Christian Oesch's Web Of Public Fake Claims, BX Protocol "Miracle Drug", ASD Ponzi Scheme, Tax Schemes, Fake Knights of Malta, Conspiracy Theories, etc.

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Web of Fake Claims by Christian Oesch About Swiss 5G Activism, BX-Protocol Fake Cure-all, ASD Ponzi Scheme, Fake Knights of Malta, etc.

Researched & Authored


Reza Ganjavi, MBA

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Debunking Christian Oesc


Fake Public Claims, BX Protocol Cure-All, ASD Ponzi Scheme, Tax Schemes, Fake Knights of Malta …






Reza Ganjavi, MBA











Available Translations of Table of Contents: (DE) (FR) (IT)


(DE) Da Christian Oesch seine Lügen und gefälschten Behauptungen in mehreren Sprachen verbreitet hat, ist eine deutsche Version dieser Datei verfügbar. Sie enthält jedoch keine der Bilder und Grafiken:öffentlichen-falschbehauptungen-lügen-bx-protocol-etc


(FR) Parce que Christian Oesch a propagé ses mensonges et ses fausses affirmations en plusieurs langues, une version française de ce dossier est disponible. Mais elle n'inclut aucune des images et aucun des visuels:


(IT) Poiché Christian Oesch ha diffuso le sue bugie e le sue false affermazioni in più lingue, è disponibile una versione italiana di questo file. Ma non include nessuna delle immagini e delle visualizzazioni:


New Sections


·      AUTUMN 2023 ADDED APPENDIX: “List Of Over 150 Lies And Falsehoods Said By Christian Oesch”



About the Author


Réza Ganjavi (MBA, BSCS, BA PHIL, Magna Cum Laude, Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Gamma Sigma, Dean’s Honors) is a writer, investigative journalist, philosopher, musician, IT expert, program/project manager, business analyst, mystic, human-helper. For more information see




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This book is dedicated:

·      To Professor Lennart Hardell[1] (MD, PhD) for his ingenious, tireless effort in shedding light on the wireless industry cartel’s lies, disinformation and manipulation of science.

·      To all the patients who fell for the BX Protocol unscientific “miracle cure” purported cancer drug.

·      To the Honorable Judge Rosemary Collyer who had to deal with Christian Oesch’s inappropriate and retaliatory conduct after she forfeited Oesch’s assets that were in the ASD Ponzi Scheme.

·      To the noble Order of Malta for their important charitable work; Christian Oesch has publicly lied about having worked for them.


© Réza Ganjavi, All Rights Reserved







Available Translations of Table of Contents: (DE) (FR) (IT) 2

New Sections. 2

About the Author. 2

Dedications. 3


CHAPTER 1: Introduction, Purpose, Disclaimers. 13

Accuracy, Warning, Legal. 15

Christian Oesch is a Public Figure. 15

Christian Oesch’s Background Per Publicly Available Information. 17

CHAPTER 2: Christian Oesch’s Misleading Public False Claims About His Experience in EMF/Health. 20

Eleven (11) Proofs That Debunk Oesch’s Lies About His Background. 21

“Dangerous Health Tips”. 22

CHAPTER 3: Resumé Walk-through. 23

Oesch’s Resumé Looks Thin Despite All His Public Bragging And Pretenses. 23

Education. 24

Biotech Executive Claim.. 24

“Professional”?. 24

Self-Assigned Big Titles & Overlapping Big Titles. 24

Christian Oesch’s Paid Self-Promotion “Recognition”. 25

Self-Assigned Vice Chairman Position of Swiss Petition. 25

USA: Oesch Opened & Closed Many “Companies”. 26

Convicted Criminal Richard Schultz. 28

Tom Woodall. 28

Oesch’s Swiss “Companies”. 28

Cayman Islands, Panama, Tax, Money, “Helvetia” Mystery. 30

“G7”/(fake)KOM same time as HERS, HIS, MYHUB, SHG etc. (missing from Oesch’s resumé) 32

FBS. 34

Oesch Made Significant Changes to his LinkedIn Profile After Reading This Book. 35

Oesch Deleted His LinkedIn Profile. 35

Pushing Conspiracy Theories. 36

CHAPTER 4: Order of Malta Sternly Refutes Oesch’s Fake Claim, and Therefore, Authenticity of Oesch’s KOM-related References   37

Formal Statement From Sovereign Order of Hospitallers of Saint John of Jerusalem, O.S.J., Knights of Malta. 37

About Order of Malta & Oesch’s Fake Claims. 38

Ulrich “Kiran” Schmidt. 39

BX Protocol’s Sherri Tenpenny’s Fake KOM Affiliation. 40

Thomas Lee Woodall’s Fake Knighthood & Fake Reference Letter for Oesch. 41

CHAPTER 5: Christian Oesch’s Tax Scheme, Debt Scheme Engagements, As Further Evidence Of His Fake Public Claims   45

Anti-Taxation Movement: “We The People”, Bob Schulz. 46

Oesch’s Tax/Debt Scheme Company: Global Debt Solution (GDS) | Stewardship Holding Group (SHG), etc. 47

Oesch Slept With Gun Next To His Bed. 48

Oesch’s Partner Company: IRS Code Busters’ Tax Evasion Scam.. 48

Tax evaders sent to prison. 49

Oesch & Leaming’s Tax/Debt Scheme Companies (HERS / HIS) 49

Nevada Tax Scheme. 50

“Asset Protection” that Christiensen alleges cost her $500,000. 51

Fake Testimonial 51

IBC. 51

“Minor children on corporate payroll”. 52

Accountant busted for tax evasion. 52

Another short-term endeavor shut down. 53

Potential Links Between BX Protocol & Tax Schemes. 54

Lawsuit Against Oesch, Leaming’s Tax Scheme Business helps debunk Oesch’s lies. 54

CHAPTER 6: Christian Oesch’s Engagement in “Ad Surf Daily” (ASD) Ponzi Scheme, As Further Evidence Of His Fake Public Claims   57

U.S. Government Forfeited Oesch’s Assets. 59

Oesch’s Involvement with ASD via Washington and Nevada entities; Link between tax-scheme and Ponzi scheme. 60

Oesch’s Delusional Felony Conviction (in his head) of a Federal Judge, et al. 61

Legal basis for denying Oesch’s motion. 63

AdSurfDaily Ponzi Scheme Victims Received $55 Million in Forfeited Funds. 63

CHAPTER 7: Oesch Publicly Lied About Litigation vs. USA & Accused U.S. Government of Fraud & Theft For Forfeiting His Ponzi scheme Assets!  64

Oesch’s retaliatory action against judge and prosecutors, etc. 65

Oesch publicly lied about the amount forfeited by the U.S. Government 66

Oesch publicly lied that the forfeiture action was a fraud, and theft by U.S. Government. 67

Oesch publicly lied about the reason behind the forfeiture case. 67

Oesch’s Failed Retaliatory Legal Action For $29 TRILLION Against U.S. Government. 67

Oesch Was Sued By U.S. Government Entity, FNMA. 69

Oesch Has Sovereign Citizen Ideology. 70

Oesch Was Involved in a number of other lawsuits in the USA. 70

CHAPTER 8: Links between Tax Scheme, Ponzi scheme; Oesch’s engagements that debunk his public lies; conspiracy theories; pseudonyms   71

Link Between ASD Ponzi Scheme & Tax Schemes. 71

Conspiracy Theories About Banks / Financial System / US & Swiss Governments / Medicine. 72

Oesch’s Aliases, “Oesch English”, Anti-America Comments 73

My take on conspiracy theories, debt and taxes 75

Many Years Later… A Revelation. 75

CHAPTER 9: Oesch & Sovereign Citizen Movement / Tax Scheme / ASD Ponzi Scheme. 76

Many ASD Ponzi scheme Members Were Sovereign Citizen Ideologues. 79

More on Sovereign Citizens. 79

Reference to the “sovereigns” in Switzerland. 80

CHAPTER 10: Christian Oesch’s Dishonest, Fake, False, Deceptive Biotech & Bio-Medical Experience Claims. 81

False Biotech Executive Claim.. 81

More Fake Biotech Executive Claims. 84

False Biotech Consultant Claim.. 85

My Note To Dr. Hardell 85

Another Oesch Public Lie About His Background. 86

CHAPTER 11: Christian Oesch Was CEO at BX Protocol business, promoting unscientific, unapproved purported treatment for cancer and other diseases. 87

Drug, Medicine, Treatment, Therapy. 87

BX Protocol Was A Scam And Nothing More. 87

Oesch was the CEO of “Delta” (BX Protocol) much longer than he was a COO. 89

Oesch Was Also A Delta “Affiliate” (Salesman) / Cayman Island Account Connection. 91

Oesch & Tenpenny. 93

Evidence BX Scandal Was Operating In the USA, And Abroad. 93

Evidence That Oesch Was Marketing BX Protocol in Switzerland as well as in the U.S. 93

Oesch’s Failed YouTube Takedown Attempt. 94

Management: BX Came From Toilette. 96

CEO Christian Oesch Message to “Members”. 97

CHAPTER 12: Multiple Public Lies & Fake Claims by Christian Oesch In Relationship to the Hardell-Ganjavi Project & How Oesch Messed It Up   99

Hardell-Ganjavi Project. 99

Christian Oesch’s Uninvited Arrival 100

Roosli Events. 100

Christian Grasser of ASUT. 101

Yet Another Lie By Oesch. 101

Second Roosli Event. 101

Another Oesch Lie. 102

Oesch Delusionally Claiming Meetings Others Organized as His Events! 102

Disrupting the Hardell-Ganjavi Project. 102

Another Big Fake Claim / Oesch’s Nephew.. 104

Oesch Threatened and Insulted the Administrator Over Nothing. 105

Another Oesch Lie. 106

For the record, another Oesch’s lie is that he co-authored the report with Dr. Hardell while he had nothing to do with the report and didn’t even write one sentence. 106

Another Oesch Lie. 106

Credibility Issue. 106

Oesch’s Conflict of Interest. 107

Manipulation. 107

Oesch ignored Dr. Hardell’s and My requests for transparency, accountability. 108

Dr. Hardell Stopped All Contact With Christian Oesch. 108

Oesch Lied Again. 109

Oesch Falsely Accused Dr. Hardell 109

Oesch Promoting Junk To Dr. Hardell 110

Oesch Lied That He’s Working With Dr. Hardell 110

To add to this crazy but true story is the fact that months after Dr. Hardell cut the minimal contact they had, Christian Oesch still told the public that he is working with Dr. Hardell !! 110

Response to the letter. 111

Lost Cause. 111

Another Oesch Lie. 111

“Strategy”, Praise, Intentional Disruption. 111

Bad Debate Idea. 112

Another Oesch Lie. 113

Another Oesch Lie. 113

Another Oesch Lie. 114

“Karma Is A Bitch”. 114

More Shameless Oesch Lies Such As Lying That He’s Working With Dr. Hardell! 114

Dr. Hardell Kindly Named Me In “Oncology Letters”. 116

Sad to even have to mention credit. 116

Stephan Seiler. 117

Oesch Hasn’t Changed. 118

Another Lie By Oesch. 118

CHAPTER 13: Christian Oesch Lied About His Tax-Scheme- /Ponzi-Scheme- Partner/Fake-Lawyer Leaming. 119

Notaries Lost Their Licenses. 121

CHAPTER 14: Impersonation of Martin Röösli in Fake Email. 123

So, who had sent the email? There are some clues!. 124

Martin Roosli’s Reaction. 125

CHAPTER 15: Review of Oesch’s Swiss Association.. 126

Address 126

Logo. 126

President Just Quit. 127

Established in Grenchen! 127

“We”! 128

Shop. 128

Conspiracy Theories. 129

Conspiracy Theories In Oesch’s So-Called “Legal Notices”. 129

New World Order Drivel And Fear Mongering. 130

Reinette Senum.. 130

Oesch’s Drivel Connecting FTX Collapse, Biden, Ukraine, Money Laundering. 131

Worse Than Mainstream Media Which Oesch Criticizes. 131

Conspiracy Theories, Woowoo Stuff, etc. 131

Promoting BX Protocol Scam In Swiss Association In 2023. 131

Joint Lecture With Convicted Anti-State Man. 131

CHAPTER 16: Review of Oesch’s “Feel Good” Gadgets. 133

Potential Conflict of Interest. 133

“Junk Study”. 134

Issues With “Scientific” Claim.. 134

“Dark Field Microscopy” / “Live Blood Analysis” Trap. 134

Oesch’s DFM Marketing Event 135

Expert: “Dartsch Scientific” Is Used To Bolster Weak Concepts. 137

Proper Scientific Trial vs. Oesch’s Claims. 137

No Credible Scientific Evidence / Misleading Sense of Protection. 139

Placebo Effect. 139

Similar To BX Protocol Marketing. 139

Company Structure. 140

The “Science” Traced To German Criminal 140

Dead Man Working!. 140

Kiontke, Criminal Müller, Global Scaling/Diagnostics 140

Oesch’s Dire Desire To Get Dr. Hardell Involved With His Pseudoscience. 141

Another Oesch’s Lie / Challenging Oesch’s Claims 141

Pseudoscience. 143

Oesch Reportedly Discharged From Vivipro. 144

CHAPTER 17: Oesch Distressing Projects. 145

CHAPTER 18: Glory By Association & Taking Credit For Others’ Work. 147

G7. 147

SAP. 148

“The” Swiss Ski Team.. 148

Swiss Federal Government Logo. 148

The Great Professor. 148

The Great Project. 148

The Great Petition. 149

The Great Activist. 149

“What We Do”. 149

ILAN. 149

FBS (Freiheitliche Bewegung Schweiz) 149

“Biggest 5G Network”. 149

Oesch’s Delusional Habit of Calling Others’ Efforts as His. 150

Oesch’s “Innermost Trusted 5G Core Group” Expelled Him. 150

Pascal Najadi – Oesch’s Latest Glory Seeking & Fake Claims. 151

Another Big Lie From Oesch Shows Dire Need To Get Credit For Others’ Work. 151

Oesch Maintained Cunning Misrepresentation In Altered Version. 152

Einar Flydal. 152

UBI/SRF. 152

CHAPTER 19: Oesch’s 5 References include 2 from Fake Malta Knights, 2 by BX Protocol Scam Figures. 154

