Writing / Journalism / Activism References
I started logging these references because I've been subject to much bigotry, racism, jealousies, defamation, character attacks -- by people who can't stand a happy, free, fearless person who calls a spade a spade.
Also see:
I have known Reza Ganjavi personally for several years and find him to be incisive and full of integrity, his way of working is precise and his arguments coherent. In particular, his work on Swiss bodies such as BERENIS and the role of its director, Prof. Martin Röösli. Subsequently, this also led to his criticism of a Swiss radio program in which he criticized Christian von Burg's dubious reporting on the important letter from the professors around Lennart Hardell to the Swiss federal authorities: this demarche was initiated and coordinated by R. Ganjavi. I took part in the proceedings before the Independent Complaints Authority as a spectator: in its ruling, the UBI forced the radio station to remove the highly offensive content from the network - a very rare ruling in this context, which is mainly due to Ganjavi's thorough preparatory work.
"I got to know Mr. Reza Ganjavi as the initiator of the group Stop 5G Switzerland and was allowed to support him in some of his projects and in his tireless fight against disinformation and lies as well as attacks on his personality (which he was able to expose, committed to the truth). Reza is exceptionally educated and cultured - for example, he is an excellent musician. He also impresses with his spiritual and philosophical side (see his countless interviews and conversations e.g. with Krishnamurti etc.) Reza is a strong and enriching personality in many ways: I consider myself lucky to know him personally." Maggie Speiser
"Ich lernte Herrn Reza Ganjavi als Initiator der Gruppe Stop 5G Schweiz kennen und durfte ihn bei einigen seiner Projekte und in seinem unermüdlichen Kampf gegen Desinformation und Lügen sowie Angriffe auf seine Persönlichkeit (die er, der Wahrheit verpflichtet, entlarven konnte) unterstützen. Reza ist ausserordentlich gebildet und kultiviert - so ist er z.B. ein hervorragender Musiker. Er besticht zudem mit seiner spirituellen und philosophischen Seite (siehe seine unzähligen Interviews und Gespräche z.B. mit Krishnamurti usw.) Reza ist in vielerlei Hinsicht eine starke und bereichernde Persönlichkeit: ich schätze mich glücklich, ihn persönlich zu kennen." Maggie Speiser
I know Mr. Reza Ganjavi personally: he is a serious, educated, man of integrity and extremely honest. He is deeply committed to the truth and fights any falsehoods and misinformation. Therefore, I cannot imagine that he would ever deny a person and spread untruths about him. Much more he will deal intensively with this person, do research, get to know him personally whenever possible and seek dialogue. Likewise, he will also defend himself if someone spreads lies or false facts about his person and his activities. " Maggie Speiser"
Ich kenne Herrn Reza Ganjavi persönlich: er ist ein seriöser, gebildeter, integrer und äusserst ehrlicher Mensch. Er ist zutiefst der Wahrheit verpflichtet und bekämpft jegliche Unwahrheiten und Falschinformationen. Ich kann mir deshalb nicht vorstellen, dass er einen Menschen jemals verleugnen und Unwahrheiten über ihn verbreiten würde. Viel mehr wird er sich intensivst mit dieser Person auseinandersetzen , rechechieren, sie wenn immer möglich persönlich kennenlernen und den Dialog suchen. Desgleichen wird er sich aber auch zur Wehr setzen, sollte jemand Lügen oder falsche Tatsachen zu seiner Person und seinen Aktivitäten verbreiten.
<3 Best Due Diligence ever!
Amazing Due Diligence brother!!! Truly appreciate the time and effort you put into this!!
Awesome content! Thank you for sharing!!! -- Stocktwits Management.
It's the closest to a certified analyst report I've seen
Reza, your article is excellent. Dr. S. F.
Reza, you are a real "master"!!!
Very good letter and great points were pointed out.
Best thanks for your efforts. (Schutz vor Strahlung)
Good for you for denouncing the harmful 5G effects. Everything has an impact. I experience everyday with dismay in my job how people are reliant on WIFI, in hospital and schools. The UK is another example is this scandal.
John Saldivar: Réza Ganjavi I recall your amazing detective story! More like International crackdown on cyber bullies you brought to Justice! Even Matanya was impressed with you swiftness and resolve!
Fascinating… I am buying the book anytime, your way of writing is fantastic.
Wow, super geschrieben! Da kann ich zu 100% dahinter stehen. Lg
Lots of complements.
She said she was amazed and thought it was a great video and all the visuals, etc.
Everybody is writing to thank for your video -- they're using it in their fights.
Big big professors wrote to thank for the video.
Dear Réza. Your video is great - showing the context and naming the people involved.
Regarding beating SRF legally: Well done! Congrats!
Thank you very much for the commitment. My husband has a brain tumour.
We need a lot of people like you.
Thanks for the Reminder you Golden Soul... thank you
Thanks very much. The letter looks great.
Thank you for your efforts with this endevour it is much appreciated. Kind Regards
The great work you have done by putting everything together, communicating with many people, finding out, pinpoint important aspects etc.…and finally writing the draft.
While I do not enjoy watching the way they go at you for your activism, I appreciate that they expose themselves the way they do. Thanks for diving on
Bravo! Thank you!
Video courtesy of Réza Ganjavi (great analysis and DD on his blog by the way). Thank you.
good stuff right there, really appreciate the follow up email you had with them.
Hi Reza – thank you for the thoughtful review of the <>. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and we are already moving on changes. -- Chief Commercial Officer, Biotech company
Hi Reza, Your updates are terrific, in-depth and very useful. Thanks.
I do heed your insight
it’s a very good report
Oh wow!! Man you are not a biotech guy? Your DD and investigation is pretty detailed. You have great writing skills... Thanks a lot Reza! (Big Pharma Biotech Executive)
One of the most insightful and elaborate posts I’ve ever read - and it was 100% correct
Outstanding info as usual! We are very fortunate to have you as part of this community of investors. Your information is meaningful and valuable. Thank you!
Really I like you rational and research.
Reza, I have been meaning to thank you for all of the work you have done providing us with great information on <>. I sure appreciate it, and I’m sure others do as well.
Reza, You do ALOT. Far more than most
Reza: Thank u so much for relaying so much useful information. I really appreciate your efforts and attention to detail.
Reza's a rock star!
Reza's blog is worth the follow. Check out his last post with his catch up on the key people driving.
Thank for the interview. Very interesting.
Thank YOU for developing such a meaningful relationship with <>'s management. I sincerely appreciate it.
THANK YOU times a million
Thank you very much again. Please keep these emails coming. First & foremost thank you very much for this intel. Please keep them coming.
Thank you!!! This info package is just awesome. Appreciate your insights!!!
Thanks again for the interview.
thanks for the great work inc recent discussion with <> management.
Thanks for the interview in your webpage, plenty of interesting info and thoughts. I also liked your quotes in your philosophy page.
thanks I held because I have a lot of respect for your analytical abilities
Thanks Reza that was The best example of DD from a retail investor i've ever read.
They took your suggestion to do insider's buying. Damn you should be on the management board.
Think, strategize and then let your keyboard burn with you hot writing
very good read. Thanks a million!!
very informative! Great job.
wow! This is impressive and when people talk about serious Due Diligence, this should be the bar. Awesome info and insight. Truly appreciate you sharing!
you’ve been pretty spot on. Kudos to you my friend. Keep up the good work.
Your posts always the most important. By far. Thanks.
Thanks for doing what you do. I know you take a lot of crap, but you also have a lot of thankful readers. Keep up the good work it is much appreciated.
Good article you wrote
Thank you for your tireless and always effective efforts!
This current piece is excellent. Sharp insight into…
You’re a life saver.
Beautifully written.
Another piece of excellent work, thanks and keep up the fight to fairness and reality.
Thanks so much for including me in your email list. I read everything.
Best wishes and keep up the good work.
Appreciate the insights, keep up the good work.
An excellent job of tying these elements together to make a strong, enlightening piece!
Thanks, Reza for all your work as usual.
You have an excellent command of writing which I am appreciative. Keep up the great responses to these individuals, they need to be aware of the corruption in these departments.
Wow Reza! I am sure this will cause some people to become quite uncomfortable...which is a very good thing. You hit the nail on the head...
Thank you for your dedication to this cause.
Wow !! outstanding letter to Ms Leonhart. Best to you Reza
Outstanding! Jim
Highly informative and Factual...
TRUTH WINS! The article is well written
Thank you for your integrity and providing facts.
Still had time to read your epic article. EXCELLENT COMPOSITION OF FACT LADEN REBUTTAL TO THE CROOKS. As always thank you...
Great article as usual Reza.
Thanks for the report Reza, on top of things as usual......good work my friend.
Reza you hit the nail on the head.
Again, a huge thank you for your great analysis.
I love language, its plasticity, the way words soar in daily usage then almost overnight--whoosh! They're gone, replaced by another flavor of the week.
Reza, Nice article as usual. Thanks for writing these articles in the last few weeks/months.
Reza, I am offline until power comes back on. I am in the office now but lost most of the week to the storm. I don't expect internet or power at home until sometime next week. I am following you through my blackberry keep up the good work.
Thanks so much for your hard work Reza.
God Bless your efforts.
Your letter to Eric Holder is outstanding! It's a moving, heartfelt plea that I'm sure is representative of tens of thousands of people in need of a
merciful response and a call to action from "the powers." In any case, great job on the letter, easily one of, if not THE BEST of your work.
Hey brotha, hope all is well. Great post... I appreciate all your hard work and dedication.
to be commended for all your effort... appreciates the science and the truth being presented in your article.
Reza, Great job.
Your article is very precise and interesting.
Good article.
Thank you Reza, great job in your response.
Great Reza! Keep us informed and thanks for everything.
Reza, thanks for the option info and for all of your amazing support for <>!! While PR is silent, Reza has been pounding the tables!! Kudos to you, Reza. Many happy returns for you!!
Reza, Great article to Holder!
Love it.
What I love about your piece is the "outside looking in" perspective from non-domestic sources. Right on the money and right on time! This is an angle you can continue to report on because it's so wide and diversified, and it ain't gonna shrink, just grow, like the subject itself.
Thank you Reza. God Bless you and your writing my friend. Leann
Thanks for all you do. Long and Strong <>
Thank you Reza. Good article.
Awesome article, really excellent and on point.
I love it! It reminds me of my British grandfather, whom I never met.
REZA: You scored a TOUCHDOWN! Easy reading for everyone and RIGHT ON TARGET! Compelling reading... THANK YOU. REZA
Thanks for the update, Reza.
I'm amused by your emails today. Lol. That's why you're my hero...
Reza You are a Rock Star! Thank you for all your tireless efforts on behalf of us... I'm sending a letter to the Board of Directors that you need to be hired!
Once again, thanks for all you do and how well you do it.
Excellent summary I know if you ... were athletes then you would be on the podium getting gold medals for your staunch support of <>.
Keep up the great work and <> will get their payback. Great article from you !!!
Thank you again, Reza, for all the work you are doing for all of our benefit. I really appreciate you...
Thank you for all your work and support!
thanks for your thoughts...always helpful and well written.
Just a note to say thanks for your efforts, Reza. Great work.
Support you completely...thank you
I really appreciate all your work
let daniel know just like you, he is one of my heroes! like him, you were one of the major reasons why i held on to my shares at $1.70 and added more on the way up to $4. the lord also gave me a sign too. what a blessing. when i count my many blessings, i count you both twice. i am now in a financial position to help many others who are in need. regards... forever grateful...
Thanks very much for passing along what you learned!
Thanks for your efforts...
Awesome....keepem coming...
Reza- thx for all your efforts
A great article, Reza. Thank you for writing it.
Well thought out and easy to follow, thanks Reza
Another solid, well-reasoned article, chock full of facts and sensible logic. A pleasure to read after the glut of headache-producing nonsense presented by other "authors"
on the subject. I don't even need aspirin when I read your articles! What a refreshing change...
Hi Reza, I always enjoy your articles.
Great article Reza!
Thank you for your well written article on <>'s <>... Many of us share your confidence that the final destination will be worth the journey...
Dear Reza It was really fascinating to meet you in the train to … today . I read all your articles on yahoo…
Keep up the good work R..
your exemplary work
Reza I appreciate all you have done… Thank you.
thanks for your DD,
Thanks again for your outstanding DD and posts.
