 0.35 to1.18 ppm for Pemba Island. For Unguja Island Cr ranged from (6.65 to 12.3 ppm, Cd ranged from (2.61 to 6.00) ppm and Pb ranged from (0.52 to 0.80 ppm). Significant elemental correlation (p ≥ 0.05) for all three metals detected from Unguja sites. The metal levels found from both sides of Islands were above standard limits set by FAO and WHO. The results of this study suggest that the levels of toxic metals detected from Zanzibar spices have potential risk to public health.
In recent years, there is an increasing involvement in observance heavy metals
contamination in various spices which are commonly consumed by people in-
cluding cloves. These toxic levels on human wellness and the environment have
attracted considerable attention in recent years [3]. The toxic metals concentra-
tion level is due to their long persistence and accumulation behavior in the en-
vironment and ecosystem [4]. Heavy metals contaminate clove trees through
soils and atmospheric deposition.
Carrots are a great source of important vitamins and minerals. A half-cup can give you up to:
• 73% of your daily requirement of vitamin A
• 9% of your daily vitamin K
• 8% of your daily potassium and fiber
• 5% of your daily vitamin C
• 2% of your daily calcium and iron
vegerarian source of collagen citrus fruits - tomatoes, garlic, bell pepper, greens, berries ----- also choline and silicon -- Choline sources: egg yolk, potatoes, peans, dairy --- silicon: cereal pasta rice etc
he antioxidant activity of grape seed extract is due to oligomerica proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs). In contrast, resveratrol is a part of grape skin, with an antioxidant effect. Also, resveratrol acts as a phytoestrogen, a plant-based compound, and acts in the same way as the estrogen hormone in the human body.
When you cook vegetables that have been chopped into small pieces, more nutrients are lost, as there is a greater surface area in contact with the air.
"scientists used smoothies to test how polyphenol oxidase – an enzyme found in many fruits and vegetables that is responsible for the browning when these are cut or bruised – affects the absorption of flavanols by the human body. This enzyme is found in particularly high levels in bananas. Flavanols are bioactive compounds that have been proven to support good heart and cognitive health. We should all be consuming 400-600 milligrams of flavanols, daily… If you don’t consume enough flavanols, it can negatively affect cardiovascular health. In older adults, a deficiency of flavanols is also linked to cognitive decline.Bananas may be ruled out of the morning smoothie if you want to boost your flavanol intake, but on their own... Flavanols are found in applies, pears, blueberries, blackberries, grapes, and cocoa, -- If you want to boost your flavanol intake with a smoothie, you should combine flavanol-rich fruits like berries with foods that have a low polyphenol oxidase activity like pineapple, oranges, mango or yoghurt.”"
"Hi Reza, I have no formal training in nutritional science but common sense suggests to me that taking all (aminoacids) at the same time makes the most sense. There are apparently up to ten different types of amino acid transporters that work in humans to distribute them throughout the body (so I doubt that you will overwhelm the system by taking in a mix of amino acids at the same time). Joe
Thiamine Intake of More Than 0.68 mg Is Linked to Cognitive Decline in Older Adults -
dairy, beans, vegetables, grains contain none or very little taurine. "The best source is likely to be from foods that are high in taurine such as seaweed, dark chocolate, and green tea. " There are taurine supplements suitable for vegetarians and vegans, since this amino acid can be produced in laboratories from chemical reactions
A 1/2-cup serving of sliced, cooked okra contains 32 micrograms of vitamin K. This amount supplies about 27 percent of the daily vitamin K intake that the Institute of Medicine's Food and Nutrition Board recommends for adult men over 19 years old. For a woman, eating a 1/2-cup serving of okra fulfills 36 percent of her recommended daily requirement.
Are you overly sensitive to noise? You could be a certified genius
A new study by scientists at Northwestern University in Illinois, has found that an inability to filter out irrelevant sounds in people is indicative of greater creative prowess
Inspired geniuses in their field that were famously intolerant of noise include Johann Goethe, Charles Darwin, Anton Chekov and Franz Kafka.
Thyme is excellent for disinfecting and cough / chest issues but might act like estrogen in the body. If you have any condition that might be made worse by exposure to estrogen, don't use thyme.
Viva California - About Artificial Colors
California could ban certain food additives due to concerns over health impacts
Under Assembly Bill 418, Red Dye No. 3, as well as titanium dioxide, potassium bromate, brominated vegetable oil and propylparaben would be outlawed in the manufacturing, distribution or sale of foods in the state.
"Californians shouldn't have to worry that the food they buy in their neighborhood grocery store might be full of dangerous additives or toxic chemicals," said Assembly member Jesse Gabriel, a Democrat. "This bill will correct for a concerning lack of federal oversight and help protect our kids, public health, and the safety of our food supply."
Food Color
Common food dye can trigger inflammatory bowel diseases, say McMaster researchers
Long-term consumption of Allura Red food dye can be a potential trigger of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs), Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, says McMaster University’s Waliul Khan.
The dye directly disrupts gut barrier function and increases the production of serotonin, a hormone/neurotransmitter found in the gut, which subsequently alters gut microbiota composition leading to increased susceptibility to colitis.
B12 100 mcg of B12 a day or mcg once a week
Sleep deprivation increases chances of alzheimer.
Protein: .35 grams per pound of body weight per day -- 55 grams for 155 pound person (70 kilos).
K2 is important too - if you eat enough fat you don't need as much K2 to supplement vitamin D.
Faster walking pace is indeed likely to lead to a younger biological age as measured by telomeres."
April 2022
Trout, Mice, Rats, and Humans All Agree: Brussels Sprouts Can Prevent Cancer Dietary indoles are found in cruciferous vegetables and are part of their cancer-fighting properties. Indoles can fight the effects of the carcinogens that are present in the food you may already be eating!
May 2022
Children With Vegetarian Diet Have Similar Growth and Nutrition Compared to Children Who Eat Meat
Study: Left-Handed Snails Have Advantage
NEW HAVEN, Conn. - Left-handed snails are better than righties at defending against predators, according to a new study that suggests lefties have the same competitive advantage in nature that they enjoy on the baseball diamond or in the boxing ring.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D lowers cancer risk: study
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Cancer researchers urged people on Wednesday to take more vitamin D to lower their risk of colon, breast and ovarian cancer, saying studies showed a clear link.
Vitamin D is found in milk, as well as in some fortified orange juice, yogurt and cheeses, usually at around 100 international units (IU) a serving.
People might want to consider a vitamin supplement to raise their intake to 1000 IUs per day, Garland said, adding that it was well within the safety guidelines established by the
How Long Does It Take for Formaldehyde & VOCs to Off-Gas From Your Home?
Fortunately, scientists in Hong Kong did real-world tests. They tested for formaldehyde and other VOCs in homes and then compared new/remodeled homes with older apartments. The data showed formaldehyde fell 48% one year after remodeling.
The data suggests it takes about two years for formaldehyde in newly built or remodeled homes to off-gas down to levels of the average home. However, higher humidity and temperatures can make VOCs off-gas faster.
excerpt from a great article by Corinne, I am a Certified Building Biologist Practitioner with 7 years of experience helping people create healthy homes.
She does consulting on mold etc etc -
Corinne Segura
Her youtube channel:
Chemical Composition of Laminate Floors – Are Laminate Floors Toxic?
HDF (High Density Fibreboard) Core:
Softwood and hardwood fibers – around 75-85%
Urea-formaldehyde, or melamine urea-formaldehyde as the binder – around 11-13%
Paraffin – is added as water repellant – around 4% or less
Ammonia – sometimes added as a formaldehyde scavenger (to reduce formaldehyde levels)
Polystyrene is added in one brand (Duravana) to the core
Many laminate brands are GreenGuard Gold certified. This means they offgas no more than 0.0073 ppm formaldehyde. The outdoor level of formaldehyde in urban areas is 0.0015 – 0.047 ppm (source).
Laminate Flooring Brands that are Certified GreenGuard Gold Include:
Swiss Krono USA
Duravana from LL Floors looks like your typical laminate but the core seemed a little different to me so I asked the company about it. The core has polystyrene added to it (it also contains the usual wood fiber and melamine urea formaldehyde) which makes it more inherently waterproof than other brands. It does not have more offgassing than other brands.
Traffic Master
Pergo used to have Greenguard Gold certification before they were bought out by Mohawk. I don’t think the glues have likely changed, Mohawk simply doesn’t use Greenguard. Judging from the samples I received, this uses the same glue the others.
How Long Does it Take Laminate Flooring to Fully Offgas
Lynn Baker, an air pollution specialist with the California Air Resources Board (CARB) says “you’ll get a fairly large amount that off-gasses early on, and then it starts to become less over a period ranging from months to a couple of years depending on the amounts contained in the product” Source.
Years ago, high formaldehyde products like MDF made with urea-formaldehyde could take 7+ years to offgas but products with lower levels of formaldehyde and products made from phenol or melamine-formaldehyde offgas less and take much less time.
In my observation, laminate flooring is mostly offgassed in the first few months and is usually fully offgassed within a couple of years.
Safety of Colloidal Silicon Dioxide in Food and Supplements
With the wide usage and frequent inclusion of colloidal silicon dioxide, you may be worried about your exposure or consumption to it. Is silicon dioxide safe? The FDA considers colloidal silicon dioxide as generally safe, and most research shows that the silicon dioxide that we ingest via food and supplements is safe.
In fact, it has been found to not accumulate in the body. Excess silicon dioxide is flushed out via the kidneys according to the World Health Organization.3 Furthermore, researchers have found no link or association between silicon dioxide added to food and an increased risk of organ damage, disease, or mortality.4
Is silicon dioxide safe during pregnancy? Thus far, existing research has not found any evidence to suggest that additive silicon dioxide has any effect on birth weight, bodyweight, or reproductive health in general. This suggests that silicon dioxide is safe for pregnant mothers.4
Peppermint Oil and Olive Oil have highest SPF (around 8) - maybe together it's 16? Good level is 30+ but all natural 16 is good.
Peppermint Oil
25 Healing Peppermint Oil Benefits For Skin
Vetiver Oil
Vetiver essential oil is hailed for its use in skin cell regeneration and boosting the growth of new cells. It facilitates wound healing, effectively reduces scars, blemishes, and marks due to acne, burns or pox by removing dead skin cells from the body and hence bestows a radiant skin.
Top 5 Healing Benefits Of Vetiver For Skin
Vetiver for Skin: Fade the Appearance of Dark Spots
Vetiver is classified under ‘varnya’ or skin brightening herbs in the ancient Ayurvedic texts. It contains numerous phytochemicals that exhibit the ability to suppress melanogenesis [1] by decreasing tyrosinase (an enzyme responsible for melanin synthesis) activity.
Coffee Tea Cacao Chocolate Antioxidant (but Contain Heavy Metals)
I generally avoid stimulants because they cause stress. But they have antioxidant properties that help especially in high RF_EMF areas (cell towers, wifi etc.) - so when I'm in polluted areas I take a small piece of very dark organic chocolate like 94 to 100% cacao. But never 2 days in a row because sugar and caffeine are highly addictive and give a kick to the brain (which is very nice) but downside is not nice. So brain / body needs to be free from it to find equilibrium.
Black tea and coffee are supposed to help reduce risk of stroke etc. but I am not so convinced. Anyway, here's comparison:
"Cocoa contained much higher levels of total phenolics (611 mg of gallic acid equivalents, GAE) and flavonoids (564 mg of epicatechin equivalents, ECE) per serving than black tea (124 mg of GAE and 34 mg of ECE, respectively), green tea (165 mg of GAE and 47 mg of ECE), and red wine (340 mg of GAE and 163 mg of ECE).