CHAPTER 20: Oesch Paid To Get “Recognized” - ISOBL Scam.. 156

CHAPTER 21: New Bunch of Lies By Oesch.. 158

CHAPTER 22: Post Publication. 159

Oesch Could Not Dispute The Report But Lied Again. 160

Trying to avert legal action against Oesch. 160

Cowardly Empty Threats of Oesch. 160

Shooting Himself In The Foot. 161

Another Oesch Lie. 161

Oesch Posted BX Protocol Scam Documents In 2023 Again!. 161

APPENDIX: General Info on BX-Protocol Scandal. 162

Delta/BX was shut down by FDA’s Office of Criminal Investigations (OCI). 166

Money Trail 167

Panama / Hong Kong / Same Address As Scam Financial Company. 168

Global Money Flow Map. 170

Casualties 175

Testimony of a BX Protocol Victim’s Son. 177

Disguising Google Search Results to Hide “Scam”. 177

“Class Action” In Oesch-English / BX In Canada. 178

Ruthless Marketing. 178

Delta’s Idea of Trial / Study. 179

Affiliates. 180

Trouble Doctors. 181

Oesch’s Son Confirmed Delta Had US Operations. He also lied on his resumé! 181

Job Advertisements for BX in Utah. 182

Scams in Utah. 184

Towards The End. 185

Internet Forums. 185

BX Protocol’s Ingredients / Contradictions 186

Membership / Cost 187

Cancer Patients Told To Avoid Oncologists. 187

BX shipped to customers in USA. 189

BX Protocol promoted as cure-all. 189

Fake Science/Research/Statistics. 189

Gobbledygook “Mechanism of Action” / “Subquantum Esoteric Field”. 189

“Education”, $15,000 “Retreat”. 190

BX Reincarnated?. 190

Royal Rife. 191

Rebranding. 191

APPENDIX: On Truthfulness. 194

APPENDIX: Letter to Oesch Demanding Evidence. 195

APPENDIX: Fake Knights Of Malta. 197

APPENDIX: Silver Water Scam Coronavirus Treatment. 207

APPENDIX: Oesch Told People To Take Their Money Out Of The Bank And Store It At Home in Safes, While He Makes Money From The Sale of Safes   211

APPENDIX: Oesch Prompts People To Buy Gold And Silver Coins Which He Makes Commissions From.. 213


APPENDIX: Oesch Threatening Roger Bittel With Bogus Legal Action To Quash Free Speech! 216

APPENDIX: Christian Oesch’s Resumé During The 20-Year Period He Made Many Fake Claims About. 217

APPENDIX: 28 Newly Uncovered Lies Said by Christian Oesch. 225

APPENDIX: List Of Over 150 Lies And Falsehoods Said By Christian Oesch.. 238

APPENDIX: Some of Oesch’s Engagements During Period He Falsely Claims he was doing Health/EMF Research   256








Christian Oesch (“Oesch”) is a native-Swiss public figure (see explanation below) who was or still is an American Citizen as well. He’s availed himself to scrutiny, especially given his public presence, and his public claims. See over a 100 pages of evidence of his extensive public presence[2]:


He spent over 20 years in the USA and most of that time he was involved in questionable engagements such as


- Christian Oesch established and closed about 20 or more shell companies that were apparently involved in “tax strategies”, “tax protestation”, a Ponzi Scheme, etc.; Most, if not all of these were in partnership with Kenneth Wayne Leaming who is a multiple felon who went to prison multiple times for various crimes. Together they were also affiliated with the anti-government Sovereign Citizen movement / ideology.


- Christian Oesch was a figure in the Ad Surf Daily Ponzi scheme which was busted by the USA justice authorities, and his assets were forfeited, and the founder of the Ponzi Scheme was fined and imprisoned; Oesch tried to retaliate against the judge who ordered the forfeiture of his apparently $54,055 assets (which he later lie in Switzerland saying the US Government had “defrauded” him and “stolen” $4,200,000 of his money). Christian Oesch filed a lawsuit against the Judge, Prosecutor, Secret Service, claiming about $30,000,000,000,000 in damages! The case was dismissed with the Appellate judge ruling that Christian Oesch’s arguments had “deteriorated into ramblings”.


- Christian Oesch was the CEO and COO (and salesman) of the BX Protocol business (“Delta…”) which made and sold an unapproved, unscientific purported treatment for various diseases including cancer. The mostly sugar water and bacteria was sold to dying or suffering cancer patients for some $17,000 starting price. Oesch was apparently the number two person in the company (though he has claimed to have been the CEO), and he was heavily involved in promoting and selling of BX Protocol in the USA, which he also marketed in Switzerland. US justice authorities ridiculed BX as a “miracle cure”. The founder was fined and imprisoned. Oesch still falsely believes BX Protocol was legitimate, and in Switzerland, he has argued that BX Protocol is legitimate, and has promoted conspiracy theories to justify the fact that the bogus, unscientific “miracle cure” was shut down and prosecutor by US Authorities (USA FDA’s Office of Criminal Investigations; USA Federal Prosecutors; US Federal Court).


- Christian Oesch continued his modus operandi upon his return to Switzerland where got engaged in politics (unsuccessfully running as a candidate for the National Council), political activism, promoting all kinds of nonsensical conspiracy theories, selling various products (including gadgets that don’t have any credible scientific basis) along-side his activism. He has given talks to thousands of people in person and hundreds of thousands of audiences online, about his nonsensical conspiracy theories, as well as his activism around 5G (which unfortunately he has at times mixed with pushing unscientific gadgets, or pushing unfounded conspiracy theories).


- Christian Oesch has threatened various people with suing them for defamation, when they criticized him. Sorting through the various dishonest, illogical, irrational arguments he has brought to justify his inappropriate actions, it seems that he views the debunking of the lies he tells the public, as defamation and harassment! He has engaged in censoring people’s comments on his association’s website, and he seems disrespectful to freedom of speech -- while he criticizes “main stream media” of censorship. The scope of his apparent hypocrisy is wide.


- We crossed paths in sphere of activism against EMF pollution/5G where he interjected himself in a most important project I was professionally running with a top professor. Oesch showed up after the project’s main deliverable artifact was complete (after a long period of hard work by the Professor and myself), and he egregiously lied to the public saying he had coordinated the project. This was not the only time. He has tried to adorn himself with other people’s feathers, on a number of occasions.


- Christian Oesch viciously infiltrated my project by saying a number of big lies to my activist circle. When I fact-checked his lies, he made insulting and defamatory comments about me. Fact checking his lies and fake claims revealed a wide range of dishonest, fake claims, and stating falsehood as facts (even if he unintelligently believed them to be true) that would deceive the public. Addressing his inappropriate public statements required a deeper research into his background, which I undertook, and it took a huge amount of time (which nobody paid me for) which I did as a public service.


- The fact-checking of Oesch’s misleading public statements about his background in the last 20 years, also verifying the various engagements he claimed on his public resumé. The more stones I turned the more was revealed about the network of his fake claims, including the several lies he said on his resumé. Especially after returning to Switzerland, he falsified his background to deceive the public to believe he had experiences and competencies he absolutely did not have.


- This book is solely intended to be a fact-based book that sets the record straight, in response to certain public statements made by Oesch. If you see any inaccuracies please contact the author so they can be corrected (via contact page of


In Summary, Christian Oesch has made public statement which contradict with documented facts.


For example, he has publicly claimed that he spend the last 20 years of his life/career “in health optimization integrity and electro-smog solutions” in context of marketing his so-called electosmog “feel good” device. He has also claimed to be an expert in the field of “biomedicine” as having purportedly worked in that field since 2003 (which is another big lie).


Research of public records indicate those claims of Christian Oesch (and similar other public claims he has made) are absolutely dishonest. What he was really doing during those periods are stated in summary, in the preceding paragraphs – and in detail in the rest of this book.


There are plenty in his last 20 years which had nothing to do with EMF or health optimization. These are explored in detail in this book.


This book also researches other public claims by Oesch:


·      He has publicly claimed to have worked for Knights of Malta. That has been refuted by the real Knights of Malta.


·      He has made certain inaccurate public claims about his (minimal, self-interjected) engagement with the Hardell-Ganjavi project, apparently to glorify his self-importance.


·      He has publicly falsified his (minimal) contact with Professor Hardell, saying he’s working with Dr. Hardell even after Dr. Hardell explicitly terminated their (minimal) contact;


·      He has publicly boasted about having been “recognized” by a service which turns out to be a paid recognition.


·      He has claimed to be a “Biotech Executive”. That claim is also put under microscope in this book.


·      He has claimed that a “feel good” device he’s selling is “scientific”. That false claim is put under microscope by independent scientists in this book.


·      He has claimed that BX Protocol is a viable treatment for cancer. Looking into that claim revealed the statement is scientifically flawed.


·      He has made public statements about taxation, politics, and various conspiracy theories, which are also examined in this book.


·      He may have a conflict of interest since the more EMF-pollution, the bigger the size of the market of gullible people who might buy his “feel good” gadget.


This book strives to objectively fact-check the above, as a balance to Mr. Oesch’s public claims, and provides supportive evidence hereinbelow. Also see “APPENDIX: List Of Over 150 Lies And Falsehoods Said By Christian Oesch”.


CHAPTER 1: Introduction, Purpose, Disclaimers





Christian Oesch “Oesch” entered my life in relationship to EMF-activism, and cunningly interjected himself into a crucial high-profile project I was professionally managing together with a top world authority on EMF/Health, Professor Lennart Hardell (MD, PhD). Oesch decided he wanted a piece of the “action” and after all the hard work was done, he jumped in last minute without coordinating with me and just took over the most critical phase of the project, which led to a number of risks that became issues that undermined the project. That’s how I got to know Oesch.


From then on, I noticed in his many public appearances, statements, mentions, that he was saying things that needed to be verified for the sake of accuracy since a public speaker has a responsibility to provide accurate information to the public, otherwise, inaccurate information can mislead the public. Such statements were not only about my project, but also his own background, for example, when he portrayed himself to have expertise that seemed questionable.


Being an investigative journalist, citizen journalist, I began to research his background, only to verify his statements, including claims he made on his resumé. That’s how this book came about. I researched the material objectively, with an open mind, without prejudice, and with absolutely no ill intention or desire to disparage him in any way. I tried to let the facts speak, in response to his own public claims.


One of the roles of media and reporters (including freelance reporters like me) in a civil society is to help interpret and disseminate facts, and at times take on an adversarial roles as challenge to propagated falsehoods, and that is exactly the role I have played in light of numerous lies and disinformation and fake claims Christian Oesch has told the public about a variety of topics. [3] [4]


I took risks in writing this report. One person familiar with the BX Protocol story warned me that writing this could put me in danger because of the characters involved in the BX scandal – but I trust in God.


One of the key purposes of this research was to find out if what Oesch was telling the public was true, and it turned out that he has said many lies to the public about his background, engagements, competences, and other matters. I believe shedding light on lies that are said to deceive the public is a noble act, and in fact, it is the responsibility of anyone who hears someone deceiving the public, while facts that debunk those lies are objectively attainable.


If we assume that deceiving the public by stating falsehoods as fact is an evil act, one is reminded of the following quote by the philosopher Edmund Burke: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”.


This research was partly motivated by trying to understand what Oesch was about because as Einstein said, you can’t solve a problem at the level it was created. Oesch had “thrown some darts” when I called him out on the disruption of the Hardell-Ganjavi project, and there was no way I could respond to him without understanding him. I do not reciprocate lies with lies. Truth matters.


I’m not calling Oesch a fool but the Bible (Proverbs 26:4) beautifully stated a principle I live by: “Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him”.


Truth has its own calm yet powerful language. You can’t address someone’s vulgar statements and self-glorifying claims without verifying his claims and understanding his background. Google came handy! I learned a lesson to next time Google a newcomer much earlier.


In professional settings people I deal with are vetted by the company before they’re hired, just as I have to go through stringent vetting before a major Swiss bank for example entrusts me running their sensitive IT Security projects and managing multi-million-dollar budgets (resumé[5], references[6]).


In this case Oesch just showed up, and by default I trusted him, and was initially impressed by his claims which turned out to be fake. In verifying his claims, I came across a huge pile of mess in public records that I sorted through. This book is an attempt to document my fact-checking endeavor.


The purpose of this book therefore, is to help set the record straight by shedding light on Oesch’s public lies, fake claims, misrepresentations, half-truths, falsehoods, delusional ideas which misinform and mislead the public. This was done on my own initiative, and encouraged by some people who were confused and alarmed by Oesch’s behavior and propagating “feel good” devices without a credible scientific foundation, and making questionable claims about his background.


I also felt a responsibility to public to write this book to shed light on the disinformation. This responsibility reminds me of a profound quote by John Stuart Mill[7] [8]who wrote in 1867, with the caveat that I am not calling Oesch a “bad man”.  “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing”. I do not classify people as “good” and “bad” since we all have the light of the Divine within us, but for some it’s sometimes covered with. So, the focus here is not on generalization of character but on specific deeds like intentionally stating falsehoods as facts.


This entire endeavor was not something I’d ever choose to do, but it needed to be done. Now it’s done. I wish Mr. Oesch well in his future endeavors.


Accuracy, Warning, Legal


ACCURACY: Accuracy is assured on best-effort basis and diligent examination of all sources. But as journalism is inexact, if the reader should come across anything that is factually incorrect, please contact the author via the “contact” page of together with evidence to support your claim, and the correction will be made.


WARNING:  Oesch has been lying about me to discredit this research – with absolutely ridiculous lies like saying I’m jealous of him (which I absolutely have never been) because he (thinks) he’s so successful. If you look at his profile which he’s publicly availed to scrutiny, and look at my profile (see biography/references on the ridiculousness of his claim is quickly evident. He has nothing I’d be envious of!! BX Protocol scandal leaders (with Oesch as CEO) were using the same ridiculous rhetoric to rationalize criticisms of BX Protocol, saying people who pointed out that BX Protocol is a scam were purportedly just jealous of it!!