I can respect the hell out of your methods and the fact that you act on them, regardless of if I or others agree. I've always had a soft spot for the one that yells, because I'm more passive in how I go about things. But there are times when I wish I did have that personality. So, do what you gotta do is all I can say.
Amazing indeed Reza.
Thank you for this and bringing delight and astonishment to our working lives today!
You were very much underappreciated. I hope your withdrawal was not related to message board ignorance. Thanks, Dr. R
I am looking for something. I know from the time I was a teenager.... Maybe everyone is like that. Yes, I'm curious and u took me halfway. maybe u are the well as u say... but i sent that request to universe and u came along. maybe the reason i cant leave is that i am still looking and its easier someone else to help me look but i have to do it myself. Your presence (in my head) in my life is teaching me so much. I have to say its painful and uncomfortable at times but maybe it's necessary for me to learn...
The most formidable weapon against errors of every kind is reason. I have never used any other, and I trust I never shall. Thomas Paine, one of the Founding Fathers of USA
Besides your exemplary work it's great to see all these very positive folks investing in the company. Huge positive !!
Reza I appreciate all you have done and wish us both well in life and our<> investment. Thank you.
thanks for your DD,
Thanks again for your outstanding DD and posts.
Reza… sincere appreciation for your objective articles and input. It's a wonder to me that anyone even follows Frogstein… Keep it up, you have plenty of fans.
You're my hero. I still want to pay you a visit and buy you dinner for changing my world. I
Thank you Reza for your well written comments on this one-sided misinformed article by Mr. Flinn.
Good post. Strong reasonable message.
thank you for your efforts
Reza is one of the most educated and intelligent posters on the board. Useless, on the other hand, posts nothing but lies and FUD. A federal offense, I doubt it. Idiot taking up valuable space.
I’m really appreciative of the articles.
WELL DONE!!! Excellent write up, Reza!!! What is most encouraging is making this rocky road journey with great people who hold integrity high... Thank you, Reza... Will continue to pray every day for you. Blessings,
Reza, great info!!!! :-). Many thanks.
Very well written, easy to follow, logical and concise !!!
Thank you for the informative news. R....
This is another great article Reza.
You rock.
Appreciate you keeping us updated
Keep up the excellent work!!!!
Thank you for your emails very interesting and I’m in agreement with your views
Reza thanks for that report.
Appreciate your efforts!!
I always await and appreciate any updates you give.
Thank you for keeping me informed,
Sweet, good job.
You da man! Stay positive.
This message hits a lot of bases, so many potential home runs that the players just keep circling and circling. Thanks for sending it out.
Great job.
well done my hero..
Again, thank you for all you do to keep the hope alive.
Always great info, thanks
Thank you for all your work and support!
Very encouraging – Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!
Great article. Thank you for your efforts.
Keep up the great work! Thanks
We appreciate your blog posts, thanks for being a great member of the <> blogging network.
Thanks for all of your effort.
Thanks A LOT for all the great informations
Sorry for rehashing...just can't get enough of that article. So well put!!
Reza nailed it
Article was spot on. You nailed it.
Thanks for all you do Reza, please know it is appreciated.
Great email Reza, thanks for getting the word out.
Thank you for all your efforts.
Excellent letter. Hits the nail on the head.
I want to read carefully and understand. I learn a lot from you. I think you already know that. Thanks.
Dear Reza, I am deeply impressed by your text.
Dr. Joe: Thanks Reza, nice article.
Excellent article as always… Thank you…
Great post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I could recommend your post 100 times over.
Great research.
Great work and thanks for putting in the time to write the report!!!
Hi Reza, I thought your article was great on Avanir. You did a great job exposing x.
I am happy to say that your writing just keeps getting better — more flow, more consistency. I’d invest in it!
I am re-reading your document again. Once again outstanding job on the document.
I just read your write up. Good work. Thanks for sending this out!!!
Read it. Great job.
Reza, this is great what you wrote. You need to be an attorney. Great writing!
Thanks to world famous writer R.G.! U.
Very thorough and well written. Thanks.
We just read it... How beautiful -- You are very talented -- you are a very good writer.
Why didn’t I invest in Reza the Writer several years ago? Well, in a way, I did, and I’m happy. I see the riches in every piece you write. Not even “the big spenders” have that. Very sweet, indeed!
You are a talented and brilliant writer.
You are the greatest writer on earth. :)
You have an interesting website, but above all a very diverse existence.
Your writings are so good, I enjoy reading them.
"The great producer".
Excellent article. Plenty of Ammo there.
BTW If I would have listened to analysts I would not be up over 400% in my investment.
Awesome work.
Brilliant work from you as always.
Excellent article Reza....love to see as many articles as possible like that start popping up!
What an incredibly realistic article, abundant with information and legitimate sources.
Well done my friend!
Thanks for all your work on this company.
Solid information. Thanks for taking the time to investigate and report. You're a good man.
The article looks good, Reza. Thanks for putting it out there.
Really appreciate your effort in looking into this.
Great insight...thank
Good letter and thanks for the initiative...
Great Response! ... at least they know that some people are not fooled by their analysis.
Thank you for all your work and rapid response to this shameful and pitiful <> bologna! Blessings,
Reza great article. Mark
Reza...Really, really good! Roger
By the way, great job on your latest <> article.
She said just before I come they were talking about how much money they waste on smoking, so the universe responded by sending[Reza Ganjavi].
Another great article from Reza.
Excellent article… well written… powerful and accurate…
Again, thank you – WELL DONE!!! Blessings, Rusty
we also need to be objective which you clearly are.
Thanks for the great <> article. Very quick work to slice up <> Cheese.
Nice article on <>. Thanks!
Great job Reza, If you need any help from me and my other physicians colleagues let me know. Hope we will defeat these crooks Again.
great job on your latest article.
I enjoy reading your posts.
Thank you so much for sharing. Great piece of work !
Great article Reza!!!
Somebody put in an emergency call to Reza. This is right up his alley.
I would like give you props for your <> call.
Good comment left on the doc's blog.
I appreciate the battles you fight on behalf of <>.
I appreciate your posts on the board... valuable insight
many thanks for your endless efforts!!!
I think your work really makes a difference.
I always appreciate your postings, plus your contributions to <>...
thx for all your great insight with <>. Im a newbie with a brain and have learned alot. You should do tutorials like khan academy on topics like options, shorts, longs etc.
Your commentary along with UCLA Dr Dan and Dr Vig have kept me resolute through the many uncertain times over these last 36 months. Keep up the good work. Regards.
Thanks again for your work as usual. On behalf of <> longs, we really appreciated.
btw, great article you just wrote.
In the short time he has been here, who has done more to enlighten the market with his articles and Officials in our Government and Business? And now we may have lost him because of abrasive members, many of which contribute little... Reza who has done so much for our cause?
Thank you Reza
Nicely done.
If need private eye, hire Reza.
I still thank u for all eternity for convincing me to ride the storm and add shares like crazy.
Damn good, Reza!!
As a newbie I have been confused about this issue. Thanks for clearing it up.
Thanks as always for your good work. STEVE
Reza, very excellent article !!! Thanks for sharing.
I love your articles.
always appreciate your insights
one was a comment by X saying (a short seller) was spooked by reza
We could really use your help Reza...
Read your last article and it was great.
Keep up all you do and don't let the world corrupt your abilities to make it a better place to live and enjoy God's wonderful creation,
What a shame. You guys and gals who aren't on Reza's blog email list. He's on a tear!
We appreciate your feedback and analysis.
Reza, I agree with everything you state. Your 1 email here is worth more than the entire board recently.
Reza, You're my hero and I would love to get in touch with you. I was one of the lead actors in the Hollywood movies about Wall Street corruption and stock manipulation.
constructive, informative
my hat's off to you for all the effort you put into supporting <> and battling Adam F and company and others while most people just sit idly by. That takes a lot of time and I'm sure no one pays you to do it. You have done remarkably well at the presentations and have very well, thought out, lucid arguments supporting <> and destroying the "misinformation" spread by others. It's a talent few people in this world have. You are blessed to have that skill. keep up the great work,
I really appreciate all the work you've done
amen, keep up the good work!
Great work Reza! I seriously wish you would run for President here:)
Thank you, Reza! Awesome!!
Really appreciate your time and effort in fighting shorts alike in the past months.
Thanks for your efforts in putting together this wonderfully well written correspondence. Please include my name as co-signed supporter.
Thank you for writing to the First Lady… The First Lady sends her best wishes and hopes that you continue to work with those close to you to strengthen your community and our country.
That was a great article, Reza.
Nice results.
Thank you for all of your hard work... There are some despicable people out there in those hedge funds that we never knew existed.
Yeah....Hard work paid off...
Thanks for all your encouraging contributions
Congrats… many thanks for your endless efforts!!!
Congrats buddy great work.
Hi Reza, Finally <> is approved. Thank you for your efforts.
I know I speak for all on the board when I say "Thank you Reza!" for getting that slanderous <> garbage retracted. Some may disagree but there is no doubt in my mind that today's excellent price movement is due to you tireless efforts.
Yes the science is there, but without such a valiant fellow steering investors consciousness it is hard to imagine how the average joe would have know about this sciences. It is Reza who puts it into perspective. Good onto you my friend Reza.
God Bless Reza.
Hi Reza, Just wanted to thank you for your efforts in sticking up for us… Anyway, you really go out of your way to defend <> and combat all the trash that is constantly put out against us. Just wanted to say thanks, you have a much larger audience than the rest of us to combat the FUD they are trying to put out on us. We are going to win in the end, I know it, just wanted to let you know your efforts are appreciated…
You are a smart guy and I have recced a lot of your posts.
the letter looks great. Very sharp.
THANK YOU for your incisive and determined writing!... Your work is much appreciated.
Wow! …Thanks a million for your time and effort… Too bad you can't become president of US!... Remember how Clinton sealed the deal playing the saxophone on Arsenio Hall? I think you playing the guitar would seal 85% of women's vote.
Thank you Reza for showing us the path [Reza's note: I did not show anybody any paths]. While others spent their time drinking whiskey and popping pills Reza along with the more serious <> gentry worked tirelessly to protect the science from fudsters and Frogsteins. Watch and learn fellows - just as in the adcomm Reza gets a standing ovation from all <> stakeholders and those concerned with truth and science. He almost single-handedly against much opposition righted a wrong that was perpetrated at us. Reza and grandpa are truly the guiding lights…
Very well written article!
Great article once again.
very good points... for the up coming binary event.
I appreciate your contribution to the boards.
Anyway, thanks for all your articles and general support of <>.
just wanted to let you know your efforts are appreciated.
You are an intelligent man and have valuable insights
Just a few words to thank you all for your efforts.
I really appreciate your efforts and great work for all of us.
Thank you very much for your articles and work to put out the truth and to question the delay of the scheduling process.
Great article.
Reza, excellent investigative work nice to see the truth getting to the public domain which they duly deserve without bending thing out of shape just simple facts.
Very interesting article. Thanks for sharing your thoughts - once again.
Thank you for your integrity and providing facts...
Thanks for all your good work and updates.
your last piece on the Nobel winners had so much verve and stylistic panache - your hard-hitting, thoroughly supported writing - Keep up the good work and the good fight!
Reza, Once again, another home run letter... Keep up the great work and diligence.
Your doing a great great job...I appreciate very much...
As always great work.
Anyway, thanks for standing strong next to <>/<>. There have been a couple times I wanted to sell, but your articles just made too much sense not too.
U have new ways of looking at life. Thats why I am attracted to u. Such a free spirit. Love that.
I just wanted to personally thank you for all of your diligent work on <>…. So, though belatedly and long overdue, please accept my thanks for your willingness to share your knowledge and <> passion with people like myself. I greatly appreciate it.
Thanks as always for your thoughts, I totally agree.
thank you for all your help
Thanks, Reza. Your comments are always welcome
Hi this is Charles. Thanks for the message. I enjoy your articles and thank you for putting me in touch with Dr. Daniel.
By the way great article today Reza,
I have found your reports on <> very informative, well written and well thought out, and a great counter-balance to all of the deliberate misinformation by so-called HF analysts. Please continue your great work because I greatly appreciate your candid insight. I would be very pleased if you could add me to your <> info list.
It is always great and fascinating to read your articles and comments.