Flavanols found in cocoa have also been shown to increase the formation of endothelial nitric oxide, which promotes vasodilation and thus blood pressure reduction.
The majority of prospective studies have reported a weak inverse association between moderate consumption of coffee and risk of stroke. However, there are yet no clear biological mechanisms whereby coffee might provide cardiovascular health benefits. Awaiting the results from further long-term RCTs and prospective studies, moderate consumption of filtered coffee, tea, and dark chocolate seems prudent.
Dark Chocolate (cacao) has toxic heavy metals: lead and cadmium according to a new study. Even organic cacao has it so I just avoid it. Even low levels of cadmium is cancer-causing and have been linked to kidney cancer and fragile bones. Lead is linked to memory loss, high blood pressure, abdominal pain, low moods, brain / CNS damage in children.
Coffee and cocoa are good anti-oxidants but not without a heavy cost
1) They are metabolic stimulants. I hate being chemically stimulated.
2) Most coffee contains contaminants like Ochratoxin A, Acrylamide, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Yeast, Pesticides, and toxic heavy metals like Cadmium and Lead can cause long-term health consequences like cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.
So I would rather get anti-oxidants from safer sources.
"All tea leaves had detectable levels of cadmium. 21 teas had detectable levels after 15 minutes brewing while only 18 teas had detectable levels after 3 minutes brewing suggesting that there is further leaching of this toxicant into the water over time."
The half-life of lead varies from about a month in blood, 1-1.5 months in soft tissue, and about 25-30 years in bone (ATSDR 2007). Lead in bone is considered a biomarker of cumulative exposure because lead accumulates in bone over the lifetime and most of the lead body burden resides in bone.
Among lead's well-known developmental health effects is stunting of skeletal growth in children. Moreover, lead is known to delay fracture healing and may contribute to osteoporosis.
Pasta is good. Whole grain is even better. Left over is even better. "When pasta is cooked and cooled, some of the carbohydrates convert to resistant starch. This starch gets its name from being resistant to digestion, so it contributes less energy and is better for blood sugar levels. So, your leftover pasta, even if you reheat it, is lower in calories than the night before.
Coffee Tea Cacao Chocolate Antioxidant
I generally avoid stimulants because they cause stress. But they have antioxidant properties that help especially in high RF_EMF areas (cell towers, wifi etc.) - so
Cocoa contained much higher levels of total phenolics (611 mg of gallic acid equivalents, GAE) and flavonoids (564 mg of epicatechin equivalents, ECE) per serving than black tea (124 mg of GAE and 34 mg of ECE, respectively), green tea (165 mg of GAE and 47 mg of ECE), and red wine (340 mg of GAE and 163 mg of ECE).
Whole grains
New research suggests that incorporating more whole grains — like popcorn — into the diet was associated with a lower risk of cognitive decline.
“It’s exciting to see that people could potentially lower their risk of dementia by increasing their diet of whole grains by a couple of servings a day.”
“Whole grains are rich in vitamin B and E, and other antioxidants. They have a lot of fiber, which has been linked to a lot of health benefits, particularly related to brain health,” Liu said in a statement.
“So, we do see a lot of evidence in terms of whole grains being protective in lowering heart disease risk, and we know what’s good for the heart may also good for the brain.”
According to Mayo Clinic, nutrient-dense foods — such as oats, brown rice or, yes, popcorn — have been linked to lowering cholesterol, insulin levels and blood pressure.
Whole grains included in the study were some breads and cereals, quinoa and popcorn. One serving of whole grains was defined as one ounce of food, which would be about “one slice of bread, a half cup of cooked pasta or rice, an ounce of crackers or a cup of dry cereal.”
Bitter Almonds
Bitter almonds contain glycoside amygdalin. sweet almonds contain amygdalin which turns into cyanide which is a toxin. The level is not high in sweet almonds therefore eating them without soaking is safe but if almonds are soaked the amygdalin gets rinsed out so it's even better 🙂
Fat Cells Communicate with Nerve Cells
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Researchers have discovered that fat cells have the ability to communicate with nerve cells outside the brain and may have more control over their own destiny than previously thought. The investigators found that the fat cells sent a chemical signal to the nerve cells to increase production of neuropeptide Y (NPY). NPY is a chemical known to signal the brain to stop burning fat and to start eating.
Appetite / Weight
"Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are satisfied. If you think of your appetite as a gauge ranging from empty (0) to full (10), my recommendation is to eat when you are really hungry (at a level 2 to 3) and stop when you are comfortably full but not stuffed (6 to 7).
By not filling your stomach to capacity, you will allow your digestive power to work at an optimal level."
-Dr. Deepak Chopra, bestselling author
"Exercise every day for at least 10 minutes, drink lots of water and maintain good posture."
-Denise Austin, host of "Denise Austin's Daily Workout" on Lifetime TV
"It's all about maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle. When I lost 245 pounds, I not only incorporated sandwiches from Subway's "7 Under 6" menu (seven subs with six grams of fat or less) into my diet, but I walked every day. Now that I've shed the weight, I continue to eat low-fat meals (including lots of fresh veggies and water) and stay active. A healthy diet coupled with regular exercise will transform your body, increase your confidence and rejuvenate your spirit."
-Jared Fogle, lost 245 lbs. on "The Subway Diet"
"Permanent weight loss is easy as long as you control your insulin levels. All you have to do is to balance your plate at every meal. Start by dividing your plate into three equal sections. On one-third of the plate, put some low-fat protein that is no bigger or thicker than the palm of your hand. On the other two-thirds of the plate, fill it until it is overflowing with fruits and vegetables. Finally, add a dash of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat like olive oil, slivered almonds or guacamole. Do this every time you eat, and you will keep your insulin levels in the Zone for a lifetime."
-Dr. Barry Sears, bestselling author of The Zone
"Try to limit your intake of white products including salt, sugar, white flour and fat. Also, stay away from carbohydrates after 6 PM."
-Karen Voight, fitness authority and trainer to the stars
Obesity pandemic engulfing world: experts
SYDNEY (AFP) - Obesity has reached pandemic proportions throughout the world and is now the greatest single contributor to chronic disease, an international conference was told here.
Study: Losing Weight Can Help Sex Life
40 minutes ago
VANCOUVER, British Columbia - Losing a little weight can do wonders for your sex life. So says Duke University psychologist Martin Binks, who presented a study Monday at a meeting of The Obesity Society showing that shedding a few pounds can improve things in the bedroom by making people feel better about their bodies.
"You reap a lot of benefit from a moderate weight loss of 10 percent," Binks said. "It's a wonderful message. You don't have to reach some ideal weight to be healthy and happy."
"The amount that one egg a day raises cholesterol in the blood is extremely small, so small in fact that the increase in risk in heart disease related to this change in serum cholesterol could never be detected in any kind of study," said Walter Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard's School of Public Health."Elevations in LDL of this small magnitude could easily be countered by other healthy aspects of eggs." Based on the research, my recommendation is if you eat a healthful diet, go ahead and eat an egg a day. (My interview on CNN summarizes the key reasons why.)
Protein. Eggs are considered the gold standard that other proteins are measured against. Because of the superior amino acid mix, an egg's six grams of protein are absorbed easily and efficiently used by the body. The egg is also low-calorie (74 calories).
Choline. Yolks are one of the best sources of this essential nutrient. Choline is needed for brain development in a growing fetus and may also be important for brain function in adults.
Lutein and Zeaxanthin. These two, important, beneficial phytochemicals found in egg yolks (as well as kale and spinach) help prevent eye diseases, especially cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. While eggs contain less lutein and zeaxanthin than greens, these phytochemicals are more absorbable because of the presence of fat in the yolk.
Vitamin D. Eggs are one of the few natural sources of Vitamin D, important for the bones and teeth. Vitamin D aids the absorption of calcium, which is important for the heart and colon, as well.
Oct 2024
my LDH is too high within normal range - could indicate heart damage or liver damage
Saturated fats are found in butter, cheese, red meat, other animal-based foods and tropical oils. Decades science has proven that saturated fats can raise your “bad” cholesterol and put you at higher risk for heart disease. The more important thing to remember is the overall dietary pattern.23 Aug 2024
always take low fat dairy
15 gm saturated fat in 100 gram feta cheese
Atherosclerosis is the buildup of fats, cholesterol and other substances in and on the artery walls. This buildup is called plaque. The plaque can cause arteries to narrow, blocking blood flow.
there are online examples of interventions that can reverse atherosclerosis (strict vegan being one of them).
Although you can't reverse atherosclerosis once it starts, you can prevent it with some easy lifestyle changes. Eat a balanced diet that's high in heart-healthy fruits, vegetables, and fish. Exercise for at least 30 to 60 minutes a day.
Eating more choline may help lower heart disease risk
June 12, 2024
Results showed that moderate choline intake was associated with a lower risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. However, there was no significant association between choline intake and metabolic syndrome.
Choline intake of around 244 milligrams daily for women and 367 milligrams daily for men appeared to offer heart health benefits.
These amounts are lower than the National Institutes of HealthTrusted Source‘s adequate intakes for adults 19 years and older, which are listed as 425 milligrams for women and 550 milligrams daily for men.
Study explains why food high in saturated fat may lead to plaque build-up in arteries
The study showed that the microbiota does not break down choline when it is consumed with a low-fat diet. But saturated fatty acids present in a high-fat diet weaken the intestinal lining’s ability to balance the microbiota and prevent oxygen leakage into the intestine.
“The increased oxygen availability resulting from a high-fat diet escalates microbial metabolization of choline, leading to elevated TMAO levels in the blood,” said Bäumler. “This, in turn, creates more risk for heart disease and plaque deposits in arteries.”
Two Supplements That May Clean Out Your Arteries
Nattokinase and bromelain
Dairy products can contribute to plaque buildup in arteries because they are high in saturated fat and choline, which can increase the number of metabolites that form plaques.
Here are some ways that dairy products can contribute to plaque buildup:
Saturated fat
Foods high in saturated fat, like whole milk dairy products, butter, and cream cheese, can increase bad cholesterol levels, which can lead to plaque buildup.
Choline is a nutrient found in dairy products, eggs, and red meat. A study published in Science suggests that consuming foods high in choline and saturated fat increases the number of metabolites that build plaques in arteries.
High milk consumption
High milk consumption has been linked to carotid plaque formation, carotid stenosis, and IMT thickening.
To prevent plaque buildup in arteries, you can:
Reduce the amount of dairy products, eggs, meat, and other foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol in your diet.
If you don't want to go non-dairy, you can buy lower fat milk products (2% or skim).
Pay attention to the amount of sugar in dairy products and increase the amount of nutrients you consume.
A 50 gram serving of cheese contains around 7.1 milligrams of choline. The amount of choline in cheese varies depending on the product, but is generally between 36 and 65 milligrams per 100 grams.
Choline is available in a wide range of dairy products. A cup of 2% fat milk contains 40 milligrams of choline, and depending on the product, most cheeses have between 36 and 65 milligrams per 100 grams.Nov
It's true that the cooking process destroys a tiny amount of some of the vitamins and minerals found in eggs. Raw eggs are slightly higher in B vitamins (like vitamin B6 and folate), vitamin E, the mineral choline, and the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin.Jul 12, 2017
Likewise, a folate-deficient diet increases the demand for choline,21 and if dietary intake is inadequate, choline will become depleted. A deficiency in vitamin B12, required for the recycling of folate, would likely increase the demand for choline as well.
You can get recommended amounts of choline by eating a variety of foods, including the following:
Meat, eggs, poultry, fish, and dairy products.