In terms of success, there’s nothing in Oesch’s background that I would consider to be a success or anything to be proud of. He’s said he’s very proud that he sued the US justice and law-enforcement authorities, so he must consider that as one of his successes; in reality, the lawsuit was totally bogus and was dismissed with the judge stating it “deteriorated into rambling”.


I hate to get into comparison because it’s a shame for me to even compare myself with a person like Oesch but I have to, to address his delusional lie. Here’s my profile:





LEGALITY: Everything that is said herein are facts or opinions based on extensive research to obtain publicly available evidentiary facts. I have consulted with attorneys to make sure no rights are trespassed. Two Swiss attorneys reviewed this document for legality, because I respect everyone’s rights, including Christian Oesch’s. Both lawyers concluded that this document is lawful. Not being a judge or prosecutor, the author is neither accusing nor exonerating Christian Oesch of any unlawful conduct. The focus here is on fact-checking his public claims, and not on legality of his actions, and especially being a public figure, he’s availed himself to public scrutiny of his public statements. See


Christian Oesch is a Public Figure


Christian Oesch (“Oesch”) has had an extensive public presence in Switzerland, and has therefore availed his public comments to scrutiny. Here’s a 130-page pictorial depiction of his public presence: which illustrate how Oesch has extensively put himself in the public sphere by giving numerous public talks, interviews, webcasts, TV broadcasts, etc., and making numerous public claims and statements. Add to that public status, his political activism in Switzerland, and running for national public office; he has therefore availed himself to scrutiny.


·      He ran and publicly campaigned for the Swiss National Council.

·      He has given many public talks to large groups in Switzerland. According to his own recent admission his recent interview was seen 150,000 times.

·      He has appeared in numerous public broadcasts on various types of public media, with very large public audience.

·      He has been involved in a number of political actions and political parties, with a public-facing presence; where public has been solicited for donations. Also, his association which he widely promotes, solicits public funds (he has lied that his association is a non-profit, but it is not, as per official reports).

·      He has an extensive online presence and frequently posts messages, including unfounded conspiracy theories. 

·      His Telegram channel has around 10,000 members, but as it is a public channel it can be reached by any member of public so it likely reaches thousands more.

·      He has sent emails to large groups of recipients in Switzerland, and claims to have a large mailing list.

·      He has appeared on a number of YouTube videos on channels run by Swiss and German media, some of which have tens of thousands of subscribers.

·      In the USA he’s been featured in a major news television broadcast, and their YouTube channel in relationship to the unscientific BX Protocol “miracle cure” as American justice authorities ridiculed it as; and ASD Ponzi Scheme (both operations were shut down by USA authorities).

·      He has been mentioned in articles and programs in several widely publicized media, newspapers, magazines, e.g. SRF, Luzerner Zeitung, Zeitpunkt, Bürger für Bürger.

·      He has also featured himself in some online publications that have had thousands of readers, including abroad (e.g. an Italy based publication with a large number of subscribers).

·      Some of the television and webcast video interviews he’s appeared on include interview with his fellow BX-Protocol pusher Sherri Tenpenny (see section “Oesch & Tenpenny”); interview with Roger Bittel (see section “Oesch Threatening Roger Bittel With Bogus Legal Action To Quash Free Speech”) after which he threatened him with legal action if he did not remove my comments which debunked Oesch’s public lies; interview with an extremist Austrian TV titled (“Switzerland Is A Sham Democracy!”).


According to his own recent admission he’s given lectures to some 5000 people, and his recent interview was seen 150,000 times.




In several of the above, he has publicly misrepresented his background, competences, and deceived the public to believe he has experience and competences and relationships that in reality he does not have. Alongside his activism, he has sometimes pushed products that don’t have any scientific foundations, and products based on unfounded conspiracy theories.



Christian Oesch’s Background Per Publicly Available Information


-       Name: Christian Oesch (also spelled as Ösch);

herein referred to as “Oesch”.

-       Citizenship: Swiss by birth; US naturalized citizen[9],[10]

(Naturalization Number: 22218851) [11]

-       Date of birth: 24 February 1966[12]


Residence: Oesch reportedly lives in an apartment he owns (which was reportedly given to him by his aunt), in Eriz[13] (Canton Bern), CH-3619, Switzerland. Oesch has publicly posted his coordinates[14]:



o   Phonebook’s same name/village entry is his father who also lives in Eriz (born 1941).  A “mountain farmer”, who was in Canton Bern Grosser Rat for 16 years as part of the far-right SVP party[15] [16].


o   Oesch is also known as Christian Oesch Junior, and reportedly by other spellings of his name.


o   According to public records[17], on 17 January 2019 Christian Oesch became the owner of his residence apartment in Eriz (a village in Bernese Oberland). Public records indicate the apartment was previously owned by Anna and Rosa Oesch. Christian Oesch reportedly said his aunt gave him the apartment, and that he may restart the inn/restaurant that was at the same property before. The property's main unit where the inn was belongs to David Rolli and Eveline Marianne Rolli-Glauser, since 2017 (to Rolli Immobilien[18], Aeschi b. Spiez since 2020). Prior to that it was owned by a Mr. Wüthrich for about 20 years. Two other apartments are at the same number, one is owned by Oesch, and one by another person[19].


-       Reliable address in USA before moving back to Switzerland: 8293 S 1170 E. SANDY, UTAH 84094, USA.[20]


-       Education: Oesch did an apprenticeship in cooking from age 16 to 19. That is the highest level of his education.


-       Oesch’s picture is shown in this news video [21] as well as here [22].


-       Oesch publicly says he lived in the USA for 24 years. It seems that he returned to Switzerland in 2018 but I can’t tell for sure – in 2024 he claimed he came back to Switzerland in 2012 and ran the BX Protocol business from Switzerland. There are multiple address histories [23] for him in USA public records; most are associated with mailboxes. He mainly lived in Utah.



-       Move to USA: It seems that around age 30 he emigrated to the USA, initially engaged in food business, but got engaged in various activities that are outlined herein. The focus here is on his last 20 years, in order to fact-check his public claims. During the period when Oesch publicly claims to have been engaged in EMF/health research, in reality, he was doing the following:


·      Oesch ran the BX Protocol scandal (unscientific, purported “treatment”, for various diseases including cancer) as CEO and salesman and COO for a long time. There’s evidence that Delta/BX-Protocol operated in USA, Switzerland, and elsewhere.

·      Oesch’s behavior and use of terminology depicts affiliation with the anti-government, anti-taxation Sovereign Citizen movement.

·      Oesch was a figure in a Ponzi scheme that was busted by the US Government (its head imprisoned; Oesch’s assets forfeited).

·      Oesch was engaged in Tax Schemes involving offshore banking and numerous “companies” he opened and closed, including together with a convicted criminal whom Oesch has made false public claims about.

·      Oesch was engaged in numerous lawsuits, including trying to get a Federal Judge and Prosecutor and Secret Service to pay him about ~$30 TRILLION as retaliation for the US government having forfeited his assets in the busted Ponzi scheme, which in one filing he states was about $54,055. He lost that case (judge wrote Oesch’s complaint “deteriorated into rambling”) as he lost several other legal cases.

·      In Switzerland, Oesch has publicly accused the US Government of fraud and theft of $4.2 Million of his money in connection with something that can’t be verified, but seems to be about the forfeiture of his money when ASD (AdSurfDaily) Ponzi scheme was busted by US Government, whilst in a court filing, he claims the forfeited sum was $54,055.


-       After leaving BX Protocol business (“Delta”) with his title downgraded from CEO to COO, and before the scandal was shut down by FDA’s Office of Criminal Investigations, Oesch moved back to Switzerland (I’m not implying causality) at some point – I don’t know when.


-       He ran for National Council but did not get elected [24] (but he brags about it). He also got engaged in anti-EMF activism as well as sale of a “feel good” purported EMF protection gadget that has no credible scientific basis. Oesch publicly misrepresented his background and expertise saying he dedicated his last 20 years to EMF/health research, and the media put him on a pedestal as an EMF/health expert!


-       Oesch publicly lied about several other things too, including his (minimal) engagement with the Hardell-Ganjavi project which Oesch undermined.


-       Oesch’s public resumé and bought “recognition” which he widely circulates contain misrepresentations and eliminations of some key engagements which is a matter of public interest since he has publicly lied about his past and expertise.


-       Oesch has publicly portrayed himself as a “Biotech Executive” among other things but several real biotech executives have confirmed that BX Protocol business (a.k.a. Delta) does not at all resemble a real biotech company.


-       Oesch spent some time as an activist as part of a petition where he reportedly tried to be called the co-initiator while in reality, he was not a co-initiator (similar to his taking false credit in the Hardell-Ganjavi project). The petition’s initiator refused to let Oesch call himself a “co-initiator”, and also rejected Oesch’s self-assigned title Vice Chairman, but Oesch calls himself that anyway.


-       Oesch is a public figure who has run for political office at Swiss national level, and has appeared in many public forums, as documented here. Here’s one recent newspaper article [25] that included his picture. Several other examples exist, e.g. [26]. He has also admitted that he has “a large following” in Switzerland (see “strategy” section for his quote). Here’s a pictorial document of over 130 pages that illustrate his extensive public presence:




CHAPTER 2: Christian Oesch’s Misleading Public False Claims About His Experience in EMF/Health



On 5 May 2020, in another public article[27] featuring Oesch, in a highly circulated publication, Oesch promoted himself and touted his gadgets (that don’t have peer-reviewed scientific foundation), and lied about his background, that he has “devoted his past twenty years and career to research in health optimization integrity and electro smog solutions.”. The publisher told me Oesch had written the article himself[28].



In another public statement [29] Oesch claims he provides “consulting work for international clients in the health industry”. He’s also referred to himself as cancer coach”, “health advisor”, “health consultant”, “biotech executive”, “biotech consultant”.


·      People who are part of his marketing network can very easily and quickly [as stated by one of his members] become “health advisors[30] even without experience or education in a health-related field.


·      These concepts that Oesch employs in Switzerland with his new gig are very similar to BX Protocol marketing concepts. So, it seems, his Vivipro / E-ReliefMobil marketing is essentially modeled after his BX Protocol’s. See section Vivipro and Review of Oesch’s Woowoo Gadgets for details.


That 20-year EMF-health experience claim of Oesch is a falsehood that totally contradicts publicly available information about his background. 20 years means since year 2000. So, we need to look at what he did in the last 20 years to verify his claim. We know as a fact that since year 2000, aside from engagement in the BX Protocol scandal, Oesch spent much time in “tax strategies/protestation” activities/businesses, fighting numerous lawsuits in the USA (related to ASD Ponzi scheme, etc.), and other engagements as per his public resumé, which were not “health” or EMF related.


Therefore, his statement is a falsehood knowingly stated as a fact, which I guess was done to impress potential buyers of his products, and to win political clout. He was also engaged in BX Protocol for a long time, and whether that is legitimately a “health industry” company is doubtful since the company was shut down by the FDA and exhibited no characteristics of a normal Biotech company. Anyway, Delta/BX-Protocol had nothing to do with EMF research.



-       Oesch’s background doesn’t seem to contain any positions where he was a “researcher” as it is generally understood in the healthcare industry.

-       Oesch doesn’t have the educational background that most health researchers have.

-       Oesch never worked for a real healthcare or biotech company if we consider the fact that Delta/BX does not resemble any biotech company that engages in regulated research, etc.[31]

-       There’s no evidence, including on Oesch’s own public resumé, that he was engaged in EMF research in the last 20 years; and nothing in Oesch’s resumé suggests he was ever a researcher in electro-smog “solutions” until he got engaged in EMF activism in recent history and started selling purported electro-smog “solutions”.

-       Note the word “solutions”. To date, the only scientific “solutions” to EMF pollution are shielding, distance, reduction of exposure, but not the “solution” offered by many “feel good” products (including the one Oesch sells) which do not have peer-reviewed, credible scientific basis. Placebo-effect, subjective references are not credible, neither are pseudoscience methods of proving things, or commissioned, bought “scientific” certificates that do not withstand peer-review and experiments that aren’t applicable to humans. See section “Oesch’s Gadget” and a review[32] I wrote on this class of gadgets.


To verify Oesch’s claims in more detail, we need to look at what he was doing in the last 20 years, based public information. We also need to look at what he means by “health industry”. The sections below look at his totally non-health-related experience in the last 20 years, per public records – and Oesch’s pseudoscience “BX Protocol” unapproved, purported treatment for cancer and other diseases.


Eleven (11) Proofs That Debunk Oesch’s Lies About His Background


The following are based on Oesch’s own documented statements, and non-private sources, which are fully inconsistent with his lies about his background from year 2000 to 2020, which is the period he claims to have dedicated his career to research around health and EMF. During the said period:


1) Oesch was extensively involved in tax scheme companies which had nothing to do with research on health or EMF.


2) Oesch was a figure in the Ad Surf Daily (ASD) Ponzi scheme, which had nothing to do with research on health or EMF.


3) Oesch was involved in numerous lawsuits in the USA (he did not win any of the ones I saw) that had nothing to do with research on health or EMF.


4) Oesch claims to have been involved in various types of organizational development, which even if true, had nothing to do with research on health or EMF.


5) Oesch was a CEO at the Delta/BX-Protocol business which real scientists think it was not a legitimate Biotech company, had nothing to do with research on health or EMF topics.


6) Oesch was a salesman with his Cayman Islands based entity “Helvetia” while he was a CEO of Delta/BX, selling BX Protocol. Not related to research on EMF/health.


7) Oesch claims that he was involved in a capital management company (another or same “Helvetia”) for 8 of 20 years, reportedly in a number of things that had nothing to do with EMF/health research.


8) Oesch was apparently involved with event planning, seminars, and “precious metal mining” etc., at a purported funding company, that had nothing to do with research on EMF/health.