Thanks very much for keeping me in the loop and your Herculean effort informing individuals such as myself via your research and articles
From out in cyberspace, just wanting to thank you once again for all you
have done and are doing. Have enjoyed your articles and will be keeping up the good fight for <> as we move into real sales data soon.
Reza, As always, great job...Thanks for keeping me in the loop.
Thank you Reza for all the updates you hear from our friends in the stock. I really appreciate it. Also, Thank You lately for producing the great articles for <> the past few weeks
Thanks for all your informative insight. It is nice to know that what you are thinking is confirmed by many others.
Thanks a lot for this wonderful music. Sonja
A great post and very true!
Excellant Reza!
Thanks for all your hard work and great info!!!
my hero
Great message and you deserve a well deserved standing "O" for your dedication and steadfast persistence!
You're the prince of <>. Thank you for facilitating, so eloquently articulating and being the driver of reason in this journey as
we forge ahead. Your never ending perseverance is truly mind boggling.
Thank you very much for all your articles in supporting <> during 2012 and many others true longs you have listed below. Your guys have made investing and believing in <> easy for me. I really appreciated.
This article should be sent to every broker – the sooner they catch up with <> the better off they are.
I really appreciate your efforts and great work for all of us.
This article is very informative and the links to the letters by individual citizens to the FDA are good summaries
Reza to the rescue
Bravo Reza
Thanks, Reza. Another great article.
Excellent article !!!
Thank you for all you do for <> longs !!!
Good Luck, Sure glad you're following the stock minipulation and exposing them to DEA.......Olivia
Congrats on the good work and results. And we hope you continue writing at some point.
You're doing a great job, no doubt,
Thanks for your efforts!
Rezza, I love how you skewered Adam fuck face! There are some awesome comments to back you up on your <> article. Job well done as always
Just acknowledgement you wrote a great article when those bottom feeders jump on it.
AWESOME Article.
I like all the work you, UCLA doc DAN, Dr Vig and couple of others doing.
Thanks for the update (as well as all of your articles and efforts to inform)
Great work Reza, as always!!!
Keep up the good work as it is much appreciated
I appreciate the info very much… Thank you.
Thanks for the update comments Reza, your a champion.
Reza,,,,After reading your whole email...all I have to say is YOU ROCK...I really appreciate all the updates and all the hard work...how many millions of shares do you have??? I hope you do....you simply rock... Nothing but the best, Ed Hines
nice article on <>.
Thank you for the work you have been doing on behalf of the stock holders. (<>)
As always Reza, great job!
Your continued efforts are much appreciated.
another great article from you today!
The last of honest journalists.
Reza, Keep up the great work with <>, you are a gift and Jack needs to put you on the payroll if that is of any interest to you.? I will do anything in my power to facilitate such a move as I understand business and an asset is an asset and you clearly are, I would hire you in a minute.
liked you and all you stand for relating to less experienced investors.
listened to the FDA AdComm. I have enjoyed following your ongoing comments on <> and the biotech world since then.
Thanks for great messages lately on <>. I do appreciate your efforts!
We <> investors have enjoyed reading your articles at Yahoo Finance. It is great to read such well thought out observations which also confirm our thoughts about <>... Please keep up the great informative <> discourse ...
This is another well-thought out article.
Thanks for all that you do,
A very nice piece Reza.
Reza, you have been the man of truths, I really hope you and everyone else that has been in this game gets rewarded.
If readers want the straight goods on <> go read Reza's work over at the <> site. At least he has credentials...
Thanks for the informative report
great article
Thanks for all that you have done to kick shorty where it counts! You will be richly rewarded.
Nice job. Looking for
Great update and summary of the latest <> news !
Thanks Reza
18 recommendations ready. They are loving it!
Another great article. Very nice Reza!!
Thank you for sharing this information, we’re holding a golden crown.
thanks for the time to both call and inform
Great ltr.
Reza, great email to the SEC.
Great article! Very comprehensive from my perspective. I'll be using the link as an educational tool
Reza- nice article.
Nicely done Reza.
Incredible read, Reza.
you are one heck of a journalist. I enjoy your writings.
Wonderful to hear from you ! Just tremendous info yourself and Dr. Lopez provide for the <> brotherhood. My fellow investors will love reading this great info !
I appreciate all your hard work in supporting the stock.
You have no idea how indebted I am to you for the information you share and your continued efforts.
Thanks for the updates Reza. Great job on trying to push this through DEA.
I appreciate reading your honest and straightforward articles….keep up the good work. Howard Rich…Newport Beach, Calif.
That's a good one
Reza- as a fellow <> long and biotech investor I applaud your well balanced articles. Keep them coming! Gary
I like all the work you, UCLA doc DAN, Dr Vig and couple of others doing.
Thank you for your efforts on our behalf.
Reza- again a very well written summary.
U see it like it is...keepem coming
Reza, Daniel, James : I would also like to thank all of you for your tremendous efforts on behalf of <> <> and <>. Although shareholders of <> certainly will benefit from a rising stock price of <>, the REAL WINNERS will be the overweight patients who lose weight and improve their health. There is no doubt in my mind that many lives will be saved by this medicine. I really appreciate the efforts of all of you guys in the Battle of the Bulge. This may well be the most important work that any of us do in our lifetimes !!!! Keep it up !!!! :-)
an EXCELLENT piece !!!
Thanks-I think you have made a difference and hurt the shorts.Do you have a bodyguard? It's all about the money.
GREAT work on a GREAT article. This stock is going to explode b/c of the company and the science and people like you REZA.......
Your the best,,,, couldn't agree more.
I agree with the investor you noted below. By the way, really appreciate your articles in the few months.
Great job... every reply was positive. good job
Wow excellent article.
Reza, Your articles are much appreciated and well thought out I can only imagine the amount of research you put into each one.
Again, you have done a yeoman's job (more so than I'd say most other people involved) in following up, developing contacts, and so on.
Keep it up! I hope you are richly rewarded.
Phenomenal work, Reza. I appreciate everything you do on behalf of us shareholders and fat persons everywhere.
Great article!
hello fellow <> investor you have very nice website i always enjoy reading your articles about <> keep up the good work i dont post on mb at yahoo but will read them 2% of the time there is worthwhile information which is mostly from you thank you
The most informative article I've read in months. Thank you
Reza, Thank you so much!!!!! for sharing your hard work with us 'little guys'.
We appreciate it.
Another excellent article, Reza.
Thanks Reza! I never asked you how your speech went at the AdCom. Based on the 19-4 vote, it went very very well!! We longs are blessed by the tremendous support from those such as you who stood up to advocate for <> against all odds. I owe you big time. We all owe you. You are legend!! Keep the great music and harmonies flowing throughout the universe!!!!!
Reza has helped many of us stay long and strong. His point of view is always based on real data and issues.
Reza, I'd like to say one more time how much we all appreciate your efforts on behalf of <>..Videos are great...Thanks
Superb job, once again, Reza. Your tremendous effort is truly appreciated by many longs. You, as well as a number of other posters, make this a truly exceptional board, despite the bashers. You have shown yourself to be a man of conviction, intellect, and character. You are a difference maker. Keep up the excellent work.
Amazing article. Wish I could write this stuff!!!
New investors and potential newbies, look at this information.....ONCE U BECOME A STOCKHOLDER, don't let crooks like Krummer sway U..guys like this only want to rob u of your just rewards
great article
I really wish I could put my thoughts together so well.
You articulate well. You have the logical mind of a lawyer or computer programmer. -- memothersirish
Reza, just read your blog on <> blog! Absolutely fantastic article!!! Kudos my friend!
Excellent post Reza.
Thank you so much for your hard work and contribution to fight for <> behind close doors that many of us longs here may not realize.
Reza, it can't be understated how much was on the line in that moment at ADComm. It was truly pivotal. I know how intense it was for YOU!. You did yourself and all of us <> supporters proud.
<> is a good deal better but their coverage of <> has been woefull, with the notable exception of one Reza Ganjavi.
Must see for new <> investors!
great info!
Thank you and you are very much appreciated for your activism.
Thank you for your time and hard work with respect to <>.
THANK YOU for your incisive and determined writing! I have been following <> and <> for over two years and am a patient and friend of Dr. Steve Vig. Your work is much appreciated. Best of luck to you!
Thanks for shining a light on these issues.
Well written and researched.
Thoughtful article. I realize it takes work to produce this stuff, so thanks for your time.
Very good article. Thanks!
It is an excellent piece...nice to see someone write the truth about <> for a change
Nice! I like to see all the exciting things going on at <> bullet-pointed in one place. Thanks!
All good points but I expect the Cockroaches to be out in force soon. Thanks for sticking your neck out and being positive.
You have done a great job in bringing the story to the forefront for many investors who never heard of <> before and they have created a demand for the stock that supercedes naked short selling. Thanks.
Thank you very much for this well thought out and well written article. It is imperative that attention is brought to bear on the issues you write about.
great material for new <> investors
Really educational!
I love your article
A must read
Love it!
Super bump
great read...........
Keep this on top to counter act cramers bull
Hes spot on again.
Reza knows his stuff.
your informative articles were crucial in getting the facts straight to the American investing public.
Those guys work very hard to research and write their articles, and we get the benefit, so give them props
We need more longs who have benefited from these guys hard work to show then some love and appreciation
Thanks to Michael, Reza and Scott for telling the truth about this drug and making some eyes wide open in the market. They are owed a deep gratitude for all their hard work against corruption in the market today. Thanks again!
<> did their work, and spent money, but sad to say, we got crooks that are very influential on wall street, without those guys I mentioned, they may have gotten away with destroying <>, which was their motive.
Job well done Reza, thank you.
great article!
Very Nice!
he did a good job at the ADCOM and he should be applauded for his tenacity and courage\
everyone need to read the article.
I love this better than a third party article written by a journalist! MORE CREDIBLE!!!
5 stars
REZA: You scored a TOUCHDOWN! Easy reading for everyone and RIGHT ON TARGET! Compelling reading for every <> patriot who appreciates placing its huge advantages up front where they belong. THANK YOU. REZA
reza rocks !!!!
Reza, Thank you for putting up a good fight on behalf of the regular investors.
Way to go ... GOOD WORK! Thank you
Thanks for the mega-intelligent & incredible amount of shared due diligence.
REZA rocks like the FAB 4.
Another Reza article, very informative. i suggest reading all of them concerning <>
Reza nailed it
THE REZA FOSHIZZA ! Article was spot on. My boy nailed it
Thanks for your dedication and time.
Great article Reza. Appreciate all you do about telling the truth and shedding light into the darkness of Wall Street. Thanks.
Reza, outstanding article! Thank you!
Thanks, Reza...Required Reading..
Reza, I pray for your safety. Someone will not like today's article with that video in it. God Bless.
Good job Mr. Reza
Very Cool! Thank You!
Great job!
great read, <> going much higher as tutes, funds start to pile in....
Thanks Reza! Great job!
good story for newbies just learning about <>. This was authored by Reza Ganjavi, a long time supporter of <> back when it was just <> hydrochloride.
Thank you for all of your hard work, and constructive reporting.
The best, most informative poster on the <> board was Ocyan by far... He was blasted repeatedly by pundits who were out in left field. He was driven away... Now, we have the same senario developing on this board and Reza's participation. In the short time he has been here, who has done more to enlighten the market with his articles on the FOOL and <> and Officials in our Government and Business? And now we may have lost him because of abrasive members, many of which contribute little. Do we want to now drive Reza away who has done so much for our cause?
Longs Say "Thank You, Reza Ganjavi" -- I speak for all <> longs who want to thank Reza Ganjavi for his diligent, accurate and unflappable analysis of <>. He fought for this stock and our investments even in the darkest hours. He want toe to toe with the bashers and mistaken analysts. His analysis was the one we trusted and the rewards have blessed many portfolios. To top it off... Hes a Beatles fan! Rez, We all wish you prosperity and good health. Godspeed! ~Marty~ for all Longs
Yes, Thanks Reza for uncovering some of the corruption that goes on. Thanks for the new article you put out over the holiday weekend. I know you are working tirelessly to expose those that need to be exposed and trying to keep all of us on main st. informed. Thank you for your commitment to truth.
Reza, I must say that I feel you were the writer that contributed the most on sitting the record straight during the unfair attacks on <> during the period of bashing and other tactics that were used to drive down the share price last month. Your articles on <> and <> were very concise and clear in getting the correct message across regarding <> and its drug... Thanks again for all your hard work
This was an excellent article about <> that highlighted some of the abuses of articles written on stock sites such as the Street.
wow impressive
Thanks Reza...Great Article.