Potatoes and cruciferous vegetables such as brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower.
Some types of beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.
The choline content of an egg is almost entirely concentrated in the yolk. In fact, there's 680 mg of the nutrient per 100 grams of egg yolk versus 1 mg per 100 grams of egg white, making it important to eat the whole egg to get the most choline ( 4 ).
One cup (145 grams) of cooked shiitake mushrooms provides 116 mg, or 21% of your daily needs (12Trusted Source).
Soybeans are another rich source of plant-based choline. One cup (93 grams) of roasted soybeans contains 214 mg, or 39% of the RDI (1Trusted Source).
One cup (160 grams) of cooked cauliflower packs 72 mg, or 13% of your daily choline needs, while the same amount of cooked Brussels sprouts and broccoli each provide about 30 mg, or 5% of your daily needs (19Trusted Source, 20Trusted Source, 21Trusted Source).
1 large (299-gram) red potato contains 57 mg of choline, which fulfills 10% of your daily needs for this nutrient (1Trusted Source).
One cup (177 grams) of cooked kidney beans provides 54 mg of the nutrient,
One cup (185 grams) of cooked quinoa has 43 mg of the nutrient,
425 mg/day for adult women and 550 mg/day for adult men
3 eggs = enough for the day
100 gm tofu has 100 mg choline
100 gm cheese has 65 mg choline
to get 500
2 eggs: 150x2 =300
100 gm tofu = 100
Soybeans, roasted, 1/2 cup 107
Mushrooms, shiitake, cooked, 1/2 cup pieces 58
Potatoes, red, baked, flesh and skin, 1 large potato 57
Wheat germ, toasted, 1 ounce 51
Beans, kidney, canned, 1/2 cup 45
Quinoa, cooked, 1 cup 43
Brussels sprouts, boiled, 1/2 cup 32
Broccoli, chopped, boiled, drained, 1/2 cup 31
Peanuts, dry roasted, 1/4 cup 24
Cauliflower, 1” pieces, boiled, drained, 1/2 cup 24
Peas, green, boiled, 1/2 cup 24
Sunflower seeds, oil roasted, 1/4 cup 19
Rice, brown, long-grain, cooked, 1 cup 19
Bread, pita, whole wheat, 1 large (6 1/2 inch diameter) 17
Cabbage, boiled, 1/2 cup 15
Tangerine (mandarin orange), sections, 1/2 cup 10
I cancelled the Choline supplement from Amazon. One less thing I take 🙂 Eggs are packed with choline and don’t cause rise in TMAO which is a bad bi product of Choline. Also many vegetables, nuts etc. have Choline 🙂
Conclusions: Despite high choline content in egg yolks, healthy participants consuming 4 eggs daily showed no significant increase in TMAO or platelet reactivity. However, choline bitartrate supplements providing comparable total choline raised both TMAO and platelet reactivity, demonstrating that the form and source of dietary choline differentially contributes to systemic TMAO levels and platelet responsiveness.
2013 - outdated study
Conclusions: The production of TMAO from dietary phosphatidylcholine is dependent on metabolism by the intestinal microbiota. Increased TMAO levels are associated with an increased risk of incident major adverse cardiovascular events. (Funded by the National Institutes of Health and others.).
watch your choline intake - it’s very important for the brain and nervous system, and many people get too little of it. Best vegetarian sources: eggs (egg yolk is packed with choline), broccoli, tofu, dairy (cheese , yogurt, etc), cauliflower, quinoa, beans, potatoes (esp. red), nuts, seeds,
A good study showed It is NOT good to take Choline supplements (pills).
We need around 400 to 500 mg per day.
1 cup cooked broccoli or Brussels sprouts or lentils has 65 mg.
1 cup firm tofu: 35
1 cup soy milk: 57
1 cup cooked shiitake mushrooms: 116
1 egg: 147
100 gram raw mushrooms: 17
1 cup yogurt: 37
1 cup cooled quinoa: 30
1 cup chickpeas: 70
1 banana: 12
1 slice bread: 15
1 handful of peanuts or sunflower seeds: 15
So egg is a very good boost for the brain.
To get 400 mg of choline, for example:
2 eggs + 1 cup chickpeas + whatever
1 eggs + 1 cup chicklpeas + 1 cup broccoli + whatever…
I did this for me to see…
I’ve been having 2 eggs a day and feel fine. I like it anyway. Up to 4 eggs a day have shown to have no
Low folic acid depletes choline - but folate is easy to get and is in multi vitamins too.
Best sources of folic acid:
brussels sprouts.
leafy green vegetables, such as cabbage, kale, spring greens and spinach.
chickpeas and kidney beans.
The reason you want to try to avoid having more than one egg yolk each day is because yolk has saturated fat and can raise the level of LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) in your blood.
You should also consider purchasing pasture-raised or organic eggs because the yolk from those eggs tend to have less cholesterol and higher levels of lutein. In one study, researchers found consuming one egg a day significantly increased levels of lutein without elevating cholesterol levels.
cholesterol for people 65 and older is less affected by their diet than someone in their 30s and younger, so they can have up to two whole eggs per day if they have normal cholesterol levels.
the cholesterol in eggs doesn't seem to raise cholesterol levels the way some other foods, such as those high in trans fats and saturated fats, do.
25-30g of protein per meal is a good target for most people, which is approximately 4-5 eggs.
Eating one to three eggs per day can have several health benefits, but this varies from person to person. At this level of consumption, people can expect minimal changes in their cholesterol levels
And we don't just mean a three egg omelette. In a clip from Entertainment Tonight, Schwarzenegger mentioned that he ate a lot of meat and eggs: 'I ate 10-15 eggs a day and had my 250 grams of protein a day because I weighed 250 pounds.
If you are an athlete or go for regular weight training, workouts or cardio then you can have more than two eggs a day. Weight trainees are often recommended to eat more than 5 eggs everyday. Whether they consume it with the yolk or without it again depends on their body type.
While recent studies still don't offer a consistent answer, the average healthy person likely suffers no harm from eating up to seven eggs per week. In fact, eggs are a nutritious food. They are relatively low in calories and saturated fat, and rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. They also contain nutrients, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which are good for the eyes, and choline, which helps supports the brain and nervous system.
takeaway: eggs don't effect blood cholesterol. saturated fat in diet makes liver make bad cholestero.
The saturated fats in eggs also allow you to burn fat rather than glucose, which supports weight loss and fat-burning.
Instead of just one egg, try four eggs per day. Eating eggs won’t cause any problems with your blood cholesterol levels if you are following a keto diet.
High blood cholesterol levels are only an issue when you are also consuming lots of carbohydrates.
Eggs are one of the best sources of protein available for the human body. Don’t worry about removing the egg yolks!
Most healthy adults can consume 4 eggs per day with no problems at all. How many eggs you consume depends on your size and daily caloric needs, but 4 eggs a day is not too many.
Eggs can raise your HDL cholesterol, but that is good cholesterol and is necessary for hormone production, brain function, and bile synthesis.
No, you should consume egg whites and egg yolks together. Eating only egg whites has a much greater effect on insulin.
But the cholesterol in eggs doesn't seem to raise cholesterol levels the way some other foods, such as those high in trans fats and saturated fats, do.
Most healthy people can eat up to seven eggs a week without increasing their risk of heart disease. Some studies have shown that this level of egg consumption might even help prevent certain types of stroke and a serious eye condition called macular degeneration that can lead to blindness.
In addition to strength training twice a week, the American Heart Association recommends getting 150 minutes of aerobic exercise a week or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise a week. Dr. Perls says that this can include exercises such as running, fast walking, bicycling, hiking, or swimming.
Our findings suggest that interventions to increase physical activity, even when concentrated within a day or two each week, may improve cardiovascular outcomes."
People who find it difficult to find time to exercise during a busy work week may concentrate their moderate-to-vigorous physical activity to one to two days of the week or weekend.
Hi Sabine. I hear you! 😊 I also have very sensitive hearing. There was a research article recently that correlated sensitive hearing to creativity. Mozart fell sick from hearing bad noise. Amazes me how some people can stand there like it's nothing when a train screams when it while I have excruciating pain.
"A new study by scientists at Northwestern University in Illinois, has found that an inability to filter out irrelevant sounds in people is indicative of greater creative prowess. Inspired geniuses in their field that were famously intolerant of noise include Johann Goethe, Charles Darwin, Anton Chekov and Franz Kafka."
Are you overly sensitive to noise? You could be a certified genius
Amino acids, like taurine, absorb best without food. Take taurine on an empty stomach. Divide your daily amount into two equal doses. When using higher amounts, take them three times per day.
Diet high in omega-3 fatty acids linked to slower ALS progression in new study
Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids include:
oily fish, like sardines and salmon
certain oils, including cod liver, flaxseed, and soybeanTrusted Source
chia seeds
fiber in healthy carbs like whole grains, beans, fruits and starchy veggies help balance your blood sugar levels by slowing the absorption and release of sugar (glucose) into your bloodstream.
recommended 25 to 38 grams of fiber per day
blood test omega 3
GlyNAC is a blend of the amino acids glycine and N-acetylcysteine (NAC). Taken together, these act as precursors to glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant. It’s important to note that GlyNAC is not the same as NAC alone or glutathione alone. “GSH [glutathione] synthesis requires both cysteine (from NAC) and glycine. Supplementing NAC-alone does not provide glycine, and only GlyNAC provides both the glycine and cysteine needed for GSH synthesis,“ say study authors.
log in vitamins
Good antioxidant and antiaging
glycine, cysteine (from NAC) and glutathione, and not just due to glutathione itself. Glycine and cysteine are both very important for cellular health on their own, and GlyNAC provides both. Glycine and cysteine are building blocks to form glutathione, which also has health benefits.
The data looks good. Now all we have to do is wait out the market volatility.
spain has no cell towers
community Arterra Bizimodu
Many of my friends just drink distilled water. I am not convinced. Anyway, I was looking into it. Boiling doesn't make it. Machine is too noisy and consumes about €600 of electricity extra per year according to someone who measured it. To make it myself in another way is too cumbersome. So best is to buy low mineral water if at all. I'm still researching the topic.
"I opened my eyes because about two years ago I started hearing from long-term distilled water drinkers who had been consuming only distilled water and who had developed troubles with their hair either thinning or falling out in clumps. I've subsequently learned that hair loss is a condition often associated with various mineral deficiencies."
"Even after an overnight soak, it is important to boil kidney beans at a high temperature to destroy toxins. To deactivate PHA, boil them for at least to 10 to 30 minutes at 100 degrees Celsius, says the FDA. It also recommends an initial soak of at least five hours in water, which should then be discarded and replaced with fresh water for cooking.
If the beans are cooked at a lower temperature, such as in a slow cooker or combined with other ingredients in a casserole, the toxic effect is increased. Research from the Toxicology Reports has found that beans cooked at 80 degrees Celsius are five times as toxic as raw beans."
"You can reduce legumes’ phytic acid content through several methods, including soaking, sprouting, and fermentation (12, 13Trusted Source, 14Trusted Source)".
"Soaking them overnight and boiling them at 212°F (100°C) for at least 10 minutes degrades phytohemagglutinin and other lectins (17Trusted Source, 18Trusted Source)."
Cooking kidney beans safely
Kidney beans contain a natural toxin called lectin. This can cause stomach aches and vomiting. The toxin is destroyed by proper cooking.
§ soak the dried beans in water for at least 12 hours
§ drain and rinse the beans, then cover them with fresh water
§ boil them vigorously for at least 10 minutes, then simmer the beans for around 45 to 60 minutes to make them tender
Cooking soya beans safely
Soya beans contain a natural toxin called a trypsin inhibitor. This can stop you digesting food properly. The toxin is destroyed by proper cooking.