9) Oesch has said to some people he was in restaurant business during his years in the USA. That has nothing to do with research on health or EMF topics. He was apparently in food business when he first emigrated to the USA, and that was almost before the 20-year window.


10) Oesch claims for 4 years (during that 20-year period) he was doing “vendor capital networking” that had nothing to do with EMF/health research.


11) We know as a fact he was involved with “HIS” and “HERS” [company name abbreviations] which were apparently tax scheme companies for 6 of those 20 years – and that had nothing to do with EMF/health research!


In the last 20 years, he did a lot of other things that had nothing to do with health or EMF research, therefore, he’s publicly falsifying his background, and that’s done in context of trying to promote and sell his purported “EMF solution” device that has no peer-reviewed scientific credibility. Therefore, we have undisputable proof that Christian Oesch lied to public about his background in a self-promotion / product-promotion article in a widely circulated news outlet.


Evidence for all the above points are presented herein.


“Dangerous Health Tips”


A Swiss portal listed Oesch under its sects, etc. section and characterized him as providing “dangerous health tips[33].



CHAPTER 3: Resumé Walk-through



      Resumé walk-through, verification to assess Oesch’s public claims.

      Evidence shows Christian Oesch publicly falsified his background and made fake claims.

      Significant items are missing or misrepresented on his resumé.


To assess Oesch’s public claims, I had to do a resumé walk-through. The following are facts, impressions and opinions about his resumé / experience. Also included are facts which he did not include in his resumé but that are significant in debunking the falsehoods he’s said to the public to help his economic gain (money making). This review is in reaction to three factors:


1) His public misrepresentation of his background;

2) His bragging and boasting about his background, and making arrogant, conceited claims of expertise, that call for substantiation/scrutiny;

3) Other lies he has said which require assessing his background to see what he’s about.



Oesch’s Resumé Looks Thin Despite All His Public Bragging And Pretenses

As someone who’s evaluated many resumés in professional settings, in my opinion, Oesch’s resumé looks shallow. For the kind of fake claims he has made, and all the pride, arrogance, bragging and boasting he publicly exhibits, he doesn’t appear to have an impressive background in my opinion. Most people of highest levels of accomplishments and education are most humble about it.

I didn’t care to even mention my academic credentials previously, but after coming across Oesch and seeing the kinds of fake claims he makes about his past, and lies he’s said, I started applying my academic credentials because I was swimming in a sea of fake claims.

That also explains why he would pay to get “recognition” (see paid-review section) and his love for big titles of Vice Chairman, Managing Director, etc., and names and nicknames such as “Enterprises” and ‘Stewardship” etc. to depict things that may be far smaller than they sound – all apparently to impress others about an unimpressive profile.

In my opinion, all this could spring from some sense of inferiority and inner insufficiency. That also may explain certain Oesch’s statements that in English is called “pissing matches”: being consumed with comparison and measurement, putting others down to lift himself, and consumed in a network of psychological images of others, of oneself, of others’ image of oneself etc. (which is a common conditioning especially in thought-dominated cultures) -- and wanting and portraying to be better than others, while in reality, among people I know Oesch has one of the weakest sets of qualifications.


Oesch’s only and highest degree is an apprenticeship certificate in cooking he received as a teenager.

Biotech Executive Claim

Most real Biotech Executives have worked for at least one credible biotech company, and most have gone through university. Oesch has done neither. I showed Oesch’s resumé to some real biotech experts. They were not impressed, to say the least. It’s ok to have an unimpressive, light resumé – but most people in those shoes would be modest about it. Not Oesch. See “Biotech Executive” Claim section for a detailed discussion.  


Oesch brags about the term “professional” and has put others down for being “unprofessional”. I am confident, having been a professional since age 21 [34], that the behavior Oesch exhibited in my project, and various lies he’s said there and elsewhere, are utmost unprofessional, and would never be tolerated in a professional setting. Looking at his real background vs. the façade of his resumé helps explain that.

If you spend a large chunk of your career in tax schemes, a Ponzi scheme, and selling an unscientific (purported) cancer treatment with no scientific foundation, you don’t need to have the real kind of professionalism that real professional organizations require, including many I’ve been associated with (list[35]).

Also see “APPENDIX: List Of Over 150 Lies And Falsehoods Said By Christian Oesch”


Self-Assigned Big Titles & Overlapping Big Titles

I have lost count of how many companies Oesch has set up – most of them are not around anymore. He’s also said a lot of lies. In that light, let’s have a cursory look at a mixture of public facts, and his claims, some of which we know for sure some are fake.

Recently, his email signature switched in a short time from Managing Director of one company to Operations Manager of another company, while he maintained the first role. In another instance on his resumé, he has overlapping big titles such as “Senior Managing Director” and C-level executive of another company at the same time! I’ve worked with a lot of C-level executives. For example, I managed a high-profile project at a large Swiss multi-national company, and ran the steering committee comprised of several Managing Directors and other high-level executives. None of us had the time to get another job, at the same time, as CEO or COO of another company! But Oesch’s world seems to not be void of unusual things.

Christian Oesch’s Paid Self-Promotion “Recognition”


Oesch touts a “recognition”[36] from “International Society of Business Leaders”. He often has the link as part of his email signature. When someone gets an email from Oesch, and they look at the footer/signature section, they see a link to a page that has a glowing “recognition” about Oesch. The catch is, the recognition is PAID!! Isobl is a paid service: you pay for membership and they “recognize” you! People have gone as far as calling it a scam. See Chapter called: “Oesch Paid To Get “Recognized” - ISOBL Scam” for details.


Self-Assigned Vice Chairman Position of Swiss Petition


Oesch publicly brags about having been a Vice Chairman of a large Swiss petition. Therefore, the topic of his role in the petition is a matter of public interest and scrutiny.


A top Swiss activist started the petition. I personally know her and respect her highly. She’s very genuine and a woman of integrity. She ended all contact with Christian Oesch even before he interjects himself into my project, as she was disappointed and distressed from dealing with him due to similar problematic attitude he exhibited in my project, and the kinds of things he brags about publicly, like calling himself a Vice Chairman of the petition, which she said she never agreed with.


The petition’s owner said that after Christian Oesch got involved with the petition, he wanted to be named as a co-initiator. She denied his request because it was not true. He was not the co-initiator (sounds very familiar – he made fake claims about the Hardell-Ganjavi project). She said Oesch later denied that he wanted to have the title of co-initiator but some people were referring to him as the co-initiator, which she believes got the idea from him since he was apparently calling himself that.

See disclaimer in “It’s really a similar case at it was in my experience with him”.



Oesch then called himself Vice Chairman. Again, the owner of the petition expressly disagreed. But he called himself that anyway and put it on a letter, which she co-signed without noticing his title, but a lawyer told her that that would not mean she agreed to Oesch’s title. That’s the circumstance behind Oesch’s public statements about being Vice Chairman which the real initiator of the petition does not agree with. Oesch has harshly criticized her to various people[37], including myself, including over the fact that she refused to give him access to her petition’s huge mailing list because “she did not trust my strategies” Oesch wrote. I’m so glad that she didn’t trust his “strategies”. He was also boasting about his “strategies” when I dealt with him which I intuitively didn’t take seriously and I was right: they turned out to be mirages and hot air. See section “Oesch’s idea of strategy”.


And after bashing her decision he reportedly turned it around, pretending that it was her loss! She “lost the opportunities getting those contacts transferred and put in our control”, he wrote. Another arrogant delusional idea. And “our control” – “our” as his “enterprise” I suppose. He reportedly asked her to send a link to his “smart sheet” to every 25,000 petition subscriber which they would use to sign up for Oesch’s mailing list. This had absolutely no benefit to the petition or to her, so she did not lose any “opportunities”, and to the contrary it protected her contact list from being used by Oesch’s self-promotion, and marketing of his “feel good” gadgets, etc. She resisted the pressure and said no.


See section “It’s really a similar case at it was in my experience with him” for more info.



USA: Oesch Opened & Closed Many “Companies”


Our focus here is the last 20 years (since year 2000) based on Oesch’s publicly falsifying his experience and expertise. But a walk-through of Oesch’s resumé called for a brief check on his claim about his food business when he moved to the USA. Prior to 2000, there’s a public record that for 4 months Oesch registered a restaurant business in Utah: Abiento LLC[38].


In the succeeding 20-year period when Oesch falsely claims he devoted his time to EMF/health research, he happens to have opened and closed many companies (some were very short-lived) – none of which seem to be related to “health” or EMF.


Here are a few of the ones which are associated with his name. Several were registered together with Leaming a double-felon (convicted of felonies two different times) – Oesch said inaccurate things about him in a non-private setting in Switzerland to a large group of people some of whom he did not even know, so it was certainly not a private matter. And Leaming was a close associate of Oesch over the 20-year period in question and fact-checking Oesch’s fake claims about his experience meant dealing with Leaming since he’s a key figure in this drama, from business associate, to co-plaintiff, to purported lawyer of Oesch. And both have Sovereign Citizen sentiments and I guess Leaming may have been Oesch’s mentor in Sovereign Citizen ideology, terminology, etc., which they both heavily utilized in their futile court cases. A web search on Oesch & Leaming is revealing![39]


It seems most of these companies may be related to Oesch & Leaming’s “tax strategies”, “debt strategies” and tax protestation activities, and perhaps related to the ASD Ponzi scheme as well. Most were registered in Utah or Washington (where Leaming lived) and one in Nevada.


1. Limited International Funds[40] - 12 Oct 2003 – 31 Dec 2010

2. Dynamic Financial Services LLC[41] - 10 Sep 2003 – 6 Jan 2005

3. Global Debt Solution LLC[42] - 9 Jul 2003 – 20 Oct 2004

4. Hot Planet Ventures, Inc[43] - 22 Jul 1999 – 17 Jun 2002

5. 4Axis Inc.[44] - 5 Feb 2002 - 18 Nov 2003

6. Megatrend International[45] - 1 Jul 2004 – 31 Jul 2010­

7. Creations Stewardship Association[46] - 1 Jul 2004 – 1 Nov 2010

8. Stewardship Holding Group - was active in 2004 [47] – No company by that name was registered but “Stewardship Holdings” (WA) has Oesch’s name on it.[48] – 10 Dec 2003 – 01 Apr 2014

9. AAA Claims Management Corp[49] - 7 Jul 2011 – 11 Jan 2012­­

10.  Human Economic Resources Solutions (HERS) [50] - ­30 Jun 2004 – 10 Jan 2010

11.  Human Investment Services (HIS) [51] – ­30 Jun 2004 – 10 Jan 2010

12.  MYHUB Group [52] (NV) – 24 May 2007 - ­­­

13.  Asset Protection Monitor[53] - 1 Jul 2004 – 1 Nov 2006

14.  Federal Asset Holdings LLC[54] (NV) – 23 May 2007 – 10 Nov 2011

15.  Federal Asset Holding[55] (WA) – 9 Dec 2003 – 1 Apr 2014

16.  Visual Perfection Corporation[56] (with Kenneth Wayne Leaming, Cindy Burningham, Conrad Cyr, Richard Cyr) – 29 Jul 2008 – 1 Nov 2010

17.  Federal Asset Management Service[57] (WA) – 9 Dec 2003 – 1 Apr 2014

18.  And one going back to mid-90’s, Abiento, LLC[58] – that company lived only 4 months.

19.  Limited Asset Holdings America[59] (WA) – 19 Dec 2003 – 31 Dec 2013

20.  And probably many more…


Note the similarities in the names (sometimes a new company is registered with an extra “s” in the name; and three of the companies that have Oesch’s name went from 2003 to 2014, and apparently none had anything to do with EMF/health research for that 9 year stretch of time that Oesch was also with a bunch of other entities, and that period also coincided with Delta/BX-Protocol. It’s fishy, in my opinion, and certainly does not support Oesch’s big lie about his background.


Here’s a graphic depiction of Oesch’s many companies in the last 20 years when he claims he was dedicated to EMF/Health research. Hardly!



It’s evident Oesch was very busy registering and dissolving companies, and running multiple entities. We don’t know exactly what each of these entities did but there’s enough evidence to suggest that at least some of them were involved in tax schemes, ASD Ponzi scheme, etc. Some of these entities apparently carried on while Oesch was CEO at BX Protocol business and may have gotten involved in BX business which appears just as questionable as the tax protestation businesses. None of these companies are mentioned in his resumé. None are health or EMF related – unless you consider BX as legitimate Biotech which in my opinion and opinion of real biotech experts, it wasn’t (no peer reviewed scientific basis, no regulated research, no regulatory applications or approvals…).


Several of these where Oesch and Leaming were involved are in relation to an entity called “American International Business Law Inc.” – which is reportedly linked[60] to the Sovereign Citizen movement. More on this in the section “tax protestation”.


None of these entities seem to be related to EMF/health research; thus, further debunking Oesch’s public fake claim.


Here’s a link to an OpenCorporates screenshot from a while back[61].



Convicted Criminal Richard Schultz


Also note two other parties besides Leaming who were engaged with Oesch in some of the companies listed above: Richard Schultz and Tom Woodall (e.g., both of them were part of Federal Asset Holding that was incorporated in State of Washington; Oesch was also at a company with the same name but with plural “Holdings”, incorporated in Nevada, so it’s a big maze).


I started looking into Richard Schultz – that was like opening

a big “can of worms” which I absolutely do not have the time for.

I don’t know if the same Richard Schultz is referenced in these

articles which are about some heavy-duty tax fraud, but given

he was in “debt counseling” business, which is more or less the

line of business Oesch was involved in, I assume it’s the same

Richard Schultz. First two articles are in connection with entities

such as “Commercial Debt Counseling Corporation[62] [63]. Next

are in connection with entities like “National Revenue Corporation”,

and a Cayman Island entity [64] [65] .


“Debt-Counseling Business Owner Pleads Guilty a Second Time for Cheating IRS”[66][67]


Tom Woodall


Tom Woodall is also an interesting character. He’s a lawyer out of Texas who goes way back with Oesch and is an officer in several of the companies listed above. I actually spoke with him once. He made fake claims about his association with Knights of Malta, and is one of the few people who wrote a reference letter for Oesch about Oesch’s time at KOM which also turns out to be fake as per the real KOM. See KOM section for more details on Woodall.