Thank you Reza
good article
Love it with a passion.
Thanks Reza, great article.
They have cost their readers to miss out on 200% gains over the last month. NOT ME, I listened to Reza...
REZA IS RIGHT - HANG ON they want to steal your shares
Reza Speaks the Truth,,link
Great article explaining that this would happen.
Three home runs by Reza,
Reza is my hero!
Bumping again. Shorts are trying to hide this article piece. Bump it with me
Thank you for keeping our spirits high with the truth being told.
Reza has been great.
good comments by Reza
Reza and other bloggers have been trying to set the record straight.
Reza the Scientist,Class Act....
Thanks for your continuing hard work.
Reza is a strong <> supporter who even spoke in favor of approval at the FDA AdComm panel.
His article was one of the best articles I've read on the <> <> issue. He's stating facts which are very reasonable.
Reza To The Rescue...
Good work Reza!!!
Give me an R Give me an E Give me a Z Give me an A What's that spell??? APPROVAL
Reza works for the little man and for the truth, he does not have the big money shorts with him, and does not want them
Reza - Great article.
Reza, his article yesterday was right on target.
Thanks Reza! Your article and one other prior to adcom helped to shape my decision to buy below $3 and hold through and this has been my first bag, with a couple more to follow. I am also sure that there are some here with similar experiences.
Reza is definitely a friend of <> and a welcome contributor to... I appreciated the videos he posted from adcomm on youtube and the speech he made there.
I second that. Thoughtful, factual articles helped guide my decisions.
Again thanks, and please keep up the good work.
Telling it like it is ! Thank You
Thanks Reza. The article is clear. <> will succeed... Thanks again for all you do in our fight to reveal the truth about <>. I think tomorrow and Tues. will be very interesting for us.
Bump...Long Live the Truth.
All hail Reza! I'm team Reza all the way. Truth and light. We are lucky he stands up for <>. Best to all longs, Alice
Reza keeps the truth about <> in the main stream! Thank you Reza!
Man, that's good stuff.
Finally a spot-on analysis. My predictions exactly. Thanks for the post.
Great article.
Proud of you, Reza
Nice job Reza !
Thank you for your works.
Great work, Reza!..A truly thorough explanation of facts. Thanks...
Reza, thank you for your continued efforts.
Reza, awesome job. Great inputs by doctors.
GREAT article.. thanks
Great work Reza! Thank you so much for explaining and getting the truth out there so eloquently. IMO Great journalism! :)
great article!
What a great article laying out all the facts and clearing up any doubts as to what <> is all about. Maybe this will shut the individuals up that write articles without any basis to their blabber. THANKS REZA!!!
Great job reza
Nice write up Reza.
Right on and factual. Great job! Thank you.
thanks reza good job.i watched video which you speak at adcom.thanks again
Thanks boss!!!!
thanks again, Reza
great article.better read shorties
love this..
Great post Reza ! Thank you for sharing.
Just on a light, deviating from the tedium of trading, Dancing Hands is not only worth a listen, but a definite "BUY," pun intended. Renaissance of lovely stuff.
good article by reza.. bump to the top
Good prevails evil. We won. Thanks for all you did. You're my hero....
Once again, you knocked it out of the ball park...when dealing with facts it is easier.Great post.thank you.
Great article, Reza. Keep them coming, you're one of the last true journalists out there.
Another good article , good job and thank you for keeping us informed.
This is just one big "I TOLD YOU SO" article with which I agree 1000%.
Reza, good job pointing out the connection between QVT hedge funds partner Fati Sadeghi-Nejad's and Cramer's minion and TheStreet contributor Nate Sadeghi-Nejad who is a known <> basher
Great article Reza!
Good article.
100 stars..
There is a long list of people including Reza Ganjavi, Doctor Daniel, etc.. who have contributed so much to <>. Some of these people like Reza who have travelled to Adcom to speak for <>.
Reza, just want to tell you directly how much appreciated and needed your article was. Nothing more now really needs to be said, you covere4d all the bases. Your article shed the light on how unjustly and without any kind of conscious the big money on wall street works... Your explanation of the <> fiasco and manipulation , and also the other stocks you referred to, should help to knock some sense into the fda powers ... God bless you for your work.
very good read*
And God knows how many more, wondering all the time why was I able to do so the first time and not now... And then you said it... Seeing… I was so trapped in fear and guilt that I couldn't see clearly... Can't believe it finally happened... I put myself through so much of mental torture... Anyway, Thanks a ton Reza, I hope I can hold on to it and live freely.
Awesome effort Reza.
Super done!
Congratulations on winning such an outstanding and well deserved award.
Reza, Keep up the fight! Thanks for all you do. Dan.
Your salad is like a meal from god -- like a meal for god -- I'm in a mystical state.
Reza, thank you for your prompt replies and your continued effort on behalf of we the retail.
Every boring place turns into an exciting place, when you are there.
Good detective work.
I really appreciate you…
As a former phobia social-person, I have sometimes lack of this social sense…
Hi Reza, this is what my mom said: thank you very much. Thank you also for supporting in this difficult times.
I enjoyed a lot, when you were taking care of me, it was so kind and nice of you :) thanks a lot. You are so kind, peaceful, smart, so lovely person, so different than most of the world.
My mom is grateful to you. That you were supporting me.
Oh, for <> is so good to have Reza, who explains her sometime rules of functioning in the society..!!!
Our contact was also great for me, it gave me also energy, a lot of positive mood, laughing, optimism, mental power. Your support was so soothing. I needed it so much..
You said it in the best way possible, as always.
Love Bringer.
TY and thank the persons responsible for this communication for their never ending pursuit of maximizing Arena's value.
In some kind of way you saved me from those people and saved my life. Or let's say you gave me the kick in my ass that I needed to change my life.
Reza: You've been a tremendous asset for ARNA's fight for proper recognition. Best to you, Bob.
She believes in your knowledge a lot.
She likes you, she find you very sympathic and said that email from you were very nice.
Thanks -- I have the best teacher. And I am not saying it out of politeness. Lots of people are failing when they want to teach me something. But with you it works.
Thanks for comforting me. You have always been a great friend.
Thanks Rezini once again for wonderful weekend! It was really cool! And you were so nice and generous to me.
Thanks U R A GENIOUS!!!
You are smart, clever, kind, good, gentleman, sensitive, open-minded, fresh, strong, supportive, helpful, talented musician, writer, philosopher, project manager, IT specialist, lawyer etc. etc. :)
You are very smart and capable. Good job.
You have been a GREAT supporter and your investigative nature was AMAZING!
THANK YOU, VERY MUCH, for taking the time and making the effort to put this together, (and I think for me). This is quite revealing, and captures much. I truly thank you! What a wonderful gift you have given me. The extra 411 on all of the other interviews that you have put together. You are a very in depth thinker on many levels, that touch many different atmospheres! I love it! ... I see how much good infectious communication you do with anyone that you come in contact with. Mike Giraldin.
I start to understand how important it was for my life that I met you years ago and that I learned from you a different "not Swiss" way of being together.
Thanks for all your DD.
“Yeah without you I wouldn't have done this way“. Same with Angela same story with Livia – of a super sensitive great hearted person crushed by this society.
Because of your willingness to hold the hands of people like me, I was not hurt last week… So thank you for that… Thank you again for your help. Jay.
Been following your emails… Keep up the fight…… You still have the fire and I really hope we are right.
Bravo! Well said.
Congrats to you for your estrich-win, it’s a thin end of the wedge!
Congratulations :) -- very concrete, logical and clear.
Congratulations REZA! The last of the deadwood? Thanks for your dedicated efforts!
Dear Reza thank you for your interaction with neighbors. I'm really looking forward for it succeeding through you. We'll see... and I cross fingers for sure. it would be a delightful experience for me.
Don't even mention it. You have helped me a lot. That was my way of letting you know how much I appreciate all your help.
Excellent job. Wish you luck.
Excellent letter. Thanks for all the hard work.
Genius Pizziolo.
Good ideas. Thx.
Good night "my" super delicious karate-kid with best lips couch and heart I ever met so far....
Good stuff Reza as was your previous mail with the solid 334 write up.
Good work as always.
Good work Reza.
Go Reza Go!!!!
Great work. Congratulations!
Ha-ha, OMG that letter is a work from a genius.
Have a great holiday be safe and thanks for all you have done to keep investors informed.
He's done more to help get the truth out about ARNA than anybody.
Her mom: u changed a lot since u met Reza - I'm very thankful for this. Very thankful that you helped me… Took me away from bad friends… Told her: don't know why u were always attracted to drinkers junkies, etc.
Herzliche Grüsse and once more thousands thanks for your help and installation.
Hey Reza… Hope all is well and everything is going according to plan… I wanted to thank you... What you said the other day, about seeing, the art of seeing in fact helped me a lot... It was the missing ingredient I was seeking… You know that's how I was able to quit smoking last time, having been spiritually fit at that time I guess… Thanks for reminding THAT to me… Hopefully, I will be able to get there again soon... I will definitely let you know…
Hi Reza... Saw your interviews with philosophy teachers… Great work…
Hi, Reza. I am emailing you because I was wondering about life choices. I am 25 and... If you have time, I would really like to consult you about how to deal with failure, how to approach multi-faceted problems, and how to be an overall effective person. I really want to have wisdom before beginning the next phase of my life. Please send me an email... Best wishes.
I admire your persistence and endurance and your way of finding the helpful people. :-))
I appreciate talking to you, you seem to have profound interest and insight in many things; I adore your enthusiasm, that makes a lovely, vivid spirit.
I can never thank you enough for getting this device for me.
I definitely recommend him.
I feel always great after the contact with you. :)
I feel great after meeting you.
I have a lot of respect for you for what you are doing.
I have a question… You have helped me to start, and develop my career in this company... Maybe you can help me to close it..?
I have a superman to learn from. :)
I just quickly wanted to tell you that I am so happy to know you and i am thankful for every moment we spend together. Also I think you showed me what love is. I guess it is the thing that I feel for you.
I learned from you to be courageous.
I love your funny and smart ideas. :)
I watched the whole speech - good job.
I wouldn’t want you as my opponent.
Incredible accomplishment in getting rid of Jack and the other "DeadWood".
It happened! I'm free, 3 days! (fingers crossed)… You helped me, thank you Reza. God bless you Reza.
It was a great speech you gave for your dad.
Katja said to my mother "One year ago she was smoking pot and drinking and now she is ordering all this vitamins". When my mother told me she was laughing and said this change is really cool. :D
Keep up the fine work.
Magical advice you always save me.
Many, many thanks for the tip for Arna. Without Reza I would never bought those shares she made a 1200.
Mr. professor prophet.
My mom liked talking to you. ;-)
My mom was just telling that "You are more knowledgeable and understand much more than doctors." :) And I confirmed.
Nice call on the interesting options. Turns out you made a great observation.
Ok. :) Thanks a million times.
Once again great work.
Outstanding! My continued prayers of Thanksgiving and intercession for God's blessings on your efforts. Mike.
Power boy. AJ.
Ray is super disciplined about all the actions and following up with you.
Reza brings people together - friends together.
Reza, what’s so good is all that I’ve learned from you: your business acumen with penetrating insights and perseverance. Especially perseverance.
Reza...you are heaven sent!
Safety guard angel.
She thanked me a lot for being an activist about things that most people don’t care about – like educating the young about harms of smoking… She said you're such a good person, helping so many people…
So scientific.... Apply for Nobel prize..... Publish all over..... Top magazines, communities worldwide etc. etc.
Thank you very much.......... You're amazing.
Thank u so much Reza! I believe in karma and for some reason I've met u. I'm talking to so many people but to no one with the spirit or power u have. Also most of the therapists in my eyes can't help. I went to alcoholics anonymous to learn from people who experienced and not studied psychology. Anyway there should be more people like u.
Thank you ever so much, dear Reza! You are a gem! With my very best regard! Yours sincerely. (Professor Johansson)
Thank you for all that you do for…
Thank you for all your computer and technical help! And the guitar lessons.
Thank you for all your help with the computer, music etc. -- Dr. K
Thank you for mentioning it, we do appreciate your input.
Thank you for your effort. You never know, maybe your conversation lit a fire under someone.