§ soak the dried beans in water for at least 12 hours
§ drain and rinse the beans, then cover them with fresh water
§ boil them vigorously for 1 hour, then simmer the beans for about 2 to 3 hours to make them tender
One meta-analysis included in that publication reviewed nine studies that revealed a possible association between flax seed oil intake or high blood levels of alpha-linolenic acid and increased risk of prostate cancer.
But ground flax seeds can help prevent prostate cancer. BUT flax contains heavy metals.
I basically avoid flax seeds and flax seed oil.
Our tests revealed a concerning amount of cadmium, a toxic heavy metal, in several flaxseed products that contained up to 4 to 5 times as much cadmium as other products.
Cadmium, a heavy metal found in soil, can accumulate in flaxseeds.
In conclusion, dietary FXO supplementation ameliorated PbAc-induced specific metabolic alterations and oxidative damage by empowering antioxidant defense mechanism and improving BBM integrity and energy metabolism.
Contaminated water and soil with toxic metals is a critical environmental problem, and there is a need to adopt useful methods for the rehabilitation of our environment. Earlier studies showed that flax is appropriate for the phytoremediation of soil and wastewater. Moreover, it can tolerate harsh environments, and uptake, accumulate, and translocate a broad range of diverse metals. Flax is characterized within fiber crops by a genotype for heavy metal tolerance or accumulation. It was also observed that many species are vulnerable to petroleum contaminants but flax has a unique property to tolerate an excessive amount of hydrocarbons and is capable of accumulating a large amount of it in their organs.
Comparative analysis of cadmium uptake and distribution in contrasting canadian flax cultivars
genotypic differences in Cd accumulation in flax seeds may be partly due to differences in the redistribution of Cd to the seeds during maturation.
flax contains very small amounts of cyanide compounds, especially when consumed raw. Heat, especially on dry flax seeds, breaks these compounds down.
Flaxseed & Cancer Risk
Heavy Metals in Seeds
We at Rapunzel are aware of the problem of cadmium in oilseeds and have oilseeds regularly analysed for heavy metals by recognised laboratories.
The legal limits for cadmium are <0.1mg/kg for oilseeds in general. Exceptions are linseeds and sunflower seeds, where it is <0.5mg/kg.
The values of Rapunzel linseed are mostly in the range <0.3mg/kg
The same values and limits apply whether linseed or linseed oil is used.
Your Blood Type May Predict Your Risk Of Having A Stroke Before 60, Says Study
Those who carried the gene for blood group O1 had a 12 per cent lower risk. The higher risk of stroke among those with type A blood, according to the researchers, is minimal, thus there is no need for additional screening or monitoring.
Childhood Cancer
Out of 10 U.S. births out of wedlock
ATLANTA - Out-of-wedlock births in the United States have climbed to an all-time high, accounting for nearly four in 10 babies born last year, government health officials said Tuesday.
Pollution exposure linked to childhood cancer
Exposure soon after birth, or even before, to combustion gases and particularly engine exhaust, is strongly linked to the development of childhood cancers like leukemia, according to a report from the UK.
Radiation Cancer
Panel Affirms Radiation Link to Cancer
Even very low doses of radiation pose a risk of cancer over a person's lifetime, a National Academy of Sciences panel concluded. It rejected some scientists' arguments that tiny doses are harmless or may in fact be beneficial.
The findings, disclosed in a report Wednesday, could influence the maximum radiation levels that are allowed at abandoned reactors and other nuclear sites and raises warnings about excessive exposure to radiation for medical purposes such as repeated whole-body CT scans.
"It is unlikely that there is a threshold (of radiation exposure) below which cancers are not induced," the scientists said.
While at low doses "the number of radiation-induced cancers will be small ... as the overall lifetime exposure increases, so does the risk," the experts said.
Even common X-rays pose some risk of adverse health effects, the scientists found, although the panel said there was not enough information available to accurately estimate the cancer risk from X-rays. Nevertheless, the report said, there is evidence that per unit of absorbed radiation, X-rays may be more dangerous than other radiation.
Wheat Protein
Nutritionally, seitan is a nearly complete, high quality protein (more protein per serving than tofu), provides a modest amount of B vitamins and iron and contains no saturated fat or cholesterol. A 3 1/2 ounce (100 gram) serving contains 118 calories, 18% protein and less than 1% unsaturated fat. The same amount of beef has 207 calories and 32.2% protein and is high in saturated fats. As recent studies have shown, our need for protein is much lower than previously believed and any opportunity to remove saturated fats from our diet is a welcome improvement.
It isn't a complete protein, though, unlike soya fake meats. It is deficient in lysine, so having a good source of lysine with it may be a good idea.
Good sources of lysine are beans, lentils, watercress, some spices.
On Plastic / PBA
By Dr. Colleen Huber, NMD
Plastic polycarbonate bottles such as Nalgene are still popular as drinking water bottles. However polycarbonate releases a chemical known as bisphenol A also know as BPA. Whereas plastic industry safety studies find no significant health effects from typical daily doses of bisphenol A, a full 90% of government studies found harmful health effects [1] especially to children and expecting moms, [2] but also for male sexuality and reproduction as well. [3]
The problem is that bisphenol A acts as a "xenoestrogen," which just means it's like the female hormone estrogen, except for two things: 1) it's foreign to the body, which is what "xeno" means, and 2) it is way more harmful than our natural estrogen for everyone, male and female. Breast cancers are much more of a risk in women who carry a high burden of xenoestrogens, and both sexes are subject to a huge range of other harmful health effects. The most far-reaching effects are birth defects and miscarriages. Another effect is a disruption of beta cell function in the pancreas, which creates a pre-diabetes type condition of high blood insulin and insulin resistance.
Professor vom Saal said recent studies have shown that BPA is extremely harmful, even in very low doses. The chemical acts like the female hormone estrogen and interferes with the body's natural processes. BPA has been linked to adverse effects on male reproduction, altered immune system function, behavioral changes, learning disabilities, brain damage and an increased chance for certain cancers. Researchers are most concerned about the exposure of babies to the chemical. "The science is clear and the findings are not just scary, they are horrific," vom Saal said. "When you feed a baby out of a clear, hard plastic bottle, it's like giving the baby a birth control pill."
In two studies funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, researchers at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia have demonstrated that two plasticizer compounds, BPA and BBP, are environmental estrogens capable of affecting gene expression in the mammary glands of young female laboratory rats exposed to the compounds through their mothers' milk.
Loud music threat to the young
A new survey conducted by the Royal National Institute for Deaf People reveals alarming statistics about the negative impact of loud music on young people. The survey found that almost 50% of individuals aged 16 to 34 experience hearing issues after being exposed to loud music. This poses a serious risk of creating a generation that will have hearing problems in middle age due to greater exposure to loud music. Interestingly, 80% of young people who attend clubs and concerts regularly do not seem to be concerned about this issue. Reports of tinnitus have increased threefold since the early 1980s, and this is largely due to concerts and nightclubs producing sounds up to 120 decibels. In response, the RNID is launching a Safer Sound campaign aimed at raising awareness and providing advice to young people on how to reduce the risk of hearing damage.
Breast-Fed Babies Handle Stress Better Later in Life: Study
A UK-based research has revealed that breast-fed children are more capable of coping with stress in their later life than those who are bottle-fed. The study was conducted on a sample of around 9,000 children at the time of their birth, 5 years old and 10 years old. The data was collected from various sources, including parents, teachers, health professionals, and midwives. The research found that breast-fed children whose parents had divorced or separated were almost twice as likely to be highly anxious, whereas bottle-fed children were more than nine times as likely to be highly anxious than their counterparts. The study authors warn that the results are not conclusive evidence of a direct link between breast-feeding and stress management in later life. Instead, the findings suggest that breast-feeding could be an indicator of other maternal or parental factors that influence a child's response to stress. The quality of physical contact between a mother and child in the first few days of the child's life may also impact the development of the child's neural and hormonal pathways.
TV found to be a painkiller for children
Researchers at the University of Siena in Italy conducted a study that discovered children who watched cartoons during medical procedures experienced less pain compared to those who did not watch TV. The study involved 69 children, aged between 7 to 12, who were asked to rate their pain level after being pricked with a hypodermic needle for a blood sample. The children were separated into three groups- those who watched TV cartoons, those who were comforted by their mothers, and those who did not receive any form of distraction. The children who watched TV reported 50% less pain than those who were comforted by their mothers. Compared to children who only sat in a hospital room with mothers who did not provide any comfort, the TV watchers reported one-third of the pain. Carlo Bellieni, a neonatologist and pediatrician who authored the study, emphasized that while television can distract children during medical procedures, it should be controlled and regulated.
Eating slowly really does make people eat less
According to a study carried out by Dr. Kathleen Melanson and her team at the University of Rhode Island, women ate about 70 fewer calories when they savored their pasta and sauce meal slowly than when they ate it quickly. The women also reported that they enjoyed the meal more when they ate it slowly. The study involved 30 young women who were given a large spoon to eat quickly on one occasion and a small spoon on another occasion, with instructions to take small bites and chew each bite for 15 to 20 times. The women consumed an average of 646 calories in nine minutes when they ate quickly, but when they ate slowly, they consumed 579 calories in 29 minutes. Eating slowly could aid in weight loss or maintaining a healthy weight, as someone who eats three relaxed meals could consume 210 fewer calories per day than someone who eats quickly.
Berries belong to cancer-fighting superfoods: study
A small study on rats has shown that the berry antioxidant pterostilbene may protect against colon cancer by reducing pre-cancerous lesions and inhibiting certain genes involved in inflammation. The compound also has a cholesterol-lowering action, which could be beneficial given the link between colon cancer and high levels of saturated fats and calories in Western diets. Additionally, Ohio State University has begun clinical trials on humans to test whether blueberries can prevent the development of esophageal and colon cancer. Meanwhile, researchers at the University of Alabama found that chemicals in grape seed extract may protect against skin cancer by inhibiting the suppression of the immune system caused by ultraviolet light exposure.
Study says soccer is better than jogging
The Danish scientists have found that playing soccer burns off more fat and builds more muscle than jogging, according to a study conducted on 37 men. The researchers compared the results of the soccer players and joggers after a three-month-long study, which consisted of exercise periods lasting one hour, three times a week. The study found that the soccer players' body fat percentage dropped by 3.7%, compared to 2% for the joggers, and the soccer players increased their muscle mass by almost 2 kilograms (4.5 pounds), whereas the joggers didn't have any significant change. The soccer players and joggers had the same average heart rate, but the soccer players got a better workout due to the intense bursts of activity. The researchers also found that the soccer players felt less tired after exercising than the joggers because they were having more fun. However, the researchers warned that sedentary people shouldn't jump-start their bodies with a dose of intense exercise but rather ease into their fitness regime with some moderate activity.
Vegetables may help keep brains young
A six-year study of almost 2,000 Chicago-area men and women aged 65 and over has suggested that those who ate more than two servings of vegetables each day appeared about five years younger mentally than those who ate few or no vegetables. The findings add to mounting evidence suggesting that vegetables can reduce mental decline. Green leafy vegetables, particularly spinach, kale and collards, were found to be the most beneficial because they contain healthy levels of vitamin E, an antioxidant that combats chemicals produced by the body that can damage cells. Vegetables are also often eaten with healthy fats such as salad oils, which can help the body absorb vitamin E and other antioxidants, and which can keep cholesterol low and arteries clear, both of which contribute to brain health. The study did not examine whether any of the study participants developed dementia.