Oesch’s Swiss “Companies”


It seems Oesch has registered a number of companies in Switzerland – again, some no longer exist. An examination of their public registration records again debunks Oesch’s fake claim about his background. Take Lepitus Enterprises (another big title). Its registration says nothing whatsoever about it being remotely related to health or EMF[68].


Again, I don’t want to waste time making a chronicle, but a few I came across in public records that caught my eye:


Swiss Stewardship & Advisory


·      Established in 2014

·      Was registered in Giswil (Kanton Obwalden). Lepitus is also registered in Kanton Obwalden.

·      Moved to Canton Solothurn[69].

·      It seems it was taken over[70] by Valon Behluli from Oesch.

·      Company description is the same as Lepitus’[71]!

·      Here’s the “Stewardship” big word again. Oesch also uses a YouTube account with a big title: “Stewardship Holding”[72], and he used the term in the USA: “Creations Stewardship Association” [73] and “Stewardship Holdings” [74] which Oesch has referred to as “Stewardship Holdings Group” [75]. It seems Oesch added “Group” to the registered big name to make it even bigger :-) unless that’s yet another company Oesch registered that I didn’t come across among the almost 20 entities assigned to his name.

o   Oesch’s Stewardship Holdings was involved in the BX Protocol scam:

Lepitus “Enterprises”


·      Lepitus was established in 2016[76] – before Oesch officially moved back to Switzerland. 2016 also falls within his 20-year fake claim.

·      Oesch lives in Eriz (Canton Bern) but registered Lepitus[77] in Giswil (Canton Obwalden), which is 87 km away[78].

·      Its description in the business registry says nothing about “health” or EMF, and its charter is totally unrelated. [79]

·      In the business registry, the “Enterprises” has only one Board member: Christian Oesch. Doesn’t look like a big enterprise!

·      Oesch claims to have been with Lepitus since 2014[80], but Lepitus wasn’t established till 2016[81], as per public record.





Going through Vivipro in detail is uninteresting. Same song and dance. And it’s mentioned elsewhere in this book, but in a nutshell, it’s a company that’s selling gadgets I call “woowoo” which don’t have a credible peer-reviewed, scientific basis. They’re feel-good devices that in my opinion, if you believe they feel good they will feel good – placebo effect, in my opinion. There’s no credible science as to why they should feel good or protect one from EMF genotoxic effect. This is covered in detail in the section: Review of Oesch’s Gadget.


[Update: Oesch told someone he was discharged from Vivipro by Kiontke’s family (Kiontke has died). Vivipro’s About page has been deleted – the page that had Oesch’s name and picture as the “co-founder”, but still exists these coordinates stated: VIVIPRO GmbH Zugerstrasse 70 6340 Baar Schweiz and VITATEC Medizintechnik mbH Am Schlichtfeld 2 82541 Münsing. Oesch is still promoting the woowoo gadgets.519]


Cayman Islands, Panama, Tax, Money, “Helvetia” Mystery

Again, it seems Oesch gave himself some big titles such as “Senior Managing Director” of Helvetia Capital Management which he says was based in Cayman and Panama, while there’s overlap with another big C-level title and at least 12 other companies registered to his name during that period. Most professional CEOs and Managing Directors don’t have time for multiple other concurrent jobs.

Typical for Oesch, this section is also elusive. He says he was at Helvetia Capital Management from 2007 to 2015. Assuming what he says is true, during the last 3 years of Helvetia he was CEO of Delta/BX-Protocol (which he says was COO but we know in that time he was a CEO) – and “Senior MD” and “Dir. of Bus. Dev.” at Helvetia which was an “affiliate” of Delta/BX so Oesch had a CEO role and a salesman role, as well as being engaged in umpteen other entities (in the last 3 years of HCM 5 other companies were registered to his name with active status, and he was CEO of Delta/BX).

-       We know Oesch called an entity “Hevetia Foundation” which Oesch used to sell BX Protocol. Its email address had “Helvetia Fund”. Fund and Foundation are different! A Freudian slip? A “foundation” acting as a “fund”?

-       “A private foundation is a non-profit charitable entity, which is generally created by a single benefactor, usually an individual or business.”[82].

-       A foundation may have a fund or invest in a fund. It does not appear that Helvetia Foundation was a non-profit foundation (I could not find any such registration), and it’s apparently used by Oesch as an agent of Delta selling BX Protocol which is hardly non-profit, charitable at a whopping cost of some $17,000 a year for a non-approved purported treatment.

-       If Helvetia Capital Management was a different entity, where was Helvetia Foundation / Fund established? I have found no record for that fund!

-       There’s indication that they were one and the same – based in Cayman Islands. Apparently, the same entity with different names which fits Oesch’s having registered multiple companies with very similar names (see list above).

-       We know Helvetia was selling BX Protocol which apparently raked in a lot of revenue. See BX Protocol section.

-       It’s safe to assume the revenue from selling BX Protocol, including to American customers, was going to Cayman, Panama. There’s report of prospective customers saying they were told the only way to pay for BX was to wire the money abroad [83], [84], [85].

I assume “Helevtia Foundation” that was an affiliate of Delta, was the same Helvetia C.M. that was/is based in Cayman Islands -- and these names are probably shuffled – Oesch seemed to like elusiveness. If what he’s saying is true about the start date of Helvetia, we could assume that it was involved in ‘capital management’. I have more information on this in some offline files[86] that contain additional color on what Oesch was up to, and as expected, mismatch of claims[87]. And none had anything to do with EMF/health so that also debunks his public claims.

When BX Protocol got kicked off, Oesch may have used the same Helvetia, to act as an “affiliate”, selling BX. He says Helvetia ended in 2015, but I think its footprints in BX business existed after 2015. I can’t find any record of registration of Helvetia in Panama or Cayman, nor any way to confirm the facts/dates Oesch claims. We know some BX Protocol prospective customers said they were requested to wire the almost $17,000 to Cayman Islands [88] for the first year.

See section: APPENDIX: GENERAL INFO ON BX-PROTOCOL for more details on the money trail.

Oesch claims that in 2009 he took an anti-money-laundering course in Cayman Islands, which is interesting since Cayman Islands is well known as a money laundering haven and I’m sure money launderers also want to take such a course. To be clear, I am not alleging that Oesch engaged in money laundering, and I’m not saying he didn’t. It would be impossible to know that without seeing banking transaction logs and tax records. And that’s not my job; I’m not a prosecutor, and I do not make any allegations, judgments, accusations of unlawful conduct in this book. From a study[89]: “Cayman Island is the most preferred destination to hide and launder money”. There are 100,000 companies in Cayman Islands; more than there are people!

Delta/BX-Protocol which Oesch ran for a long time as CEO, was listed as being based in Jamaica, Hong Kong, USA, and Panama and other places. We’ll look at that deeper in the BX Protocol section. One Press Release says Delta is a Panama company[90], and Panama is a tax-free zone. There are a number of inconsistent statements about Delta’s real whereabouts. My guess is it was operating its finances between Cayman Islands, Panama, Hong Kong, but I didn’t come across any indication that any of the funds were going into an American or Swiss bank.

There’s also a record for a “Helvetia Capital Management & Investment” [91] [92] that was in Zug, Switzerland for 2 years. I don’t think this is the same as Oesch’s entity in Cayman Islands.

“G7”/(fake)KOM same time as HERS, HIS, MYHUB, SHG etc. (missing from Oesch’s resumé)


·      On his resumé[93] Oesch makes the following claim which the real Order of Malta has deemed as fake.







He claims he was in charge of project development, development of “offers and solutions”…


·      On his LinkedIn profile [94] he refers to Order of Saint John specifically, which is a fake claim


·      In one place Oesch claims G7 was a funding company:



·      In another place he presents G7 in conjunction with (fake) Knights of Malta (KOM):


Director of Business Development, G7 (Knights of Malta Hospitallers (O.S.J.)


A claim that the real Order of Malta has formally repudiated [95]. See KOM.


·      He claims he was doing “Biotech” and “Precious Metal Mining” at G7/KOM. KOM repudiated this as well.


·      He claims he was doing planning, project development in Biotech and “potential analysis and trends in product development”.


·      His testimonial/reference, Tom Woodall (a fake KOM knight) whose assertions were repudiated by the real Order of Malta, states Oesch was sponsoring events there – and this coincides with his time at Human Economic Resources Solutions / Human Investment Services (see HERS/HIS) and over 10 other entities he set up (see table above), which were seemingly tax scheme types of companies with Kenneth Wayne – and we know HERS and MYHUB were involved in the AdSurfDaily Ponzi scheme. So, such purported Oesch’s seminars at KOM (which the real KOM refuted) may have been related to tax scheme or ASD Ponzi scheme, or both. The fake knight, Tom Woodall, writing the reference himself had a company that is in “forfeited” status[96], and he was partner with Oesch in a number of many companies Oesch registered as stated above. See KOM section.


·      On Oesch’s resumé there’s no mention of HERS or MYHUB or ASD or other tax scheme and many other entities he was extensively involved with during the 20-year period which he publicly claimed he was busy doing EMF/health research!


·      During the same period Oesch claims he was with this “G7” entity (for which I have not found any record in public domain) and Knights of Malta (which is a fake claim), he seems to have also been involved with HERS, MYHUB, ASD, and many other entities.


·      So G7 was supposedly a funding company that Oesch was a “Vice Chairman” of and in that capacity, he claims to have worked for KOM in biotech and precious metals (which Order of Malta denies). So, if it wasn’t the real Order of Malta, what was it? There’s a potential BX Protocol link there (see KOM section).


·      I can’t find any “biotech” or “precious metal mining” links with Knights of Malta (and real KOM totally denies such links) or Oesch in public domain except that BX Protocol’s “Dr.” Smith also claims that he was at KOM at some point (which is a fake claim – or with a fake KOM). If they were both associated with a fake KOM, that could have been where BX Protocol started. How BX Protocol business started is unknown to me, but it seems to be an amalgam of Smith’s (pseudo) “science” sweet talk combined with the experience Oesch had in tax schemes and AdSurfDaily (BX marketing has similarities to ASD, as does, on the face of it, his latest joint that he “co-founded”, Vivipro).


·      Oesch’s purported biotech connection with (fake) KOM isn’t anything scientific – he was not engaged in science or research. So much for the “health optimization research” claim for that period, even if he did work for (fake) KOM, which the real KOM denies  [97].


·      Biotech and mining precious metals are not usually related, and as the real Order of Malta stated, they’re not engaged in such things – their charter is to help the poor and sick.


o   The title of a video about Smith is “A precious-metal scam from the con-man who brought you the "BX Protocol" cure-all”[98].


o   There seems to be some (fake?) link between BX Protocol and precious metals. I didn’t want to spend the time connecting the dots of a gobbledygook, which is what Oesch may be referring to when he refers to precious metal mining in relationship to Knights of Malta (which the real KOM has totally refuted), and given Smith also claims he was a key figure at (the fake) KOM, the gobbledygook dots may be connected.


·      Aside from falsifying association with KOM (as per the real KOM), Oesch eliminated many of his engagements from his resumé, which are important for our purposes because they help prove that he lied to the public in Europe about his background, to help him sell his woowoo gadgets, attract a following, or whatever else his motive may have been.


·      Oesch was also the President of “Stewardship Holding Group - SHG” [99] at the time he claims he was at G7/(fake)KOM. We know SHG was in marketing and sales of something – probably tax schemes. There’s no indication it was into health and EMF research! SHG’s address is a UPS letterbox[100] [101]: “6905 South 1300 East, PMB#480, Midvale, Utah 84047 USA”.

o   Oesch’s Stewardship Holdings was involved in the BX Protocol scam:




·      Oesch claims to be the “Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors” of the political entity FBSSchweiz[102] [103] which solicits public donations.


·      Here’s a flyer[104] for one of the talks Oesch gave. Here are some talks[105] [106].


·      It was reported that Oesch's involvement with the FBS had ended for various reasons. The FBS was not happy that he was allegedly trying to make money by promoting that people should withdraw their money from the bank and put it in a safe at home, and he was offering safes for sale! Mixing money-making with the political objectives of the FBS Association was not acceptable to the FBS leadership. He also reportedly claimed to be the initiator of various FBS projects, which was not the case (sounds familiar), and there were reportedly problems with his attitude and ego.



·      In the same newsletter [107] where the flyer appears Oesch wrote an article about Swiss politics and referred to familiar themes: e.g. referring to people as “sovereign” (see section on Oesch and the Sovereign Citizen Movement). He also refers to a “methodology” of “systematic deletion of candidates on ballots”. Sounds like another Oesch “strategy”.


Oesch Made Significant Changes to his LinkedIn Profile After Reading This Book


Apparently after Oesch saw the draft of this book I sent him for review, he significantly updated his LinkedIn profile. For example he’s no longer claiming that he was a “Vice Chairman” of the Stop5G petition in the latest version of his LinkedIn profile that I saw.


Oesch Deleted His LinkedIn Profile


I do not follow Oesch and prefer not to have him in my consciousness at all. People I deal with – my friends and colleagues have a very different profile than Oesch in terms of character. But people sometimes send me things, for example when they get subjected to the same episodes by Oesch – and they find this report online, they write to thank for the research. In such a case I clicked, and found out Oesch has deleted his LinkedIn profile – which makes sense, given it contained so many fake claims which this investigative report exposed.