Thank you for your question. It was very good. It brought it back to fundamentals which were missing. A newcomer hadn't understood anything. I thought someone should ask questions in this direction, and you did!
Thank you Mr. Hotshot Programmer.
Thank you Reza for doing this public service nobody else cares…
Thank you Reza. You always give me magical support...
Thank you so much. I would die of unemployment and hunger If not your help with such stuff.
Thank you so much. These are the exact words I was looking for.
Thank you very much Reza for helping me with the tickets. I'm so grateful.
Thank you very much, Dear Reza!
Thank you. You've always been a great adviser to me. I truly appreciate it.
Thank you. Your points are truly helpful.
Thanks a lot for this important information.
Thanks a lot for your efforts to save my home country. :)
Thanks a lot Reza for your great support and nice tips about my trip... It was very supportive for me... Thanks a lot.
Thanks a lot, it is wonderful! You did it very well with the design! THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR WORK!
Thanks A LOT. VERY helpful.
Thanks again for always helping me with anything I ask for. Means a lot.
Thanks again for calling her that day. It made her feel much better.
Thanks as always for your great work.
Thanks for your help. Thanks… Best regards.
Thanks for all the help and guidance so far.
Thanks for all you have done.
Thanks for keeping the information flowing.
Thanks for sharing and helping.
Thanks for taking the time to put this together.
Thanks for the advice - yeah... I actually use caffeine often. I know how bad it is for the system. I've recently made a commitment to go from vegetarian to vegan, and I would also like to cut out caffeine... I know I won't lose anything important if I make the decision. I feel a bit better today. I was just extremely stressed out and trying to find the right path. Thank you for your response and for being a guide in the lives of people. I think it's important to help shed light when we've had access to something that has helped... so thank you for that. Blessings –Abigail.
Thanks for your character and sincerity!!
Thanks for your continued commitment to keeping us informed. Your energy and belief are impressive.
Thanks for your spirit, dedication and communication. I appreciate it.
Thanks Reza - you're so big light.
Thanks Reza, Very straightforward unbiased look into what is going on. Joe.
Thanks Reza. You are a king of limitless wisdom and support…
Thanks you for the advice - you're a goldmine of wisdom...
Thanks. That's the best answer. I owe you again.
That was a good letter.
That's great. I'm not surprised, you are an expert in executing things far from standard procedures. :)
The best guitar/bass teacher.
The detective said: "You're better than the police". (in how i had the evidence organized)
The fields you are exceptional at are way more important than naghashi.
The food you made was a gift from heaven...........
The way you bit into that fruit, I told myself, he's a free man. Most people are pretentious etc. - you you're so genuine.
This is phenomenal!!! Thank you very much. Y.
This is so impressive and well documented.
To me it is amazing how things begin to develop. I have been on the telephone recently as much as never before and I got to know more and more people. This is also because of your effort to make people aware of the consequences this technology comes with! Thank you very much Reza!
"U are bio, a good cooker (a little bit of a feeder) and a super musician.”
Very best wishes. Your activism is needed and appreciated by real ARNA investors.
Very charismatic voice. Very alive. Lively. No block. Easy going. Are so open with people. I like you. I adore you.
Very interesting interviews-- congrats...
Very nice and polite.
Very nice letter, thanks a lot.
WARNING: DO NOT make Reza mad. If you do, you are risking confrontation with a real gunslinger—not bullets, but they might as well be. He’s a killer, and he does it in writing. Just look at what follows—fast, lethal and accurate—a perfectly executed missive, a bull’s eye, so fast and smooth you’ll never have a chance—a deadly work of art! You have been warned! (NILS NELSON)
We did talk about you and I expressed my affection and respect for you.
Well done in your efforts, it gives us hope.
Well done. I appreciate your efforts on our behalf.
Well roared, lion. Thanks…
Well versed on all things Arna.
What a letter, wish you success!!
What you did meant a lot. Thanks a million times. All the best for you forever.
Where you are there's always something happening...
Wow Wow Wow. You are truly as strong as King Kong but obviously far more handsome. Bravo, it proves your real age is less than your biological age.
Wow, congrats!!! Great job.
Wow, nice success....
Wow... It's brilliant, you were very energetic.
Yes you have a Sufi life. :-)))
You are someone who stands for justice.
You are the best supernatural being out here.
You are the best. Did you know that? Thanks a million times. You have the best answers always.
You are the biggest love machine in the world.
You asked good questions. Good students ask good questions. Anders Miolin.
You can always solve perfectly so many problems - in so many situations.
You did a great job.
You have a sharp mind. Ramon.
You have great ideas, always.
You have made some real great strides in your life.
You should open a special agency "Reza Savings on all flights, trips, etc." A million $ business worldwide!
You're a good helpful being. I'm so happy that I met you. You are the biggest light that I've met during my Swiss adventures. I feel a lot stronger because of our relationship because you're a very nice man to me.
Your efforts appreciated in keeping Arna aware of their credibility/accountability.
Your English, presentation, personality, intelligence, makes it possible to get very good consultancy positions.
Your intelligence and power will eat this chicken Mueller. You are extremely smart, strong and powerful. And the universe is with you :) and me as well :) lots of positive energy.
Your letter to the board is right on point: Step up to the plate and buy stock. Show confidence. Open your wallet and support the company that enriched you. Show some ethics.
Nice work Reza. GL!
Keep up the good work Reza! You are an asset to this board!
His website is rezamusic.com check out his extensive biography page very impressive.
Thanks Reza, For your insight and info of ADCOMM.
Amen! Thanks Reza for all you do for us Areniacs! It is appreciated.
Thanks Reza. Great letters. Thank you for doing this. I know I, and I believe the rest of us on this board, appreciates all your effort for truth and justice for <>. May God Bless! Big day for all of us Longs! GLTAL's!
good job
good article by reza.. bump to the top
reza, thank you for taking the time to write the article. much appreciated
Great article Reza!
Reza is our champion!!! He has done so much for this stock. We owe him a big thank you! Reza, at some point I'm gonna buy you a drink (or 100 drinks):) GLTA longs. Alice
REZA is the man.
great work, Reza
Keep up the good work. Reza, you are my hero.
great read
Very positive for approval, good new for longs.
Thanks you so much Reza! Without that article, I would have been do0med for a life of poverty--now b/c of you, I'll live the American dream!
reza, thanks again
r g, right on
Great stuff
Outstanding insights, things I did not even consider and others I am second-guessing myself and reading your lists. Thanks!
Thank God fro Reza!!! hey Reza, I am the guy that started this thread. I first noticed you with the great article you wrote a couple weeks ago in retort to the AF / wall street hedge funds bear raid on <>. I have been hurt financially and mentally by the actions of those cut throat varmits. Reza, I look forward to having contact with you soon, so we can coordinate our efforts, thanks again for your ability to shed truth on this matter.
What a multi-talented person! Love the music!... I told him that we appreciate the truth of the article.
Thank you, R.G... Man, I do not know you, but you obviously a very wise man. Thanks for setting the record straight, not only on <>, but olso on the street.com, jimbo, adam and their whole gaggle of helpers.
he is really good - everyone should visit his website. If you google Reza Ganjavi it will come up
Reza, Thanks. It was a very nice and convincing presentation explaining all controversy surrounding <> and highlighting the positives within 4 mins.
Thanks Reza for your tireless efforts in bringing light into the darkness. Thank you for recording these videos for all of us that could not be there. It gives us all some insight to exactly what took place that day. Seeing is believing! Some were not prepared at all on the panel imo. Thanks for the revelation in video. Thanks for speaking up for the shareholders and the urgency of this drug. God Bless!
Hey brother, just wanted to say thank you for your efforts at ADCOM, you did a great job representing <>. The articles you write along with your yahoo message board post are great.
The new article was brilliant!
Thank you again for a great article. Thanks for fighting this battle. We will win you know because you are telling the truth.
Thank you. it was an excellent piece,
We can never say thank you too much for all your efforts.
Thanks Reza... great job.
Reza spoke out very effectively at ADCOM...He received applause
from many...I'd say that was "taking action"..
Looks good ... cut it loose.
Great Article!!
Thank you Reza Ganjavi. I have watched this man on the video at adcom and he has written several pieces defending <>'s <>. He seems to be the loudest one pounding the table defending the truth against the others that have been backing the competitor. Main street will wise up long as we have guys like Dr. Reza Ganjavi spreading the truth. THANK YOU! [editor’s note, I, Reza Ganjavi, am not a doctor].
thanks for latest article on <> and speech at adcomm
Thanks Reza..Good job for us..the investors..
Keep 'em coming, Mr Ganjavi. Your counterweight to the barrage of misinformation has been a treat to read.
Reza, thank you for your excellent updates… Thank you, again.
again thanks.
Your EM made good sense and it was well written
This is smart analysis on your part. What you wrote makes sense.
I have apppreciated your work.
Reza, I am grateful for all you do for <> shareholders!!!
I'm always happy to see your email, and this one is exceptional. More than
musings. Trenchant insights that make my day!
Thank you for your continuing insight into <>'s prospects.
Thanks for your thoughts.
Again, thanks for all your hard work.
Hello: Your review of the CC was well done. I like the way you think
thanks for the update...always helpful. Knowledge is power !
Why don't u become ceo or write the speech lol
First of all thanks for your efforts and hard work for <> shareholders. Me and my elder sister who is also a physician anesthesiologist … Thanks Again for all your efforts
Reza, great work.
Thanks. You did the right thing to raise this issue. This is a serious violition of the law. Please put me as co-sign of any needed document to support this.
Good plan. Kudos!
Thanks for your e-mail and DD.
He has credentials to speak on the matter. Long as it's the truth, supported by fact, I'm very comfortable with Dr. Ganjavi speaking out. We need people to debunk the fud. [editor’s note, I, Reza Ganjavi, am not a doctor and my credentials are MBA, BSCS, BA Phil].
Thanks for all the great work.
Thanks for all your efforts and we all shareholders respect you very much. SS-MD
Good one Reza!!!!!
Nice work. That was fast.
he put the spotlight on the cockroaches.
www.rezamusic.com Is his website. He is a nice guy and very passionate about <> for sure
You've done a good job
Thank you Reza!! 100 rec. for you!!!!
Excellent piece, easy to follow, reasonable assumptions with a positive tone and depth. You should submit your resume to <>, you would keep the liars in line. Stay strong and fight the good fight !
your info was an enlightenment. Thanks again & BOL,
I have to thank you for the information from your articles and posts.
Hi Reza: Why in the heck don't they hire you? I'm totally serious, they probably couldn't afford you and you probably wouldn't want to but what the heck?
I understand the frustration with the bigots… I do appreciate the stance you take and give us and Thanks for the great new article! our friend and supporter,
Wow, what a great letter. Very strong. I can’t recall—is my name on the petition? Either way, it’s encouraging to read this and know that your work and others’ omprise a concerted demand the FDA cannot ignore. Bravo!
Great article Reza! ... Take care & God Bless all your endeavors in uncovering the injustice for the <> Longs!
Nice work my friend,
What a GREAT job you have done!!! Thanks for all your long hours of hard work. This 14 page letter your put together sent to the FDA is exactly what we needed.
Thanks to Reza and Jim for your herculean efforts! God bless.
Well, thank you Reza, whomever you are for a very good article.
Thanks for all your efforts. It is appreciated my friend.
Great work as always.
Thank you for writing the article.
You have done so much.
Keep up the good work. We need your insight and writing skills to effectively counter some of the misinformation that permeates our board.
That was a great article, Reza.
Great article Reza!!! EOM
Excellent article Reza....love to see as many articles as possible like that start popping up!
I can't do it to come across like Reza does so effectively.
I hope you change your mind and decide to stick around. I hate to see the Nobuddys and their bosses win out.
Hi Reza, congratulations for all your successes, and thanks for the hard work.
Please add me to your email list for updates on <>, and any other investments you are into.
Thank you for offering to provide your updates,
does a lot to benefit shareholders
Thank you for your works. Have a great weekend.
Reza, thank you for your continued efforts. I just sent you an email.
I'm in too Reza!
I will be happy to sign...Thanks!
Reza, Can we send the letter as well? Is your letter posted on your website?
Thanks for your continuing hard work.
Well, thank you Reza, whomever you are for a very good article.
That Reza Ganjav is a great writer!
Just facts!