Organic fruits have right stuff for health
A study by scientists at the University of California, Davis, has shown that organic fruit has higher levels of polyphenols and antioxidant activity than conventionally grown fruit. Polyphenols have been shown in other studies to reduce cholesterol and improve blood circulation, and some research has indicated that they may help prevent certain cancers. The authors suggest that the difference in polyphenol levels may be due to the negative impact of chemical farming. The study also found that the organic plants produced more of these beneficial compounds, as they were thrown onto their own defences against disease and predators, and therefore more “stressed”. Organic yields were smaller, averaging 22.5 tonnes per hectare (nine tonees per acre) compared with 26.9 tonnes per hectare (10.75 per acre) for conventionally grown fruit.
Aging nation faces growing hearing loss
By 2050, up to 50 million people in the US may have hearing loss, with young people having a rate of impaired hearing 2.5 times that of their parents and grandparents due to loud music and noise. While damage to outer ear cells can be helped by hearing aids, damage to inner ear cells cannot be repaired and causes deafness. However, research is being done on restoring damaged hearing cells using ear stem cells and gene therapy, although it is still at the beginning and a long road. Scientists are experimenting with drugs to spur the growth of hearing cells in young mice, but something still prevents cell development in the inner ear.
Onions, garlic linked to lower cancer risks
Older adults with high onion and garlic intake have a lower risk of colon, ovarian and throat cancers, according to a study of eight studies from Italy and Switzerland, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The findings suggest that the anti-cancer benefits of these vegetables are not just limited to Asian populations. It is not certain that onions and garlic have a direct effect on cancer risk, but the potentially protective substances include sulfur compounds found in garlic and antioxidant flavonoids in onions. Experts recommend that people eat a variety of fruits and vegetables every day for overall health.
In a study of 42 men – who each were asked to eat raw garlic, garlic capsules, or no garlic – their body odour was perceived to be 'significantly more attractive' when they had eaten garlic in bulb and capsule form than when they hadn't eaten it.
The characteristic whiff of a sweaty armpit is caused by bacteria on the surface of the skin. Garlic may destroy these bacteria and thereby reduce body odor intensity. A less intense body odor may also smell more attractive and pleasant.12 Nov 2015
Placebo-controlled human trials showed Saw Palmetto ineffective for treating symptoms of benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH) whereas a similar trial run for Whiteweed (Ageratum conyzoides) showed that herbal supplement (available on Amazon) to be effective in treating symptoms of BPH.
I've been taking Saw P. myself for a long time so I'm hoping it's helping but the scientific evidence is mixed:
The primary use of saw palmetto is to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. Researchers aren't sure exactly how saw palmetto works. But it contains plant-based chemicals that may be effective for BPH. Researchers think that saw palmetto may affect the level of testosterone in the body, and perhaps reduce the amount of an enzyme that promotes the growth of prostate cells. Saw palmetto also seems to have an anti-inflammatory effect on the prostate. At least one study has shown even greater anti-inflammatory activity when saw palmetto is combined with lycopene and selenium.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
Evidence is mixed about whether saw palmetto works to treat BPH. Several studies suggest that the herb is effective for treating symptoms, including too frequent urination, having trouble starting or maintaining urination, and needing to urinate during the night. The urethra, the tube that empties urine from the body, runs through the prostate gland in men. When the prostate gland is enlarged, men may have trouble urinating.
Some studies show that saw palmetto is as effective in treating symptoms as finasteride (Proscar) without side effects, such as loss of libido. Other studies suggest that saw palmetto may actually shrink the size of the prostate gland. Due to the short duration (usually less than 3 months) of these studies, it is not possible to say for sure whether saw palmetto is truly effective for preventing complications of BPH. Two well-conducted studies, for example, found that saw palmetto was no better than placebo in relieving the signs and symptoms of BPH.
It is important to receive a proper diagnosis of BPH from your doctor to rule out prostate cancer.
Sesame Seeds
Starting this list with sesame seeds – a rich source of zinc. According to a study in the Indian Journal of Urology, the mineral zinc is essential to the health of the prostate. And it’s also proven that men with enlarged prostate and prostate cancer have 75% lower levels of zinc in their bodies than those with a healthy prostate.
Zinc supplements are a reasonable option, but zinc that comes from foods is easier to absorb for the body. Almonds, adzuki beans and pumpkin seeds are some other good sources of zinc. So, help your body by snacking on these seeds and beans.
Indian Mackerel
If you’re not a fan of fish, munch on some walnuts, chia seeds, or flax seeds.
According to recent research, vitamin C found in vegetables may play a role in fighting enlarged prostate or BPH. Capsicum has the highest vitamin C content of any food! One cup (165 g) of raw capsicum contains 200% of your daily required intake of vitamin C. Kale, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussel sprouts are some other vegetables rich in vitamin C.
Walnuts are rich in beta-sitosterol, a chemical found in plants thought to reduce symptoms associated with enlarged prostate. Besides walnuts, some other foods rich in beta-sitosterol include soybeans, avocados and pumpkin seeds.
Soya Foods
Soybean isoflavones found in soya foods prevent the growth of an enlarged prostate. Soymilk, tempeh, edamame, tofu and soy yogurt are some soya foods high in soybean isoflavones.
Berries are top foods for enlarged prostate, so include them in your enlarged prostate diet regularly. Berries like strawberries, blackberries and blueberries are not only high in vitamin C content, but also powerful antioxidants that combat free radicals. Free radicals are agents that can contribute to cancer formation in the body.
Here’s a list of foods to eat for enlarged prostate:
Sesame seeds, almonds, pumpkin seeds
Indian Mackerel, Indian Salmon
Capsicum, kale, cauliflower
Tofu, soymilk, tempeh
Strawberries, blackberries, blueberries
3.How can I treat my prostate at home?
Some strategies for managing enlarged prostate at home:
Follow a prostate-friendly diet
Quit smoking and alcohol consumption
Try pelvic exercises
Try bladder training exercises
Empty the bladder completely when urinating
Avoid medications that can worsen symptoms
4.What food is not good for an enlarged prostate?
here is a list of foods to avoid with enlarged prostate:
Red meat
Dairy products
Pomegranate compounds suppress enzymes in the intestine and liver that convert certain molecules (procarcinogens) into cancer-causing agents.6,7 As it relates to those with prostate cancer, the active constituents in pomegranate have proven to be potent inducers of malignant cell death through apoptosis.8-16
Green Tea
Green Tea
Green tea makes a unique contribution to the prostate-cancer-fighting pill as a result of a special combination of naturally occurring polyphenols called catechins.25-28
Studies show that one of green tea’s catechins, EGCG, accumulates specifically in prostate tissue, where it selectively kills cancer cells (leaving healthy cells unaffected) and reduces serum PSA levels.29-34
Turmeric’s unique contribution to the prostate-cancer-fighting pill is its extraordinary anti-inflammatory properties, provided chiefly by its natural primary component, curcumin.43,44 Reducing inflammation with curcumin reduces the metastases that ultimately kill prostate cancer patients.45-48 Curcumin also down-regulates genes involved in adhesion, motility, and invasiveness that prostate cancer cells need to invade and spread.49
Broccoli’s unique contribution to the prostate-cancer-fighting pill is its ability to up-regulate phase II detoxifying enzymes in gut and liver tissue, enabling the body to render harmless thousands of potentially carcinogenic molecules in our diet.63-66 In addition, the naturally occurring sulfur-rich broccoli constituents sulforaphane, indole-3-carbinol (I3C), and others have now been identified as potent epigenetic regulators.63,67-69
Green tea contains antioxidants called catechins that can help the body eliminate heavy metals. It can be consumed as a hot or cold beverage. Seaweed: Seaweed is a type of algae that is rich in minerals and trace elements, including iodine, which can help the body eliminate heavy metals.
A 1/2-cup serving of sliced, cooked okra contains 32 micrograms of vitamin K. This amount supplies about 27 percent of the daily vitamin K intake that the Institute of Medicine's Food and Nutrition Board recommends for adult men over 19 years old. For a woman, eating a 1/2-cup serving of okra fulfills 36 percent of her recommended daily requirement.
Are you overly sensitive to noise? You could be a certified genius
A new study by scientists at Northwestern University in Illinois, has found that an inability to filter out irrelevant sounds in people is indicative of greater creative prowess
Inspired geniuses in their field that were famously intolerant of noise include Johann Goethe, Charles Darwin, Anton Chekov and Franz Kafka.
Yes, magnesium binds to cadmium and can help protect against cadmium toxicity:
Yes, cadmium can bind to iron in the body:
• Iron absorption
Cadmium can interfere with the absorption of iron in the intestines.
Yes, manganese (Mn) can bind to cadmium (Cd) and help reduce Cd toxicity in plants and cells:
Yes, copper and cadmium can bind to each other
Yes, phosphorus (P) can bind to cadmium (Cd) in soils and plants, and this interaction can impact the bioavailability of Cd:
Manganese is highly effective in protecting cells from cadmium intoxication
Protective effect of manganese in cadmium-induced hepatic oxidative damage, changes in cadmium distribution and trace elements level in mice
NRAMPs and manganese: Magic keys to reduce cadmium toxicity and accumulation in plants
Antagonisms between cadmium and zinc toxicity and manganese limitation in a coastal diatom
How manganese affects rice cadmium uptake and translocation in vegetative and mature plants
• Research Article
• Published:
Role of copper in cadmium metabolism in the basidiomycetes Pleurotus ostreatus
Cadmium hijacks the high zinc response by binding and activating the HIZR-1 nuclear receptor
Cadmium and Copper Cross-Tolerance. Cu+ Alleviates Cd2 + Toxicity, and Both Cations Target Heme and Chlorophyll Biosynthesis Pathway in Rubrivivaxgelatinosus
Effect of Cadmium and Copper Exposure on Growth, Physio-Chemicals and Medicinal Properties of Cajanus cajan L. (Pigeon Pea)
Cadmium, lead, and copper binding to humic acid and fulvic acid extracted from an ombrotrophic peat bog
Decreased oxidative stress: Zinc can reduce lead-induced oxidative stress
There are a number of mechanisms by which zinc may affect the toxicity of lead, including decreasing lead absorption, protecting zinc-containing enzymes such as ALAD, and inducing lead-sequestering proteins or zinc donation from these proteins as lead is bound.
Yes, magnesium can bind to lead, and the interaction between the two is reversible:
• In the body
Magnesium can help mobilize lead from bones, which increases lead levels in the blood and urine. This can help eliminate lead from the body. For example, one study found that rats treated with both lead and magnesium had lower blood lead levels and higher urinary excretion of lead.
Blood Magnesium Level and Selected Oxidative Stress Indices in Lead-Exposed Workers
Iron promotes cadmium binding to citrate
Iron‐cadmium interactions are important in cadmium toxicity. Dietary iron supplements may decrease cadmium retention after oral cadmium exposure but the underlying mechanism is not known.