Pushing Conspiracy Theories


I haven’t followed Oesch’s activities since publication of this report but sometimes people send me things that makes me have a look and I noticed he was pushing strange conspiracy theories. See section on his association: “Review of Oesch’s Swiss Association”



CHAPTER 4: Order of Malta Sternly Refutes Oesch’s Fake Claim, and Therefore, Authenticity of Oesch’s KOM-related References



For a more elaborate discussion of the fake Knights of Malta please see APPENDIX: Fake Knights Of Malta


Formal Statement From Sovereign Order of Hospitallers of Saint John of Jerusalem, O.S.J., Knights of Malta


In the process of verifying Oesch’s claims on his resumé especially as it pertains from a “biotech” claim purportedly related to Knights of Malta, so as to fact-check Oesch’s public statements about his background in the last 20 years, I contacted the real KOM. Here are their responses:


“Dear Mr. Ganjavi, thank you for your e-mail. The organisation, the Sovereign Order of Hospitallers of Saint John of Jerusalem, O.S.J., Knights of Malta as well as Mr. Woodall and Mr. Oesch, about which you have inquired have not, and never have had, any connection with the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta, also known as Sovereign Order of Malta, Order of Malta, or the Knights of Malta. This organisation is not authorised to use our name and emblems, which are legally registered as service marks or trademarks in many countries including the European Union, the USA, and the Russian Federation.


Mr. Thomas L. Woodall and Mr. Christian Oesch, never have, and never have had, any connection whatsoever with the Sovereign Order of Malta. Moreover, the Sovereign Order of Malta has never knowingly had business dealings of any sort with these individuals. The Sovereign Order of Malta is more than nine hundred years old and remains dedicated to living the Roman Catholic faith and to the care of the sick and poor regardless of nationality or creed...” Commission for the Protection of the Names and Emblems, SMHO of SJoJoRaoM[108]


“Dear Mr. Ganjavi… Christian Oesch and Thomas Woodall are not members of our Order. We have never had any connection with these persons. Oesch has never been our Director of business development (a role that does not exist in our Order). Moreover, we do not operate financial services, property development schemes of any sort. We are not involved in metal mining and biotech. The letter you sent me is not ours. For more information please read:


I confirm you that Sherri Tenpenny is not a member of the Sovereign Order of Malta. I would like to add, because relevant, that in order to become a member of the Sovereign Order of Malta, one of the oldest lay religious order of the Catholic Church, one has to be very well known by the Order itself. To be a roman catholic in good standing is a fundamental requisite to be admitted into the Order of Malta. Moreover, it is incumbent to collaborate effectively in the charitable and social works of the Order, and to live the life of the Order. The admission process can take years, and it does not necessarily conclude positively.”  Communication Department, SMHO of SJoJoRaoM [109]


As described in the last section (walk-through of Oesch’s resumé/background), Oesch has made a number of fake claims about having worked with Knights of Malta. Here’s a more in depth look at Oesch’s fake claims and how we know they’re fake.


About Order of Malta & Oesch’s Fake Claims


Also known as SMOM, “Knights of Malta” (The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta), “SMHO of SJoJoRaoM[110] is a very respectable, 900-year-old Roman Catholic sovereign entity without territory except its headquarters in Rome, with around 13,000 members[111]. It has a seat at the UN as an observer (like Red Cross). It’s not seated in Malta since loss of the island in 1798. They ordain highly prestigious people, with credible, authentic backgrounds – fake backgrounds surely get vetted out[112]. Here’s an interesting article on the internal politics of the Order and Vatican’s intervention[113].  


I’ve visited Malta and the incredible St. John’s Co-Cathedral[114] in Valletta which is the most amazing church I’ve ever seen, with a fascinating history, various Grand Masters, and numerous international chapels.


The order has seats throughout the world[115]. In Switzerland its seat is at



Kommende Kommendestrasse CH – 6260 Reiden Switzerland +41 62 758 11 44

Martin von Walterskirchen (


It has three affiliate entities in the USA (NY, West, and Federal). Oesch claims in his resumé to have worked with Knights of Malta in the US. I made some calls to learn more about KOM in the US and ask about things Oesch has publicly claimed to have been involved with at KOM, i.e., precious metal mining, and biotech. I also spoke with KOM (OOM) at their headquarters in Italy, and some other branches. The response was a conclusive denial of Oesch’s claims.


They said their charter is to help the poor and sick, and they’ve never been engaged in precious metal mining or biotech etc. as Oesch claims. They also confirmed these individuals (Oesch, Smith, Tenpenny, Woodall, etc.) have never been part of Order of Malta and are completely unknown to them.


However, they pointed out that there are illegitimate organizations that are engaged in issuing fake knighthood, etc., and some of them have been prosecuted. The Austrian branch has a long list of numerous such prosecutions on its website[116]. There are numerous cases of fake KOMs being busted.


·      “Fake Knights”[117]

·      Knights of Malta Rain Legal Fury on Imposter[118].

·      An organisation which claims to be a chivalric order, but is not recognised as legitimate.[119].

·      Fake orders & titles: Distinguishing bogus impostors from real Chivalric order[120].

·      “Ten held over ‘Knights of Malta’ titles scam”[121]

·      And others… [122]


I looked deeper into several others, which are listed in the APPENDIX: Fake Knights Of Malta


The extent of Oesch’s engagement with a fake KOM, even if that’s true (since he claims to have been associated with KOM but KOM denies it) is not obvious. My guess is that it was probably non-existent, and surely so in regard to the legitimate Knights of Malta (SMOM).


I came across these legal cases via “Thymian”[123] when I saw a posting on an interesting internet forum on the BX Protocol scandal [124], which referenced Mr. Richard Steeb of OOM (SMOM) in Austria. I had good talks with Mr. Steeb who confirmed what OOM in Rome had said, and confirmed that the other so-called purported Orders of Malta are fake.


Ulrich “Kiran” Schmidt


On the BX forum, “Kiran Schmidt”[125] was mentioned as another

fake Knight of Malta who calls himself a Grand Master and a

Doctor. There’s an interesting link to the topic at hand. Kiran

(Ulrich) Schmidt, born 1962 in Stuttgart, markets pseudo-medical



“Relationships also exist with Bill Nelson (born 1951 in Ohio,

alias "Prof. Dr. William Nelson", Desiré Dubounet), a like-minded

comrade who sells pseudo-medical charlatanism products from

Hungary. Schmidt appeared with sham professor Nelson in 2007

 (together with Konstantin Meyl, Fritz-Albert Popp, Hartmut Müller,

Karl Maret"…[126]


DETOUR: Note: Bill Nelson[127] (now known as Desiré after sex change, was indicted on nine counts of felony fraud in the USA. He fled the country, never to return[128]. Like Donald Trump he claims to be a genius and claims he can cure AIDS and cancer. An interesting article about Nelson’s woowoo device: 


“He rakes in tens of millions of dollars selling a machine used to exploit the vulnerable and desperately ill… Capitalizing on weak government oversight, they have used these devices — some illegal, others potentially dangerous — to drain patients’ bank accounts, misdiagnose diseases, and divert critically ill people from life-saving care.”


“Dubounet developed the pseudoscientific Electro Physiological Feedback Xrroid, an energy medicine device that is considered to be dangerous to health and has been described as a scam.”[129]


Hartmut Müller[130] was a German convicted criminal whose pseudo-science theory are the foundation of the woowoo gadgets Oesch sells. This is discussed in more detail in the Oesch’s Gadget section. Siegfried Kiontke, the inventor of Oesch’s gadget is of Hartmut Müller lineage. Kiontke died not long ago. Oesch wanted to put Kiontke on debate stage with Dr. Hardell (MD, PhD) (as one of the steps in Oesch’s strange idea of “strategy”), I suppose to give Oesch’s woowoo gadgets credibility. Dr. Hardell would never go on the same stage as Kiontke or Oesch. We’re talking “god” of real science vs. promoters of pseudo-science.


Also note that Delta/BX-Protocol’s (pseudo)“scientific” “Dr.” Smith made a fake claim of having been a Medical Director with KOM. Kiran claims he was a Grand Master of "Medical Order of the Knights Hospitaller".


There are countless organisations and companies on the internet that use the words "Order of the Knights Hospitaller" and are to be understood as a pseudo-order of knights… Often alternative medical practitioners are members or "knights" of such organisations.


Real Order of Malta calls them all fake.


So, the interesting thing here is a dotted line link between BX Protocol and fake KOM which both Oesch and Smith claim association with. Fake “doctor” Schmidt has the same affiliation. And their connection with other pseudo-science figures, some like Nelson who has become very wealthy.


Brief recap: A number of people who sell pseudo-science gadgets have claimed affiliation with KOM. Why? Because KOM’s “Hospitaller” title which gives fake KOMs a place to make their fake affiliation and claim medical know-how as Delta/BX’s “Dr.” Smith has done? Oesch went as far as claiming biotech and precious metal mining (both of which SMOM rebuked). And some fake claims involved fake Grand Masters. The real Grand Masters of Malta would be rolling in their graves if they knew some of these figures give themselves a “Grand Master”.


BX Protocol’s Sherri Tenpenny’s Fake KOM Affiliation


Sherri Tenpenny[131] is not a medical doctor. She’s been involved in woowoo things like BX Protocol. She lists being a knight (not dame!) as an honor on her resumé[132], but it’s a fake knighthood!


“Knighted, Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitalier of Malta (2008)”


I had a short exchange with her in which she said she was knighted in a ceremony in New York. I didn’t spend the time checking the dates but 2008 may corresponds with “Dr.” Smith and Christian Oesch’s affiliations with a fake Knights of Malta entity. Her resumé says nothing about her having been an affiliate (salesperson) of BX Protocol but there’s evidence she was.


More interesting findings on Tenpenny’s claim which corresponds with Thomas Woodall’s fake order / knighthood too, in the APPENDIX: Fake Knights Of Malta.


Thomas Lee Woodall’s Fake Knighthood & Fake Reference Letter for Oesch


Oesch’s reference letters is a very small collection comprised of letters – mainly letters from a couple of BX Protocol figures and fake Knights of Malta references. One KOM-related letter is by a Texan lawyer by name of:


THOMAS L. WOODALL, Attorney At Law, 800 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 41, Houston, Texas 77056 Tel: 713-858-6790 Fax: 713-439-1205 (this information is available publicly[133]). Bar Card Number: 21921500, TX License Date: 09/24/1973


In a letter[134] for Oesch dated 30 September 2005 Thomas L. Woodall claimed that he was a Minister Plenipotentiary. He praised Oesch on a letterhead resembling Order of Malta and a title that the legitimate Knights of Malta has claimed as fake. And said that Knights of Malta, O.S.J. will attain nation status in the near future. He said Oesch will be made as a head of a ministry and get diplomatic status in their sovereign nation. At the time, Oesch was addressed as being at HERS (tax scheme) in Utah. We know during that period Oesch was engaged in multiple tax-scheme companies (see section above).



The real Order of Malta has stated that this letterhead is fake.


On 20 March 2019 Woodall wrote a reference letter[135] for Oesch in which he said Oesch worked with the (fake) Order and sponsored events (these may have been tax scheme events since we know he Oesch was doing those in that époque.



Woodall said he knows Oesch “well over 20 years” which means prior to 1999. Woodall said he’s a Knight of Malta and a Knight Commander. He said Oesch worked for (a fake) KOM in 2005 and assisted the (fake) Order in obtaining (fake) Nation Status. It’s hard to tell how deep-rooted such fake claims are.


The real Order of Malta totally denies any affiliation with, or knowledge of Woodall, Oesch, Smith, Tenpenny. I wrote to Woodall to give him a chance to shed light on anything I may have misunderstood:


 “…We spoke some months ago. You mentioned you're high ranking among Knights of Malta organization. I was talking with them. They say they don't know you. I know there are some fake KOM entities but I talked to the real one. Would you care to clarify what you were referring to? You claimed you are a Knight of Malta in the Sovereign Order of the Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem, and you're a Knight Commander…”

He wrote back saying I was talking to the wrong people! I wrote back:


As far as I know there's only one legitimate one with international headquarters based in Rome: Magistral Palace, Via Condotti, 68 - 00187 Rome – Italy, Tel. +39.06.675.81.1,


Who would be the correct people then if not them and their official affiliates in North America?


He wrote back saying: “You may have been talking with the Military Knights of Malta that are located only in Italy and do not like our order.” And refused to say what their order is, where it is, etc. Interestingly, he refers to the real SMOM as being “located only in Italy” which is false, and it shows how much the fake Knight knows about the real Order of Malta. And funny enough, his fake letterhead has Italy as the address at the footer:



I suspect Woodall may know Oesch’s close associate, “Dr.” Smith and Smith’s fake claim of having been a medical director at (fake) KOM. But I didn’t have time to look into that. Regarding Oesch’s biotech at KOM claim, he said “it’s new to me”! Regarding Oesch’s claims of precious metal mining at KOM, Woodall said:


“We were not involved with precious metal mining but we knew people who had access to precious metals but we never got into it.”


Laughing Out Loud! Sounds like a funny improvised fake explanation. So, he never heard of Oesch’s “Biotech” claim with KOM, but “they” knew precious metal people but never “got into it” but Oesch claims he was doing something with precious metal mining and KOM which the real KOM outright denies. OK!!


He said Oesch was part of the Swiss Olympic team in Utah (which is not true)[136].


A search in the business registry shows Thomas Lee Woodall has a status of "Forfeited Franchise Tax" (FFT) for a company he owned that sounds similar to Oesch’s many “companies”: "GLOBAL WORLD MARINE CAPITAL"[137]. FFT status means it violated one/some of several tax related criteria, such as requirement to pay taxes. Many entities are not permitted to do business with companies that have a FFT status. Forfeited franchise tax status is not a good thing![138]


Furthermore, Tom Woodall was a business associate of Christian Oesch going all the way back to early 2000’s when they registered various companies together. See list above. E.g.,



It seems that Oesch’s association with Dewayne Smith[139] was related to a fake Knights of Malta. “Dr.” Smith (who was not a Medical Doctor) was purportedly “Head of Medical Research” for (fake) Knights of Malta (KOM) which is strange given Medical Research is usually led by a person with an advanced degree in medicine. Smith had no degrees in medicine. Oesch was purportedly doing “business development” there. And involved in “project funding” (Vice Chairman of G7-International, a multi-national project funding company”) in relation to (fake) KOM. So many claims of association with KOM, but they are all fake, as per the real Order of Malta.


My last message to Woodall. I didn’t receive a response, and didn’t expect one.