A nicely written article
This is the best article on <> I have ever read
He hand Kaul his head and probably will get him banned from future FDA panels. Great job!
Great article Reza! Good job on describing what really happened there. Thanks!
Its feel me like i just attended FDA meeting....very much informative and right on time .... thanks
Great job Reza! It was a pleasure meeting you after the adcom.
Yes, Reza hit another grand slam
Finally a reliable article from the <> - thx
GREAT JOB ,....!!!!!
A must read article for all longs and shorts
Back to the top
Really appreciated. Excellent review.
Thanks to Reza and Jim for your herculean efforts! God bless.
Reza will please ya! <> poised to rally!
Reza to the rescue, Yes, Reza and Murphy .
were the 2 people in the media most responsible for sitting the record straight on <>, and blowing holes in the lies spread by basher journalists whose motives were very suspecious. If you are not aware, Reza sometimesw is on this board, his board name is <>, which speaks for itself, you know he is on the side of the small retail investor. Great article today! Thanks
Yes, Thanks to them both. Multi-talented person Reza is. Great musician and writer. All about truth and justice.
Lets keep this up top, I know Reza is often here, by the way, Reaza, if you have time, chime in on your latest perspective this morning after seeing how the <> offering was accepted by the public
WOW! What a great article@!
I love this better than a third party article written by a journalist!
everyone need to read the article.
let us bump this back on top.
thanks reza(fed up...)good job.i watched video which you speak at adcom.thanks again
Yes, he did a good job at the ADCOM and he should be applauded for his tenacity and courage
MUST READ! To The Top!
Very Nice!
great article!
Job well done Reza, thank you.
Re: New article by Reza And it's a good one.
Very nice article with good information. 5 stars!! Thanks!
Sums up well...
Reza, great job, as always. Thanks
Great work, Reza!..A truly thorough explanation of facts.
Reza, awesome job. Great inputs by Dr.Dan & Dr.Vig
GREAT article.. thanks
Thank you so much for your efforts to get <> approved.
I appreciate your efforts with this.
Someone finally has their head on straight.
Right on and factual. Great job!
Keep on top!!!
Great job reza and I am pretty much sure physicians will be glad on approval of this medication.
Nice write up Reza.
great article should read
Great post thank you !
Great post thank you !
good post
5 stars
Right on point!!!
Thanks for your DD and expertise in trying to maintain "TRUTH"! I welcome your information and try to evaluate my holdings in light of all the "bashing" and innuendos!
Hi Reza: As usual great Job...............
Best post of the week! Thanks Reza.
Each and everyone of those message boards could need a reza.
Now if we can just get Reza to follow up with facts in a…
Fine piece.
Well done, sir.
Still my hero! ;) I owe you a huge dinner and countless favors. You are a true hero to many of us so don't let the haters get under your skin. Your posts are always helpful and factual. Be strong my friend !!!!
Reza, thank you for all your work
Good work!
Reza, great email. You are a king!! Please do not feel the need to reply to all who bash you. They don't deserve your time or energy. Let the water flow thru your hand.
Best to you my friend,
Rather up lifting for a Monday morning, to see that a few of the little guys and or gals can still make a difference in this current century. Thanks, Kenny
all the good people know you are a good person who helps your fellow investors. don't let these idiots get under your skin. that is exactly what they are trying to do. your good advice will make me thousands which will be used for my family for years to come. chill dude...you know in your heart you know your stuff !!!
Reza, A nice article...I loved it!
Great article!!
My hero once again....
Great job...
well written, concise and easy to follow. thank you for your excellent work.
You got two doc's to admit they were short sighted !!!! amazing, good job. The truth always rises to the top. Carry on and stay strong.
Thanks for all you do Rez. You remind me of myself when I was a tad younger.
Awesome work as usual. That is certainly the most comprehensive summation of yesterday's trading I have seen. Thanks again for all your efforts battling all the crappy <> articles that keep oozing out. Keep up the great work!
Reza - I just printed out your last post in an enlarged font so that when I repeat it as my mantra I will not have to have my reading glasses on. Thank you!
THANK YOU for your incisive and determined writing! Nils (writer)
Another incisive, courageous piece! Please add my name. Nils
Excellent read. David
Loved the article.
Nice article!! Thanks for the hard work!
Reza, Wonderful! (as always)...
Thanks. Btw awesome article on the fool today! Great work.
Thank you Reza for this article and laying out the truth for those who have not been following <>. It is so true that Main St. knows what is going on when WS seems to have their own agenda. Thank you for always speaking the truth.
Reza, absolutely fantastic !!!!!!!!
The Truth about Efficacy … If you're short, Read it and weep, cover and then buy more.
*We have been beat up by so many for so long, The Street, The Fools(with the exception of Reza, love your articles and insight) etc, but the tide is about to turn in our favor.
Notice that almost all posters are new. Looks like your hard work calling for action by investors is working.
Another powerful positive: rationale which have brought us to this happy point in time. This is one of his best.
Nice article Reza
Thanks for the article.
High marks to the writer. Very well written article: clear, concise, no mincing of words. The investment world and Wall Street would be so much better if all journalist had the integrity to think and write this clearly. .. While it is sometimes a challenge to maintain one's humanity as a savvy investor, people like Patrick Byrne and the writer of this article [Reza Ganjavi] serve as great examples of what I value, less because of their particular conclusions/positions and more because of their courage, honesty and forthrightness.
Reza: This article is excellent. Thank you.
Great article.
I like the premise and it is fine writing.
Well typed and i agree!!,,great Job!
I will be using this as a introduction to <> <> for others who are interested in my Facebook entry.
Market Chatter: <> <> Up 10% On Positive Report About Drug Approval (Reza Ganjavi’s article)
02:12 PM EDT, 03/23/2012 (MidnightTrader) -- <> <> (<>) shares are gaining more than 10% on a positive report (Reza Ganjavi’s article).
Citing a medical doctor with obese and diabetic patients, <Reza Ganjavi> reports that <>'s drug <> will likely get regulatory approval without restrictions as a non-controlled substance in the US and Europe.
Fabulous writeup!
It's nice to see an article that speaks the truth about <> for once.
Great article outlining the benefits of <>.
Great article, a must read for those that are new to <>.
We can all go into adcom with eyes wide open.
I'm a big fan of your articles published on Motley. Very impressed with your research and musical background. I'm also in software field.
I've just got to read your newest article on Motley. It's such a well written article. I was looking for … and your article does a good job of justifying the confidence in the company. Much thanks,
Thanks Reza for your hard work.
Thanks for your hard work and devotion to fighting back the bad guys behind the message board. I really appreciate it.
Your work is much appreciated.
Thank you Reza for showing us the path
While others spent their time drinking whiskey and popping pills Reza along with the more serious <> gentry worked tirelessly to protect the science from fudsters and Frogsteins. Watch and learn fellows - just as in the adcomm Reza gets a standing ovation from all <> stakeholders and those concerned with truth and science. He almost single-handedly against much opposition righted a wrong that was perpetrated at us.
Reza and grandpa are truly the guiding lights on this mb.
Hi Reza,Thank you for being on top of this and for the alert!
for a minute that your letter is a shot in the dark or a waste of time. NO WAY!! You speak on behalf of many people. Silence is not the alternative. Thank you, Reza!
PS: thank goodness for the Internet in these kinds of communications.
Thanks for including me in the effort. I appreciate it very much.
Reza, a very thorough reply. Go for it and yes you can add my name to the list. Thanks.
once again, thank you for all the effort. You are one smart dude!
There all on the same team. I don't trust them.
Great job Reza. You are the voice of sanity and reason in a corrupt and unreasonable business.
Good Job.
Great tips, Reza.
good recommendations, thanks
At the time I had no idea who you were, Rez, but I was glad you balanced the crock these obvious plants pulled off. Reza, I once again appreciate your wonderful work for all of us.
Glad you are here -- I think I have only posted once on this board but I do appreciate all the work you do to keep us informed I am not that good on digging stuff up… we could use a guy like you at the <> board…. Thanks again and God bless,
Thx for your hard work,
Reza, your the BEST,,,I APPRECIATE YOU SO, SO MUCH....ed
bigots attack you because you are our shining star on <> and that is messing things up for them. All reasonable people know who you are and what you stand for. Stay strong Reza
Reza, I'm 100% behind you
Reza, Good work as always. Don't worry about the bigots. Keep the faith and crusade going.
I do wish to thank you for your contributions to the <> cause. I believe that it is our responsibility as Citizens to raise our voice to exercise our rights… I sincerely wish that you will remain courageous in this battle against those who seek personal gain at the expense of those victimized by this toxic conspiracy to exploit USAmericans with garbage nutrient deficient factory Frankenfoods spiked with additives that stimulate over consumption and addiction, whilst blocking the first Rx medication that offers the chance for actual benefit. Kindest regards,
Very good. And I'm proud of you that you immediately saw this crap as trying to set you up.
It's always refreshing to see intelligent, reasonable posts on these un-moderated, "Wild West" boards. Peace.
You became a rock star overnight!
BTW I took some time to review your website and I like what you are doing. thanks
I share this with you because I know you have been on the front lines fighting for our cause and I suspect it can get discouraging at times.
Outstanding comments, Reza!
Reza, Thanks for all your previous valuable contributions to the difficult extraction of the highly elusive facts surrounding the ever shifting <> saga ! … Thanks again for your continued generous sharing of helpful insights into the important developments associated with the lead up to <>'s long anticipated & successful launch ! Regards.
always interested... keep us posted
Thank you Reza for your diligence and tenacity. I greatly appreciate your desire for the truth. I greatly appreciate all you write and am thankful that you share this information with us. Dr. D.
Good luck and thank you for all your efforts.
Re: ARTICLE RETRACTED, APOLOGY ISSUED -- I gotta hand it to you, Rez.
Thanks Reza for the efforts you put into putting the liars in place....you amaze. I've been complacent too long.
Anyway, thanks for all your articles and general support of <>.
This article is right on the money!!!
great post.
This article gives all the facts u need to know...I don't like <> either bit this article sums all the facts up
Doctor [Reza][but I am not a doctor] You do write some good articles. My hats off to you for trying… Good work and good luck to all longs. Holding Strong thru this mess for sure…
Pretty good. Need a lot more of this. Dr. D.
and great post <Reza> - couldnt agree more.
nicely done
Again, I admire your efforts, very much k.
Absolutely LOVE the positivity
a great article
A.F. is feeling the heat!!
What a great article!!!
Nice to see truth in an article.
BUMP - Superb article favoring <>!
Amen. Even though i take anything from <>, Street, <>, etc with a grain of salt...All I can say is AMEN to that.
It summarizes why I'm investing in this stock and the dd I'v done to hold through FDA. I do believe it'll be approved.
Now this is "reporting" Great job!
This is a great article!
This story needs picked up by main stream.
I agree he is `sed writer.
<RG’s> story very good artical 16-Apr-12 02:02 pm
nicly done
Yes, I'd just come across that article myself. Good to see it posted here already. It contains a lot of great information. It certainly shines a light on some very dangerous relationships! There's no way you can expect impartiality with set-up's like that! IMO, it should not be allowed.
Great article!
Well done....
it's very interesting.
Really good writing here. - A very Good Read!
Reza, Great work,
It's great that you managed to post it here again. It makes my blood boil every time I read it. This is getting personal now!! :-)
explosive article from today "Science Vs. Hedge Funds: Influences On New Drug Approval Process"
Very good
When I read this, I felt the earth beneath me shake.
Well done. Thanks for writing it.
must read
After reading Rezas article today, I did some research. Found a stramgely similar pattern in share price movement… <> finally overcame all odds to win out. Will <> do the same? Maybe Rezas article today will help us longs to do just that
awesome article.
Thanks for the great posts on <>
Loved your update and particularly educating Cindy on protocol with Wall Street. Well done once again...people just don't know what they are missing.
I look forward to hearing from your next piece.
Thanks for your thoughts on <>, I always look forward to your concise, logical and well written pieces. TIME IS ON OUR SIDE !!! Staying long and strong thanks to you and others. Thanks
Thanks for all the useful information.
I very much enjoy reading your material and look forward to hearing from you. Many thanks James
And THANK YOU for your in-depth, objective coverage of <>.
A good read.
I read your messages, appreciate them and do not always have time to respond. Thank you.
I found it succinct and clear.
Well done my friend !