Iron promotes cadmium binding to citrate
Antagonism between cadmium and magnesium: A possible role of magnesium in therapy of cadmium intoxication
Alleviating Effect of α-Lipoic Acid and Magnesium on Cadmium-Induced Inflammatory Processes, Oxidative Stress and Bone Metabolism Disorders in Wistar Rats – PMC
Despite the relatively higher doses of cadmium consumed with feed by animals supplemented with magnesium and/or α-lipoic acid, the toxic effects measured in this study were weakened compared with the changes observed in rats receiving only cadmium in feed. The obtained results imply that both magnesium and α-lipoic acid reduce the level of inflammatory marker; enhance the antioxidant potential; and protect tissues, especially the liver, against cadmium toxicity. However, the possible higher efficacy of the combined administration of both supplements depended on the nature of the toxic changes and the parameter under investigation. Supplementing α-lipoic acid alone turned out more efficient in counteracting the toxic effects of Cd on red blood cell indicators and iron metabolism than the combined administration of both supplements. The beneficial effect of combined Mg and α-lipoic acid administration was observed in the case of their impact on the decrease in CRP level, the activation of antioxidant defense, and the reduction of lipid peroxidation, as well as increasing weight gain and normalization of cholesterol and urea concentrations and the BUN/creatinine index; this implies their synergistic advantageous effect on protein metabolism and liver function. Similarly, the combined administration of Mg and α-lipoic acid resulted in a significant reduction of serum lactate dehydrogenase activity, which suggests their synergistic protective effect against organ damage induced by cadmium. The obtained results demonstrate that, by mutually supplementing the mechanisms of action, especially the antioxidative ones, the combined intake of magnesium and α-lipoic acid under the conditions of exposure to cadmium may increase the defense against its toxicity.
Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) and magnesium can be taken together to help with a variety of health issues, including:
• Oxidative stress: Both ALA and magnesium can decrease oxidative stress.
• • Inflammation: ALA and magnesium can reduce the level of inflammatory markers.
• • Bone metabolism: ALA and magnesium can help normalize bone metabolism.
• • Liver and kidney function: ALA and magnesium can help normalize liver and kidney function.
• • Preterm birth: ALA, magnesium, vitamin B6, and vitamin D can help stabilize cervical changes in women at risk of preterm birth.
• • Premature uterine contractions: ALA and magnesium supplementation can reduce the incidence of premature uterine contractions.
ALA is found in red meat, organ meats, and yeast. The body also produces enough ALA in healthy people.
Antagonism between cadmium and magnesium: a possible role of magnesium in therapy of cadmium intoxication
Zinc as a countermeasure for cadmium toxicity
7.6 mcg / ounce = 0.268 mg/kilo
80% Low cadmium: only 0.09 mg/kg in cocoa, according to independent analysis of the board.
100% has 0.19 mg/k
that's double the 80% chocoafrica
By Alice Callahan
• Feb. 9, 2023
Q: There were a number of news articles about cadmium and lead in dark chocolate recently, and it made me incredibly anxious as someone who eats very dark chocolate every day — including during my pregnancy and breastfeeding! What would experts say about how much I should worry?
The bad news came in mid-December: Consumer Reports published an investigation showing that 23 of the 28 dark chocolate bars it had tested from various brands contained concerning levels of lead, cadmium or both. Research has previously shown that consuming dark chocolate may have several health benefits, including lowered blood pressure, better cholesterol and a reduced risk of heart disease. So the news that it could also contain toxic heavy metals has worried many consumers.
Melissa Melough, an assistant professor of behavioral health and nutrition at the University of Delaware, said she was curious to see the actual data as soon as she read the headlines: “These types of reports always get sensationalized.” When she took a closer look, though, she agreed that the results were worrisome.
“If you’re a regular consumer of these dark chocolates, I would be concerned,” she said, especially if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding or have a child who enjoys dark chocolate, as the health effects of these metals are most concerning during early brain development.
How much lead and cadmium are we talking about?
The Consumer Reports investigation was not peer-reviewed, but the levels of cadmium and lead found in the dark chocolate were similar to those reported in a more comprehensive study of cocoa and chocolate products published by researchers at the Food and Drug Administration in 2018. The F.D.A. study found that dark chocolate had, on average, 7.6 micrograms of cadmium and 0.8 micrograms of lead per one-ounce serving, and some products had three or four times as much. (Milk chocolate, which contains less cocoa, had much lower concentrations.)
Compared with more than 300 other foods tested by the F.D.A. in a separate study, dark chocolate had the third-highest concentrations of both cadmium and lead, exceeded only by baking powder and cocoa powder for lead, and cocoa powder and sunflower seeds for cadmium.
Researchers and chocolate companies have been aware of the high levels of lead and cadmium in cocoa products for decades, said Jerome Nriagu, a professor emeritus of environmental health sciences at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. In a 2005 study, he and his colleagues also found that the lead concentrations in cocoa powder and chocolate products were among the highest of any foods. As You Sow, a corporate responsibility nonprofit, has since put pressure on chocolate companies to address the issue, outlining strategies that can reduce the amount of cadmium and lead in chocolate.
“Food safety and product quality remain our highest priorities, and we remain dedicated to being transparent and socially responsible,” the National Confectioners Association, which represents many chocolate manufacturers, said in a statement following the Consumer Reports investigation.
How do these metals end up in chocolate in the first place, and are the levels high enough to be harmful?
Lead and cadmium are both natural elements in the Earth’s crust, but human activities like mining, manufacturing, transportation and agriculture have increased their levels in the air, soil and water. Because of their presence in the environment, these metals are ubiquitous in the food supply, said Kantha Shelke, a senior lecturer on food safety at Johns Hopkins University and a consultant to food manufacturers, including cocoa processors. “Total avoidance of lead and cadmium is impossible,” she said in an email.
Every day drink 1 liter of water per 25 kg of weight.
Killer Fastfood
Eeating fast food can increase the likelihood of developing nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, which causes fat to build up in the liver.
While regular fast food consumption has been linked to obesity and diabetes, researchers say this is one of the first studies to demonstrate a negative impact on the liver as well.
one meal a day fasting is a bad idea -- When participants ate just one meal per day, they saw a greater reduction in their body weight and fat mass. However, participants also had greater reductions in lean mass and bone density when eating just one meal a day. This could lead to reduced muscle function and greater risk of bone fractures if the diet was to be followed for a longer period.
I usually don't eat sourdough because in principle alkaline is better. But here's an article research:
Weisenberger, author of “Prediabetes: A Complete Guide,” specializes in diabetes and prediabetes care. Because of this, she recommends sourdough as a healthy bread for those managing their blood sugar levels. A study from the University of Guelph in Canada found lower glycemic responses compared to those of whole wheat breads.
Sourdough’s low pH and long fermentation time means the bread is more digestible than those fermented with baker’s yeast because the nutrients in sourdough have more time to break down. Sourdough also has increased minerals for the gut to absorb, according to Colorado State University. Unlike commercial baker’s yeast, sourdough organisms can quickly break down phytate complex, a molecule that sequesters calcium, sodium, zinc and magnesium.
"As a walker, you should aim for at least 30 minutes per day, or a total of 150 minutes per week," breaking it up into three short, 10-minute sessions will give you all the same health benefits Michael Fredericson, MD, director of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation division of Stanford University "Studies have shown that regular brisk walking can be just as effective as running in reducing the risk of heart disease and improving overall levels of fitness." A new study by the London School of Economics and Political Science has found that a brisk 30-minute walk (roughly 3000 steps) is more effective at weight control than running, swimming or going to the gym.
Similarly SPF values for volatile oils were found to be in between 1 and 7. Out of these essential oils taken, the SPF value of peppermint oil and tulsi oil was found to be around 7; lavender oil, around 6; orange oil, around 4; eucalyptus oil, around 3; tea tree oil, around 2; and rose oil, around 1.
Dear Tara, Rusteen
added sugar is toxic and addictive
sugar is needed for the brain but not the added sugar which has no vit, mineral and lowers b vitamins and fluctuates blood sugar, mood, etc.
but natural sugar from fruits - e.g. eating an apple
so avoid foods that have added sugar.
read ingredient list on everything you buy
also called evaporated cane juice etc. -- fancy names for sugar
α-Linolenic acid (ALA)
average adult intakes for ALA range from 1.8 to 2.0 g/day for men and from 1.4 to 1.5 g/day for women
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
average adult intakes of EPA range from 0.03 to 0.06 g/day
average adult intakes of DHA range from 0.05 to 0.10 g/day
Adequate Intake (AI) for Omega-6 Fatty Acids
19-50 years
51 years and older
Adequate Intake (AI) for Omega-3 Fatty Acids
19 years and older
Study above the above sections
GlyNAC Supplementation Improves Glutathione Deficiency, Oxidative Stress, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Inflammation, Aging Hallmarks, Metabolic Defects, Muscle Strength, Cognitive Decline, and Body Composition: Implications for Healthy Aging.
in older people, glutathione levels are very low and the harmful oxidative stress is very high. GlyNAC supplementation corrects glutathione deficiency and lowers oxidative stress in older humans back to youthful levels, thereby solving both problems.
It's important to note that GlyNAC is not the same as NAC alone or glutathione alone. “GSH [glutathione] synthesis requires both cysteine (from NAC) and glycine. Supplementing NAC-alone does not provide glycine, and only GlyNAC provides both the glycine and cysteine needed for GSH synthesis,“ say study authors.
Aha, NAC -- I was taking NAC and I guess it's good to take it - and also corona conspiracists are big believes in NAC
In summary GlyNAC supplementation is safe, well tolerated, and may increase glutathione levels in older adults with high glutathione demand.
NAC may cause bronchospasms in those with asthma. Do not use it if you are asthmatic or allergic to acetyl cysteine. Glycine side effects are rare, but can include nausea, vomiting, upset stomach and drowsiness. NAC lowers blood pressure and should not be taken with blood clotting or high blood pressure medications.
Particular caution should be taken when considering glycine for young children, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and people with liver or kidney disease. People being treated with clozapine should avoid taking glycine. Also people who have had a stroke should not take glycine without the supervision of a doctor.
Supplementing with glycine is safe in appropriate amounts. Studies have used up to 90 grams of glycine per day over several weeks without serious side effects ( 45 ). For comparison, the standard dose used in studies is about 3–5 grams per day.
GlyNAC is marketed in the United States by Nestlé Health Science under the name CelltrientTM Cellular Protect.
GlyNAC is a patented combination of amino acids, Glycine and N-Acetyl Cysteine.
On 7/4/23 5:41 AM, Marc Bresenoff wrote:
> Dr. Joseph what do you think about adding GlyNAC to an anti-aging daily supplement regimen?
> GlyNAC supplementation reverses aging hallmarks in aging humans
> Generic Product
> Licensed product from Nestle
Hopefully organic sesame seed doesn't have heavy metals?
The concentrations lead and cadmium metals for the
sesame samples under study were 0.0130-0.0214 mg/kg
and 0.0121-0.0319 mg/kg, respectively, the concentrations
of these two elements in all samples were slightly higher
than the acceptable limits (0.01 mg / kg) (CODEX, 2011),
the contamination of some crops with lead and cadmium
can be closely related to contaminants in irrigation water,
soil and pesticides as well as pollution from highways
Black Sesame Seeds on Heavy Metal Cleanup
Lignans in black sesame seeds are responsible for heavy metal binding. L
Great article
Andrew D. Huberman, Ph.D.
This week I learned from a sleep expert that if we go to sleep 1-2hrs later than usual we get none (zero) of the normal in-sleep bolus of growth hormone that night, regardless if we sleep in. In other words, keeping regular to-sleep times is as important as sleep duration.
Cleveland Clinic researchers found that maltodextrin alters gut bacteria. The additive with the normal digestive process causes the bacteria to adhere to the layers of cells that line the intestines – a characteristic of IBD.
5 Min Walk or Exercise Every 30 Minutes
To reduce the harmful health effects of sitting, take a 5-minute light walk every half-hour. That's the key finding of a new study that my colleagues and I published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
By Reza Ganjavi
My life changed after reading The Queen of Green Smoothies, Victoria Boutenko's excellent book on green smoothies. Ever since I've been making green smoothies every day and feeling their benefit.