Hi Tom –

Just FYI, I looked into this and discussed it with the legitimate Order of Malta. Your knighthood is fake, and your order is fake. That's probably why you don't want to tell me what order it is. But I already know the name. It's one of the several fake names/orders (some of these fake entities are not even registered anywhere). Funny that as a purported high ranking official and "knight commander" you didn't know that the legitimate SMOM is not just in Italy. It is active in 120 countries.

And your statement that they don't like your order, is probably correct because even if your order really exists and is not just a shell like the website that is established by that name, the legitimate SMOM doesn't like it because your order is fake.

That's what I've gathered through diligent research. I would be happy to hear any facts you may have to the contrary together with a legitimate proof. Otherwise I assume my findings above are correct and SMOM has confirmed it. And SMOM is the only entity in this category that is endorsed by Vatican by the way.

Since you're a lawyer you probably understand that taking a word out of a title that still sounds very much like the original doesn't go well with a judge in an IP case. In fact SMOM told me they've won litigation over that very topic before. But that is not interesting for me since my research doesn't have a legal focus. That's outside my scope. So I am not alleging unlawful conduct. I'm just calling out your assertions of affiliation which is with a fake order.


R. Ganjavi


More on Oesch, Woodall, Smith, their lies and fake Knights of Malt in APPENDIX: Fake Knights Of Malta.




CHAPTER 5: Christian Oesch’s Tax Scheme, Debt Scheme Engagements, As Further Evidence Of His Fake Public Claims



      Oesch was extensively involved in tax protestation / tax scheme / debt scheme types of companies when he falsely claims to have been doing EMF and health research.

      Several tax scheme entities were registered under his name over time – some were also involved in the ASD Ponzi scheme.

      Publicly available information shed light on the inner workings of the schemes.


See CHAPTER 3: "Resumé Walk-through" above under the heading "USA: Oesch Opened & Closed Many “Companies”" for a list of at least 20 companies Oesch was involved with, most of which appear as shell companies during the period he now claims he was engaged in EMF/Health research.



Oesch has publicly claimed to have dedicated the last 20 years and his career to health and EMF related research. Here’s another reason his claim is a lie. There’s evidence that during that time frame, Oesch was extensively involved in tax schemes – similar to Sovereign Citizen type of thinking that sheds doubt on government’s legal authority to tax people.


Oesch claims that he worked with Robert (Bob) Schulz, and joined his movement. Oesch seems to have been involved in a number of entities – probably his own, and likely also in partnership with Kenneth Wayne Leaming. They ran businesses that promoted such ideologies and in at least some of these businesses if not all, they reportedly got money from people to teach them tax schemes – and maybe even got involved with their finances in some capacity, as it seems from reading public record.


Oesch has also said he was involved in debt strategies, claiming he helped people not pay $40 million of credit card debt, and they got into trouble after the banks went after them – which Oesch said he was surprised since the debt was “unsecured” which shows he has no idea what he’s talking about. He set himself up as a debt strategy expert but doesn’t even understand what unsecured debt means! It doesn’t mean you cannot pay it back!


Oesch appeared on the video, confessing to the above. Interview called “The New World Order, the collapse and Switzerland - with Christian Oesch” [140]


I am not making any allegations of unlawful conduct. I’m simply reporting as a good journalist should objective verified facts that I have found, with some clearly stated opinions that are based on facts.


Anti-Taxation Movement: “We The People”, Bob Schulz


Among other things, the We The People Foundation was accused[141] by the Justice Department in 2007 of marketing “a nationwide tax-fraud scheme designed to help customers evade their federal tax liabilities and to interfere with the administration of the internal revenue laws.” [142]


Christian Oesch was part of “We The People”[143] [144] a.k.a. “Give Me Liberty”[145] movement which seems obsolete (last post: 2012). The movement was founded by Robert Schulz[146] who was a tax protester.


The Justice Department has described Schulz as a ‘notorious tax defier’”. Schulz was accused by U.S. Government of helping many people defy their tax liabilities[147] and a “campaign to help customers illegally stop withholding, filing and paying federal taxes.”.  Schulz was finally forced (by threat of penalty of $2000 per day) to comply and stop marketing his tax scheme, etc.


Oesch organized a We The People event in Utah[148] associated with Global Debt Solution [149]– one of Oesch’s short-lived companies. 



Tax protesters contend that IRS (USA’s Federal Tax Authority “Internal Revenue Service”) has no legal authority. This is a delusional idea because indeed, IRS has an entire enforcement arm[150]. IRS has even put people in prison for not paying taxes. The ideology that IRS has no legal authority, is in line with Sovereign Citizen movement’s anti-tax ideals, and there’s evidence Oesch was affiliated with Sovereign Citizen ideologies (see discussion in Sovereign Citizen section).


Oesch’s email address on the WTP event page [151] points to (GDS) domain[152] which was Oesch’s company.


Oesch admits in a video interview to his engagement with this movement and claims that he organized a caravan of tax protesters from San Francisco to Washington DC, with Bob Schulz.


According to the Anti-Defamation League[153]:


“A federal court in Binghamton, New York, has permanently barred tax protester Robert Schulz and his two organizations, We the People Foundation for Constitutional Education Inc., and We the People Congress Inc., from promoting a tax fraud scheme. Schulz is one of the most prominent leaders of the anti-government tax protest movement in the United States.”


Oesch’s Tax/Debt Scheme Company: Global Debt Solution (GDS) | Stewardship Holding Group (SHG), etc.


“Global Debt Solution (GDS) [154] [155] was one of Oesch’s several short-lived companies. GDS was registered from July 2003 to Oct 2004[156]. The timing corresponds to his reported engagement with “IBC” on his resumé or perhaps IBC is just a fake name of GDS (or one of the at least 14 different entities his name is on during that period), given Oesch says nothing about his tax scheme businesses on his resumé.


He was also the President of “Stewardship Holding Group” as shown in an August 2004 letter[157] which he registered[158] in Washington state, probably with Leaming (registered agent is Leaming’s company, AIBL). The company existed for a whole 6 months!  Established in 30 June 2004, Inactive 1 Feb 2005. But Stewardship Holdings shows up later as involved in the BX Protocol scam:


There may also be some link to his engagement with the (fake) Knights of Malta – since one of the things he purportedly did there (if it even existed) was to organize seminars [159]. In the We The People seminar that Oesch sponsored in Utah[160], he introduced GDS’s “privacy structuring, asset protection, etc”. One of the speakers said “I'm into freedom, so I hate the IRS [US Federal tax authority]In his speech, Oesch called bankruptcy as result of credit card debt as “World War III”!


So, his business marketed ways to get rid of your debt “debt solutions” – which in my opinion sounds as flimsy as his claim about his “EMF solutions” which in my opinion are not solutions at all. The main solution for debt is to pay it off. I have carried huge amounts of debt in my life and always paid the off; that’s a key reason my credit-score is above 98 percentiles of population.


An archived version of GDS’s website[161] has an intro text which resembles Oesch’s writing, in the same, in my opinion: weak English and unclear thinking. It offers an affiliate network (a predecessor to Delta / BX Protocol / Vivipro), promising a 5-figure income from the first month (that’s between $10,000 and $99,999 a month)[162]. GDS also offered off-shore investments, credit repair, etc. It touted “IRS Code Busters”.


Here are some more references on Oesch & GDS in Utah [163],[164],[165].


Oesch claims he helped people not pay $40 million of credit card debt, and they got into trouble after the banks went after them – which Oesch said he was surprised since the debt was “unsecured” which shows he has no idea what he’s talking about. He set himself up as a debt strategy expert but doesn’t even understand what unsecured debt means! It doesn’t mean you cannot pay it back!


Oesch Slept With Gun Next To His Bed


This article [166] states that after leaving the anti-taxation seminar, a police car followed Oesch and parked outside his home for a while, and Oesch said he slept with his gun next to him (“2nd Amendment”[167] is an implicit reference to guns – it’s the constitutional right to carry arms).


Oesch’s Partner Company: IRS Code Busters’ Tax Evasion Scam


The seminar Christian Oesch organized, included a presentation by IRS Codebusters. Oesch’s GDS touted “IRS Codebusters” which has been called a “scam”[168]. IRS Codebusters reportedly sold to people, in a network marketing scheme, material to supposedly help people evade taxes; and it encouraged people to not file with IRS (not report their income for taxation).


On their website, Oesch’s GDS wrote: “GDS is working with the IRSCodebusters as a team...”[169]. Again, I am not making allegation of unlawful conduct by Oesch, and we do not know exactly what the extent of that collaboration was.


The famous tax scam promoter / convicted tax evasion criminal[170], ex-Judge John Rizzo in response to allegation that he was working with IRS Code Busters said: “I have nothing to do with Robbie Struckman or IRS Code Busters. In fact, I warn people all the time about this scam.[171]


IRS website has an informative section dedicated to tax evasion schemes: Anti-Tax Law Evasion Schemes[172]. Notice I did not call Oesch’s numerous apparently tax-related companies tax evasion schemes but for lack of better word tax strategy companies or tax schemes. I am neither alleging Oesch evaded taxes nor he helped people evade taxes.


Tax evaders sent to prison


A number of people who used IRS Code Busters’ to not pay taxes, were found guilty and had to pay penalty or go to prison. For example, a couple from California who joined IRS Code Busters, refused to pay their taxes, and went through a number of maneuvers, e.g. wiring money to Costa Rica. They owed the IRS $181,000 in taxes for a two-year period, and made fraudulent actions. They were arrested[173] in Costa Rica and extradited[174] to the U.S., and were sentenced to 2 years in prison. [175] [176]


Also, see article: “Anti-tax ideology has price”[177].


Oesch & Leaming’s Tax/Debt Scheme Companies (HERS / HIS)


Oesch & Leaming established two companies on the same date in Washington state, called:





Why they would register two companies, with exact properties and similar name, which apparently did the same thing, is unknown, but fits their history of registering many companies.


















Both registered as “18703 1ST AVE CT S #12, SPANAWAY, WA, 98387” as for-profit businesses. Oesch does not mention on his resumé that for over six years (June 2004 to October 2010[180]) he was the President of “Human Economic Resource Solutions LTD” (“HERS”) – and co-owned “Human Investment Services LTD” (“HIS”) – during the period he claims he was engaged in health and EMF research – as well as at least 6 other entities during the same time!


HERS and HIS were established in Washington state, together with the convicted criminal Leaming, who is from Washington. Leaming used his partial name “Kenneth Wayne” on the registration documents.


HIS & HERS were apparently another tax scheme promotion company.


·      “HIS” is mentioned in a lawsuit against Oesch et al. by Bonnie M. Christensen in context of tax-scheme business. [181]


·      “HERS” is mentioned in Oesch’s motion to oppose forfeiture in the ASD case. Oesch names himself as the President of HERS. [182]


Nevada Tax Scheme


We know that Oesch’s HIS business was engaged in tax and other financial schemes, since it’s mentioned specifically in the lawsuit by Bonnie Christiensen. A search on the archived version of HIS’s website was revealing.


There are snapshots of[183] from 8 March to 23 Nov 2007 (when Christian Oesch falsely claims he was doing EMF and health research!). I assume this is his “HIS” website since it fits the dates when HIS was registered, and it fits Christiensen report on line of business, and I can’t find any other company with that odd name registered anywhere.


“Asset Protection” that Christiensen alleges cost her $500,000


The 8 Mar 2007 snapshot[184] sheds light on what Oesch’s “HIS” was up to:


-       It positioned itself as providing “Asset Protection & Financial Privacy Structuring” and offered a one-hour free consultation.


-       “Protect your assets against any financial threat. Avoid lawyers, lawsuits, and hassle from those who want your wealth in their pockets. Achieve a lifetime of financial privacy, security and tax savings.”


-       The website snapshot hints at familiar conspiracy theories and slogans in the direction of Sovereign Citizen and We The People thinking.


Fake Testimonial


Another snapshot[185] from 27 May 2007 has a testimonial page. In my opinion, based on what I’ve seen, fake testimonials are a familiar concept in Oesch schemes; so, I don’t trust them especially knowing the kind of web-manipulation BX Protocol guys were engaged in. The one testimonial on that page sounds like Oesch English, and it looks totally fake[186].


“IBC” in this context probably means an International Business Center, according to a service that advertises gray passports and offshore accounts[187]. But IBC also rings another bell.




On Oesch’s resumé, this entire engagement with tax/money schemes is missing and none of these companies he set up are mentioned there. However, there’s a reference to IBC. He calls it International Business Catalyst. I can’t find that registered anywhere and no trace of it is available online.


IBC as in International Business Center, usually refers to off-shore based tax shelters, etc.




·      On this global money flow map:


·      IBC is mentioned as International Business Corporation – in Panama and Nevis, etc. with beneficiary as Belize IBC – under Christian Oesch – as part of the BX Protocol’s creepy network.


“Minor children on corporate payroll”


The snapshot[188] that’s most telling is from 25 June 2007. It promotes a Nevada Corporation (which are known to be used as a common form of scam).


“Use your Tax Savings Nevada Corporation to:”

-       “Pay your travel, entertainment, and health expenses.”

-       “Reduce taxes by placing family members - including minor children - on the corporate payroll.”

-       And so forth…


Placing minor children on company payroll doesn’t sound too cool!


Accountant busted for tax evasion


Then it introduces his supposed hotshot CPA, Wendell Waite. A quick search on Wendell Waite reveals a lot of legal troubles for him. Last record I found was he was not fit health-wise to attend trial, as defendant.


Waite’s website no longer exists, but the last archived version[189] is from 2007. Seems it shut down around same time as HIS website that was pushing a Nevada corporation scheme.


There are multiple headlines about Waite having gotten into legal trouble for tax evasion, etc.


A Las Vegas accountant awaiting trial in an alleged multimillion-dollar tax scheme was indicted by a federal grand jury Tuesday with two of his clients in another conspiracy to hide money from the Internal Revenue Service.[190]


They are accused in the 20-count indictment of conspiring between September 2004 and September 2008 to evade hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes and penalties the McCords owed the IRS.