Thank you for your thoughtful insights, please add me to your mailing list.
Great article.
It was good to read about the increased Institutional ownership with numbers and names. I think this article will bump up the stock significantly.
Reza, A great piece of works to get the truth out there.
Reza: Thanks for the "OPINIONS" and your DD
I would like give you props for your <>(<>) call.
Great article!
Again...great article...
This is a great article
Enjoyed reading your article and I totally agree with you position on <>. My primary email address is……… , look forward to any additional insight you may have on <> in the future. Thanks...
Excellent Article today as well as previous ones, appreciate the effort and truths... I am also obese and was going to do the gastric bypass but now waiting to try <> first and avoid the potential life threatening surgery based on my MD recommendation…...
Great article Reza.
Great article.
I really appreciate your efforts and great work for all of us.
Good email and thoughts. You are absolutely right about <> lack of Pro PR management. <> is being crushed by misinformation and manipulation.
Good job:
Morning my hero... Good stuff.
Good article Reza! Thanks! Hope you are doing well. <> is going to soar! You take care my friend!
I can't do it to come across like Reza does so effectively.
Reza. Thank you for all your works and efforts concerning Lorq. If i am not mistaken, your ethic background is persian. Smart people . As CEO of google stated if it was not for efforts of Salar ( his father is my friend as well as was my classmate in Medical School) google would not have been google. My background is also persian. Thanks again Fyi, Salar designed how google should charge for ads and at present head of division of YouTube.
Reza - I finally have some time to express my gratuity in detail which I should have done eons ago… It was not until the Lord showed me your April 26, 2012 masterpiece article, "<> <>'s Data Points to Blockbuster Weight-Loss Drug Approval" that I decided to hold on to my shares and go through the panel and FDA blockbuster decisions. You had a major influence on my financials and I thank you for that… I don't know how I can repay you for writing such an article that gave me 110% confidence and the other honest posters who wrote and calmed my nerves and helped me stay the course. You're forever in my debt. Let me know how I can assist you, and if I can, to the best of my ability.
Nice work Reza. I got a chance to read through your blog. Very informative. Keep up the great work!
Thanks you for your efforts.
Keep up the great work Reza!
Mr. Reza Ganjavi has been spot on in his assessment about <>! He told this story about Dr. Sanjay Kaul on April 26, 2012. Go and read it yourself.
i've been an avid follower of yours and must applaud all the effort you put into overcoming the stuff <> has gone thru...much more so than the average person has.
Reza, I Thank YOU for your tireless dedication to this great battle which has been won!!!! You are the ultimate warrior my friend. Kudos to you.
Great letters. Thanks on behalf of <> believers,
Timely and well done.
Thanks for taking the time to write this letter.
Hello Reza, I just wanted to comment. I came across your name as I am also an investor in <>. I enjoy the way your write. I went to Apple to listen to some of your recordings. Beautiful guitar! I am sure your a wonderful human being and I have found many friends from Iran…My best regards to you and for your happiness.
Looks great from my quick read. I'm one of those folks that like to print things & read them with a pen and highlighter in hand.
Thanks, Reza for all your hard work. What happened last Friday confirmed (at least my gut feeling) that <> will get "L" approved this time.
I saw your videos from the Adcom meeting for first time this morning. To see you & the others speak showed the passion people have for Lorq. Thanks.
through due diligence and logical, concise writing have enormously shone the light on the many miscreants who have shamelessly disseminated false information irt to <> for so long.
I can not thank you enough (and that includes the Almighty one).
Appreciate your's and all the great posters on this message board that have had the resolve to stay the path.
Reza has unselfishly put his time and experience to the effort, and with the EXACT outcome he predicted. That is a very nice result, and indeed rare that truth and science prevail over the greedy wall st dogs.
You are the <spokesman> for the longs ...especially when it comes to countering the hit pieces put on by the FOOLS. Thank you for your efforts.
Where would we be without Reza?
Reza speaks for all the less educated and articulate longs, and we need him. His postings and writings have set the path of truth and fairness for main street. His speech at the adcomm was no less than heroic, and his articles on <> have educated many, specially in the face of the Frogstein attack pieces.
I do not know Reza and I have never posted here before but I believe he is a reasonable man, so any apologies would be respected and reciprocated, I am sure. We need Reza to continue his hard fought efforts for all of us main streeters, our victory is so close! Please let us stop this ignorance so that Reza can get back to writing the articles that we all love.
I know I speak for all of us when I say that we do not want to lose Reza's insight and guidance on this message board, this is why offending him is out of the question. Imagine how better off we may have been if Reza was at the first adcomm, so let us keep "our boy" Reza motivated fellows, he is our champion and we must get ourselves unstuck from this trifle and bickering.
I agree. Keep up the good work. Thanks, Dr. R
Keep up the great work and don't worry about whatever anyone says. Put them on ignore!
Hi Reza... I appreciate all your hard work in helping <> in its pursuit of bringing <> to market.
Reza. I support all you are doing and have written several letters as well.
Hi Reza... I am currently working as a physician here in southeast misssouri. I have to say congratulation for your prudent speech on May 10. I agree with your future prediction for this stock. I am expecting stock price explosion when it hit to the market.
Reza, I think you are entirely correct. All eyes are on this approval. Much is at stake on numerous levels. Thanks for putting it out there!
U da man Reez! Love ur vids & articles! Keep it up!
Great job reza u deserve the best. Dr. S.
Thank you. By the way, you presented Great... really Great! Dr. H.
Hello Reza, I wanted to thank you for your diligent work on helping <> get <> to patients... you have saved many lives !!! you should be very proud of your efforts and courage.... again, thanks for your help in all of this! great job!!!! sincerely, Dr. V.
I commend you on your activism.
First of all, I would like to thank-you dedication and hard work in promoting <> ! I know you're disgusted with all the various attacks, lies , slander, and disinformation being put out by the likes of crammer, fuckstien, and the Dr. white. ( Sometimes a good defense is a good offense.) Once again thank-you.
Just wanted to praise you for your guts and honesty...two qualities that give Jim and you the basis for your wisdom, a word that shouldn't be used lightly. I know there's only one Reza and one Jim in the world, but you two are living proof of what is possible with moral courage and hard work. Okay, in fairness, there's a nice chunk of grey matter mixed in there too ;) Grey matter is neuronal cell bodies that function especially prolifically in rare individuals such as Jim and you. One thing is to be able to analyze qualitatively and quantitatively, synthesize complex thought...the physical side of brain cells (grey matter), but I recognized in both Jim (which I've since confirmed through exchanges) and you that there's a depth, a deep, uh, spiritual dimension that separates you from the madding crowd (apologies to Thomas Hardy).
I do enjoy your thoughts on <>.
Reza, great points.
Thanks for keeping us posted,
Reza, Just want to acknowledge your time and effort. Thanks again,
Great letter.
Well done !
Very nice Reza!
I just have fun with it. Your writings are where the meat and significance lies.
Wow, ANOTHER superb piece! I’m covered in dust.
well done Reza!
Hi Reza, I like it. I think it conveys what needs to be said as well. Thank you for doing this again! Congrats to us all on approval even though we have so many more hurdles to jump. Even though the share price was not what we wanted, I know we will win in the end! Take care my friend! Stay strong and we will see success!
I really think you singlehandedly pushed the Board to push out Jack, because if they hadn't done anything that company would have been bankrupt. I think you were it. You spoke at the FDA Advisory panel committee meeting. I watched the video. It was good. I've never seen an investor do what you're doing. It's the most amazing thing I've ever seen in my life. If I had a corporation I'd hire you tomorrow. They should hire you.
Hey Reza, I'm an <> long and a fan of your <> articles. Thanks for all your efforts at the adcomm and on <> and. Thanks again.
Reza, this is one very sharp piece of writing. Flawless! I'm blown away.
Despite the lack of news out of <> <> (Nasdaq: <>) , its stock managed to be one of the top performers of the past week. How did it manage that? … Also probably contributing to the stock's rise was a very positive blog post <by Reza Ganjavi> that argued in favor of an approval for <>'s <>.
Thanks for shining a light on these issues.
Well written and researched.
All good points but I expect the Cockroaches to be out in force soon.Thanks for sticking your neck out and being positive.
Nice! I like to see all the exciting things going on bullet-pointed in one place. Thanks!
It is an excellent piece...nice to see someone write the truth for a change
Nice article, thanks.
Very good article. Thanks!
houghtful article. I realize it takes work to produce this stuff, so thanks for your time.
Good job, Reza. Lots of heavy weight lifting.
Thank you and GL.
Reza, very timely!!!! We closed above 6 thanks to you!!
Very Nice Job. Just read it.
Hi Reza, My Goodness this is such a wonderful article! Love it! You have certainly covered all the bases and so well thought out! Thank you so much! God Bless and Have a wonderful day!
want to thank you for continuing to rally the troops and remind us all not to take for granted the June 27th date. Your information is invaluable and i apprceiate the time you are committing to the cause.
It was a pleasure meeting you as I have enjoyed your well written posts and articles.
I've read it 3 times...Nice work..
Credentials of <> authors: Reza Ganjavi MBA, BSc., BA, magna-cum-laude Writer, Guitarist, Singer, Songwriter, Project Manager, Philosopher, Computer Scientist, Management Consultant, Business Analyst… Adam Fueurstein: BA Political science
Bump for a little truth and reality.
“Yes, he has hit 2 grand slams for the <> team, one in <> game, then today in the <> game. If do not read anything else about the obesity epidemic, and <>s attempt to combat it, read his 2 articles. Reza makes AF look like the punk short amateur that he is .Notice that Reza uses science and quotes doctors, not just the slanted biased opinions that come from AF.”
Great Article but you are right.
Thank God for Reza!!!
Thanks you so much Reza! Without that article, I would have been doomed for a life of poverty--now b/c of you, I'll live the American dream!
Excellent article with solid contribution from the medical doctors.
Reza will please ya! <> poised to rally! What he states boils down to "intelligent vs stupid"
For average little investors: You are better than 99.9% of analysts out there. Looking at your sincere and thorough efforts here, I was motivated to add a few cents of my own here:
Thank God fro Reza!!! Yes, he has hit 2 grand slams for the <> team, one in <> game, then today in the <> game. If do not read anything else about the obesity epidemic, and <>s attempt to combat it, read his 2 articles. Reza makes AF look like the punk short amateur that he is .Notice that Reza uses science and quotes doctors, not just the slanted biased opinions that come from AF
Hear hear! Reza is a <> of integrity and energy. He's taking fire because he is out in front. Just means he's doing a good job. Thank you for all that you do, Reza.
send her [@MichelleObama] a link to this article, it's very interesting.
Well done....
Great article!
Reza… Thanks to you and many doctors for all your effort…
Reza, Congratulations to our win today. Thank you so much for your contributions. Many people on the message board may not know all the work you did for the stock behind the scene, ie. writing letters etc..
Thank you Reza! Your testimony was fantastic! Thank you for recording these videos.
God Bless!
BTW, what a great day for <>! Wonderful! God is good! Thanks again for those wonderful articles. You are so gifted! Thank you also for telling the truth about locaserin and about Wall Street. Keep on Keeping on! I know sometimes it seems as if we do not make a difference in life, but we are touching someones life all the time.
Thank you so much for all that you have done.
Thanks for all you do!! Tom F.
Thank you for your continued efforts and honest opinions. Lisa
Nice piece of work again in <> again Reza ! Thanks for that.
Hi Reza, I would like to tell you how much I respect your writing and you. Thank you Reza for all of your many efforts to set the record straight on Lorquess, soon coming to a <> near you.
thank you for your efforts. Ben Schiffbauer
Great Job!! I hope the SEC will look into this matter soon.
Thoughtful article. I realize it takes work to produce this stuff, so thanks for your time.
Reza has and will continue to be an asset to the board.
I think this time Science will win not the hedge fund managers!
Really good writing here. - A very Good Read!
Whoa. The gloves are off. May as well copy the SEC with this, while at it.
it all makes a difference.
Reza, don't be bothered by some criticizing you. overall, most of us appreciate your passion in defending <> in the face of many naysayers.
Nice article.
Yes, I'd just come across that article myself. Good to see it posted here already. It contains a lot of great information. It certainly shines a light on some very dangerous relationships! … I'm hanging tough and confident that all this extra attention will make it harder for those who prefer to operate in the dark.