I would strongly recommend a visit to Victoria's site:
Check out Victoria's song:
Here's an extract from her site, reprinted with permission:
"In , we experienced an intense decline in health. Faced with our numerous health problems, (juvenile diabetes, obesity, hyper thyroid, chronic fatigue, arrhythmia, arthritis, asthma, and allergies) we began researching nutrition. After switching over to a healthful way of eating we were able to fully reverse our symptoms and regain vibrant health. Since that time our family has been dedicated to helping people around the globe learn about natural healing and nutrition by writing books, making films, and presenting health lectures. We are here to inspire you to take your health into your own hands. On this site you will find an abundance of free information and research about acquiring naturally radiant health.
We invite you to browse our extensive newsletter archives and follow our raw food journey as we discovered the healing power of greens and introduced green smoothies to the world. Greens are the most nutritionally dense food available on the planet. They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins, and phytonutrients. What better way to consume them than in a delicious green smoothie? The fresh ripe fruits dominate the flavor of the greens and the absence of any fats maximize the absorption of the nutrients. These two factors make the green smoothie the most epic nutritious concoction the world has seen to date. Adding even one cup of green smoothie a day to one’s existing diet can dramatically improve anyone’s health. And the best part is, nearly everyone already has what they need to make a green smoothie sitting around in their kitchen right now!"
She recommends using a Vitamix blender. Click here for more information on Vitamix blenders (link to be updated).
Have a Green Day
Reza Ganjavi
October 2010
DALLAS, Dec. 5 – Consuming low to moderate amounts of alcohol may be linked to decreased brain size in middle-aged adults, according to a new study published in today’s rapid access issue of Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association.
The new study also showed that low to moderate alcohol intake did not lower their stroke risk, as some previous studies found.
Alcohol shrinks the brain
The bad news is that every drink is associated with greater brain shrinkage, a condition called atrophy, says lead researcher Kenneth J. Mukamal, M.D., M.P.H., an instructor at Harvard Medical School and associate in medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. Researchers studied 3,376 individuals over age 65, who were part of a nationwide study called the Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS).
Alcohol and the Brain
It is a supposed scientific fact that alcohol kills brain cells. And presumably, those who would suffer this damage the most would be drinkers in their 70s and 80s who had been at it for decades.
But a new Australian study of 209 elderly men, 178 of whom used alcohol, revealed not a single sign of intellectual impairment or brain atrophy that could be related to the amount of alcohol they regularly consumed.
Alcohol abuse shrinks, lightens the brain
Researchers have been able to map the damage caused to the brain by chronic consumption of alcohol and the results are not encouraging to alcoholics.
New research is beginning to explain how the brains of alcoholics become smaller and lighter compared to those of non-drinkers, and what functions may be lost due to chronic drinking. Scientists believe a number of factors — including alcohol’s toxic byproducts, malnutrition, even cirrhosis of the liver — interact in complex ways to cause brain damage. ... Alcohol appears to be particularly damaging to the “white matter” or “hard wiring” — fat-insulated nerve fibers that allow brain cells to rapidly communicate with other parts of the brain... “The most important permanent structural change is nerve-cell loss,” Harper said. “Some nerve cells cannot be replaced — those in the frontal cortex, the cerebellum and several regions deep in the brain.”...
...continuous drinking for as little as eight weeks can produce deficits in learning and memory that continue for up to 12 weeks after drinking stops. ... “Drinking doesn’t just produce a hangover,” said D. Allan Butterfield, a professor of biological and physical chemistry at the University of Kentucky. “Chronic drinking may lead to permanent cognitive deficits,” he added, noting that the findings should be of particular concern to college students who engage in binge drinking.
Brain Cells Killed During Binge Drinking Episodes
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A few days of binge drinking can lead to the almost immediate death of brain cells, new research conducted in laboratory animals confirms. "Very high alcohol consumption, even for a short period of time, damages the brain," study lead author Dr. Fulton T. Crews, professor of pharmacology and director of the center for alcohol studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, told Reuters Health.
Studies of alcoholics have found that heavy consumption of alcohol can lead to neurodegeneration, death of brain cells and reduced brain tissue mass, and subsequent damaging effects such as a lack of impulse control and difficulty in setting goals. However, "people promoting an individual who just turned 21 to have 21 drinks (should realize) that this might have permanent long-term damage.
"It might not just be a one-day celebration," he warned. "Once you've lost these brain cells, they're probably gone forever--how would you ever know?"
Experts Downplay Heart Benefits of Wine
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A panel of physicians urged doctors Monday to downplay the potential heart-healthy effects of red wine and encourage patients to exercise and eat more fruits and vegetables.
But it remains unclear whether components in wine or the heart-healthy lifestyles of wine lovers are behind this boost in cardiac protection, say researchers writing in the January 23 issue of Circulation, a journal of the American Heart Association (news - web sites) (AHA).
``Alcohol is an addictive substance and adverse effects of drinking occur at more moderate levels in some
individuals,'' write Dr. Ira J. Goldberg and colleagues, who serve on the AHA's nutrition committee.
Doesn't help
Although moderate alcohol consumption has been consistently associated with reductions in coronary heart disease risk, it is not yet clear whether red wine polyphenols confer any additional risk reduction. Interestingly, studies that administered alcohol-free red wine to rodents noted improvements in various parameters related to cardiovascular disease (93, 94), and a placebo-controlled human study found that heart disease patients administered red grape polyphenol extract experienced acute improvements in endothelial function (95).
Booze Blocks Action of Immune System Protein
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Alcohol consumption suppresses an
immune-system protein involved in fighting pneumonia, which may
explain why alcoholics have an increased risk of the lung infection, a
study in mice suggests.
Alcoholism Changes Brain's Genetic Wiring
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Using the latest DNA technology, scientists in Texas have found that alcohol abuse can alter genes in the brain.
Out of more than 4,000 genes analyzed in brain tissue, about 4% differed by at least 40% between alcoholics and nonalcoholics, researchers report in the December issue of the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.
``Just as a computer virus can change the programming of specific functions, our data show that chronic alcohol abuse can change the molecular programming and circuitry of the frontal cortex,'' the study's lead author, Dr. R. Adron Harris, of the University of Texas at Austin, said in a statement.
Researchers followed documented avocado consumption of around 110,000 people over a 20-year period. The team found participants who ate two or more servings of avocado each week were at 16 percent lower risk than those who rarely consumed the fruit to develop cardiovascular disease. They were also at 21 percent lower risk of coronary heart disease.
Adults should get 150 to 300 minutes of moderate physical activity or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous physical activity a week, according to the World Health Organization. But people who surpass those levels live longer than those who don't.
weight in pounds divided by 2 = number of ounces of calorie-free liquid per day. For 155 pound person = must take 2.5 liter water / tea (no sugar) every day
Brain Scans Show Impairments in Young Alcoholics
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Alcohol dependency may impair certain brain regions in young women, results from a small study suggest. The findings indicate that even at a young age, alcohol abuse may take a toll on mental functioning.
The 10 alcoholic women performed more poorly on the tests and showed functional differences in certain brain regions compared with the 10 healthy women.
Alcohol's effects on fetal brain revealed
By Merritt McKinney
NEW YORK, Feb 10 (Reuters Health) -- For the first time, researchers have discovered how drinking alcohol during pregnancy damages the brain of a fetus.
According to a report in the February 11th issue of the journal Science, getting drunk just one time during the final 3 months of pregnancy may be enough to cause brain damage in a fetus.
Alcohol affects teen brain, impairs memory
NEW YORK, Feb 14 (Reuters Health) -- Teenagers who drink heavily have more difficulty recalling new information compared with teens who do not drink, according to a report.
The findings suggest that teenagers who drink may be exposing their brains to the toxic effects of alcohol during a critical time in brain development.
This is a very important time for brain development... ``Certain brain developments, such as the refinement of neural connections, are completed by about age 16,'' she commented. ``Developments in the frontal lobes -- parts of the brain that are important in judgment, planning and problem solving -- continue until about age 16.''
Study finds alcohol does not protect health
Contrary to previous studies on the health benefits of
moderate alcohol consumption, results of a new study of Scottish men suggest that alcohol has no
beneficial effects on health. SOURCE: British Medical Journal ;318:1725-1728.
Alcohol Suicide
States with an 18-year-old minimum legal drinking age have higher rates of teen suicide than states that do not permit legal drinking until age 21, researchers report.
They suggest that alcohol may increase the risk of suicide in 18-20 year olds in several ways -- by
deepening depression, negatively affecting the ability to make decisions under stress, and interfering with the treatment of mental
New Brain Cells Develop During Alcohol Abstinence, UNC Study Shows
CHAPEL HILL -- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill scientists have reported - for the first time - a burst in new brain cell development during abstinence from chronic alcohol consumption.
Chronic alcoholism, a disease affecting more than 8 percent of the adult U.S. population, or more than 17 million Americans, produces cognitive impairments and decreased brain volumes, both of which are partially reversed during abstinence.
Alcohol dependence also is associated with depression, which is consistent with inhibition of neurogenesis. Cessation from alcohol is associated with improved cognitive abilities, Crews said.
Organic fruits have right stuff for health
Organic agriculture got a big boost Monday from a study proving that fruit grown without chemical inputs contains significantly larger quantities of at least three compounds associated with improved health.
Scientists at the University of California in Davis grew two otherwise identical plots of kiwis side-by-side, one organically and the other with a standard mix of herbicides, pesticides and chemical fertilizer.
Upon reaching maturity, and after different periods of storage, the organic fruit showed 18 and 27 percent higher levels, respectively, of polyphenols and antioxidant activity, both widely linked with health benefits.
Berries belong to cancer-fighting superfoods: study
Colon cancer survivors with diets heavy in red meat and fatty foods are more than three times as likely to suffer a recurrence of their disease or die from it than those who avoid such foods, a study found.
Laughter May Be Best Medicine for Heart Disease
By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Correspondent
NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) - Laughter may indeed be the best medicine,
researchers said on Wednesday as they released a study showing that people
who report that they laugh more are less likely to have heart disease.
``The old axiom that laughter is the best medicine appears to hold true when it comes to protecting your heart,''
Dr. Michael Miller, director of the center for preventive cardiology at the University of Maryland in Baltimore,
told a news conference.
``This is the first study to demonstrate a link between laughter and heart disease.''
Miller and colleagues told a meeting of the American Heart Association (news - web sites) that they believe
laughter may release chemicals that relax the blood vessels.
``It's not just going 'ha, ha, ha','' Miller said. ``It's having a good, hearty laugh.''
For their study they interviewed 150 patients who had either suffered heart attacks in the past or had undergone
procedures such as angioplasty to clear out clogged arteries.
They compared their responses to those of 150 people the same age who did not have heart disease.
The questions came off standard tests used to measure humor in day-to-day situations, such as getting to a
party to find someone else wearing the same outfit.
``If you were woken up in the middle of the night by a good friend who had been out of town and whom you
hadn't seen for a while, how would you respond?'' Miller asked.
``We found that individuals that had heart disease had a 40 to 45 percent reduced likelihood of laughing in
response to those social situations.''
He hopes laughter may one day be used for therapy.
``We don't know yet if forcing yourself to laugh when you're angry is beneficial, but there may be effective,
practical ways for people to lessen their discomfort or hostility to improve their humor response and increase
the amount of laughter in their lives,'' Miller said.
Laughter As Exercise
``There is no reason we can't learn to regulate our laughing muscles, like all the other exercises we do,'' he
added. ``Second, we may be able to find ways to take ourselves less seriously.''