In addition to tax evasion, all three defendants are facing charges of conspiring to defraud the United States and aiding and assisting in the preparation of false tax returns. The McCords also are charged with filing false tax returns.


From 2002 to 2006, Waite was associated with a Nevada company called Asset Protection Group, which was set up to help people conceal assets from the IRS and other creditors, according to the indictment.


Waite had previous legal problems for helping people evade taxes:


Waite and two other men, including former Colorado lawyer William S. Reed, were indicted in July 2011 in massive tax scheme prosecutors alleged took in more than $63 million between 2003 and 2006 [191].


William Reed’s Asset Protection Group Marketing Inc. was Nevada based[192], and was dissolved in 2005. Reed was sentenced to 108 months (9 years) in federal prison in 2013, and ordered to pay $40,000,000[193]. Reed agreed to cooperate against Waite.


Reed sold training to at least 10,000 people for $1,000 each and they became “consultants” who sold the service to others who wanted to hide their assets, and the consultants received a commission[194]. This idea of network marketing, use of “consultants” whether they’re “health consultants” or what not, was used in selling BX Protocol, and currently used in selling Oesch’s woowoo gadgets with the company Vivipro.


Here’s a quote[195] from Nevada Attorney General:


A couple from Iowa and a Nevada accountant were charged today with conspiring to defraud the IRS of over $700,000 through a scheme in which they allegedly used nominee corporations and nominee bank accounts to hide their income and other assets


Waite is also charged with one count of income tax evasion and four counts of aiding in the preparation and filing of false and fraudulent federal tax returns. 


Waite did not have a happy ending. Around age 77, in 2017, he was dismissed by the court because


Defendant Waite was recently evaluated and determined to lack the mental competency to participate in a trial due to a diagnosis of Alzheimer's dementia and cerebrovascular disease.[196]


Another short-term endeavor shut down


The 23 Nov 2007 snapshot shows Oesch’s HIS website was effectively pulled down[197]:




If I had to take a guess, Oesch decided to give this Nevada scheme a try and set up a website to promote HIS in selling Nevada corporation brokerage in conjunction with Wendell Waite. 


We know MYHUB was also established in Nevada with Leaming, and Oesch is listed as the “manager”, during the same 6-year timeframe that HIS and HERS were active, before the BX Protocol scandal begins.


Potential Links Between BX Protocol & Tax Schemes


Update: I just came across a thread [198] which is a big compilation of material on Oesch, Smith, etc. Interestingly it’s linking Oesch’s company, HIS (Human Investment Services) to BX Protocol, a theory that I didn’t explicitly think about, but given the overlap, of BX scandal with 5 other companies Oesch had registered, it’s plausible that there was a financial connection between funds from BX sales, and Oesch’s other companies. We already know his entities like Helvetia were involved with BX.


Update: Oesch’s Stewardship Holdings has also been linked to BX Protocol. See relevant section herein.



Lawsuit Against Oesch, Leaming’s Tax Scheme Business helps debunk Oesch’s lies


There was a lawsuit[199] against Oesch, Leaming, Oesch’s Washington-based company which was apparently engaged in tax schemes, et al. I didn’t dig into it deeply but public filings depict the story of Bonnie M. Christensen who was in the process of divorce after 33 years of marriage, and her ex-husband saw an online advertisement of tax scheme seminar, and signed up to get help in reducing his taxes etc. and used the money that allegedly partly belonged to her. She alleges, he lost $500,000 of her money.


She describes[200] the tax scheme the husband was learning, was spreading your assets across multiple entities, and allegedly the “enterprise” (Oesch, Leaming etc.) purportedly managed those entities for the “member” (e.g. her husband), took a fee, and paid something on a regular basis “doled out” she calls it, which they said was “tax free” but she doesn’t believe in reality it was tax free.


She contends in 2002 her husband “discovered certain advertising materials of various seminars purported to instruct people to reduce or avoid payment of Federal or State income taxes”. This corresponds with Oesch’s tax-scheme GDS business seminar that’s also dated 2012. Oesch’s HIS was also engaged in tax schemes. She contends her husband learned how to not get caught evading taxes. He also received legal advice from people like Leaming who were not licensed attorneys.


She alleges the “enterprise had “upstream” operations and a network marketing type of model. The scheme was allegedly presented as “asset protection” and tax reduction/elimination. She alleges that the enterprise sold an expensive manual to the members on tax scheme steps to follow.


She contends her husband felt fear if he didn’t go further because his assets were in the scheme, controlled by the enterprise, and there were a number of constraining rules, which she outlines.


She mentions the kind of behavior that has been reported elsewhere, e.g., the notary – as well as the Sovereign Citizen style of filing totally bogus liens and lawsuits, or at least threat thereof.


I am not reprinting her allegations of unlawful conduct but she makes several such allegations in her filings. Here’s an interesting bit that sheds light to what Christian Oesch was up to in 2006 when he claimed to be involved in EMF and “health” research. His resumé says he was at “G7”[201]. Mrs. Christensen alleges that Oesch was running the entities that her husband set up, and other things. None sound like EMF or health related! And neither are his other engagements at that time, e.g. with HERS/HIS.



She contends Oesch showed up at her divorce hearing, sat at the back of the room (while he had nothing to do with the divorce), and then stood in the hallway of the courthouse to show himself. He purportedly wanted to get back the manual that she had.



It’s not clear what became of the case. There are some “certificate of default” filings. And Plaintiff contends some of the Defendants who were served didn’t respond, therefore have allegedly defaulted. Kenneth Wayne Leaming did respond with a super funky filing in style of Sovereign Citizens, and a motion, also in funky SC lingo, basically contesting jurisdiction.



A number of criminal causes of actions were cited but this was a civil case so one would not expect law enforcement to get involved. And the fact that Plaintiff contends so many Defendants defaulted, and Leaming contested jurisdiction, the case probably went nowhere.


The value of this case was to tell us what Oesch was up to during that period, which again, helps debunk his more recent public lies about his background.




CHAPTER 6: Christian Oesch’s Engagement in “Ad Surf Daily” (ASD) Ponzi Scheme, As Further Evidence Of His Fake Public Claims



  Oesch was involved in the ASD Ponzi scheme as a member-owner.

      After ASD was busted by US Government and its head imprisoned, Oesch’s assets in the Ponzi scheme were forfeited by US Government.

      Oesch convicted the government (in his head) and unsuccessfully sued to penalize it for ~$30 Trillion because it forfeited ~$54,000 of his money!  

      Oesch was (also?) involved with ASD via tax scheme entities.



Oesch was a “member with ownership interest” in the AdSurfDaily (ASD) Ponzi scheme. This further proves he lied to public recently about having dedicated his last 20 years to EMF and

“health” research. This news video[202] on BX Protocol is how I found out about it:




It refers to Oesch not only as CEO of Delta / BX-Protocol unscientific, unapproved, purported

treatment for cancer and other diseases – but as a figure in the ADS Ponzi scheme. There’s

more evidence of the level of his engagement as illustrated herein.


ASD billed itself as an online advertising service that paid its members to surf internet ads for a

promised extremely profitable returns – but new members had to pay to join, and their funds was

used to pay off older members and it was a multi-level marketing[203] scheme.


U.S. government prosecutors called it a criminal Ponzi scheme[204], and judge agreed – so ASD is formally considered a criminal Ponzi scheme.


“The Secret Service described ASD as a “criminal enterprise” operated by Andy Bowdoin, a 77-year-old recidivist con man.” [205] [206] [207] [208] [209]


Members who recruited other members were paid commissions of 10 percent. Commissions for second-level recruits in the MLM scheme were set at 5 percent. An ASD member claimed he made $1,000 a day from ASD.[210]


Oesch was not investigated for crimes but apparently the assets he had in the Ponzi scheme were forfeited. A U.S. Federal Prosecutor I interviewed said that in these cases, the government usually goes after the big fish (in this case Bowdoin) and often doesn’t bother investigating lower level people to determine if they knowingly engaged themselves and sucked others into the Ponzi scheme. That makes sense, since the Government achieved its objective of shutting down a criminal scheme, and putting the top person responsible in prison. Bowdoin, was criminally convicted and sentenced to 78 months in prison[211].


“$79 million have been forfeited by Federal Judge's order” read one news article[212].


In 2008, the US Secret Service began investigating the Ponzi scheme ‘Ad Surf Daily’. “The forfeiture motion detailed how Ad Surf Daily offered members a 125% return on their membership fees plus a percentage of fees from any new member that they recruited.”[213]


United States Secret Service was involved because “its agents investigate counterfeiting, various kinds of fraud, and other crimes involving money and currency.”[214]


Some links to documentation on the ASD mess is provided in the endnotes, e.g. [215]


Per court papers, Oesch was involved in it with his company, H.E.R.S. . We know H.E.R.S. was a company jointly owned by Oesch and Leaming, and it was at least involved in tax schemes business. It seems that Oesch used ASD for two purposes:


-   Probably, make money off it by bringing in new people into the Ponzi scheme (pyramid marketing) and putting his own (or company’s) money into the scheme.

-   An alleged victim alleged that H.E.R.S. tax scheme was advertised online. It’s plausible given it’s the same entity that was involved in ASD, that ASD network may have been used to advertise for the tax scheme.


U.S. Government Forfeited Oesch’s Assets


After the U.S. Government busted the ASD Ponzi scheme, it forfeited its assets through legal actions, e.g., an In Rem[216] lawsuit[217] which included properties and millions in bank deposits. Some people involved “intervened”, arguing their part of the assets should not be forfeited. Oesch did so through the court filing which the news video above shows. For the sake of accuracy of understanding, I reached out to Mr. William R. Cowden[218], the Federal Prosecutor at the U.S. Department of Justice who was the Chief of Asset Forfeiture Unit at the U.S. Attorney’s Office (USAO) in charge of the ASD forfeiture case. He kindly wrote me the following email which explains the forfeiture case clearly:


Oesch said in the one he filed that he was the president of the company and was entitled to make whatever contract he wanted to make with Ad Surf Daily (ASD), and that the government had no right to shut down the operation. Judge Collyer agreed with the government that ASD was operating as a Ponzi scheme, and thus also operating as a criminal fraud scheme. As a result of its criminal misconduct, the property $$ of ASD (proceeds it collected from victims and possibly from knowing participants of its fraud scheme) were subject to forfeiture to the government.


Oesch's company did not own the money he said he did because once he gave his or his company's money to ASD (either as a victim of a Ponzi or as a knowing participant hoping to pull more $ out of the Ponzi before it collapsed), ASD owned the money. But because ASD was operating a criminal fraud scheme, under operation of USA law, the government actually owned the ASD money (upon proof of ASD's criminal fraud misconduct). Because Oesch's company no longer owned whatever money it or he may have provided to ASD, he had no legal standing to challenge the government's forfeiture case against ASD, so Judge rejected his effort to intervene in the case and instead dismissed his "petition."


There were multiple forfeiture court cases and court orders that resulted in confiscation of over $75 million in funds, plus properties, cars, jet-skis, etc. [219] [220] [221] [222] [223] [224] [225] that resulted in criminal conviction of Bowdoin, and criminal and civil forfeitures (some states no longer use civil forfeitures and only use criminal law for forfeiture)[226].


In one case, Christian Oesch and others were claimants with Bowdoin (AdSurfDaily), Golden Panda Ad Builder, properties and a $53 million deposit account as defendants.


AdSurfDaily appealed the case but the Circuit Judges at the U.S. Court of Appeals (DC) affirmed the District Court’s default judgement and final order of forfeiture[227]. Oesch appeared as appellee in the appeal case[228].


I don’t have the time to reference all the cases in detail. There were several memorandums of opinion, e.g. denying motion to dismiss[229], denying intervention[230], final order of forfeiture[231], and so on.


Oesch’s Involvement with ASD via Washington and Nevada entities; Link between tax-scheme and Ponzi scheme.


The government never investigated the level of Oesch or other lower level “fish” in ASD since it was enough for them to “fry the big fish”. But how involved was Oesch? We have a few clues:


·      Oesch was clearly a “member owner” who filed a pleading[232] in the USA’s forfeiture legal case, as a Claimant, asking the judge not to forfeit his H.E.R.S.’s assets that was put into the Ponzi scheme. His motion was denied by the judge and his assets in the Ponzi Scheme were forfeited.


·      The exhibit[233] Oesch filed included the registration of his company, H.E.R.S., using the address: “c/o American International Business Law” (AIBL) which was a Kenneth Leaming entity acting as its registered agent[234].


·      Leaming was an officer of H.E.R.S. as well.


·      Oesch was a “manager” at the Nevada registered entity: MYHUB which was engaged in ASD.[235]



o   This again debunks Oesch’s public lie about health & EMF research during that period!


o   That address has several businesses listed under the same “suite” number [236] so it’s fair to assume this was yet another letterbox/shell company. 7881 W CHARLESTON BLVD, STE 210, LAS VEGAS, NV, 89117, USA


o   There’s no info on what “Myhub” was exactly other than it was a “hub” associated with the ASD Ponzi scheme, registered in Nevada. Why Nevada? Oesch was Utah based and Leaming, Washington based, and Oesch was in business with Leaming in at least two Washington registered companies (HERS & HIS) around tax schemes. Perhaps Myhub was registered in Nevada as part of a tax scheme.


o   Another clue is that ASD itself was registered in Nevada as noted in the Grand Jury criminal complaint [237].



·      Reportedly, some ASD members who seem to be part of Oesch & Leaming’s network received an email [238] from MYHUB with a “legal opinion” from “Kenny” (nickname for Leaming) threatening them of legal action if they submit anything to the Department of Justice:


“If you are indeed wanting to eat on the other side of the fence, you must let us know before you submit anything to the DOJ, without causing us potential harm and further damages. In case you were to fail to notify us, we would have a possible claim against you, and that’s not what you want us to do in the first place.” [In the first place?!  What’s in the second place? Beat them up?!]

Oesch’s Delusional Felony Conviction (in his head) of a Federal Judge, et al.