High marks to the writer. Very well written article: clear, concise, no mincing of words. The investment world and Wall Street would be so much better if all journalist had the integrity to think and write this clearly.
Succinct and, yet, packed with with precise information on what is the SEC's shsortcoming as far as we long <> shareholders are concerned. A work of a prof.
I also love what you are doin.
brilliant find
First of all thank you for "fighting the good fight", so-to-speak.
Love your Posts, Keep em Comming !!
Nice rejoinder. Very nice, indeed! Wish I had composed it.
Nice post ..... Thanks for the contribution.....
Reza, Thanks. It was a very nice and convincing presentation explaining all controversy surrounding <> and highlighting the positives within 4 mins.
Thanks Reza..we will wait for some more videos from you.....
Good job for us..the investors..
Very Cool! Thank You!
Thanks Reza! Great job!
Superb job, once again, Reza. Your tremendous effort is truly appreciated by many longs. You, as well as a number of other posters, make this a truly exceptional board, despite the bashers. You have shown yourself to be a man of conviction, intellect, and character. You are a difference maker. Keep up the excellent work.
nice video, so it is 19-4 yes vote......
Thanks, Reza. Great videos from last Adcom meeting.
Stay long and be richly rewarded.
Thank you so much for your hard work and contribution to fight for <> behind close doors that many of us longs here may not realize.
Excellent behind the scenes article on the $<> Adcom proceedings:
Beautifully written, researched, and thought out. As a physician who is also long in this position (as of today at 2.15), I agree completely with this writer's conclusions.
Please know that many of us are behind you all the way.
You did a great job in front of panel yesterday. I watched online. I'm Dr. x’s associate
If its a draft lets see the latest version.. everyone seems to like this one...
yea I really enjoyed this article, I dare to say you have balls my friend. Finally an unbiased <> article exposing the manipulation in the market.
I actually ENJOYED reading it as did many others. Great prose and flow. Srry I posted it here but I must applaud your writing and content. Thank you sir!
great article
an excellent letter from Reza to the SEC covering the more recent events.
And many, many thanks to Reza for reporting this seedy behavior to the SEC, which is supposed to "police" the market.
we need your logic here.
Great job rgym!
Great to read your synopsis.
Excellent - must read.
Excellent letter. Thank you for writing it.
rgy thanks for all the time and effort you put into writing this who knows maybe somebody who has a soul at the SEC will take a look.
great letter
Outstanding material.
Excellent - must read.
rgy thanks for all the time and effort you put into writing this who knows maybe somebody who has a soul at the SEC will take a look.Wow!! You will be speaking at the Adcom!! I am honored to be your acquaintance. Superb. Many many thanks for your much needed support of this novel drug! The sky is the limit. I wish you safe travels to DC and may the hand of God help guide you during your speech and the post AdCom festivities leading to approval in June!!!
Great work ! Thank you so much. Greetings.
5-stars!!! Great work, awesome site.
Nice work!
Thanks for your efforts.
thank you for all that you’ve done.
strong work again, Reza.
R is very knowledgeable about the market and <> (and many other things) and I think a discussion would be valuable to all.
Don't let up. Never let up. Shine the bright lights on these cockroaches.
Thanks for keeping us updated, you post with few words that say mountains of good info! Many post with the verbose and say nothing. Your posts have integrity…
Hey, <> is up today! Thanks again for opening up the truth about this drug. My husband has had 2 heart attacks, and a quintuple bypass. He is somewhat overweight and battling Type 2 Diabetes. I really think that <> could help him… God Bless you Reza!
Great article.
Absolutely fantastic article!!! Kudos my friend! Hope to meet you after approval!
Thank you very much for your courtesy, Reza, in sending this.
great article you wrote on <>
The person who wrote this post did a good job of surfacing the warts in the investment community including politicians and Adam.
thank you for exposing <> and his fraud.
keep up the good work.
excellent job! Thank you!
that was a great job on your behalf. thank you for extinguishing that crook!!!
YOU ARE THE MAN!!!! THANK YOU AGAIN. Of all the posters, I look forward to reading yours.
I enjoy your posts, you take the words out of my mouth many times.
Very well said. Thank you for your insights.
Great job, Reza. The article was very well written and I think it will have an impact. Good work!
Congratulations ! What a nice piece of work.
I think that R.G.'s article effectively neutered the whole <> gambit cynically exploited by …
Nice job, R.G., on your article.
I do agree with you though that this last article was a good one. Perhaps this article will cancel out the previous 2 articles which put a rather negative spin on <>
The author presented his opinion and information in a concise and rational manner.
Just want you to know how much many of us value your hard work.
again intelligence shines through
rgy thanks for all the time and effort you put into writing this who knows maybe somebody who has a soul at the SEC will take a look.
No 1 contributor on board and that is a fact
well written
$<> Mr Reza! He is a youtube sensation, posted FDA Adcom Videos: http://stks.co/3puX , main page look at this face! http://stks.co/3puY
this needs to be sent to all representatives and senators, all sec and the fbi and the fed. great post ,its about time,
OUTSTANING piece of literary genius.
Best <> article to-date
Reza is a champion for the little guy/gal. As far as I'm concerned, Reza is like Robin Hood, Nostradamus, Braveheart and Spartacus all rolled into one. I have read his articles and met him face to face.
Thank you for the updates as always.
Thank You. I just wish I had your ability and knowledge about this subject. Many of us await every post you make to learn about where things are heading. Tks again.
Thank you for update. One of the few that I read on this board.
I also admire your DD and expertise. Thanks.
Thank u for your tireless DD. Dr. F.
thank you for your thoughtful post.
It's good to have you around. Sometimes it seems there are not enough of us washing the mud that others throw up around here to obscure things.
Beautiful! Thank you for the summary.
Thanks again for the well done highlights.
Finally somebody with common sense in this board!
Thank you so much for this great summary...
Appreciate your efforts Reza...you got a lot farther than I ever would have expected. You must be good when mad ;)
Really appreciate this. Thank you.
Excellent summary...thanks for that!
Thanks for your summary!
This is the most important post of the day so it deserves to be at the top.
thanks for your time and effort here.
i dont know u but i like u
your style seems to have helped us suffering long-term shareholders. I would like to thank you for your efforts.
Thank you, my friend. I do truly appreciate your hard work in making these references available to those interested in <>.
Thanks for the positive things you have contributed.
By far the most researched and informative <> article to-date; 5-Stars!
Hi Reza, I appreciate your letters/threads you post on Yahoo <> Blog and read that I can receive your news letter by emailing you here. Your views on <> are a breath of fresh air when so many are trying to deceive us small guys… Many Thnaks
You did wonderful.
You have good knowledge on how traders - hedges work in the market...
Congrats it sure takes time to analyze and understand the market. comes with years and years of experience and i see you have that..
IMO: You deserve an extra star from all retail Longs who continue to be victimized by these offshore and WS-connected criminals... Thank you for your considerable effort in researching and gathering this information.
You are truly a multi-talented person. You must be very busy. That was a wonderful article you wrote and so truthful. Keep them coming!
I love your posts.
Well done!
It is an excellent piece...nice to see someone write the truth about <> for a change.
It was well written. You responded to the questions very professionally. Keep it up.
Congratulations Reza A well balanced documented article.
Well, that may have been the best PR this company has had in a while.
nice to see a more balanced point of view.
Refresh story,,bout time
Well, thank you Reza, whomever you are for a very good article.
Amazing New Article At <>!!!
An outstanding excellent analysis of the situation on <>.
There is hope yet for <>..!
Well written and well researched; 5-Stars:
It was a good analysis and hope it leads to some volume buying today.
Thanks I find your piece to be factual, credible and balanced. An nice exposee on the relevant factors contributing to <>’s increasing value as a long term investment. Heck, I thought you had to be a Wall Street suit to get published? Guess not.
I liked the <> article.
Great article, really sets out the bullish case.
Excellent collection on <>. Thanks for all your hard work.
you did very well.
Reza you deserve allot of credit for your positive and factual blogs about <>, and for attending the panel and speaking. I think every long appreciates the effort.
Hi Reza, Great article once again. Don't let these guys get to you. If they shorted pre-ADCOM they are down some serious dough right now and have nothing but sour grapes in them at this point.. too late.. Reza keep up the great work and we all know you shall get the last laugh!
Publisher: You have quite the following.... Thanks.
Reza: That is a Great Great Great FDA Article you wrote and will be icing on the cake. Thank you for your tireless efforts.....
Excellent piece of journalism.
Thank you again for your work today.
many readers are very appreciative of your efforts in making a very organized statement concerning how the market has been controlled by big money hedgie funds in concert with many "journalists" who write hit articles and media stars who are connected to hedgies. In this kind of environment, there is very little chance for small investors to make it.
Reza, just want to tell you directly how much appreciated and needed your article was. Nothing more now really needs to be said, you covere4d all the bases. Your article shed the light on how unjustly and without any kind of conscious the big money on wall street works. I for one, could not sleep at night if I made money by denying the hope of a cure and extended life to another human being... God bless you for your work.
Read all six parts and see if your blood pressure doesn't rise!
Reza, Great work
Enjoyed your passionate talk at the Adcom...thanks much.
Just know you have many fans out there.
There are many longs who do not post on this board (why get in debates with people who don't own the stock and whose sole purpose is to try and rattle cages with their screaming and insults) who look to you for some of the best information available regarding this important issue. Thanks!!
As previously, thanks in advance for all your dilligence, reporting, and keeping momentum up… I used to work for <> Legal in Upstate NY, and your posts are timely, managed, well educated background in law, proven in fact. Thanks again.
It's great that you managed to post it here again. It makes my blood boil every time I read it. This is getting personal now!! :-)
Great job
I love it - it's beautiful
I was thinking where’s the nice music coming from
beautiful music man.
Thank you – we enjoyed that
Thank you for your music – it’s very soothing.
Yes!! I love it - it's beautiful
New Article -- Shorts Done! Looking forward to a positive approval and an end to short corruption!
good read.......
A good and fair review of <>, words us longs already know as the truth.
Bump it up
Very good
Copied and to the top, thanks <eom>
On top again
Bump it.
Everyone invested in <> either short or long should read this.
The reporter is so right in his observation of longs and bashers....Great article!!!
Excellent article!!!
The article makes a lots of sense.
RAZ you write great stuff. This article is well written and very informative. Thank you. Sir!
Great article! Thank you. That was fast. Long and strong! Got the golden ticket! Yeah! I like your article. This drug should be approved for obesity problems in north America.
excellant instruction
excellent article.
Thanks good post!
5 star post Reza - you make a ton of sense.
Great report. Thanks
your article was right to the point with no sugar-coating, I commend you for it.
I loved this email. Hopefully, good people like you will realize their dreams… I have not read the SEC letter yet, but your <> article was brilliant! My brother-in-law actually mentioned it to me not knowing that I met you!
You did a real good job
your informative articles were crucial in getting the facts straight to the American investing public.
Article was absolutely fabulous! Thanks for everything you do.
Thanks again and keep it coming on <>.
Reza: You did a great job in front of panel yesterday. I watched online.
Thank you Reza for all you do once again.
Powerful argument / rebuttal Reza.
Excellent article
Love the way you argue man. You diplomatically refute others opinions while continuing to show respect. And you dont escalate the disagreements to name calling, etc. Great Job!
If only more people understood this process of healthy debating instead of behaving like a childish idiot...gltu and <>
Nice article Reza and thanks for pointing out the inaccuracies in <> analysis. It amazes me how such a reputable company that is accumulating shares can put out such garbage of an analysis.... Stay long and we'll get through this like usual.
Great article. Very comprehensive!
The most complete summary article to date on (<>) <> <>. New investors your homework is done.
Reza................ Very informative and well written. Thank you for continuing to educate your readers and cut through all the fog horns and sirens, bells and whistles that are thrown at us daily usually with slanted and slippery adjectives.
Three cheers for Reza.
I always find it interesting when a rebuttal piece such as this one actually offers more information than the original it counters. Glad there are still real journalists and analysts left in this world.
Thank you for a well written artical. It's unfortunate WS keeps up the biased rhetoric that has been exposed for what it is, they continue, short interest is now almost 51mil. The truth will prevail.
Reza Ganjavi is one of those gifted people who is an exceptional communicator. Google him-----be amazed. As an <> long investor I'm very pleased he's taken an interest in my investment