Miller said his team is now looking to see if the act of laughing releases chemicals that affect the blood vessels,
perhaps like nitric oxide, known to dilate blood vessels.
The chemical, related to the nitrous oxide used to relax dental patients, is already targeted by some heart drugs.
``Wouldn't it be ironic if laughing gas turns out to be protective for the heart?'' he asked.
Miller said many studies had shown that feelings of anger and hostility cause the cells lining blood vessels to
release chemicals that make them constrict.
A second study released Wednesday, this one in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, tends to
confirm this.
Dr. Peter Angerer of the Medizinische Klinik der Universitat Muenchen-Innenstadt in Munich, Germany found
that angry, lonely people developed heart disease.
``We demonstrated that low perceived social support and, to a lesser extent, high outwardly expressed anger
... were associated with accelerated progression (of heart disease) within two years of follow-up,'' Angerer said
in a statement.
They used angiography to examine 150 heart patients' arteries and asked them questions designed to measure
social support, anger expression and hostility.
Two years later, the patients got angiography again to see whether their atherosclerosis -- clogged, hardened
arteries -- had worsened.
Patients who had high scores on anger expression and low scores on social support were much more likely to
have even worse atherosclerosis than before, Angerer's team reported.
Hostility levels had no effect.
Laughter May Be Good for Your Heart
By E'Louise Ondash
HealthScout Reporter
WEDNESDAY, Nov. 15 (HealthScout) -- Watch two Three Stooges
movies and call me in the morning.
That could be the prescription to prevent a problem that's no laughing matter.
Heart-healthy people are 60 percent more likely to laugh their way through life than those with heart disease,
claims a new study by researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore.
"Previous studies have suggested that mental stress contributes to heart disease. Our study questioned whether
laughter may have the opposite effect," says Dr. Michael Miller, director of the university's Center for
Preventive Cardiology.
Half of the 300 study participants either had suffered a heart attack or had undergone coronary artery bypass
surgery. The other half, who were the same age, had no heart disease. All participants completed two
questionnaires: one judged how likely they were to laugh in certain situations, and another measured anger and
For instance, they were asked:
If you arrived at a party and found that someone else was wearing a piece of clothing identical to yours,
would you (a) not find it particularly amusing (b) be amused but not show it outwardly (c) smile (d) laugh
or (e) laugh heartily?
If you were eating in a restaurant with some friends and the waiter accidentally spilled a drink on you,
would you (a) not find it particularly amusing (b) be amused but not show it outwardly (c) smile (d) laugh
or (e) laugh heartily?
True or false? I often wonder what hidden reasons another person may have for doing something nice for
True or false? I am likely not to talk to people until they speak to me.
If your answers show you are a bit stodgy and stiff, the researchers might suggest you quickly rent a video of
"A Fish Called Wanda" or read the comics and take a load off your mind.
"I believe that laughter should be incorporated into our daily lives. Think of how more relaxed we would be as a
nation, especially after this last election," Miller says.
"There are very few positive factors that have been identified that reduce heart disease risk. This is the first
study to suggest that hearty laughter may be cardio-protective. Further studies must be carried out to determine
the relative impact of laughter compared to other cardio-protective measures such as exercise, low saturated fat
diet, etc.," Miller says.
"Nonetheless, it is clear that a good laugh is stress reducing and should be part of everyday life," says Miller,
who will present the findings today at an American Heart Association meeting in New Orleans.
Laughter's effect on the immune system of children with cancer and AIDS is being studied by researchers at the
Jonsson Cancer Center at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
Called "Rx Laughter," the study is looking at what makes healthy children laugh by measuring their reactions to
classic cartoons, television shows and comedy films. Researchers then plan to show the funniest of the funny to
sick children.
If their immune systems respond favorably, "Abbott and Costello" or "Malcolm in the Middle" might become a
standard part of blood drawing and chemotherapy.
"It's already been suggested that if you make people laugh, they don't get as anxious, and they deal better with
pain and do better in the hospital," says Dr. Margaret Stuber, professor of psychiatry at the UCLA
Neuropsychiatric Institute.
"What we don't know, and what we hope to find out, is whether laughter actually makes a physical difference in
such things as speed of healing," Stuber says.
What To Do
To learn more about laughter and its effect on health, check Laughing Out Loud to Good Health or visit the
Web site of the American Association for Therapeutic Humor and scroll to "What is Humor?" For a fact sheet
on why laughter is good medicine, visit Ohio State University online.
If you're interested in why optimistic people live longer than pessimists, look at a report published in the Mayo
Clinic Proceedings.
Or, you may want to read previous HealthScout articles on the health benefits of laughter.
They were taking part in the hospital's monthly "Strength Through Laughter" therapy. It is one of several types of laughter or humor therapy being offered by medical facilities around the country for patients diagnosed with cancer or other chronic diseases.
THC (found in marijuana and hashish) produces serotonin, a derivative of indole - the basic psychedelic compound that lights brain cells. LSD-25 also produces huge amounts of serotonin in the brain. Among the fruits only bananas produce serotonin. Which is why they say: "going bananas" to a person who's going crazy...
something that you might be interested in...
i figured out today that in the past two years
my legs have propelled my bicycle for over 16,700 miles
and in that time, have injested approximately
1,680 organically grown bananas!
thats a whole heap of yellow buggers!
thought you might get a kick out of that...
(oh, we had a discussion about organic vs. commercial 'nanners
early last year)
take care, and congratulations on your release of the CD in the us,
i'll take a look for it.
sincerely, SV
some argue that bananas are mucus forming (in sinuses too)
The fruit may even help heal damaged lining that may already be present in the stomach. The banana causes the cells in the lining of the stomach to secrete more mucus. This thick mucus functions as a barrier as the banana releases other substances that help rid the stomach of the bacteria that is linked to ulcer formation.
The benefits of an organically grown banana vs. the consumption
of commercial bananas (e.g. chiquitas) are at least two-fold.
1) the common practice of farming commercial bananas is on in which
large corporate growers usually purchase virgin forest areas, clear
cut the area, reap the land of all sustainance, and pump the ground with
pesticides and herbicides--only to gather up a few years later and move
on down the road to revisit this same experience.
organically grown fruits and vegetables have standards of
sustainability and environmental cooperation that they must meet.
therefore, organic bananas having somewhat of a nutritive benefit to the
earth, as well as the body....
2) commercial bananas are not restricted on any amount of chemical
fertilizer or pest control application. logically, the chemical
influence will not simply dissipate into the great abyss. the toxic
residue will certainly remain upon the outlying layers, and arguably
become part of the constituant of the fruit itself.
i turn to an example that i remember from my kindergarten science
class-- the teacher took a piece of celery and placed it into a glass of
blue food colored water. the next day, the stalk and leaves were
intrusivly interrupted with a dark hue of blue. an oddity at a young
age, but moreso a reflection on farming techinques---
if you spread the analogy to the celery being the plant and the
foodcolor being the chemical pest/herbicide/fertilizer concoction.
a few more cents a pound to cover the cost of organic bananas could give
one a piece of mind for the environment, as well as the being.
spenser villwock
ames, iowa usa
Yes, there may be a problem. It turns out that bananas typically come from
other countries. Common practice is to use a pesticide called benomyl. This
pesticide is suspected to cause gene mutations, cancer, and birth defects.
Moreover, benomyl is an illegal pesticide and forbidden to use in this
The information on this website is not a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a qualified, licensed professional.
Bananas' Toxic Past
Most of the 10.3 million tons of bananas going to market are produced in
the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. Conventional
banana growers cut down the forests to plant their crops, and after a few
years, when the soil is exhausted, move on in a never-ending cycle of
Bananas grown by conventional means are highly prone to disease and
require the application of huge amounts of toxic chemicals. Herbicides are
used to kill weeds, nematocides combat root-attacking worms, and, in
countries plagued by the black sigatoka fungus, the banana plantations are
dusted with toxic chemicals up to 40 times per year. To further protect
the fruit, plastic bags with a neurotoxic pesticide are tied around the
bunches, and a fungicide is applied prior to shipping. Yum!
Workers at banana plantations become contaminated with the toxic
chemicals used on the fruit, and skin rashes and headaches are common
complaints. Researchers at the University of Costa Rica recently found
that women working in banana-packing facilities have a high risk of
developing cancer and bearing children with birth defects.
Organic bananas are sometimes available in the U.S., but the small
operations that produce them have trouble competing with the large
multinational companies that dominate the market. Based on information in:
Sierra, Sept-Oct
Excerpted from Spectrum Magazine
The Hidden Life of Chiquita Bananas
Each year the average American will consume up to 28 pounds of bananas, totaling 3.7 million tons per year for the entire U.S.
population. Bananas have the reputation of being "the perfect food for life," but the plantation workers who help grow bananas
know otherwise.
Bananas are a very high maintenance crop. Loose soil with a high organic content is essential to the production of the best
bananas. These qualities are readily available in the rainforests of South America where most conventional growers propagate
their plantains. Unfortunately, this is often done without attention to environmental impacts. Crops are rarely rotated and
nutrients are forever removed from the soil. Thousands of acres are lost each year to irresponsible harvesting practices.
Most banana growers also use tremendous amounts of pesticides to combat various fungi which attack bananas. The chemical
compounds have proven to be devastating to the land and peoples in and around banana plantations. Distributed via
crop-dusters, the pesticides have been responsible for the destruction of much agriculture in Latin America. In a report
published by the International Union of Food, Agricultural, and Allied Workers (IUF) regarding these insecticides, one worker
in Costa Rica was quoted as saying, "The region used to produce rice and maize, but not any more. There are no more fish in
the rivers, people are being poisoned, and the ground is being contaminated."
Even within the plantation lands, precautions are not taken to shield soil and workers from harmful pesticides. Crop-dusting
often takes place during business hours, showering laborers with chemical rain up to 40 times annually. Pesticides can seep into
skin merely by picking bananas, through worker's boots, or can be ingested during hand-to-mouth contact. Despite the health
risks involved, workers are seldom notified of exposure and are not given protective gear. Headaches and skin rashes are
common complaints among workers. Particular pesticide exposure among plantation workers has been linked to low sperm
count, cancer, and the bearing of children with birth defects. In addition to the environmental and health effects of these labor
practices, workers have been complaining of 16 hour work days, extremely low wages, contaminated drinking water on the
premises, and a lack of housing.
Workers of Chiquita brand and affiliated banana plantations have united to form the Organization of Latin American Banana
Workers Unions (COLSIBA), which has asked repeatedly for negotiations with Chiquita executives to review working
practices. Though Chiquita failed to respond in the past, recent pressure by the union and a variety of workers' rights groups
has convinced Chiquita to convene a meeting with COLSIBA (date not yet determined). Chiquita claims to be an industry
leader in environmental and workers rights concerns, but has not been found to operate more safely than any other banana
farming group. It is important that Chiquita receives and responds to public pressure, lest they share the same fate of the grape
industry in the 1960s. Other groups working on this issue include the Pesticide Action Network, Rainforest Alliance, and the
U.S./Guatemala Labor Education Project.
ACTION: Write a letter to Carl Lidner, Chief Executive Officer of Chiquita Brands International. Thank him for his recent
agreement to meet with COLSIBA. Urge him to support plantation workers' health and the health of our environment by
improving Chiquita's labor practices. Remind him that Chiquita is a self-proclaimed industry leader in environmental and
workers' rights and should accurately assume that role.
Write: Carl Lidner
Chiquita Brands International
250 E. Fifth St.
Cincinnati, OH 45202
For more information, contact Steve Coats of the U.S./Guatemala Labor Education Project at (773) 262-6502.